Palin Vs Corzine/Daggett

Political power indeed.

Palin has helped secure what will possibly be a comfortable Hoffman lead - and now is assisting in the New Jersey race as well by bringing light to the allegations against the New Jersey Democrat Party attempting to promote the 3rd candidate at the expense fo Christie. Corzine spends tens of millions and Palin simply releases a Facebook blog that goes out to millions.

Let's see who wins the day...
This thread is way over my head.

Why does everyone either have a hard on for or their panties in a bunch over Sara Palin?:eusa_whistle:

Seems like a lot of secret palin crushes on both sides here to me.
This thread is way over my head.

Why does everyone either have a hard on for or their panties in a bunch over Sara Palin?:eusa_whistle:

Seems like a lot of secret palin crushes on both sides here to me.

She is at the moment, the most fascinating political figure in America - and among the most influential...
Latest RCP polling data shows Christie with the essential momentum heading into the final day of the campaign. I predict a considerable portion of pre-election Dagget supporters will move for Christie tomorrow. We could see a Republican sweep in tomorrow's 3 big political races - a remarkable event given the Republicans were seen as DOA just months ago...

NJ Gov Poll: Christie With The Late Mo'

Posted by Mike Memoli | Email This | Permalink | Email Author

Quinnipiac's final poll in New Jersey (1,533 LVs, 10-27-11/1, +/- 2.5%) shows a significant late swing toward Republican Chris Christie, giving us a trend showing movement against the incumbent.

General Election Matchup
Christie 42 (+4 from last poll, 10/20-26)
Corzine 40 (-3)
Daggett 12 (-1)
Undecided 6 (+1)

Christie's support seems to be most committed at this point, with 90 percent of his supporters saying their mind is made up. Nearly four in 10 of Daggett's supporters could still change their mind; Corzine is the second-choice candidate of 39 percent, with Christie at 29 percent.

NJ Gov Poll: Christie With The Late Mo' - Real Clear Politics –
Gingrich states how dissapointed he now is in former Republican candidate turned Democrat supporter
Scozzafava. It appears he is working overtime the last few days to not be caught on the wrong side of history...

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had the same concern, and that's why he endorsed Scozzafava early in the race. As other Republicans threw their support behind Hoffman's momentum, Gingrich argued that the party needed to be more inclusive of moderates if it had a hope of retaking the majority.

He told The Associated Press he was disappointed, and "deeply upset" that Scozzafava endorsed Owens.

"How could she have accepted all that support?" he said, adding later: "I'm very, very let down because she told everybody she was a Republican, and she said she was a loyal Republican."

Gingrich now backs Hoffman

Biden stumps for Dem in hotly contested race - More politics-
This thread is way over my head.

Why does everyone either have a hard on for or their panties in a bunch over Sara Palin?:eusa_whistle:

Seems like a lot of secret palin crushes on both sides here to me.

She is at the moment, the most fascinating political figure in America - and among the most influential...

If you ever needed a better measure of the intellectual bankruptcy of the right, there it is...
Gingrich states how dissapointed he now is in former Republican candidate turned Democrat supporter
Scozzafava. It appears he is working overtime the last few days to not be caught on the wrong side of history...

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich had the same concern, and that's why he endorsed Scozzafava early in the race. As other Republicans threw their support behind Hoffman's momentum, Gingrich argued that the party needed to be more inclusive of moderates if it had a hope of retaking the majority.

He told The Associated Press he was disappointed, and "deeply upset" that Scozzafava endorsed Owens.

"How could she have accepted all that support?" he said, adding later: "I'm very, very let down because she told everybody she was a Republican, and she said she was a loyal Republican."

Gingrich now backs Hoffman

Biden stumps for Dem in hotly contested race - More politics-

What makes her any less loyal a Republican than Hoffman?
Palin gives a smack down to Joe Biden over energy policy, and the NY23 race, which as Biden campaigning personally for the Democrat...


Response to Vice President Biden's Comments Today About My Position On Energy Independence
Today at 10:12am

As the vice president knows, I have always advocated an all-of-the-above approach to American energy independence. Among other things, my alternative energy goal for Alaska sits at 50 percent because Alaska reached more than 20 percent during my term in office. The Obama-Biden administration, on the other hand, recently announced a renewable goal of only 25 percent. However, domestic drilling should remain a top priority in order to meet America’s consumption and security needs.

The vice president’s extreme opposition to domestic energy development goes all the way back to 1973 when he opposed the Alaska pipeline bill. As Ann Coulter pointed out, “Biden cast one of only five votes against the pipeline that has produced more than 15 billion barrels of oil, supplied nearly 20 percent of this nation’s oil, created tens of thousands of jobs, added hundreds of billions of dollars to the U.S. economy and reduced money transfers to the nation’s enemies by about the same amount.”

This nonsensical opposition to American domestic energy development continues to this day. Apparently the Obama-Biden administration only approves of offshore drilling in Brazil, where it will provide security and jobs for Brazilians. This election is about American security and American jobs.

There’s one way to tell Vice President Biden that we’re tired of folks in Washington distorting our message and hampering our nation’s progress: Hoffman, Baby, Hoffman!

- Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: Response to Vice President Biden's Comments Today About My Position On Energy Independence | Facebook
Why would Dagget make a false claim? He is a politician you know. It's what they do. It's equally possible that some one claiming to be Palin tried to pull a fast one on him.

It was the fact that Palin supported Christie over Corzine. Considering Palin was about the "candidate" and not the party, I'm surprised she supported Christie. He's not much of an actual Conservative in the first place.

Sometimes to have to take the best of the two. There is no politician that I have ever voted for that I agreed with 100% of their policies. Christie is the best choice for NJ right now. Corzine has been running out citizens & business in wagon trains with the high taxes & deficits he's running.

A vote for Dagget is a sure win for Corzine. He's so far behind that there is no possible way he's going to win.

So it's up to New Jerseyan's to buck up here--no matter how blue of a state they are--they need to get a clue that big spending & big taxes are hurting them.
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What does Palin know about dropping out??

But, come to think of it...
Palin's latest on the need to get out and vote...


It’s Imperative That We Exercise Our Right To Vote Today

Today at 8:34am

“...the right which woman needed above every other, the one indeed which would secure to her all the others, was the right of suffrage.”

Susan B. Anthony used those words to describe the cause she spent her life fighting for: the right of an American woman to cast a ballot for the candidate of her choice. Because of Susan B. Anthony’s tireless efforts and the courage and dedication of countless others, millions of American women will head to the polls today to exercise their right to vote.

When we consider the sacrifices made to give us this right, there is simply no excuse not to vote.

Today, the eyes of the nation are drawn in particular to the three big elections occurring on the east coast. New Jersey and Virginia will be electing new governors, and the 23rd Congressional District of New York will be sending a new representative to Washington D.C. The choices are clear in all three races.

In New York’s 23rd Congressional District race, Doug Hoffman represents the return of the ordinary citizen-politician who is dedicated to bringing fiscal sanity back to Washington, D.C. Doug’s message of cutting spending, lowering taxes, and ending the outrageous growth in the size and scope of the federal government has resonated throughout his district and the country. Voting for Doug Hoffman will send an important message to the powers that be: no more politics as usual.

The governor’s race in New Jersey is a referendum on the failed fiscal policies of the state’s current governor. New Jersey suffers under the highest tax burden in the nation – a burden which has caused many New Jerseyans to leave their home state for better economic prospects elsewhere. Chris Christie is dedicated to ending the reckless spending, the tax hikes, and the corruption that has plagued New Jersey for far too long. A vote for Chris Christie as the next governor of New Jersey will help to lead this great state – “The Crossroads of the Revolution” – back to prosperity.

In Virginia, Bob McDonnell’s commitment to lower taxes and fiscal responsibility make him the common sense choice in the governor’s race. If Bob’s honorable military service and track record as Virginia’s Attorney General are any indications of how he will handle the governorship, then it is safe to say that Virginians have an easy choice to make today.

Candidates like Doug Hoffman, Chris Christie, and Bob McDonnell represent common sense answers to the troubling economic questions facing our nation. They are a vote for fiscal sanity and for leaving our children an American future as bright and as promising as the one our parents left for us.

Please take time today to exercise the right that so many people fought to secure for us. In considering these east coast races, it occurred to me that Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and so many of the women who fought to give future generations the right to vote hailed from these states.

Vote today in honor of our past and with hope for our future.

- Sarah Palin
Why should we listen to Palins urges to vote when she is endorsing states to secede from the United States?

Sounds like an anti-American bitch to me
Why should we listen to Palins urges to vote when she is endorsing states to secede from the United States?

Sounds like an anti-American bitch to me

Don't devolve...

Tonight's elections appear to be shaping up as a victory for Conservatives.

Palin deserves some measure of accomplishment for that.

What that accomplishment will lead to, if anything, remains to be seen.
Why should we listen to Palins urges to vote when she is endorsing states to secede from the United States?

Sounds like an anti-American bitch to me

Don't devolve...

Tonight's elections appear to be shaping up as a victory for Conservatives.

Palin deserves some measure of accomplishment for that.

What that accomplishment will lead to, if anything, remains to be seen.

I don't know if this Conservative bullying bodes well for the republicans. If it carries over to 2010 it could lead to a major beatdown of the republicans as they forfeit moderate seats. The northeast wants moderate republicans, if the Conservatives beat down moderates at the primaries they will contract into the South and bible belt.

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