Palin Claims The Pope Is On A "Liberal Agenda"

Palin Claims The Pope Is On A "Liberal Agenda"

Shut the weirdo up. The RC vote is three times that of those like her.
So basically this is a noncontroversy.

I dont blame her for not accepting what the media says at first light.
Palin clarifies what she said in a press release: I agree with her

Just to clarify my comment to Jake Tapper about Pope Francis, it was not my intention to be critical of Pope Francis. I was reminding viewers that we need to do our own homework on news subjects, and I hadn’t done mine yet on the Pope’s recent comments as reported by the media. Knowing full well how often the media mischaracterizes a person’s comments (especially a religious leader’s), I don’t trust them to get it right when it comes to reporting on the Vatican. I do, however, trust my many Catholic friends and family, including some excellent Catholic writers, who have since assured me that Pope Francis is as sincere and faithful a shepherd of his church as his two predecessors whom I admired. I apologize for not being clearer in my response, thus opening the door to critical media that does what it does best in ginning up controversy.

- Sarah Palin

Fair enough. She clarified, so there is no need to throw her under the bus.
Sarah Palin says she’s dismayed by the apparent liberal agenda of Pope Francis, although she suspects her perception may have been shaped by misleading media reports.

“He’s had some statements that to me sound kind of liberal, has taken me aback, has kind of surprised me,” Palin said Tuesday in an interview on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”

Palin’s ignorance and stupidity should come as a surprise to no one.

That she perceives the Pope’s comments in the context of American partisan politics is proof of that ignorance and stupidity.
In fairness, she did say that some things the Pope has said sound kind of liberal, but she then said she needed to do her own research since you cant trust the media. I had no problem with what she said and I cant believe that people cant see the liberalism in the Catholic church. Again low information voters and a compliant media will try and take a 10 second soundbite to trash her.

Palin was referring to the pope's strong activity in reaching out to the poor and needy which is what is written in the bible. In the far right's minds like her, being a "good christian" simply means to hate gays, women, and everyone else besides the rich.

I find the Christian Right to be one contradictory bunch. For all their talk of Judeo-Christian values and the whole WWJD question, they never mention Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Yet, they talk all the time about homosexuality despite the fact that Jesus never said anything about it, and the fact that none of the 10 Commandments mentions it.

I don't get it.

It makes sense when you consider the toxic brew that results from conservatives mixing politics and religion.
Why are you so concerned about a woman who holds no power or significant influence? Aren't there larger political and news to concern yourself with?

That's the thing, Palin does hold a strong invlence over the ignorant teabaggers that worship the ground she walks on.

After she quit office, she has tried to make a career of being in the spotlight with terrible reality shows and even worse political commentary. She's a complete train wreck, but the far right keeps putting her in the limelight.

The far right loves stupidity, and the rest of us will gladly laugh at it :up:
I have to say, Palin really never ceases to amaze me with the downright stupidity she spews everytime she opens her mouth (no wonder why the right wingers love her)

This time she's calling the pope himself a lib :cuckoo: :lol:

Palin shares some Catholics? concerns about Pope Francis and his ?liberal? agenda | The Raw Story

He's a liberal because he believes we should help the poor and destitute. That damn commie.

Very true, Jesus was the most ultra commie/socialist/lib to ever walk the face of the earth. Just don't tell the right wingers that :eusa_shhh:
I have to say, Palin really never ceases to amaze me with the downright stupidity she spews everytime she opens her mouth (no wonder why the right wingers love her)

This time she's calling the pope himself a lib :cuckoo: :lol:

Palin shares some Catholics? concerns about Pope Francis and his ?liberal? agenda | The Raw Story

He's a liberal because he believes we should help the poor and destitute. That damn commie.

Very true, Jesus was the most ultra commie/socialist/lib to ever walk the face of the earth. Just don't tell the right wingers that :eusa_shhh:

Where cons have gotten it all wrong is in their firm belief that liberals believe everything should be equal, when in fact all liberals really want is for everyone to have a somewhat equal opportunity, and that is something that very few poor people actually have. If they did, many more of them would be better off today.

We all know there are those who live off of the system, but that doesn't mean you cut all programs to poor people because a small percentage abuse it.
Palin was referring to the pope's strong activity in reaching out to the poor and needy which is what is written in the bible. In the far right's minds like her, being a "good christian" simply means to hate gays, women, and everyone else besides the rich.

I find the Christian Right to be one contradictory bunch. For all their talk of Judeo-Christian values and the whole WWJD question, they never mention Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Yet, they talk all the time about homosexuality despite the fact that Jesus never said anything about it, and the fact that none of the 10 Commandments mentions it.

I don't get it.

It makes sense when you consider the toxic brew that results from conservatives mixing politics and religion.

Truer words were never spoken.
In fairness, she did say that some things the Pope has said sound kind of liberal, but she then said she needed to do her own research since you cant trust the media. I had no problem with what she said and I cant believe that people cant see the liberalism in the Catholic church. Again low information voters and a compliant media will try and take a 10 second soundbite to trash her.

Of course, she said this while using a friendly "media" outlet as a megaphone.

From what I see, these modern "conservatives" are a movement of high-information (thanks to their constant barrage of talk radio educators) and low-intelligence voters.

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