PALIN never owned a passport?

Thanks for pointing mine out, but you ignore Dilloduck's comment which I WAS RESPONDING TO.

Why? Oh wait cause Dillo's not a liberal!

Ding Ding Ding!

If I see BS, I'm going to respond to it. Simple as that.

Ding,Ding, Duh...:eusa_shifty:

Here's Dillo's comment
oh please--my Mother has been to Hong Kong-----trust me--a passport does not an expert on foreign affairs make.
Doesn't that pertain to the thread.....Palin never owned a passport?
Partisan hack
Ding,Ding, Duh...:eusa_shifty:

Here's Dillo's comment
oh please--my Mother has been to Hong Kong-----trust me--a passport does not an expert on foreign affairs make.
Doesn't that pertain to the thread.....Palin never owned a passport?
Partisan hack

She changed the topic from passports to foreign affairs. Or can you not see the words foreign affairs in those bolded letters?

Partisan hack? Jeez you throwing that one out there again?

I'll quote Barack Obama on this one, "And by the way, I've been called worse on the basketball court."
She changed the topic from passports to foreign affairs. Or can you not see the words foreign affairs in those bolded letters?

Partisan hack? Jeez you throwing that one out there again?

I'll quote Barack Obama on this one, "And by the way, I've been called worse on the basketball court."

The original post of the thread was about Palin being more ignorant than GW....Do you think they meant the domestic economy or do you think the thread starter meant foreign affairs? Ding,Ding...Duh...:eusa_whistle:
Quotes in this thread that don't pertain to the thread title in order...

She is more ignorant than Bush.--Kirk
And then you have Grampa who doesn't know how to use a computer.--Kirk
Yes, I am sure she knows as much about foreign affairs as Joe Biden.--Kirk
I think it is a little scary that a man who could be the leader of the free world doesn't even know how to use a computer. There is really no excuse if he wants to stay current with the times. Unless he thinks using a typewriter and telegrams make him a maverick.---Robert

Hmmm..who do you think is doing the distracting here?:eusa_shifty:

So that not only eliminates my comment but Kirk's as well.

This was the OP's original post if you bothered reading:

And she is standing to be one elderly heartbeat away from being President of the US??

You couldn't make it up. Only in america.

Admittedly she couldnt be more ignorant than GW...but surely the fact that she has never been overseas tells us EVERYTHING we need to know about this little nobody?

So that's why Kirk made the ignorant Bush comment, and the foreign affairs comment which is another response to Dillo's comment.

And of course you throw out these "gems"

At least she got hers to visit with troops overseas, not make speeches in Europe for photo ops. - You

For a good chuckle watch some of Obama's foreign policy blunders, among other policy gaffes watch...
YouTube - Barack Obama - Gaffe Mania II - Hero of the Stupid
YouTube - Barack Obama - Gaffe Mania I - Dumber than Dumb

To be honest I believe a lot of gaffes are simply to do with fatigue but they are funny.

As far as computers go, he seems to have made it to this point and by even democratic accounts pretty sucessfully without an extensive computer knowledge.
- You

So the top of your ticket, is a bumbling fool when it comes to foreign policy. But vote for Biden for foreign policy....- You

So if I'm the pot, you must be the kettal then huh?
So that not only eliminates my comment but Kirk's as well.

This was the OP's original post if you bothered reading:

So that's why Kirk made the ignorant Bush comment, and the foreign affairs comment which is another response to Dillo's comment.

And of course you throw out these "gems"

At least she got hers to visit with troops overseas, not make speeches in Europe for photo ops. - You

For a good chuckle watch some of Obama's foreign policy blunders, among other policy gaffes watch...
YouTube - Barack Obama - Gaffe Mania II - Hero of the Stupid
YouTube - Barack Obama - Gaffe Mania I - Dumber than Dumb

To be honest I believe a lot of gaffes are simply to do with fatigue but they are funny.

As far as computers go, he seems to have made it to this point and by even democratic accounts pretty sucessfully without an extensive computer knowledge.
- You

So the top of your ticket, is a bumbling fool when it comes to foreign policy. But vote for Biden for foreign policy....- You

So if I'm the pot, you must be the kettal then huh?

If you notice my comments come and the end of these exchanges right?
Once you and Kirk had derailed the thread...
The original post of the thread was about Palin being more ignorant than GW....Do you think they meant the domestic economy or do you think the thread starter meant foreign affairs? Ding,Ding...Duh...:eusa_whistle:

The OP never pointed out in which fashion that Palin was more ignorant then GW, I assumed overall.

Then the foreign policy comment was focused on.
The OP never pointed out in which fashion that Palin was more ignorant then GW, I assumed overall.

Then the foreign policy comment was focused on.

Ok well if its overall then that would include foreign affairs correct? Can't you just admit to a mistake?
If you notice my comments come and the end of these exchanges right?
Once you and Kirk had derailed the thread...

I didn't derail the thread. I mentioned how it's scary how someone who wants to be a WORLD LEADER (even underlined it for you) doesn't know how to use a computer.

If this topic is about foreign policy, then my comment was right on topic.
I didn't derail the thread. I mentioned how it's scary how someone who wants to be a WORLD LEADER (even underlined it for you) doesn't know how to use a computer.

If this topic is about foreign policy, then my comment was right on topic.

:cuckoo:This was Diuretic's posts...
Why is that when A is discussed, some posters immediately hijack the thread and start discussing Y? And then they begin attacking Y. And then the thread turns into a yukfest about Y.

Nope, it should have been self-evident to anyone who read the thread what made me think of it. But it made me think of how often this particular ploy is used. Now, so as not to be accused of being partisan I substituted names for letters. "A" can mean whatever someone wants it to mean, as can "Y". In other words it's just as invalid a tactic if someone uses Biden instead of A and substitutes Palin instead of B.

Why is that?

Is it a throwback to the playground I wonder?

To which you responded...

This ploy is used by a very good number of people on this board. You'll see it almost everytime there is a "negative" thread about McCain, Palin, or the GOP in general.

How does it have anything to with the Gop, MCcain or Palin "negative" threads?
When Non Gop members (Kirk and yourself) are doing the derailing...:eusa_shifty:
:cuckoo:This was Diuretic's posts...
Why is that when A is discussed, some posters immediately hijack the thread and start discussing Y? And then they begin attacking Y. And then the thread turns into a yukfest about Y.

Nope, it should have been self-evident to anyone who read the thread what made me think of it. But it made me think of how often this particular ploy is used. Now, so as not to be accused of being partisan I substituted names for letters. "A" can mean whatever someone wants it to mean, as can "Y". In other words it's just as invalid a tactic if someone uses Biden instead of A and substitutes Palin instead of B.

Why is that?

Is it a throwback to the playground I wonder?

To which you responded...

This ploy is used by a very good number of people on this board. You'll see it almost everytime there is a "negative" thread about McCain, Palin, or the GOP in general.

How does it have anything to with the Gop, MCcain or Palin "negative" threads?
When Non Gop members (Kirk and yourself) are doing the derailing...:eusa_shifty:

Feel free to ignore the fact that you tried to say I was wrong but I proved you wrong. My comment was right on topic.

Please do note that your off-comment remarks about Obama and that jab about him going to Germany were before what Diuretic said.

So therefore, playing by your rules: You went off-topic first.

Now back on topic: It does seem odd to me that a Governor of any state would be well into their 40's before they get a passport. I wonder how common that is.
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Feel free to ignore the fact that you tried to say I was wrong but I proved you wrong. My comment was right on topic.

That's BS and you know it. As can anyone who reads this thread. Post as much as you like I have proved my point.:lol:
That's BS and you know it. As can anyone who reads this thread. Post as much as you like I have proved my point.:lol:

Well looks like we'll both walk away from this thinking we have won.

Anyway, feel free to respond to my on topic question? I'll repost it for you.

It does seem odd to me that a Governor of any state would be well into their 40's before they get a passport. I wonder how common that is?

For a good chuckle watch some of Obama's foreign policy blunders, among other policy gaffes watch...
YouTube - Barack Obama - Gaffe Mania II - Hero of the Stupid
YouTube - Barack Obama - Gaffe Mania I - Dumber than Dumb

To be honest I believe a lot of gaffes are simply to do with fatigue but they are funny.

As far as computers go, he seems to have made it to this point and by even democratic accounts pretty sucessfully without an extensive computer knowledge.
sheeesh, and John Stewart says you cant make fun of this guy?
well, i guess he's right
this guy is funny all on his own, but he isnt trying to be
This ploy is used by a very good number of people on this board. You'll see it almost everytime there is a "negative" thread about McCain, Palin, or the GOP in general.
the same as you will see it on threads started about Obama/Biden
Well looks like we'll both walk away from this thinking we have won.

Anyway, feel free to respond to my on topic question? I'll repost it for you.

It does seem odd to me that a Governor of any state would be well into their 40's before they get a passport. I wonder how common that is?

Are you going to be just as intellectually dishonest about this as your saying that a ploy is used to distract from negative posts about the Gop, Mccain and Palin?
Are you going to be just as intellectually dishonest about this as your saying that a ploy is used to distract from negative posts about the Gop, Mccain and Palin?

Are you going to be just as close minded and stuck up about this as your trying to call me intellectually dishonest?

A ploy is used at times to distract from negative posts about the GOP, McCain, and Palin.

You yourself drag Obama sometimes into any convo about McCain or Palin. Your the one who dragged Obama into this one too.

Now are you going to stay on-topic or you going to be a fanatic?

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." - Winston Churchill.

Since you quote the man in your signature, perhaps you should listen to his words more closely?

Now can we get back on topic dive and Jreeves or do you want to continue to play the spin flame war game? Cause if so, you can play it with each other.

Do you think it's odd that Sarah Palin as a 40+ year old governor is just getting her passport now? And whether you think so or not, do you think it's common for Governors to wait until their 40's to get one?
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And she is standing to be one elderly heartbeat away from being President of the US??

You couldn't make it up. Only in america.

Admittedly she couldnt be more ignorant than GW...but surely the fact that she has never been overseas tells us EVERYTHING we need to know about this little nobody?

Read the OP post, it's actually a little more in depth then just the title thread.
uh, no, not really

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