Palin nukes PP with the question Which symbol killed 90,000 black babies last year?

Scientists at major universities and government labs have quietly been using fetal tissue for decades. They say it is an invaluable tool for certain types of research, including the study of eye diseases, diabetes and muscular dystrophy.
Are you opposed to organ and tissue donation in all cases, or just for PP?

The fake moral equivalency argument. :thup: A Liberal golden oldie.

Let's there a difference between a legal adult who chooses to donate an organ when they die, or an unborn child who is given zero rights and zero choice....and then has their organs sold off for profit?

I wonder......??? :eusa_shifty:

Abortion is legal. We're talking about tissue donation.

Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

I'm pro-choice, but those videos are horrid. There is no way to spin the callousness of what those doctors said.

Second.....I question how much true informed consent is given by the mothers. I would need to see proof that the harvesting of baby organs is fully explained to the mothers.

You ever see a video of a heart transplant, or listen in on a tape of remarks made in an operating room? For the average person, it looks like medieval torture, and the jokes sound like some sort of Mengele cocktail party. All surgical procedures are disturbing. As far as consent, that is documented the same way that a grieving mother's consent would be documented when she agrees to the transplant of her child's heart when he dies in a car wreck.
helping scientists develop treatments f

The National Institutes of Health spent $76 million on research using fetal tissue in 2014
with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. It expects to spend the same amount in 2015 and 2016.
Group Behind Planned Parenthood Attack Videos Sees Scrutiny From California Attorney General


California Attorney General Kamala Harris will review whether the front group behind the Planned Parenthood attack videos violated any laws in making the deceitful recordings. (The Sacramento Bee / YouTube)

Attorneys: Planned Parenthood Attack Videos Could Threaten Physical Safety of Abortion Providers
In a letter to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, 32 attorneys from across the country asked that her investigation of the anti-choice front group behind the Planned Parenthood attack videos be conducted with the “utmost urgency,”
Exclusive The Faces and Fake Names of People Behind Planned Parenthood Attack Videos
According to a California criminal defense attorney, Michael Kraut, there is some reason to believe that Daleiden and his associates may have violated California and federal law on forgery, credit card fraud, and identity theft.

If Daleiden and his accomplices did in fact provide fake government ID cards, they could have violated California laws that prohibit forgery, fraud, and perjury, said Kraut whose firm, Kraut Law Group, represents defendants in Los Angeles and Orange counties.

It is illegal to forge the state government seal, as well as to obtain state driver’s licenses using false names, said Kraut, who worked as a deputy district attorney in Los Angeles and for the United States Attorney’s Office before starting his own practice. Both crimes can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on a range of circumstances. They are both easy for the prosecution to prove, added Kraut
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The fake moral equivalency argument. :thup: A Liberal golden oldie.

Let's there a difference between a legal adult who chooses to donate an organ when they die, or an unborn child who is given zero rights and zero choice....and then has their organs sold off for profit?

I wonder......??? :eusa_shifty:

Abortion is legal. We're talking about tissue donation.

Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

I'm pro-choice, but those videos are horrid. There is no way to spin the callousness of what those doctors said.

Second.....I question how much true informed consent is given by the mothers. I would need to see proof that the harvesting of baby organs is fully explained to the mothers.

You ever see a video of a heart transplant, or listen in on a tape of remarks made in an operating room? For the average person, it looks like medieval torture, and the jokes sound like some sort of Mengele cocktail party. All surgical procedures are disturbing. As far as consent, that is documented the same way that a grieving mother's consent would be documented when she agrees to the transplant of her child's heart when he dies in a car wreck.

I worked in an ER for years. I have seen shit you've never dreamed of. The majority of clinicians I have worked with think abortion is barbaric.

I am pro-choice, but those videos disgusted me. I note you and your pals are neatly avoiding both the tone and content of what the Planned Parenthood doctors said. That is the issue. You are also avoiding the negative ramifications for the Democrat Party.

It's okay you avoid those issues. It is completely expected. :D But it does not change a damn thing. Those doctors' words will live forever...and the abortion debate has now changed forever. Period.
Abortion is legal. We're talking about tissue donation.

Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

I'm pro-choice, but those videos are horrid. There is no way to spin the callousness of what those doctors said.

Second.....I question how much true informed consent is given by the mothers. I would need to see proof that the harvesting of baby organs is fully explained to the mothers.

You ever see a video of a heart transplant, or listen in on a tape of remarks made in an operating room? For the average person, it looks like medieval torture, and the jokes sound like some sort of Mengele cocktail party. All surgical procedures are disturbing. As far as consent, that is documented the same way that a grieving mother's consent would be documented when she agrees to the transplant of her child's heart when he dies in a car wreck.

I worked in an ER for years. I have seen shit you've never dreamed of. The majority of clinicians I have worked with think abortion is barbaric.

I am pro-choice, but those videos disgusted me. I note you and your pals are neatly avoiding both the tone and content of what the Planned Parenthood doctors said. That is the issue. You are also avoiding the negative ramifications for the Democrat Party.

It's okay you avoid those issues. It is completely expected. :D But it does not change a damn thing. Those doctors' words will live forever...and the abortion debate has now changed forever. Period.

Thanks for the funny. Your complete surrender is duly noted. :)
The fanatical anti abortionist pro forced birthers do not want the fetus to die in the womb...they prefer the fetus be born then die from lack of food housing and medical care...that proves how much more humane they are than anyone else...once that fetus is born they do a "Pontius Pilate" they bring out a basin of water and wash their hands off the NOW God forsaken baby
Abortion is legal. We're talking about tissue donation.

Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

I'm pro-choice, but those videos are horrid. There is no way to spin the callousness of what those doctors said.

Second.....I question how much true informed consent is given by the mothers. I would need to see proof that the harvesting of baby organs is fully explained to the mothers.

You ever see a video of a heart transplant, or listen in on a tape of remarks made in an operating room? For the average person, it looks like medieval torture, and the jokes sound like some sort of Mengele cocktail party. All surgical procedures are disturbing. As far as consent, that is documented the same way that a grieving mother's consent would be documented when she agrees to the transplant of her child's heart when he dies in a car wreck.

I worked in an ER for years. I have seen shit you've never dreamed of. The majority of clinicians I have worked with think abortion is barbaric.

I am pro-choice, but those videos disgusted me. I note you and your pals are neatly avoiding both the tone and content of what the Planned Parenthood doctors said. That is the issue. You are also avoiding the negative ramifications for the Democrat Party.

It's okay you avoid those issues. It is completely expected. :D But it does not change a damn thing. Those doctors' words will live forever...and the abortion debate has now changed forever. Period.

Nope. Nothing is changed. You will still use every misdirection technique you can think of to argue that you don't like what was made legal decades ago. Same old same old.
Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

I'm pro-choice, but those videos are horrid. There is no way to spin the callousness of what those doctors said.

Second.....I question how much true informed consent is given by the mothers. I would need to see proof that the harvesting of baby organs is fully explained to the mothers.

You ever see a video of a heart transplant, or listen in on a tape of remarks made in an operating room? For the average person, it looks like medieval torture, and the jokes sound like some sort of Mengele cocktail party. All surgical procedures are disturbing. As far as consent, that is documented the same way that a grieving mother's consent would be documented when she agrees to the transplant of her child's heart when he dies in a car wreck.

I worked in an ER for years. I have seen shit you've never dreamed of. The majority of clinicians I have worked with think abortion is barbaric.

I am pro-choice, but those videos disgusted me. I note you and your pals are neatly avoiding both the tone and content of what the Planned Parenthood doctors said. That is the issue. You are also avoiding the negative ramifications for the Democrat Party.

It's okay you avoid those issues. It is completely expected. :D But it does not change a damn thing. Those doctors' words will live forever...and the abortion debate has now changed forever. Period.

Thanks for the funny. Your complete surrender is duly noted. :)

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

I'm pro-choice, but those videos are horrid. There is no way to spin the callousness of what those doctors said.

Second.....I question how much true informed consent is given by the mothers. I would need to see proof that the harvesting of baby organs is fully explained to the mothers.

You ever see a video of a heart transplant, or listen in on a tape of remarks made in an operating room? For the average person, it looks like medieval torture, and the jokes sound like some sort of Mengele cocktail party. All surgical procedures are disturbing. As far as consent, that is documented the same way that a grieving mother's consent would be documented when she agrees to the transplant of her child's heart when he dies in a car wreck.

I worked in an ER for years. I have seen shit you've never dreamed of. The majority of clinicians I have worked with think abortion is barbaric.

I am pro-choice, but those videos disgusted me. I note you and your pals are neatly avoiding both the tone and content of what the Planned Parenthood doctors said. That is the issue. You are also avoiding the negative ramifications for the Democrat Party.

It's okay you avoid those issues. It is completely expected. :D But it does not change a damn thing. Those doctors' words will live forever...and the abortion debate has now changed forever. Period.

Thanks for the funny. Your complete surrender is duly noted. :)



Abortion is legal. We're talking about tissue donation.

Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

It's the left who have not taught the history of the founders of planned parenthood and their agenda.

You want to take choice away from black women because you think that will make their lives better?

Who said that?
I didn't.
Stop reading into things that are not said.
Wanting all women well informed is not stopping abortions.
you mean "laying a rw SOCON guilt trip on them"? :rolleyes-41:
Your false moral equivalency was what I was talking about. Comparing an adult making an informed decision about organ donation versus an unborn child who has zero rights and zero choice.

Being willfully obtuse is not a virtue. Try again. :(

Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

It's the left who have not taught the history of the founders of planned parenthood and their agenda.

You want to take choice away from black women because you think that will make their lives better?

Who said that?
I didn't.
Stop reading into things that are not said.
Wanting all women well informed is not stopping abortions.
you mean "laying a rw SOCON guilt trip on them"? :rolleyes-41:

Facts are your friend.
Especially history.
Obviously, your issue is that you want to ban abortion. Sorry, but that question has already been answered, and it is a perfectly legal procedure. Back to the subject at hand. The woman having the legal procedure done is who voluntarily donates the tissue. You have every right to oppose abortion if that is what you choose, but misrepresenting the donation of tissue that has a direct impact on advancing medicine is just disgusting. Has the right completely forgotten what honesty is?

It's the left who have not taught the history of the founders of planned parenthood and their agenda.

You want to take choice away from black women because you think that will make their lives better?

Who said that?
I didn't.
Stop reading into things that are not said.
Wanting all women well informed is not stopping abortions.
you mean "laying a rw SOCON guilt trip on them"? :rolleyes-41:

Facts are your friend.
Especially history.
You didn't answer my question. You want to guilt them into having a child that they cannot afford to care for or some other reason

So did this symbol kill 90,000 black babies last year?

I bet abortion killed a hell of a lot more than 90,000 black babies last year. Palin still can't get her facts straight.
Silly Sarah. She just sees people. She isn't sophisticated enough to see races like you people do.
Did she or did she not say BLACK babies?

At least she knows the history of planned parenthood and the true agenda by Margaret Sanger.

You're referring to the RWnut's mythological agenda of Sanger.
It's the left who have not taught the history of the founders of planned parenthood and their agenda.

You want to take choice away from black women because you think that will make their lives better?

Who said that?
I didn't.
Stop reading into things that are not said.
Wanting all women well informed is not stopping abortions.
you mean "laying a rw SOCON guilt trip on them"? :rolleyes-41:

Facts are your friend.
Especially history.
You didn't answer my question. You want to guilt them into having a child that they cannot afford to care for or some other reason


No I want them fully informed and not lied to about it.
Especially to young women and low income women.
Then if they still want an abortion fine just not paid for by tax dollars.
Like I have said many times here on this board I don't want to go back to the butchers of back room abortions.
So did this symbol kill 90,000 black babies last year?

I bet abortion killed a hell of a lot more than 90,000 black babies last year. Palin still can't get her facts straight.
Silly Sarah. She just sees people. She isn't sophisticated enough to see races like you people do.
Did she or did she not say BLACK babies?

At least she knows the history of planned parenthood and the true agenda by Margaret Sanger.

You're referring to the RWnut's mythological agenda of Sanger.
So Margaret Sanger didn't start Planned Parenthood and open clinics in negro neighborhoods as a means to cut down on the reproductive rate of negroes?
So did this symbol kill 90,000 black babies last year?

I bet abortion killed a hell of a lot more than 90,000 black babies last year. Palin still can't get her facts straight.
Silly Sarah. She just sees people. She isn't sophisticated enough to see races like you people do.
Did she or did she not say BLACK babies?

At least she knows the history of planned parenthood and the true agenda by Margaret Sanger.

You're referring to the RWnut's mythological agenda of Sanger.

Not a myth it's well documented and was actually taught in our schools till the lefty activists got it removed.

While Planned Parenthood's current apologists try to place some distance between the eugenics and birth control movements, history definitively says otherwise. The eugenic theme figured prominently in the Birth Control Review, which Sanger founded in 1917. She published such articles as "Some Moral Aspects of Eugenics" (June 1920), "The Eugenic Conscience" (February 1921), "The purpose of Eugenics" (December 1924), "Birth Control and Positive Eugenics" (July 1925), "Birth Control: The True Eugenics" (August 1928), and many others.

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