Palin on Ukraine: I told you so

Something very worrying from a post above:

"So here you have the president of the United States telling the president of Russia (paraphrasing): "Hang loose, Dmitry! Sit tight out there. Once I get past this election, I'm gonna have a lot more flexibility." What he means is: "Nobody can stop me. I don't have another election, so I don't have to worry about popularity, and I don't have to worry about doing things the American people won't like. I'll be free and clear do whatever I want to do, Dmitry............"

I underscored the troubling part.

Now it's proven that Obama lies. "If you like your........", etc., etc., ad nauseam....

See it? He says He doesn't have another election. But what does He mean? Does he mean He's not entitled to run again? And if so, given His propensities, how could He not be lying? But does He mean nobody will ever get to vote against Him again because there will be no more elections?

Until proven otherwise I'll just go with the leopard not having changed the spots.
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Palin on Ukraine: I told you so ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

So which one is better?

A leftist who weakens America but is well read?

Or a genuine American whose instincts are spot on and whose heart bleeds Red White & Blue?

I'll take the latter every day of the week and twice on Sundays!

Sarah Palin can smile all the way to the bank.

Good for her.

Fuck her critics.


And what is Palin claiming we should be doing that we're not doing? Be specific.

Too late now.

She gave the warning in 2008 when something COULD have been done. Like, voting GOP and sending a strong message to Putin to not get any ideas.

Yeah like what?
I don't want Palin to be President, but I sure do love the way she drives Lefties to slobbering fits!!

And she's definitely not a, "dumb broad".

These are "stupid broads:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Sheila Jackson Lee
Maxine Waters
Nancy Pelosi
Fredrica Wilson
Meanwhile Kimberly-Clark stock zooms as liberals adult guardians rush out to buy paper napkins in a vain effort to control the foam.
I've never been a Palin fan, but I have to give her credit on this one

and now russia is getting a foothold in central america


Nahh. . . . If that happens, she'll make the perfect fascist candidate. I think America is just about ready for Fascism.

[ame=]Iron Sky: Presidental campaign - Nazi style HD - YouTube[/ame]
Are we talking about Palin or Hillary? What the hell does Benghazi have to do with Palin?

I said it's OK that you don't remember Behghazi!

Really, it's OK.

Tell me if Benghazi is the scandal you say it is, why is it that ONLY republicans and Fox News still talk about it?

Failing memory is nothing of which to be ashamed though below about 60 it might be something of which to be concerned.....
Obama is dangerous, Palin is an idiot.

Nuff said.

"After the Russian army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obama's reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence – the kind of response that would only encourage Russia's Putin to invade Ukraine next," she said in Reno, Nevada on October 21, 2008.

She knew THIS before it happened.

She could see the seeds of it forming way back then.

That's not idiotic.

That's prescience.
Are we talking about Palin or Hillary? What the hell does Benghazi have to do with Palin?

I said it's OK that you don't remember Behghazi!

Really, it's OK.

Tell me if Benghazi is the scandal you say it is, why is it that ONLY republicans and Fox News still talk about it?

God Damn, Billy!

WTF do you use for sensory input?

Your ass?

You can't use your eyes or ears because we have been telling you this shit all along.

The main stream media is no longer practicing objective journalism.

They have become an arm of the Democrat Party.

They will not report anything unflattering to Obama or not in line with his agenda unless it is too huge to ignore.

Fox News and the RW talk radio and online conservative sources keep us informed so that we can bring pressure to bear on the MSM and the administration to acknowledge what we are seeing and reporting.

Things the Obama regime and their corrupted media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT and etc.) would rather you stay ignorant of.

When you start watching FNC and listening to Rush and Levin and Beck and reading Sowell and Malkin and Lowry and watching Krauthammer then you will stop being the last to know these things.

Your current info sources are failing you.

If you had a business and you relied on your current info sources to keep you abreast of significant happenings in the USA and the World in order to run your business you'd go broke by being kept in the dark by those you seem to trust.

They are not trustworthy to anyone who values a strong Republic.
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Look at the dope:

[ame=]Sarah Palin - You Can See Russia From Alaska - YouTube[/ame]

And she doubles down!!

[ame=]Palin On Foreign Policy - YouTube[/ame]
I said it's OK that you don't remember Behghazi!

Really, it's OK.

Tell me if Benghazi is the scandal you say it is, why is it that ONLY republicans and Fox News still talk about it?

God Damn, Billy!

WTF do you use for sensory input?

Your ass?

You can't use your eyes or ears because we have been telling you this shit all along.

The main stream media is no longer practicing objective journalism.

They have become an arm of the Democrat Party.

They will not report anything unflattering to Obama or not in line with his agenda unless it is too huge to ignore.

Fox News and the RW talk radio and online conservative sources keep us informed so that we can bring pressure to bear on the MSM and the administration to acknowledge what we are seeing and reporting.

Things the Obama regime and their corrupted media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NYT and etc.) would rather you stay ignorant of.

When you start watching FNC and listening to Rush and Levin and Beck and reading Sowell and Malkin and Lowry and watching Krauthammer then you will stop being the last to know these things.

Your current info sources are failing you.

If you had a business and you relied on your current info sources to keep you abreast of significant happenings in the USA and the World in order to run your business you'd go broke by being kept in the dark by those you seem to trust.

They are not trustworthy to anyone who values a strong Republic.

Every major news network covered what happened in Benghazi. Plenty of coverage.

Are you so dense to not even consider that Fox just has an agenda? Why in god's name is that so hard to believe? Do you really trust Fox that much?

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