Palin daughter calls off engagement

You have typical house slave mentality.

Companies are asking people like you to take pay cuts for the good of the company, and you are giving in. With Dems in charge, you have the opportunity to organize, but you will blow your chance.

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt,

Don't you see? They are asking people like you to take a step back and at the same time the rich are getting richer.

With the recession eating into profits, many employers are trying to cut costs however they can.

Do you not see the hypocrisy in your own statement and within your own party. Newsflash... the Dems don't want to give up any money that is in their pockets. Perfect example .... Pelosi dodges chance to end automatic pay raises for Congress.... hmmm wonder why? Because like you said companies are asking for employees to take a pay cut and yet Pelosi and her friends still wont permanently do away with their cost of living increases huh? I bet they wouldn't be willing to swap their medical package out for the one you get either.

Let us not forget that Obama was jut quoted as saying that the economy is not as bad as we think...... hmm that seems in direct contrast to what he said a few short weeks ago when he wanted his porkulous bill passed and said if we do not pass it right away it will be a catastrophe.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress' automatic pay raises are in little immediate danger of being scrapped for good, even with the economy slumping and millions of Americans unemployed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday would not commit to holding a vote on a bill to do away with the annual cost-of-living increases.
You didn't take a pay cut. Lucky.

How you gonna retire? If you had a plan in 1999, have you rethought your plans? Because your 401K took a dump. What are you going to retire on? Pension? Companies are renigging on them.

Really, how are you going to retire? Chances are a health problem will eat up your savings so that you will be a burden on your kids.

I will be fine, so it is possible you will too. But that doesn't mean what is being done to the middle class is right. Especially if it was done on purpose, and the more we learn, the more it seems like it was done on purpose. Kramer admitted it last night.

He's in the position because HE chose. shut the fuck up with that talk. How about the guy who CHOSE to work for a company that offered a pension, and that company went belly up and now his pension is gone. You're blaming him? You're blaming the millions of Americans that took a hit? And you even took a hit yourself on your home &/or 401K.

So tell me, what did you do wrong?

You'll never pay for your kids college. And the jobs they get after paying all that money to go to school, will pay about $40K, because they can't afford to pay your kids well and the White collar boys their bonus'.

So you better hope all three of your kids do well, because in the society you voted for, you are either a have or a have not. And it was getting worse. Luckily for you and your kids, the Dems are in charge now. So they'll at least stop the bleeding.

But if you won't wake up and fight back, they can't help you. When you vote to keep yourself a slave, they can't free you.

And I'm confused. Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why?

And he didn't work harder or smarter. He happens to have a skill that pays him more than what we are worth hourly.

If you ask him, he might say he's worth more. If you ask me, maybe not.

The point is this. The government decides what is right. Reagan and Bush drastically cut the top 1%'s taxes, and Democrats think that is wrong. I happen to be agree with the dems. Especially when the GOP doubled the debt. Had they cut spending like they said they would, I would be all for EVERYONE getting a tax cut.

But neither party can promise to cut spending enough that it makes sense to give the rich people the breaks that Bush gave them.

They might have suckered you into believe they deserve these tax breaks, while the debt doubled and while we fought 2 wars for $10 billion a month, that they don't even count on bush's budget, but then again, you are a god damn fool who would defend them to the gates of hell.

You are a republcians sheep. The dumb fucking poor Republicans who are voting out of your tax bracket.

Why, god gays or guns?


The worker who continued to chose to stay with a company that had a defined benefit plan and the company went belly up; he should have seen the writing on the wall. He should have noticed the company was not funding its obligations. That would be a clue the company was having problems and may need to start looking for a new job. If part of a union, the union should be hollering at the top of its lungs to get the pension properly funded or compensated. Unions can look to what happened with United not go too long with an underfunded plan.

Also, with ERISA the pension would be protected. Though, his expectations for his pension will have changed. But, he won't lose it all. The PBGC takeover has procedures that will define how much the pension will be.

If you are more than 5 years from retirement, the 401k should recover and the same with most homes. People need to take an active interest in their own personal financial plans. For those people that were within a few years of retirement, it is not prudent to have the vast majority of retirement in equity positions.
FYI :)
suzi orman says on this crash you will need about 10-20 years to recover, and you must continue to buy in to it weekly/monthly so that you can get in on the low prices before they go up...

if you are within 10 years of retirement, you should have pulled your money out of the market or even should do it now, take the loss and put what money you do have left in to secure things like CD's, you will never be able to recover without continuing your reinvesting in the stock market and you still chance losing it all....

obviously, if you are in retirement, she recommends taking it out of the stock market as well....

if you are in a work 401k, and the company continues to match you at least 50%, and you continue to buy in to the market on it's lows and highs, then you should stay in your 401k up to the company match....but no moreso, save your money elsewhere....

If the market goes sideways for the next 5-10 years; then it will take 10-20 years to recover. If makret goes to normalcy, then 5 years should be sufficient.

Putting all the money into CDs is not wise. Inflation will eat it up. A small % (less than 20%) should be in the market to protect against inflation. I am looking into utilitiy stocks that have been hammered. There is a nice dividend yield plus when the market rebounds, the appreciation will be nice. I think identify the value stocks will lead to quicker recovery.
Absolutely not.

Is capital punishment is ok?

Man this thread is all over the place... ha ha

I personally believe in capital punishment. Now please, don't go off on me using the 'wingnut, bibles, guns, etc'. crap. :)

I believe a person who chooses to take another's life should pay for it with their own life.

I believe that an unborn child (and regardless of whatever definition one may throw out, what is growing inside of a woman is human and it is life) should not be killed because they are deemed an inconvenience, mistake, bad timing, whatever.

I'm not going to get into the whole abortion/death penalty debate on here. There are other threads where I've posted my position on this. Just answering cause you asked.

I believe in capatital punishment as well..

But then according to your statements then a mother who has an abortion in your mind should have her own life taken? Since one person has taken another persons life

If you have answered that question I apologize for the repition..
You have typical house slave mentality.

Companies are asking people like you to take pay cuts for the good of the company, and you are giving in. With Dems in charge, you have the opportunity to organize, but you will blow your chance.

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt,

Don't you see? They are asking people like you to take a step back and at the same time the rich are getting richer.

With the recession eating into profits, many employers are trying to cut costs however they can.

Do you not see the hypocrisy in your own statement and within your own party. Newsflash... the Dems don't want to give up any money that is in their pockets. Perfect example .... Pelosi dodges chance to end automatic pay raises for Congress.... hmmm wonder why? Because like you said companies are asking for employees to take a pay cut and yet Pelosi and her friends still wont permanently do away with their cost of living increases huh? I bet they wouldn't be willing to swap their medical package out for the one you get either.

Let us not forget that Obama was jut quoted as saying that the economy is not as bad as we think...... hmm that seems in direct contrast to what he said a few short weeks ago when he wanted his porkulous bill passed and said if we do not pass it right away it will be a catastrophe.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress' automatic pay raises are in little immediate danger of being scrapped for good, even with the economy slumping and millions of Americans unemployed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday would not commit to holding a vote on a bill to do away with the annual cost-of-living increases.

Listen pal. Hillary tried to fix healthcare in the 90's and we know exactly who put the cabosh on her plans.

Obama even invited them to the conference.

And we know that if we don't fix healthcare this year, we won't be able to next year because the GOP will fight for the status quo.

Meanwhile, healthcare costs went up 199% since 2000.

Wise up before it is too late.
Is capital punishment is ok?

Man this thread is all over the place... ha ha

I personally believe in capital punishment. Now please, don't go off on me using the 'wingnut, bibles, guns, etc'. crap. :)

I believe a person who chooses to take another's life should pay for it with their own life.

I believe that an unborn child (and regardless of whatever definition one may throw out, what is growing inside of a woman is human and it is life) should not be killed because they are deemed an inconvenience, mistake, bad timing, whatever.

I'm not going to get into the whole abortion/death penalty debate on here. There are other threads where I've posted my position on this. Just answering cause you asked.

I believe in capatital punishment as well..

But then according to your statements then a mother who has an abortion in your mind should have her own life taken? Since one person has taken another persons life

If you have answered that question I apologize for the repition..

There's a strong part of me that says yes, but it is countered by another part that has empathy for the mother. Regardless of my personal views on abortion, I can't imagine that anyone choosing to have one has an easy time making or carrying out that decision (although like with anything else, I'm sure there are exceptions).

But it's a moot point because abortion is legal.

I have zero empathy for the Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, etc. types. Quicker death sentences for these types is fine by me.
Compassion has been shown to the Pregnant woman who has aborted, over the centuries...common thinking is that with all the new hormones and set with fear and uncertainty...especially if a teen or single woman, that they are not thinking straight or have the possibilities of not thinking straight.

This is why, even when the Religious got their States to abolish common law on abortion in the 1850's and make their own state laws against abortions, it was a crime punishable for the Person performing the abortion and not for the mother.
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Compassion has been shown to the Pregnant woman who has aborted, over the centuries...common thinking is that with all the new hormones and set with fear and uncertainty...especially if a teen or single woman, that they are not thinking straight or have the possibilities of not thinking straight.

This is why, even when the Religious got their States to abolish common law on abortion in the 1850's and make their own state laws against abortions, it was a crime punishable for the Person performing the abortion and not for the mother.

Point taken.
Listen pal. Hillary tried to fix healthcare in the 90's
No, she didn't. She tried to USE THE EMOTIONAL ISSUE to force something on us no one wanted. Have you even ever READ her plan? And the DEMOCRATS had control of Congress then, THEY shot down her little plan.
Obama even invited them to the conference.
Obama merely pays lip service to bipartisanship. He doesn't practice it and never intended to do so, and won't.
And we know that if we don't fix healthcare this year, we won't be able to next year because the GOP will fight for the status quo.

Meanwhile, healthcare costs went up 199% since 2000.
Why is it you seem to believe only Dems have the "fix" for healthcare? Let me ask you this: do you really want a national ID card where all your medical history, records, and even genome are available to who knows who?
Steal my phrases after you take them to heart yourself and they have done you some good.
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Levi Johnston, 19, said he and 18-year-old Ms Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to separate.

(yea, like, before the election was even over)

Last month, CB reported that Governor Palin refers to Levi Johnston’s family as “white trash”. Levi’s sister says the same thing, only she puts the words “white trash” in Bristol’s mouth. Allegedly, Bristol tells Levi that she doesn’t want the baby around “white trash” unless Levi‘s baby-sitting.

Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Bristol Palin won’t let ‘white trash’ Levi see baby Tripp after breakup

He was railroaded into proposing anyway..

but now McPalin has an unwed daughter with a child.... The horror..

Imagine if this happened to Obama's daughter.. The GOP and the Christian outrage would stop the earth from spinning..

Statistically it will probably happen to one or both of Obammy's daughters but we won't hear about it, he will get those things killed so they don't ruin his daughter's lives....... he's such a special guy.
Obama's oldest daughter is currently 10 years old
do you really expect him to get re-elected?
he might, but i have huge doubts that will happen
but even if he did, his oldest would only be 18 as he leaves office
how about we not make calls on what the kids of a politician will do and not make targets out of them till they are at least adults, can we try that for a change
Listen pal. Hillary tried to fix healthcare in the 90's
No, she didn't. She tried to USE THE EMOTIONAL ISSUE to force something on us no one wanted. Have you even ever READ her plan? And the DEMOCRATS had control of Congress then, THEY shot down her little plan.
Obama even invited them to the conference.
Obama merely pays lip service to bipartisanship. He doesn't practice it and never intended to do so, and won't.
And we know that if we don't fix healthcare this year, we won't be able to next year because the GOP will fight for the status quo.

Meanwhile, healthcare costs went up 199% since 2000.
Why is it you seem to believe only Dems have the "fix" for healthcare? Let me ask you this: do you really want a national ID card where all your medical history, records, and even genome are available to who knows who?
Steal my phrases after you take them to heart yourself and they have done you some good.
yeah, he "invited them" to the conference
where he told them "hey, i won, you lost"

yeah, very bipartisan

bobo is a moron
In other news, Spencer and Heidi got married in Mexico without telling the families, oh the horror.

Seriously guys, her family issues are none of our business.

She should then not use her family as a tool to win her elections, didn't she drag her pregnant doughter up the stage for the GOP and the cameras?

I agree that it is not of our business, therefor she should not drag her family into this for electoral reasons.

Family values, yeah right :rolleyes:
This whole crap is about as important as ... Bill and Monica.
no, less than

the bill & monica stuff actually had to do with perjury and obstruction of justice

this has no bearing on anyone other than Bristol, Levi, and their son Tripp

no. the bill and monica stuff had to do with ken starr having nothing else.

What does Ken Starr have to do with the president of the United States getting a blow job in the oval office and then lying about it?
You have typical house slave mentality.

Companies are asking people like you to take pay cuts for the good of the company, and you are giving in. With Dems in charge, you have the opportunity to organize, but you will blow your chance.

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt,

Don't you see? They are asking people like you to take a step back and at the same time the rich are getting richer.

With the recession eating into profits, many employers are trying to cut costs however they can.

Do you not see the hypocrisy in your own statement and within your own party. Newsflash... the Dems don't want to give up any money that is in their pockets. Perfect example .... Pelosi dodges chance to end automatic pay raises for Congress.... hmmm wonder why? Because like you said companies are asking for employees to take a pay cut and yet Pelosi and her friends still wont permanently do away with their cost of living increases huh? I bet they wouldn't be willing to swap their medical package out for the one you get either.

Let us not forget that Obama was jut quoted as saying that the economy is not as bad as we think...... hmm that seems in direct contrast to what he said a few short weeks ago when he wanted his porkulous bill passed and said if we do not pass it right away it will be a catastrophe.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress' automatic pay raises are in little immediate danger of being scrapped for good, even with the economy slumping and millions of Americans unemployed. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday would not commit to holding a vote on a bill to do away with the annual cost-of-living increases.

Listen pal. Hillary tried to fix healthcare in the 90's and we know exactly who put the cabosh on her plans.

Obama even invited them to the conference.

And we know that if we don't fix healthcare this year, we won't be able to next year because the GOP will fight for the status quo.

Meanwhile, healthcare costs went up 199% since 2000.

Wise up before it is too late.

hmmm interesting PAL you have a typical liberal response. It's called avoidance and distraction.

Healthcare wasn't mentioned in your post. But yet you avoided everything I said.

So we have enough money for health care here in the U.S for American citizens? I suppose we do, since Hillary says the U.S. can pledge millions to the Palestinians for their education. Oh wait that is right we do not even have U.S. citizens here getting a college education but hey.... wait.... lets offer it to the Non-American citizens and especially to people that hate us.

Give me a break, Mr. I want to avoid what the post was even about. Can you say Avoidance and Distraction?
In other news, Spencer and Heidi got married in Mexico without telling the families, oh the horror.

Seriously guys, her family issues are none of our business.

She should then not use her family as a tool to win her elections, didn't she drag her pregnant doughter up the stage for the GOP and the cameras?

I agree that it is not of our business, therefor she should not drag her family into this for electoral reasons.

Family values, yeah right :rolleyes:
ok, what you just said means that any candidate that "drags" their family up on the stage at a convention is using their family to get elected and that those family members, no matter what age, are open targets for political attacks

well, i guess i was wrong when i said "lets leave the kids alone"

sorry everyone, attack away at Obama's two girls, Munin says that if you "drag" them up on stage they are open targets
no, less than

the bill & monica stuff actually had to do with perjury and obstruction of justice

this has no bearing on anyone other than Bristol, Levi, and their son Tripp

no. the bill and monica stuff had to do with ken starr having nothing else.

What does Ken Starr have to do with the president of the United States getting a blow job in the oval office and then lying about it?
not a damn thing
but jillian is too much of a partisan to understand the difference
sorry everyone, attack away at Obama's two girls, Munin says that if you "drag" them up on stage they are open targets

Or anyone that has themselves and their children pose for People Magazine.
In other news, Spencer and Heidi got married in Mexico without telling the families, oh the horror.

Seriously guys, her family issues are none of our business.

She should then not use her family as a tool to win her elections, didn't she drag her pregnant doughter up the stage for the GOP and the cameras?

I agree that it is not of our business, therefor she should not drag her family into this for electoral reasons.

Family values, yeah right :rolleyes:

How did she use her family to win elections? I didn't see her do anything different then Obama or any other candidate for that matter. The children are off limits IMO. There is enough policy issues to attack that we don't have to engage in the gutter with this BS.
I don't see that Bristol is an issue. "Abstinence Sarah" did a horseship job raising her kid. There is no reason that Bristol must pay for the mistakes of her stupid mother.
uh, not the mistakes of the mother(Sarah) she(bristol) made her own mistakes and shes dealing with them herself with her parents help(both of them)

you sound like an ignorant idiot saying stupid shit like that

Moms mistakes for teaching abstinence only. Bristol followed that and got pregnant. Had mom not made that mistake Bristol would not be in this mess. Yes Bristol made a mistake but she is a kid. The adult moron mother made the greater one.

Bristol stated that she knew about birth control,they didn't use it...just like a lot of other sexually active teens don't. She also stated that she knows about abstinence also,but felt it was too easy to ignore based on peer pressure. You sound like a judgemental ass(typical lefty). Her problem was not the absence of being taught about sex. It was our anything goes sociey and the "pressure" to go along with the sexually charged teens of today..

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