Palin daughter calls off engagement

You have typical house slave mentality.

Companies are asking people like you to take pay cuts for the good of the company, and you are giving in. With Dems in charge, you have the opportunity to organize, but you will blow your chance. No wonder the bankers who own the country are so bold when ripping us off. Even still you defend them. You are fucking nuts.

Um, we haven't taken a pay cut at all. If it came to taking a pay cut or losing your job, which would you choose?

The idea that MM pays too much is what is warped. YOU are warped. You can barely get by and you will never retire and your home value took a dump, and yet you defend MM.

I can barely get by? Where the hell do you come up with this stuff?? We're doing just fine, thanks. We'll never retire? :lol: Wrong again. BTW, everyone's home value is down.

MM doesn't have to work. His shit is all paid off. He has all the toys.

He is in this position because HE choose to work what he did, the way he did in order to reap these benefits.

Why shouldn't he pay more so you can pay less?

Why should he pay more? I already don't pay because people like MM are already footing the bill for -- what is it? something like 60%??

You don't pay Federal? What's all that money coming out of your check every month? How much do you get back?


How's life on 40K? Can't seem to get ahead?

:lol: Let's see -- three kids, own our house (free and clear within the next 5 years), two cars, roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back, healthy. Life's pretty damn good Sealy. Get ahead? What's 'ahead'?

And guys like MM are big on defense. They don't mind that the GOP spent more on defense than every other country combined. So you do realize when they opt not to pay for that stuff and throw it on the debt, that puts more of the burden on you, right?

So you may not pay Federal Taxes, but that doesn't mean you don't owe. They just haven't sent you the bill yet.

I just don't understand when you are living paycheck to paycheck, and working harder than MM, why you think he should be getting more tax breaks instead of you.

Working harder than MM? Maybe, maybe not. I'd say he worked damn hard to earn his paycheck -- probably worked smarter too. People like MM foot the bill for a large percent of the rest.

Especially when the econony needs us to start spending more. See idiot, it doesn't work when the rich get all the tax breaks. Broke asses like you will spend it, or send your kids to college with it, whatever.

Sealy, I'm not broke. You make twice what we do . . . yet all you do is bitch and moan. We make half of what you do . . . have you ever, even once, read about me groaning and whining? If all we (my family) did was spend, spend, spend we wouldn't be where we are today and wouldn't have what we do. Nice to know that you think sending your kids to college is a waste of money.

And I bet you think CEO's deserve $20 million too. Stupid typical American voter.

And MM says he isn't a Republican, so I'm just using him as an example.

But if he were a Republican you'd be ripping him to shreds. You've made this obvious is every post . . . you believe the Republicans are the scourge of the earth and the Democrats are heaven-sent. Wrong on both counts. You simply don't get that both parties are corrupt, both parties believe their way is the right way, both parties believe the other guy is wrong . . . and both parties need each other.

If he suggests that he deserves the breaks, go back and read him bragging how he doesn't have to work another day in his life.

Try to get this Sealy - - - he doesn't have to work another day in his life because he worked harder and smarter to achieve this. Much as you seem to think, this is not a crime. He achieve his 'American dream' but you can't see the forest for the trees.

I suspect if we roll back the Bush tax breaks, MM will still be alright, and the country will be better off.

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt, and you want the rich to continue getting tax breaks?

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt . . . an you think the answer is for Obama and his crew to continue to spend untold amounts of money that we do not have? Wonder why we're going further and further into debt.

Don't you see? They are asking people like you to take a step back and at the same time the rich are getting richer. This isn't how America works. You think it should, but it should not. The 90's were a perfect model of how America should work.

FedEx Pay Cuts Spark Union Talk : NPR

With the recession eating into profits, many employers are trying to cut costs however they can. At FedEx, pay cuts are prompting employees to consider the benefits of unionizing.

You didn't take a pay cut. Lucky.

How you gonna retire? If you had a plan in 1999, have you rethought your plans? Because your 401K took a dump. What are you going to retire on? Pension? Companies are renigging on them.

Really, how are you going to retire? Chances are a health problem will eat up your savings so that you will be a burden on your kids.

I will be fine, so it is possible you will too. But that doesn't mean what is being done to the middle class is right. Especially if it was done on purpose, and the more we learn, the more it seems like it was done on purpose. Kramer admitted it last night.

He's in the position because HE chose. shut the fuck up with that talk. How about the guy who CHOSE to work for a company that offered a pension, and that company went belly up and now his pension is gone. You're blaming him? You're blaming the millions of Americans that took a hit? And you even took a hit yourself on your home &/or 401K.

So tell me, what did you do wrong?

You'll never pay for your kids college. And the jobs they get after paying all that money to go to school, will pay about $40K, because they can't afford to pay your kids well and the White collar boys their bonus'.

So you better hope all three of your kids do well, because in the society you voted for, you are either a have or a have not. And it was getting worse. Luckily for you and your kids, the Dems are in charge now. So they'll at least stop the bleeding.

But if you won't wake up and fight back, they can't help you. When you vote to keep yourself a slave, they can't free you.

And I'm confused. Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why?

And he didn't work harder or smarter. He happens to have a skill that pays him more than what we are worth hourly.

If you ask him, he might say he's worth more. If you ask me, maybe not.

The point is this. The government decides what is right. Reagan and Bush drastically cut the top 1%'s taxes, and Democrats think that is wrong. I happen to be agree with the dems. Especially when the GOP doubled the debt. Had they cut spending like they said they would, I would be all for EVERYONE getting a tax cut.

But neither party can promise to cut spending enough that it makes sense to give the rich people the breaks that Bush gave them.

They might have suckered you into believe they deserve these tax breaks, while the debt doubled and while we fought 2 wars for $10 billion a month, that they don't even count on bush's budget, but then again, you are a god damn fool who would defend them to the gates of hell.

You are a republcians sheep. The dumb fucking poor Republicans who are voting out of your tax bracket.

Why, god gays or guns?
You didn't take a pay cut. Lucky.

How you gonna retire? If you had a plan in 1999, have you rethought your plans? Because your 401K took a dump. What are you going to retire on? Pension? Companies are renigging on them.

Really, how are you going to retire? Chances are a health problem will eat up your savings so that you will be a burden on your kids.

I will be fine, so it is possible you will too. But that doesn't mean what is being done to the middle class is right. Especially if it was done on purpose, and the more we learn, the more it seems like it was done on purpose. Kramer admitted it last night.

He's in the position because HE chose. shut the fuck up with that talk. How about the guy who CHOSE to work for a company that offered a pension, and that company went belly up and now his pension is gone. You're blaming him? You're blaming the millions of Americans that took a hit? And you even took a hit yourself on your home &/or 401K.

So tell me, what did you do wrong?

You'll never pay for your kids college. And the jobs they get after paying all that money to go to school, will pay about $40K, because they can't afford to pay your kids well and the White collar boys their bonus'.

So you better hope all three of your kids do well, because in the society you voted for, you are either a have or a have not. And it was getting worse. Luckily for you and your kids, the Dems are in charge now. So they'll at least stop the bleeding.

But if you won't wake up and fight back, they can't help you. When you vote to keep yourself a slave, they can't free you.

And I'm confused. Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why?

And he didn't work harder or smarter. He happens to have a skill that pays him more than what we are worth hourly.

If you ask him, he might say he's worth more. If you ask me, maybe not.

The point is this. The government decides what is right. Reagan and Bush drastically cut the top 1%'s taxes, and Democrats think that is wrong. I happen to be agree with the dems. Especially when the GOP doubled the debt. Had they cut spending like they said they would, I would be all for EVERYONE getting a tax cut.

But neither party can promise to cut spending enough that it makes sense to give the rich people the breaks that Bush gave them.

They might have suckered you into believe they deserve these tax breaks, while the debt doubled and while we fought 2 wars for $10 billion a month, that they don't even count on bush's budget, but then again, you are a god damn fool who would defend them to the gates of hell.

You are a republcians sheep. The dumb fucking poor Republicans who are voting out of your tax bracket.

Why, god gays or guns?

Sealy, the more you speak the less you say. Seriously. Go back and read what you just posted.

I can't even begin to pick apart this latest blather from you. <sigh> I'll just focus on this statement: "Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why? "

Every post you make says the exact same thing: 'Leave the Dems out of it, let's just focus on the GOP'. In other words, everything that is wrong is the Republican's fault and the Democrats are manna from heaven. Once again, for the millionth time, you miss the point. Take your blinders off.

BTW - just out of curiosity -- where are you right now?
If you and the Country does you "good", one pays, if you and the Country does not do you good, one does not pay.

that's how income tax is set up, i guess?
You didn't take a pay cut. Lucky.

How you gonna retire? If you had a plan in 1999, have you rethought your plans? Because your 401K took a dump. What are you going to retire on? Pension? Companies are renigging on them.

Really, how are you going to retire? Chances are a health problem will eat up your savings so that you will be a burden on your kids.

I will be fine, so it is possible you will too. But that doesn't mean what is being done to the middle class is right. Especially if it was done on purpose, and the more we learn, the more it seems like it was done on purpose. Kramer admitted it last night.

He's in the position because HE chose. shut the fuck up with that talk. How about the guy who CHOSE to work for a company that offered a pension, and that company went belly up and now his pension is gone. You're blaming him? You're blaming the millions of Americans that took a hit? And you even took a hit yourself on your home &/or 401K.

So tell me, what did you do wrong?

You'll never pay for your kids college. And the jobs they get after paying all that money to go to school, will pay about $40K, because they can't afford to pay your kids well and the White collar boys their bonus'.

So you better hope all three of your kids do well, because in the society you voted for, you are either a have or a have not. And it was getting worse. Luckily for you and your kids, the Dems are in charge now. So they'll at least stop the bleeding.

But if you won't wake up and fight back, they can't help you. When you vote to keep yourself a slave, they can't free you.

And I'm confused. Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why?

And he didn't work harder or smarter. He happens to have a skill that pays him more than what we are worth hourly.

If you ask him, he might say he's worth more. If you ask me, maybe not.

The point is this. The government decides what is right. Reagan and Bush drastically cut the top 1%'s taxes, and Democrats think that is wrong. I happen to be agree with the dems. Especially when the GOP doubled the debt. Had they cut spending like they said they would, I would be all for EVERYONE getting a tax cut.

But neither party can promise to cut spending enough that it makes sense to give the rich people the breaks that Bush gave them.

They might have suckered you into believe they deserve these tax breaks, while the debt doubled and while we fought 2 wars for $10 billion a month, that they don't even count on bush's budget, but then again, you are a god damn fool who would defend them to the gates of hell.

You are a republcians sheep. The dumb fucking poor Republicans who are voting out of your tax bracket.

Why, god gays or guns?

Sealy, the more you speak the less you say. Seriously. Go back and read what you just posted.

I can't even begin to pick apart this latest blather from you. <sigh> I'll just focus on this statement: "Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why? "

Every post you make says the exact same thing: 'Leave the Dems out of it, let's just focus on the GOP'. In other words, everything that is wrong is the Republican's fault and the Democrats are manna from heaven. Once again, for the millionth time, you miss the point. Take your blinders off.

BTW - just out of curiosity -- where are you right now?

You admitted that "all politicians are corrupt" Yet you won't ever tell us how/when the GOP is corrupt.

I'm going to lunch. Ponder that.
Oh, I thought you were a republican. I was going to point out that you are greedy if you feel that you pay too much in taxes when apparently, you make plenty more than enough to pay a little more if it means "labor" can pay a little less.
Believing one pays too much in taxes isn't greed. Taxes are nothing but legalized theft. I'll quote a well known economics professor on that for you:

Walter E. Williams said:
Three-fifths to two-thirds of the federal budget consists of taking property from one American and giving it to another. Were a private person to do the same thing, we'd call it theft. When government does it, we euphemistically call it income redistribution, but that's exactly what thieves do -- redistribute income. Income redistribution not only betrays the founders' vision, it's a sin in the eyes of God.

Because the masses, the people making $40K, are the ones paying too much in taxes.
And get ready for their taxes to go way up under this new administration! In HIDDEN taxes! On tobacco, fuel -- hell haven't you seen the new carbon tax yet, that's going to raise the price for everything related to energy, and hence everything else?
And you seem to be suggesting that the rest of us who are struggling, who do have house payments, who are in debt, who did lose on their 401K's, who's homes did go down in value, you seem to be suggesting that we don't work hard.
Baloney. I made no such suggestion or even thought it.
Because you brag about the one person who will carry on your work. That's not spreading the wealth, that's passing on your wealth to your kid and trying to keep your fortune all in the family.
First of all, if it really happens, it's not a brag. It is fact. Look it up. Secondly, the young protege isn't at all related. He just happened to have the intelligence, skillset and understanding of electronic and mechanical engineering to carry on my work. Again, your erroneous assumption led you astray.

As to the rest, you must look within yourself and try to eschew the emotional. You're allowing your heart to drive the SUV of life, with your brain locked away in the glove box. It SHOULD be, the brain behind the wheel with the heart in the front passenger seat holding the map, navigating. As it is now, you're allowing emotional arguments to sway you, without any regard to the facts. This makes you a Mark for the con. Here's Walter again on that:
Walter E. Williams said:
If we wish to be compassionate with our fellow man, we must learn to engage in dispassionate analysis. In other words, thinking with our hearts, rather than our brains, is a surefire method to hurt those whom we wish to help.
And that's exactly what you're doing, and exactly what the con men want you to do.

More from Walter, this time on rights and taxation in general:

Walter E. Williams said:
A right, such as a right to free speech, imposes no obligation on another, except that of non-interference. The so-called right to health care, food or housing, whether a person can afford it or not, is something entirely different; it does impose an obligation on another. If one person has a right to something he didn't produce, simultaneously and of necessity it means that some other person does not have right to something he did produce. That's because, since there's no Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy, in order for government to give one American a dollar, it must, through intimidation, threats and coercion, confiscate that dollar from some other American.
He's describing a criminal activity there, is he not?

And there's more:
Walter E. Williams said:
No human should be coerced by the state to bear the medical expense, or any other expense, for his fellow man. In other words, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another is morally offensive.

Is there an answer? HOW do we help our fellow man who for whatever reason, is having troubles and cannot help himself? More from Walter:
Walter E. Williams said:
There are people in need of help. Charity is one of the nobler human motivations. The act of reaching into one's own pockets to help a fellow man in need is praiseworthy and laudable. Reaching into someone else's pocket is despicable and worthy of condemnation.
And this is what I do. I GIVE freely of my wealth to charity. I help the local food banks with food and donations. I go out with the Salvation Army and give food, warm clothing, shelter, to the homeless. I donate to the United Way, and a half dozen other charities. But the more government taxes me, the less money I am going to have to do these things.

Your erroneous assumptions about me have led you down a totally wrong road in this conversation, correct? Yes, it is. Now, project that out to everything else you do and say, and you'll see that emotion is driving you and causing your erroneous assumptions and beliefs about everything!

Get your head out of your ass Son. Wise up. And I mean this in the most friendly but firm manner. If you don't learn the life lessons Walter and I are giving you here, you will be a lifelong victim, a lifelong Mark. For the con.
I don't see that Bristol is an issue. "Abstinence Sarah" did a horseship job raising her kid. There is no reason that Bristol must pay for the mistakes of her stupid mother.
uh, not the mistakes of the mother(Sarah) she(bristol) made her own mistakes and shes dealing with them herself with her parents help(both of them)

you sound like an ignorant idiot saying stupid shit like that

Moms mistakes for teaching abstinence only. Bristol followed that and got pregnant. Had mom not made that mistake Bristol would not be in this mess. Yes Bristol made a mistake but she is a kid. The adult moron mother made the greater one.
That's not what happened. Both of these kids were taught safe sex practices. This was covered earlier in the thread. They obviously didn't employ them, correct? NO birth control, not even abstinence, works when not deployed.
You admitted that "all politicians are corrupt" Yet you won't ever tell us how/when the GOP is corrupt.

I'm going to lunch. Ponder that.

Sealy, I honestly don't think you read my posts. Go back two posts -- I said there (and in numerous other posts) that both parties are corrupt, yet you insist that it's just the Reps. I don't need to tell you how/when the Repubs are corrupt, you do a fine job all on your own. Problem is, you only see one side of the coin. Whatever, I'm tired of repeating myself just to have you put your fingers in your ears. You go right ahead thinking Repubs are scum and Dems are god-like.

Going to lunch? You're at work? Yet you're on here posting when you are suppose to be working. Interesting. Hey, does the company that is paying you $75k/year need any help? I'm good with getting paid to post on message boards. :D
Levi Johnston, 19, said he and 18-year-old Ms Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to separate.

(yea, like, before the election was even over)

Last month, CB reported that Governor Palin refers to Levi Johnston’s family as “white trash”. Levi’s sister says the same thing, only she puts the words “white trash” in Bristol’s mouth. Allegedly, Bristol tells Levi that she doesn’t want the baby around “white trash” unless Levi‘s baby-sitting.

Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Bristol Palin won’t let ‘white trash’ Levi see baby Tripp after breakup

He was railroaded into proposing anyway..

but now McPalin has an unwed daughter with a child.... The horror..

Imagine if this happened to Obama's daughter.. The GOP and the Christian outrage would stop the earth from spinning..

Statistically it will probably happen to one or both of Obammy's daughters but we won't hear about it, he will get those things killed so they don't ruin his daughter's lives....... he's such a special guy.
Levi Johnston, 19, said he and 18-year-old Ms Palin mutually decided "a while ago" to separate.

(yea, like, before the election was even over)

Last month, CB reported that Governor Palin refers to Levi Johnston’s family as “white trash”. Levi’s sister says the same thing, only she puts the words “white trash” in Bristol’s mouth. Allegedly, Bristol tells Levi that she doesn’t want the baby around “white trash” unless Levi‘s baby-sitting.

Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Bristol Palin won’t let ‘white trash’ Levi see baby Tripp after breakup

He was railroaded into proposing anyway..

but now McPalin has an unwed daughter with a child.... The horror..

Imagine if this happened to Obama's daughter.. The GOP and the Christian outrage would stop the earth from spinning..

Statistically it will probably happen to one or both of Obammy's daughters but we won't hear about it, he will get those things killed so they don't ruin his daughter's lives....... he's such a special guy.
Good thing for Obama that HIS mother didn't consider HIM an inconvenience or a burden...
You have typical house slave mentality.

Companies are asking people like you to take pay cuts for the good of the company, and you are giving in. With Dems in charge, you have the opportunity to organize, but you will blow your chance. No wonder the bankers who own the country are so bold when ripping us off. Even still you defend them. You are fucking nuts.

Um, we haven't taken a pay cut at all. If it came to taking a pay cut or losing your job, which would you choose?

The idea that MM pays too much is what is warped. YOU are warped. You can barely get by and you will never retire and your home value took a dump, and yet you defend MM.

I can barely get by? Where the hell do you come up with this stuff?? We're doing just fine, thanks. We'll never retire? :lol: Wrong again. BTW, everyone's home value is down.

MM doesn't have to work. His shit is all paid off. He has all the toys.

He is in this position because HE choose to work what he did, the way he did in order to reap these benefits.

Why shouldn't he pay more so you can pay less?

Why should he pay more? I already don't pay because people like MM are already footing the bill for -- what is it? something like 60%??

You don't pay Federal? What's all that money coming out of your check every month? How much do you get back?


How's life on 40K? Can't seem to get ahead?

:lol: Let's see -- three kids, own our house (free and clear within the next 5 years), two cars, roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back, healthy. Life's pretty damn good Sealy. Get ahead? What's 'ahead'?

And guys like MM are big on defense. They don't mind that the GOP spent more on defense than every other country combined. So you do realize when they opt not to pay for that stuff and throw it on the debt, that puts more of the burden on you, right?

So you may not pay Federal Taxes, but that doesn't mean you don't owe. They just haven't sent you the bill yet.

I just don't understand when you are living paycheck to paycheck, and working harder than MM, why you think he should be getting more tax breaks instead of you.

Working harder than MM? Maybe, maybe not. I'd say he worked damn hard to earn his paycheck -- probably worked smarter too. People like MM foot the bill for a large percent of the rest.

Especially when the econony needs us to start spending more. See idiot, it doesn't work when the rich get all the tax breaks. Broke asses like you will spend it, or send your kids to college with it, whatever.

Sealy, I'm not broke. You make twice what we do . . . yet all you do is bitch and moan. We make half of what you do . . . have you ever, even once, read about me groaning and whining? If all we (my family) did was spend, spend, spend we wouldn't be where we are today and wouldn't have what we do. Nice to know that you think sending your kids to college is a waste of money.

And I bet you think CEO's deserve $20 million too. Stupid typical American voter.

And MM says he isn't a Republican, so I'm just using him as an example.

But if he were a Republican you'd be ripping him to shreds. You've made this obvious is every post . . . you believe the Republicans are the scourge of the earth and the Democrats are heaven-sent. Wrong on both counts. You simply don't get that both parties are corrupt, both parties believe their way is the right way, both parties believe the other guy is wrong . . . and both parties need each other.

If he suggests that he deserves the breaks, go back and read him bragging how he doesn't have to work another day in his life.

Try to get this Sealy - - - he doesn't have to work another day in his life because he worked harder and smarter to achieve this. Much as you seem to think, this is not a crime. He achieve his 'American dream' but you can't see the forest for the trees.

I suspect if we roll back the Bush tax breaks, MM will still be alright, and the country will be better off.

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt, and you want the rich to continue getting tax breaks?

The country can't pay it's bills, we're going further and further into debt . . . an you think the answer is for Obama and his crew to continue to spend untold amounts of money that we do not have? Wonder why we're going further and further into debt.

Don't you see? They are asking people like you to take a step back and at the same time the rich are getting richer. This isn't how America works. You think it should, but it should not. The 90's were a perfect model of how America should work.

FedEx Pay Cuts Spark Union Talk : NPR

With the recession eating into profits, many employers are trying to cut costs however they can. At FedEx, pay cuts are prompting employees to consider the benefits of unionizing.

You didn't take a pay cut. Lucky.

How you gonna retire? If you had a plan in 1999, have you rethought your plans? Because your 401K took a dump. What are you going to retire on? Pension? Companies are renigging on them.

Really, how are you going to retire? Chances are a health problem will eat up your savings so that you will be a burden on your kids.

I will be fine, so it is possible you will too. But that doesn't mean what is being done to the middle class is right. Especially if it was done on purpose, and the more we learn, the more it seems like it was done on purpose. Kramer admitted it last night.

He's in the position because HE chose. shut the fuck up with that talk. How about the guy who CHOSE to work for a company that offered a pension, and that company went belly up and now his pension is gone. You're blaming him? You're blaming the millions of Americans that took a hit? And you even took a hit yourself on your home &/or 401K.

So tell me, what did you do wrong?

You'll never pay for your kids college. And the jobs they get after paying all that money to go to school, will pay about $40K, because they can't afford to pay your kids well and the White collar boys their bonus'.

So you better hope all three of your kids do well, because in the society you voted for, you are either a have or a have not. And it was getting worse. Luckily for you and your kids, the Dems are in charge now. So they'll at least stop the bleeding.

But if you won't wake up and fight back, they can't help you. When you vote to keep yourself a slave, they can't free you.

And I'm confused. Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why?

And he didn't work harder or smarter. He happens to have a skill that pays him more than what we are worth hourly.

If you ask him, he might say he's worth more. If you ask me, maybe not.

The point is this. The government decides what is right. Reagan and Bush drastically cut the top 1%'s taxes, and Democrats think that is wrong. I happen to be agree with the dems. Especially when the GOP doubled the debt. Had they cut spending like they said they would, I would be all for EVERYONE getting a tax cut.

But neither party can promise to cut spending enough that it makes sense to give the rich people the breaks that Bush gave them.

They might have suckered you into believe they deserve these tax breaks, while the debt doubled and while we fought 2 wars for $10 billion a month, that they don't even count on bush's budget, but then again, you are a god damn fool who would defend them to the gates of hell.

You are a republcians sheep. The dumb fucking poor Republicans who are voting out of your tax bracket.

Why, god gays or guns?


The worker who continued to chose to stay with a company that had a defined benefit plan and the company went belly up; he should have seen the writing on the wall. He should have noticed the company was not funding its obligations. That would be a clue the company was having problems and may need to start looking for a new job. If part of a union, the union should be hollering at the top of its lungs to get the pension properly funded or compensated. Unions can look to what happened with United not go too long with an underfunded plan.

Also, with ERISA the pension would be protected. Though, his expectations for his pension will have changed. But, he won't lose it all. The PBGC takeover has procedures that will define how much the pension will be.

If you are more than 5 years from retirement, the 401k should recover and the same with most homes. People need to take an active interest in their own personal financial plans. For those people that were within a few years of retirement, it is not prudent to have the vast majority of retirement in equity positions.
He was railroaded into proposing anyway..

but now McPalin has an unwed daughter with a child.... The horror..

Imagine if this happened to Obama's daughter.. The GOP and the Christian outrage would stop the earth from spinning..

Statistically it will probably happen to one or both of Obammy's daughters but we won't hear about it, he will get those things killed so they don't ruin his daughter's lives....... he's such a special guy.
Good thing for Obama that HIS mother didn't consider HIM an inconvenience or a burden...

What if Usama Bin Ladens mommy wanted to abort Usama.. should she have??
Hypocrisy, thy name is conservative republican.

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin

poor, poor black people, stop it, you're making me cry.
I don't see that Bristol is an issue. "Abstinence Sarah" did a horseship job raising her kid. There is no reason that Bristol must pay for the mistakes of her stupid mother.
uh, not the mistakes of the mother(Sarah) she(bristol) made her own mistakes and shes dealing with them herself with her parents help(both of them)

you sound like an ignorant idiot saying stupid shit like that

Moms mistakes for teaching abstinence only. Bristol followed that and got pregnant. Had mom not made that mistake Bristol would not be in this mess. Yes Bristol made a mistake but she is a kid. The adult moron mother made the greater one.

Yea, she should have taught them homosexuality instead, we should all be homosexual......... nobody would ever get pregnant...... right?:cuckoo:
Ya know Bobo, you rail against "the rich" while the TRUE rich sons of bitches in the Democrat party in Washington fan your class warfare flames, and laugh all the way to the bank! You're their perfect Mark!

They spend eight years decrying "Bush tax cuts for the rich" but never, not ONE of them, sent their tax cut back! Why, if they were SO against it, didn't they set up a foundation with a website, where they ALL sent their "tax cut for the rich" BACK, publicly, as a protest, and signed up other rich sons of bitches to also do so? Hell no, what they actually DID was, kept voting YES to extend it! And continued LYING about it, because it wasn't a tax cut for JUST the rich, it was across the board! And they KNOW it!

Second example: For eight years, these same rich sons of bitches decried Bush's "banning of stem cell research" when he didn't! He limited federal funding for embryonic stem cell research! (ESCR) Ok then, if it was so urgent, SO important, how come not ONE of the rich sons of bitches gave a DIME of their own money for it? Where was Michael J. Fox, the rich twitchy little bastard, with a "Fox Foundation" to raise the money? He could have raised BILLIONS out of bleeding heart Hollywood! Where was George Soros? Instead of spending a billion to buy the government, why couldn't he have created a foundation for raising money for ESCR? He could have raised BILLIONS more for it, from the far-left and probably even from more moderate Americans!

Do you see what a perfect Mark you are? Letting these truly rich sons of bitches pull your heartstrings like puppetmasters! What, is the Heinz fortune, passed on through the generations until it landed in John Kerry's lap through marriage, "good" money? "Good" rich? THINK!

There's two sides to every pancake. And they've been successful in blinding you to one side of it at all times.

You didn't take a pay cut. Lucky.

How you gonna retire? If you had a plan in 1999, have you rethought your plans? Because your 401K took a dump. What are you going to retire on? Pension? Companies are renigging on them.

Really, how are you going to retire? Chances are a health problem will eat up your savings so that you will be a burden on your kids.

I will be fine, so it is possible you will too. But that doesn't mean what is being done to the middle class is right. Especially if it was done on purpose, and the more we learn, the more it seems like it was done on purpose. Kramer admitted it last night.

He's in the position because HE chose. shut the fuck up with that talk. How about the guy who CHOSE to work for a company that offered a pension, and that company went belly up and now his pension is gone. You're blaming him? You're blaming the millions of Americans that took a hit? And you even took a hit yourself on your home &/or 401K.

So tell me, what did you do wrong?

You'll never pay for your kids college. And the jobs they get after paying all that money to go to school, will pay about $40K, because they can't afford to pay your kids well and the White collar boys their bonus'.

So you better hope all three of your kids do well, because in the society you voted for, you are either a have or a have not. And it was getting worse. Luckily for you and your kids, the Dems are in charge now. So they'll at least stop the bleeding.

But if you won't wake up and fight back, they can't help you. When you vote to keep yourself a slave, they can't free you.

And I'm confused. Are the Republicans corrupt or not? You either agree with me or not. I never said anything about the Dems. I have only figured out for sure that the GOP is corrupt. So do you agree or not? Leave the Dems out of it. Lets just focus on the GOP. But you won't, because you are a Republican, even though you know they are corrupt. Why?

And he didn't work harder or smarter. He happens to have a skill that pays him more than what we are worth hourly.

If you ask him, he might say he's worth more. If you ask me, maybe not.

The point is this. The government decides what is right. Reagan and Bush drastically cut the top 1%'s taxes, and Democrats think that is wrong. I happen to be agree with the dems. Especially when the GOP doubled the debt. Had they cut spending like they said they would, I would be all for EVERYONE getting a tax cut.

But neither party can promise to cut spending enough that it makes sense to give the rich people the breaks that Bush gave them.

They might have suckered you into believe they deserve these tax breaks, while the debt doubled and while we fought 2 wars for $10 billion a month, that they don't even count on bush's budget, but then again, you are a god damn fool who would defend them to the gates of hell.

You are a republcians sheep. The dumb fucking poor Republicans who are voting out of your tax bracket.

Why, god gays or guns?


The worker who continued to chose to stay with a company that had a defined benefit plan and the company went belly up; he should have seen the writing on the wall. He should have noticed the company was not funding its obligations. That would be a clue the company was having problems and may need to start looking for a new job. If part of a union, the union should be hollering at the top of its lungs to get the pension properly funded or compensated. Unions can look to what happened with United not go too long with an underfunded plan.

Also, with ERISA the pension would be protected. Though, his expectations for his pension will have changed. But, he won't lose it all. The PBGC takeover has procedures that will define how much the pension will be.

If you are more than 5 years from retirement, the 401k should recover and the same with most homes. People need to take an active interest in their own personal financial plans. For those people that were within a few years of retirement, it is not prudent to have the vast majority of retirement in equity positions.
FYI :)
suzi orman says on this crash you will need about 10-20 years to recover, and you must continue to buy in to it weekly/monthly so that you can get in on the low prices before they go up...

if you are within 10 years of retirement, you should have pulled your money out of the market or even should do it now, take the loss and put what money you do have left in to secure things like CD's, you will never be able to recover without continuing your reinvesting in the stock market and you still chance losing it all....

obviously, if you are in retirement, she recommends taking it out of the stock market as well....

if you are in a work 401k, and the company continues to match you at least 50%, and you continue to buy in to the market on it's lows and highs, then you should stay in your 401k up to the company match....but no moreso, save your money elsewhere....
What if Usama Bin Ladens mommy wanted to abort Usama.. should she have??

Absolutely not.

Is capital punishment is ok?

Man this thread is all over the place... ha ha

I personally believe in capital punishment. Now please, don't go off on me using the 'wingnut, bibles, guns, etc'. crap. :)

I believe a person who chooses to take another's life should pay for it with their own life.

I believe that an unborn child (and regardless of whatever definition one may throw out, what is growing inside of a woman is human and it is life) should not be killed because they are deemed an inconvenience, mistake, bad timing, whatever.

I'm not going to get into the whole abortion/death penalty debate on here. There are other threads where I've posted my position on this. Just answering cause you asked.

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