Pam Bondi is absolutely dismantling Hunter/Burisma right now

Wait a cotton picking minute!

Is that new evidence being presented? Republicans say you can’t have Bolton testify because you can only present evidence that was shown in the House impeachment

Per the Federal Rules of Evidence, rebuttal evidence is not required to be disclosed in advance. That's the danger of "opening the door" as they say. FYI.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?

The phone call of course.

Again, I don't know what it has to do with Trump's actions. Two separate issues are being conflated. I find it rather funny that we are talking about an issue that was investigated in which it was found Joe Biden did not do anything wrong but those who support trump are flailing their arms around and jumping up and down over Hunter receiving preferential treatment during the time his father was vice president and yet they remain silent when Trump's children (plural) are raking in cash, hands over fist due to their relationship with the President OR how the President has used tax payer funds to have those in the gov't stay at his personal properties.

Do you see how this claim against Hunter Biden falls flat.............

You need to reopen your mind, the Biden's have not been investigated. No matter Kat, your response shows you are hopelessly Left. You buy every lie the Media feeds you, you believe everything Schiff and Nadler say and none of what your own common sense would tell you.

How do you feel about this......

View attachment 302921
the real picture

View attachment 302923
I’m seeing a pic of two pieces of shit this country doesn’t need.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?

The phone call of course.

Again, I don't know what it has to do with Trump's actions. Two separate issues are being conflated. I find it rather funny that we are talking about an issue that was investigated in which it was found Joe Biden did not do anything wrong but those who support trump are flailing their arms around and jumping up and down over Hunter receiving preferential treatment during the time his father was vice president and yet they remain silent when Trump's children (plural) are raking in cash, hands over fist due to their relationship with the President OR how the President has used tax payer funds to have those in the gov't stay at his personal properties.

Do you see how this claim against Hunter Biden falls flat.............

You need to reopen your mind, the Biden's have not been investigated. No matter Kat, your response shows you are hopelessly Left. You buy every lie the Media feeds you, you believe everything Schiff and Nadler say and none of what your own common sense would tell you.

How do you feel about this......

View attachment 302921
the real picture

View attachment 302923
I’m seeing a pic of two pieces of shit this country doesn’t need.

because you do not like Schiff you are going to bash his dad...that is pretty fucked up.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

She highlights how the blob didn’t care about the “corruption” until Joe Biden ran for President.

Big mistake by the blob stooge
The phone call of course.

Again, I don't know what it has to do with Trump's actions. Two separate issues are being conflated. I find it rather funny that we are talking about an issue that was investigated in which it was found Joe Biden did not do anything wrong but those who support trump are flailing their arms around and jumping up and down over Hunter receiving preferential treatment during the time his father was vice president and yet they remain silent when Trump's children (plural) are raking in cash, hands over fist due to their relationship with the President OR how the President has used tax payer funds to have those in the gov't stay at his personal properties.

Do you see how this claim against Hunter Biden falls flat.............

You need to reopen your mind, the Biden's have not been investigated. No matter Kat, your response shows you are hopelessly Left. You buy every lie the Media feeds you, you believe everything Schiff and Nadler say and none of what your own common sense would tell you.

How do you feel about this......

View attachment 302921
the real picture

View attachment 302923
I’m seeing a pic of two pieces of shit this country doesn’t need.

because you do not like Schiff you are going to bash his dad...that is pretty fucked up.
I’m glad you understand.
Absent in her presentation was any evidence that Hunter Biden had any effect on any US policy.
You need to reopen your mind, the Biden's have not been investigated. No matter Kat, your response shows you are hopelessly Left. You buy every lie the Media feeds you, you believe everything Schiff and Nadler say and none of what your own common sense would tell you.

How do you feel about this......

View attachment 302921
the real picture

View attachment 302923
I’m seeing a pic of two pieces of shit this country doesn’t need.

because you do not like Schiff you are going to bash his dad...that is pretty fucked up.
I’m glad you understand.

I do are a fucked up person. that is not a hard one to grasp
I’m good with whatever you choose to believe. I always have been. :)
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Here are four key facts Bondi omitted:
Shokin’s former deputy, Vitaliy Kasko, said the investigation into Burisma and company owner Mykola Zlochevsky was inactive at the time of Joe Biden’s pressure in late 2015 and early 2016. A leading Ukrainian anti-corruption activist said the same.
"Shokin was not investigating. He didn't want to investigate Burisma," Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of Ukraine's Anti-Corruption Action Center, told the Washington Post for a July article. "And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation."
2. Shokin was widely seen — by Ukrainian activists, US diplomats, European governments and the International Monetary Fund — as ineffective or corrupt. In a speech in 2015, Geoffrey Pyatt, then the US ambassador to Ukraine, castigated Shokin’s office for impeding the investigation of Burisma’s owner Zlochevsky. Pyatt called for people in Shokin’s office to be fired, “at minimum.”
“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the prosecutor general’s office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said.
3. Biden was acting in accordance with official US policy. Because of Shokin’s reputation, the US and its allies believed that removing him would increase, not decrease, the chances of people like Zlochevsky being pursued.
"What former Vice President Biden requested of former president of Ukraine, (Petro) Poroshenko, was the removal of a corrupt prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,” George Kent, deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, testified in the impeachment inquiry. Kent went on to say Shokin had “undermined” a US-funded program to try to investigate corrupt Ukrainian prosecutors.
4. Some Republican senators had also demanded changes to the prosecutor general’s office Shokin led.
In a bipartisan 2016 letter, Republican senators Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson joined Democratic colleagues in calling on then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to "press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary."

Trump impeachment trial: Live updates and latest news - CNNPolitics

She's doing nothing but stroking tRump.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
The dems are charging that Trump held US aid from the Ukraine because he wanted them to widen their investigation into the company that employed Hunter Biden and Joe's actions regarding that Ukrainian investigation into Burisma and also to look into 2016 election meddling...

You stole my signature
I’m sorry. I was really expecting more. That was just a rehash of the same story we’ve been hearing for 6 months.

To summarize:
Burisma bad
Hunter Biden took a job with them anyway
Joe Biden wanted Shokin fired
Shokin claims he was investigating Burisma

She claims we aren’t getting the full story but she forgot a few details:
Shokin was widely regarded as corrupt
Investigations into Burisma were inactive or used to shake down the company for bribes
No one in the State Dept claims anyone at Burisma
attempted to influence them
The policy makers at the Ukrainian embassy wanted Shokin removed and took their concern to Biden, not the other way around.

There was nothing new and nothing incriminating.
I’m sorry. I was really expecting more. That was just a rehash of the same story we’ve been hearing for 6 months.

To summarize:
Burisma bad
Hunter Biden took a job with them anyway
Joe Biden wanted Shokin fired
Shokin claims he was investigating Burisma

She claims we aren’t getting the full story but she forgot a few details:
Shokin was widely regarded as corrupt
Investigations into Burisma were inactive or used to shake down the company for bribes
No one in the State Dept claims anyone at Burisma
attempted to influence them
The policy makers at the Ukrainian embassy wanted Shokin removed and took their concern to Biden, not the other way around.

There was nothing new and nothing incriminating.

Jesse Lee


Two of the Republican Senators who were most upset about Trump's hold on the aid, Ron Johnson and Rob Portman, also wrote in support of firing the prosecutor that Vice President Biden led US policy on. …

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office
A newly unearthed letter from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine's prosecutor general's office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the...


5:14 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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Yep, and where were they when they controlled both Houses of Congress?
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.

They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.[/QUOTE]

What you offer as her defense would hold some weight if the Administration took corruption seriously and actually looked into it or better yet, didn't participate in it. Let us not forget all the corruption surrounding this Administration. We know it exists because people have gone to jail and have been prosecuted.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, I feel confident that if the previous administration had done anything in the slightest that the republican party could prosecute them for, they would have.

This theory of it leading back to the Clintons and the DNC server has been debunked by smarter people than you and I.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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Thread has been cleaned, get back on topic or there will be more thread bans.

For those who are unhappy - take it to the FZ.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
Except that the reason Biden got the prosecutor fired was because he wasn't investigating bursima among others.
So it was just a rehash or reaffirmation of the Faux (tailored for one) Headline Views?

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