Pam Bondi is absolutely dismantling Hunter/Burisma right now

I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
Except that the reason Biden got the prosecutor fired was because he wasn't investigating bursima among others.
Except you just hear otherwise.

I understand you are blind here and will carry on with your beliefs, no matter how wrong they are.

I will not be spending hours debating it with you when you clearly won't hear what is being said..

I have to get up early and work tomorrow, so you go right ahead and keep thinking that.
No, Son. You "hear otherwise" for the conspiracy theory mongers and through Russian propaganda.

We will stick with the truth.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
Except that the reason Biden got the prosecutor fired was because he wasn't investigating bursima among others.
Except you just hear otherwise.

I understand you are blind here and will carry on with your beliefs, no matter how wrong they are.

I will not be spending hours debating it with you when you clearly won't hear what is being said..

I have to get up early and work tomorrow, so you go right ahead and keep thinking that.
No, Son. You "hear otherwise" for the conspiracy theory mongers and through Russian propaganda.

We will stick with the truth.

You wouldn't accept the truth if it slapped you in your liberal face.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
That's not what he sez
Defeated by the quotebox again?
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
They are a significant part of the entire impeachment.

Bodi just detailed the corruption of Burisma and Biden's role in getting investigations against that company dropped.

Trump asked the current President to look into this corruption and the Democrats know that any information Ukraine has will destroy Biden. Hell, it may even lead to Clinton and the DNC, if their reaction to all of this is any indication.
Except that the reason Biden got the prosecutor fired was because he wasn't investigating bursima among others.
Except you just hear otherwise.

I understand you are blind here and will carry on with your beliefs, no matter how wrong they are.

I will not be spending hours debating it with you when you clearly won't hear what is being said..

I have to get up early and work tomorrow, so you go right ahead and keep thinking that.
No, Son. You "hear otherwise" for the conspiracy theory mongers and through Russian propaganda.

We will stick with the truth.

You wouldn't accept the truth if it slapped you in your liberal face.

I'm sorry, you have confused the parties again.

Try again.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

What is the keyboard version of talking slowly, so you will understand? Having your capable and experienced daughter and son in law work for you is DIFFERENT than making completely unexperienced children board members in corrupt foreign countries. On the one hand, people you trust are working for you, on the other you are laundering money through relatives in foreign countries. Take a moment, then breathe deeply. It will come to you.

Neither Ivanka nor Jared were qualified or experienced for the jobs they were given. Getting jobs in your Daddy's companies, both of which operate outside the law, and have been convicted of criminal behaviour, is hardly a "qualification" or "experience".
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

I had to stop watching the clip

For the love of God, why in the world
was she the one to lay out these facts?
She is so fucking nervous it is distracting...for lack of a better word
to the point that it is not making the impact it should

Furthermore, why didn't she or someone,
lay it out in a PowerPoint presentation, visuals?

Further still, WHY THE HELL ARE


Why are supporting facts missing? Because she had none. There is nothing to support their claims except innuendo.


No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

Pam Bondi?? LOL. Well at least her reputation is in line with the rest of the parade of Trump apologists they've trotted in not much of one.

Still doesn't have anything to do with Trump's actions on the July 25th phone call..and by the way, the White House put out the notes of that call. Feel free to dig into that distraction of Burisma as much you'd like. I doubt you'll get any traction with it..but there's always hope.

"I'd like you to do us a favor though".....
Only took ya 3 months to prove what an idiot you are
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Bondi is a dumb blonde. She uses the same bleach Coulter uses. It softens the brain.
Dumbass. Your little picture is from June of 2019
You mean this "little picture"?

What happened one month later, Loser?
Here's a hint:

Timeline of events between Trump's two Ukraine phone calls - CNNPolitics

"July 25: Trump and Zelensky talk by phone.

"A readout of the call between Trump and Zelensky is posted on the official website of the President of Ukraine and it includes that 'Donald Trump is convinced that the new Ukrainian government will be able to quickly improve image of Ukraine, complete investigation of corruption cases, which inhibited the interaction between Ukraine and the USA.'

"In September, the White House will release a rough transcript revealing that Trump pressed Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter."
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary. On the other hand, Hunter Biden was hired by a private natural gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, to sit on its board of directors -- receiving somewhere in the range of $80,000 per month -- just a few months after his father was appointed head of US-Ukraine relations.

Moreover, Hunter Biden's position on the Burisma board was not publicly announced by Burisma for several months, until just after the UK announced it had started a money laundering investigation against Burisma and froze over $20 million in Burisma's assets.

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube. Mind you, around this same time, John Kerry's son disassociated with Hunter Biden and his former college roomate who invited him to join the Burisma Board, dissolved the business venture the 3 of them had entered into together, and reported all of this to the U.S. Government. Joe Biden even told Hunter "I hope you know what you're doing son"

All of this was outlined with documents in Bondi's presentation. If you are being as open minded as you say, you really should take 30 minutes and watch that presentation, then do some internet research on your own and dig into this.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary.

She isn't. That would be illegal.

Federal law, at 5 U.S.C. § 3110, generally prohibits a federal official, including a Member of Congress, from appointing, promoting, or recommending for appointment or promotion any “relative” of the official to any agency or department over which the official exercises authority or control.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
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28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary. On the other hand, Hunter Biden was hired by a private natural gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, to sit on its board of directors -- receiving somewhere in the range of $80,000 per month -- just a few months after his father was appointed head of US-Ukraine relations.

Moreover, Hunter Biden's position on the Burisma board was not publicly announced by Burisma for several months, until just after the UK announced it had started a money laundering investigation against Burisma and froze over $20 million in Burisma's assets.

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube. Mind you, around this same time, John Kerry's son disassociated with Hunter Biden and his former college roomate who invited him to join the Burisma Board, dissolved the business venture the 3 of them had entered into together, and reported all of this to the U.S. Government. Joe Biden even told Hunter "I hope you know what you're doing son"

All of this was outlined with documents in Bondi's presentation. If you are being as open minded as you say, you really should take 30 minutes and watch that presentation, then do some internet research on your own and dig into this.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary.

She isn't. That would be illegal.

Federal law, at 5 U.S.C. § 3110, generally prohibits a federal official, including a Member of Congress, from appointing, promoting, or recommending for appointment or promotion any “relative” of the official to any agency or department over which the official exercises authority or control.

That is exempted by 3 U.S.C. § 105(a) since she is appointed as Senior Adviser to the President. That provision provides:

Subject to the provisons  of paragraph (2) of this subsection, the President is authorized to appoint and fix the pay of employees in the White House Office without regard to any other provision of law regulating the employment or compensation of persons in the Government service. Employees so appointed shall perform such official duties as the President may prescribe.

Also, the full text of the section you cited applies to "civilian positions in the agency" to which the relative is a supervisor -- a position which she does not occupy. And again, that section is usurped by 3 U.S.C. § 105(a) with regard to the President's appointment of employees in the White House. So no, not illegal.

Also, to correct my prior post, which was written in haste, it is my understanding that she does not receive a salary for her position as Senior Adviser to the President. But that's neither here nor there with regard to this particular point.
Last edited:
Pam Bondi left out a lot of exculpatory details that y’all seem very intent on ignoring.
I'm totally confused because I do not know what Burisma or Hunter Biden have to do with Trump's impeachment?
Ask the House Clowns. They spent hours talking about Quid Pro Joe, Burisma, and the Crackhead.
No link. Live on TV. Damning timeline. This is the most succinct, thorough, well-delivered presentation on the Biden/Burisma issue to date. Wow

EDITED to add the below video of Pam Bondi's presentation. All should watch this. Highly informative.

Speaking of nepotism, we definitely need to call these two in.

And we need China to start an investigation also.

Bobby @montrealdesign

Pam Bondi is accusing the Biden's of nepotism while these two are traveling the Globe collecting $$ ..#Murica #SenateCoverup


4:48 PM - Jan 27, 2020
Twitter Ads info and privacy

28 people are talking about this

It's incredibly baffling.

How do you see anything remotely comparable here? On the one hand, Ivanka is actually employed by the White House and receiving a government salary. On the other hand, Hunter Biden was hired by a private natural gas company in Ukraine, Burisma, to sit on its board of directors -- receiving somewhere in the range of $80,000 per month -- just a few months after his father was appointed head of US-Ukraine relations.

Moreover, Hunter Biden's position on the Burisma board was not publicly announced by Burisma for several months, until just after the UK announced it had started a money laundering investigation against Burisma and froze over $20 million in Burisma's assets.

Lastly, after Ukraine started its Bursima corruption investigation -- and after Burisma had hired Hunter Biden -- Burisma sent representatives to the State Department to ask Joe Biden to intervene, which resulted in the now infamous intervention by Joe Biden that caused Shokin's firing, which Joe Biden famously bragged about in the video that is memorialized on YouTube. Mind you, around this same time, John Kerry's son disassociated with Hunter Biden and his former college roomate who invited him to join the Burisma Board, dissolved the business venture the 3 of them had entered into together, and reported all of this to the U.S. Government. Joe Biden even told Hunter "I hope you know what you're doing son"

All of this was outlined with documents in Bondi's presentation. If you are being as open minded as you say, you really should take 30 minutes and watch that presentation, then do some internet research on your own and dig into this.

The appearance of conflicts of interest are everywhere in this administration. No more so than with Kushner. His brother is doing business in Saudi Arabia. His property got a huge buyout from a company whose second largest investor is Qatar.

We are talking sums of money massively larger than what Biden was paid as a board member.

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