Palin Children Thread.

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What bullshittery. I m not opposed to Palin because she is a woman, or a mother, or a good looking woman in some people's eyes.

I am opposed to her because her opinions offend me in the deepest way possible. Because, if she were elected, she'd bring this nation into the Dark Ages. Because she is stupid and incompetent. Because, IMO, she has the morals of an alley cat.

I know more about Palin than I do about this twerp, but I plan to oppose nation's future.
sounds like you are describing yourself .
What bullshittery. I m not opposed to Palin because she is a woman, or a mother, or a good looking woman in some people's eyes.

I am opposed to her because her opinions offend me in the deepest way possible. Because, if she were elected, she'd bring this nation into the Dark Ages. Because she is stupid and incompetent. Because, IMO, she has the morals of an alley cat.

I know more about Palin than I do about this twerp, but I plan to oppose nation's future.
sounds like you are describing yourself .

Can anyone say attention whore??? :lol:
What bullshittery. I m not opposed to Palin because she is a woman, or a mother, or a good looking woman in some people's eyes.

I am opposed to her because her opinions offend me in the deepest way possible. Because, if she were elected, she'd bring this nation into the Dark Ages. Because she is stupid and incompetent. Because, IMO, she has the morals of an alley cat.

I know more about Palin than I do about this twerp, but I plan to oppose nation's future.
sounds like you are describing yourself .

Can anyone say attention whore??? :lol:

Let me see....

Yeah. I just said it.

wicked fester thinks she is beautiful.

yeah, for a woman her age she is friggin' gorgeous.

Jealous much?
Sara Palin Uncovered: Controversy Over Baby TrigNews Type: Event — Seeded on Sun Nov 21, 2010

So, here are the facts:
*Fox News has exclusive video they have been showing on t.v. about the everyday life of Sarah while she was pregnant with Trig. During the show, she keeps asking,"where's Bristol?" ,and then at one point she tells her husband to call Bristol's phone. During the entire video, there is no footage of Bristol, even though she was supposed to be home sick with Mono.

http://fed-up-with-republicans.newsvine ... -baby-trig
I think the birth of Trig was perfectly described by a USMB member as, "Sacred Baby Syndrome". Sounds beautiful.
So calling someone a faggot is WORSE than calling a woman a Cxxt.

We see how the left has now taken to dumping on CHILDREN, especially if they are the Palin children. I think Maddie is really Joy Behar, that ugly leftie was also dumping on a child.

the left crawls so low, a snake doesn't even compete.

All the "****" word means is "woman". "F*ggot", on the other hand, is a slur on someone's sexuality. If they are gay, it denigrates them and if they aren't, it is a denial of their sexual identity.

Really?? I am a woman, I am NOT you :eusa_angel:
You continually denigrate and eat your own Madeline, typical nasty post when it concerns women on the right. I lose more respect for you by the post

Allow me to edit my thoughts..... in reality, I lost complete respect for you a couple of months ago
What bullshittery. I m not opposed to Palin because she is a woman, or a mother, or a good looking woman in some people's eyes.

I am opposed to her because her opinions offend me in the deepest way possible. Because, if she were elected, she'd bring this nation into the Dark Ages. Because she is stupid and incompetent. Because, IMO, she has the morals of an alley cat.

I know more about Palin than I do about this twerp, but I plan to oppose him as well....

Mike Huckabee lauds ousting of Iowa justices over gay marriage, courts evangelicals |

I'm not gonna stand idly by whilst racism, sexism, stupidity and hate become the guiding lights for this nation's future.

If that were the case for your seething hatred of her, then you would not attack her children and attack her for making a Choice to give birth to a Down Syndrome child while choosing to continue working.

Fail, liar.




What amazes me is that it is not all that intellectually challenging to honestly attack Palin, yet Madeline does this shit continuously.
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I do appreciate the time and energy you dedicate to defending Palin, Sheldon. It's very appealing at first blush, this cry to "leave the kids alone", except that........

Palin has leveraged her oldest child's teen pregnancy into some sort of martyrdom and Bristol is now a public figure in her own right. The search phrase "bristol palin magazine interviews" returns about 6,080,000 results on Google. She's a reality tv star and has been on the covers of various magazines. The Palins cannot shove Bristol out into the limelight as a spokesmodel for safe sex (?) or any other high moral principle and then demand that all discussion of hypocrisy on her part will remain unspoken of.

Palin has also leveraged her youngest child as grounds for claiming she has a special claim to extraordinary consideration as a mother that the parents of normal, healthy children do not share. We did discuss this on a thread the Mod Squad has pulled, though I still dunno why. Once again, the hypocrisy thing: if you claim the moral high ground on some biographic basis and your private life reveals you do not adhere to the principles you claim to embody, that is discussion-worthy.

Palin makes so many references to her children and her motherhood, it's hard to keep track of them all. How many times has she said the phrase "Momma Grizzlies" alone? She cannot bang on her reproductive talents and then expect her parenting skills are beyond the pale by those who find fault with her, as a politican. And BTW, this is something Obama (nor any other politican I can think of) has ever done...."vote for me, I'm a great Mom" is unique to the Palin playbook, IMO.

Calling a woman a "****" is not a verbal act that reveals anyone's anti-woman bigotry IMO. You wanna imbue that word with more power than it deserves. Calling a youngster a "f*ggot", on the other hand, does reveal a homophobic bias. You may not like that these two are not the same egregious moral lapses, but that's life, Sheldon.

Relying on the USMB's own TOS for a logical reason why Palin's performance as a parent cannot be discussed is also a fail. Palin is not a USMB member -- she is a public figure. She wants to be POTUS and more'n a few people support her. She's a threat to this country and the very deceitful way she claims to be morally superior whilst deflecting any criticism of her moral lapses is one of the reasons I so despise her -- I find this woman to be canny but not smart, manipulative but not persuasive, jingoistic but not patriotic, etc.

Palin weaves her personal life and back story into her politics, Sheldon. She opposes abortion rights about as vehemently as it is possible to do -- more than most RCC clergy do -- and then waves her baby in the air. She opposes sex education in public schools and then shoves her single mom daughter into the limelight, and sees nothing at all hypocritical about allowing her to do up ads for condoms with a poster child for promiscuity. She attacks Obama as a "politican" and talks endlessly about how much she hates government -- how she'd rather be doing just about anything with her kids. Then she leaves the kids and runs around the country on a million dollar speaking tour, etc.

There's no way to have a full and frank discussion about Palin's suitability to serve as POTUS without drawing on examples of her hypocrisy, because that data is what I think most people are missing...and IMO, Palin is all about concealing her real motives and acts from public view whilst she dazzles the stupid with bullshit.

More smurf vomit from Blue's Clueless. :eusa_hand:

I stopped reading after the second paragraph, after it became obvious that whole wall of text is just you trying to hoodwink yourself into thinking you have a righteous position here.

You don't. Try to justify your nonesense all you want, it'll only make you look like a clueless fool even more. Step back, look at the sheer length of that post, and realize you have a problem. It's the first step. :thup:
Yeah, Madeline - you have to dumb it down for the Rightwing on this board.

Talk in sound bites: that's what they are used to hearing from their 'leaders'.

Keep swinging, brainiac.

I'm not a rightwinger, conservative, or Republican. I voted for Obama. If someone was trying to discredit him by going after him as a father, I'd be posting the same thing. It's called principle. Look the word up if you don't know what it means.
Sara Palin Uncovered: Controversy Over Baby TrigNews Type: Event — Seeded on Sun Nov 21, 2010

So, here are the facts:
*Fox News has exclusive video they have been showing on t.v. about the everyday life of Sarah while she was pregnant with Trig. During the show, she keeps asking,"where's Bristol?" ,and then at one point she tells her husband to call Bristol's phone. During the entire video, there is no footage of Bristol, even though she was supposed to be home sick with Mono.

http://fed-up-with-republicans.newsvine ... -baby-trig

You poor sick twisted fuck.

Here maybe this will make you feel better

On the day that anyone can explain how the fuck this is anyone's business other than the Palin family, I'll take a view on it. Until then, might I just say this.....

There are some seriously fucking deranged people in this country - and many of them do not have the last name Palin.
Palin will easily beat whoever the Dem Candidate is in 2012

Tell ya what Frank.......I'll make a bet with you........

If Palin runs and wins the WH, I will pos rep you once a week for a year.

If she runs and loses, or doesn't make it past the primaries? You pos rep me once a week for a year.

Put up or shut up. She's not gonna win, even if she does run.

BTW.........Wicked Jester took a bet like that for Christine O'Donnell.
Palin will easily beat whoever the Dem Candidate is in 2012

Tell ya what Frank.......I'll make a bet with you........

If Palin runs and wins the WH, I will pos rep you once a week for a year.

If she runs and loses, or doesn't make it past the primaries? You pos rep me once a week for a year.

Put up or shut up. She's not gonna win, even if she does run.

BTW.........Wicked Jester took a bet like that for Christine O'Donnell.

In all seriousness, if we survive past the first quarter of 2011, I'll come back and look at this. If not, it's been nice knowing you.
oooooooooooooooooooooooo, Palin would take uS back to the DARK AGES.

good gawd, the DRAMA with that statement is hysterical.

I can't stand the Shrillery, but I don't DWELL on it DAY IN and DAY OUT.


There's no time, what with all your dwelling on President Obama.
Palin will easily beat whoever the Dem Candidate is in 2012

Tell ya what Frank.......I'll make a bet with you........

If Palin runs and wins the WH, I will pos rep you once a week for a year.

If she runs and loses, or doesn't make it past the primaries? You pos rep me once a week for a year.

Put up or shut up. She's not gonna win, even if she does run.

BTW.........Wicked Jester took a bet like that for Christine O'Donnell.

In all seriousness, if we survive past the first quarter of 2011, I'll come back and look at this. If not, it's been nice knowing you.

I read this as "I'm not gonna bet you now, because I'm hoping that you'll forget about it because I know she's not gonna win."

You're the one calling it dude...........either you believe in her or not, which is it?
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