Pam Bondi is absolutely dismantling Hunter/Burisma right now

I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
The dems are charging that Trump held US aid from the Ukraine because he wanted them to widen their investigation into the company that employed Hunter Biden and Joe's actions regarding that Ukrainian investigation into Burisma and also to look into 2016 election meddling...

You stole my signature
Sorry about that...
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary. On the other hand, Hunter Biden was hired by a private natural gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, to sit on its board of directors -- receiving somewhere in the range of $80,000 per month -- just a few months after his father was appointed head of US-Ukraine relations.

Moreover, Hunter Biden's position on the Burisma board was not publicly announced by Burisma for several months, until just after the UK announced it had started a money laundering investigation against Burisma and froze over $20 million in Burisma's assets.

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube. Mind you, around this same time, John Kerry's son disassociated with Hunter Biden and his former college roomate who invited him to join the Burisma Board, dissolved the business venture the 3 of them had entered into together, and reported all of this to the U.S. Government. Joe Biden even told Hunter "I hope you know what you're doing son"

All of this was outlined with documents in Bondi's presentation. If you are being as open minded as you say, you really should take 30 minutes and watch that presentation, then do some internet research on your own and dig into this.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
Except that the reason Biden got the prosecutor fired was because he wasn't investigating bursima among others.
Except you just hear otherwise.

I understand you are blind here and will carry on with your beliefs, no matter how wrong they are.

I will not be spending hours debating it with you when you clearly won't hear what is being said..

I have to get up early and work tomorrow, so you go right ahead and keep thinking that.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary. On the other hand, Hunter Biden was hired by a private natural gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, to sit on its board of directors -- receiving somewhere in the range of $80,000 per month -- just a few months after his father was appointed head of US-Ukraine relations.

Moreover, Hunter Biden's position on the Burisma board was not publicly announced by Burisma for several months, until just after the UK announced it had started a money laundering investigation against Burisma and froze over $20 million in Burisma's assets.

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube. Mind you, around this same time, John Kerry's son disassociated with Hunter Biden and his former college roomate who invited him to join the Burisma Board, dissolved the business venture the 3 of them had entered into together, and reported all of this to the U.S. Government. Joe Biden even told Hunter "I hope you know what you're doing son"

All of this was outlined with documents in Bondi's presentation. If you are being as open minded as you say, you really should take 30 minutes and watch that presentation, then do some internet research on your own and dig into this.

Did she mention that Zlochevsky, the man under investigation at Burisma, is being investigated for crimes allegedly committed between 2010 and 2012? Two year and one revolution away from Hunter Biden being offered a position. Did she mention any laws that Hunter or Burisma broke either in the USA or in the Ukraine when making that employment arrangement?
Yep....Pam Bondi is tearing them up!!!

Plus, she is a babe.

She'd get my vote if she ever runs for president. ... :thup: .. :eusa_angel:

Would you?

I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
That's not what he sez
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

I had to stop watching the clip

For the love of God, why in the world
was she the one to lay out these facts?
She is so fucking nervous it is distracting...for lack of a better word
to the point that it is not making the impact it should

Furthermore, why didn't she or someone,
lay it out in a PowerPoint presentation, visuals?

Further still, WHY THE HELL ARE

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube

This is completely false.

And since it’s the lynchpin of the case, that is a really big problem.
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No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Well she starts off by lying so I’m not and talking about the Bidens. And she she’s lying about the Bidens so no, she’s not doing a good job here.

Plus she’s boring, monotone and unsure of her material.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

I had to stop watching the clip

For the love of God, why in the world
was she the one to lay out these facts?
She is so fucking nervous it is distracting...for lack of a better word
to the point that it is not making the impact it should

Furthermore, why didn't she or someone,
lay it out in a PowerPoint presentation, visuals?

Further still, WHY THE HELL ARE


Why are supporting facts missing? Because she had none. There is nothing to support their claims except innuendo.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary. On the other hand, Hunter Biden was hired by a private natural gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, to sit on its board of directors -- receiving somewhere in the range of $80,000 per month -- just a few months after his father was appointed head of US-Ukraine relations.

Moreover, Hunter Biden's position on the Burisma board was not publicly announced by Burisma for several months, until just after the UK announced it had started a money laundering investigation against Burisma and froze over $20 million in Burisma's assets.

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube. Mind you, around this same time, John Kerry's son disassociated with Hunter Biden and his former college roomate who invited him to join the Burisma Board, dissolved the business venture the 3 of them had entered into together, and reported all of this to the U.S. Government. Joe Biden even told Hunter "I hope you know what you're doing son"

All of this was outlined with documents in Bondi's presentation. If you are being as open minded as you say, you really should take 30 minutes and watch that presentation, then do some internet research on your own and dig into this.

Joe Biden intervened at the behest of NATO, the EU and the IMF, as well as the US government.

Not one of the Republicans now calling for an investigation into Biden’s removal of the prosecutor, questioned these actions at the time. In fact, they cheered his work.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?

The phone call of course.

Again, I don't know what it has to do with Trump's actions. Two separate issues are being conflated. I find it rather funny that we are talking about an issue that was investigated in which it was found Joe Biden did not do anything wrong but those who support trump are flailing their arms around and jumping up and down over Hunter receiving preferential treatment during the time his father was vice president and yet they remain silent when Trump's children (plural) are raking in cash, hands over fist due to their relationship with the President OR how the President has used tax payer funds to have those in the gov't stay at his personal properties.

Do you see how this claim against Hunter Biden falls flat.............
Of course you are a confused and clueless moron....

Joe was not investigated over anything to do with
demanding the removal of a foreign government official
as a condition for the money already appropriated by Congress

Furthermore, he implicated Obama

This has nothing to do with preferential treatment idiot
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

What is the keyboard version of talking slowly, so you will understand? Having your capable and experienced daughter and son in law work for you is DIFFERENT than making completely unexperienced children board members in corrupt foreign countries. On the one hand, people you trust are working for you, on the other you are laundering money through relatives in foreign countries. Take a moment, then breathe deeply. It will come to you.
She has served notice to the filthy Democrats that if they want to call witnesses then they had better be ready to suffer the consequences.

She is da Babe!

View attachment 302963

Not only smart but pretty with a nice rack. Florida Babe.

If those Democrat idiots insisting on calling witness to prolong this stupid impeachment then I hope she calls those corrupt Biden assholes and interrogates them. It will be a great day for America.
Just so you know, the big 3 leftists networks all blacked out Pam Bondi's presentation of Biden's corruption in Ukraine.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

28 people are talking about this

What is the keyboard version of talking slowly, so you will understand? Having your capable and experienced daughter and son in law work for you is DIFFERENT than making completely unexperienced children board members in corrupt foreign countries. On the one hand, people you trust are working for you, on the other you are laundering money through relatives in foreign countries. Take a moment, then breathe deeply. It will come to you.

"than making completely unexperienced children board members in corrupt foreign countries."

Explain a little slower exactly who it was that "made" their children a board member of a foreign country, so everybody with a brain can understand.

Then explain slowly how appointing your children to tax payer public positions, isn't the textbook definition of nepotism.

Take your time. This seems to be difficult for you.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

The crooked AG from Florida that dropped the Trump investigation into Trump university, after receiving $25,000 from Trump for her reelection campaign?

That Pam Bondi?

Looks like Trump is taking advice directly from Biden, huh? Ol' Biden knows about paying off people to make prosecutors go away.

Please state exactly which fact she brought up about Biden and Burisma today that what you mentioned actually changes. Or is this a desperate attempt to attack the messenger because you HATE hearing the message?
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