Palin to tea partiers: "You’re going to have to choose between the parties"

For the Republican party I do not think that is if they are conservative enough or not. The real question are the fascist or not. And I do not mean fascist as some below the belt snide comment, but as the true definition of supporting corporations to be in charge of the government and the day to day activities of citizens.
I guess Sarah Palin is not really a conservative either?

In a corporatist/statist world where McCain, the Bushes, and Rudy Giuliani are labeled as conservative, sure she is. More of the same, just in a folksy 'I can clean a fish or shoot a moose' nice rack and legs package.
I thought Palin was stewpit and irrelevant or even more irrelevant-er than she was when she was Gov and VP and mopping the floor with Biden during the debates

Can you Libs pick a story and stick to it?
Palin is merely stating an incontrovertible political fact: a third party will only split the real American vote and allow the Dems to win by default.

The Tea Party will act locally to push the R's back to Conservatism.
I guess Sarah Palin is not really a conservative either?

Sometimes she talks like a conservative, however I suspect she's just a McCain-like big government progressive in conservative clothing. Unlike the rabid left I have nothing against her, she seems like a decent person but then again I wouldn't vote for her if she ran for national office, she has no credentials to prove her convictions and lacks the experience one expects from someone at the national level.

Ohh I like her as a person I would think. But unqualified to be president.
And she is such a darn good source of entertainment. Well her and her followers.

I not a Palin supporter, but I think her admitted lack of knowledge on certain subjects appeals to many. People are growing tired of politicians who play the expert at everything. With that said IMO she is in no way ready to run for POTUS.
Palin is merely stating an incontrovertible political fact: a third party will only split the real American vote and allow the Dems to win by default.

The Tea Party will act locally to push the R's back to Conservatism.

naah won't happen, your faith is misplaced.
The Tea Party is slowly but surely being taken over by the same ones who defended Bush,Cheney,McCain and others, you want a legitimate grass roots movement, check out Tea Party Patriots.....
Tea Party Patriots

The Tea Party Express is a fraud,imho and has tainted the movement.
Hot Air Blog Archive Palin to tea partiers: You’re going to have to choose between the parties

It’s in her interest to say this, of course, if she wants any shot at the GOP nomination, and it’s bound to irritate tea-party indies who bristle at her attempts to “hijack” the movement for Republicans.

But if, like me, you’re first and foremost interested in knocking the Democrats out of power, this is pure gold.

Asked what her advice would be to conservatives as the November elections approach, Palin first lavished praise on the Tea Party movement, calling it “a grand movement” and adding, “I love it because it’s all about the people.”

But she quickly pivoted to the broader question of whether the Tea Party movement might successfully field its own candidates in national elections, and on that point she sounded far from convinced.

“Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party,” Palin said. “Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.”

The Neocons are squirming in their seat and trying to bargain with the Tea Parties after this:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Who are the Tea Party activists - Blogs from

"If the Tea Party runs its own candidates for U.S. House, virtually every vote the Tea Party candidate gets would be siphoned from the GOP candidate, potentially allowing the Democrats to win in districts that they might have otherwise lost," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "While the concept of an independent third party is extremely popular, most Americans, including most Tea Party supporters, don't favor a third party that would result in a winner who disagrees with them on most major issues."

According to the survey, most Tea Party activists describe themselves as Independents.

"But that's slightly misleading, because 87 percent say they would vote for the GOP candidate in their congressional district if there were no third-party candidate endorsed by the Tea Party," says Holland

Independents my ass.

Oh, the amount of comedy gold from this is too good. :lol:
You still aern't paying attention.

She is NOT the spokesperson for the movement, NOBODY IS, if they claim they are they are lying.
I think someone should explain to Palin that the Magic Eight-ball doesn't actually work.
Hot Air Blog Archive Palin to tea partiers: You’re going to have to choose between the parties

It’s in her interest to say this, of course, if she wants any shot at the GOP nomination, and it’s bound to irritate tea-party indies who bristle at her attempts to “hijack” the movement for Republicans.

But if, like me, you’re first and foremost interested in knocking the Democrats out of power, this is pure gold.

The Neocons are squirming in their seat and trying to bargain with the Tea Parties after this:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Who are the Tea Party activists - Blogs from

According to the survey, most Tea Party activists describe themselves as Independents.

"But that's slightly misleading, because 87 percent say they would vote for the GOP candidate in their congressional district if there were no third-party candidate endorsed by the Tea Party," says Holland

Independents my ass.

Oh, the amount of comedy gold from this is too good. :lol:
You still aern't paying attention.

She is NOT the spokesperson for the movement, NOBODY IS, if they claim they are they are lying.

I already knew Beck was lying.
Hot Air Blog Archive Palin to tea partiers: You’re going to have to choose between the parties

It’s in her interest to say this, of course, if she wants any shot at the GOP nomination, and it’s bound to irritate tea-party indies who bristle at her attempts to “hijack” the movement for Republicans.

But if, like me, you’re first and foremost interested in knocking the Democrats out of power, this is pure gold.

Asked what her advice would be to conservatives as the November elections approach, Palin first lavished praise on the Tea Party movement, calling it “a grand movement” and adding, “I love it because it’s all about the people.”

But she quickly pivoted to the broader question of whether the Tea Party movement might successfully field its own candidates in national elections, and on that point she sounded far from convinced.

“Now the smart thing will be for independents who are such a part of this Tea Party movement to, I guess, kind of start picking a party,” Palin said. “Which party reflects how that smaller, smarter government steps to be taken? Which party will best fit you? And then because the Tea Party movement is not a party, and we have a two-party system, they’re going to have to pick a party and run one or the other: ‘R’ or ‘D’.”

The Neocons are squirming in their seat and trying to bargain with the Tea Parties after this:

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: Who are the Tea Party activists - Blogs from

"If the Tea Party runs its own candidates for U.S. House, virtually every vote the Tea Party candidate gets would be siphoned from the GOP candidate, potentially allowing the Democrats to win in districts that they might have otherwise lost," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "While the concept of an independent third party is extremely popular, most Americans, including most Tea Party supporters, don't favor a third party that would result in a winner who disagrees with them on most major issues."

According to the survey, most Tea Party activists describe themselves as Independents.

"But that's slightly misleading, because 87 percent say they would vote for the GOP candidate in their congressional district if there were no third-party candidate endorsed by the Tea Party," says Holland

Independents my ass.

Oh, the amount of comedy gold from this is too good. :lol:

It should be fun to see the campaign ads against the GOP with pictures of the signs found at almost every Tea Bagger event....

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