Pamela Gellar Banned from Twitter

wrong again,,, it comes from lying to the people and making up a fake bad guy to blame,,
Like you guys did with the Chinese?

You mean the Chinese that are commiting genocide against the Uigurs, exploiting children to work in factories, and enslaving their entire population with Surveillance-Social Credit Tech? Those Chinese? The ones you want American to be like?
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions

View attachment 454417
The thread premise is a lie.

There is no purge.

This has nothing to do with the left.

Private social media are at complete liberty to edit content as they see fit.

You're right, it has nothing to do with the left; it has EVERYTHING to do with the right.

Care to make a list of democrats who have been banned by twitter?

1. ???

Republicans banned by twitter: And only a tiny tip of the iceberg.

  • On January 8, 2021, President Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) was permanently suspended "due to the risk of further incitement of violence."[2]
  • On January 7, 2021, lawyer L. Lin Wood (@LLinWood), who filed several lawsuits alleging election fraud and had 1.18 million followers with more than 13,000 posts, was permanently suspended for "violating the company’s rules but declined to explain further"[3][4][5]. His last tweets accused "Democratic and Republican leaders of being communist sympathizers and sexual deviants."
  • On November 30, 2020, mathematician and expert witness at 2020 election integrity hearings Bobby Piton (@BobbyPiton) was permanently suspended after saying he would "rather resign than have certified those results" in Arizona.[6]
  • On November 6, 2020, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was suspended after he said on his Steve Bannon's War Room podcast, “I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England, I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats. You either get with the program or you’re gone – time to stop playing games.”, referring to chief medical advisor Anthony Fauci and FBI director Christopher A. Wray[9][10]. A day earlier, Twitter allowed Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) to repost a photo of her posed with President Donald Trump’s bloody head sliced off its body in the ISIS tradition, and was not suspended[11][12].
  • On November 29, 2019, the campaign account of Danielle Stella (@2020MNCongress), Republican challenger running against Democrat Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) of Minnesota, was permanently suspended for "repeated violations of Twitter rules"[13]. She tweeted "If it is proven @IlhanMN passed sensitive info to Iran, she should be tried for #treason and hanged"[14]. Reuters published an article three months later clarifying the suspension was not for "no reason"[15].
  • In May 2019, meme maker Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) was suspended because he "posted a hilarious meme that anti-Trump trolls Brian and Ed Krassenstein didn’t enjoy." Donktum appealed, was reinstated, but subsequently banned within 20 minutes for posting the same meme.[16]
  • On April 26, 2019, two British candidates for European Parliament, Tommy Robinson and Carl Benjamin (better known as Sargon of Akkad) had their official campaign accounts (@carlukip) suspended. The UK Independence Party responded "This is election interference, and UKIP will get to the bottom of this." Tommy Robinson and Carl Benjamin both had their personal accounts suspended previously.[18]
  • In March 2018, right-wing site Morgoth's Review had its account permanently banned.
  • On February 20, 2018, white nationalist Jared Taylor and his American Renaissance organization sued Twitter in San Francisco Superior Court for having banned their accounts for political reasons.[19]
  • On February 13, 2018, Twitter permanently banned US Congressional candidate Paul Nehlen for posting an image where multiracial royal fiancee Meghan Markle's photo was blended with a reconstruction of an ancient Briton, who had been depicted with very dark skin for allegedly left-wing political reasons. The tweet was considered unacceptable, as the image might depict non-Asian minorities in a mocking or negative way, while Nehlen had already been condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center for encouraging white racial pride.[20]
  • On January 11, 2021, journalist Jim Hoft of the conservative news outlet The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) received a 12-hour suspension for tweeting "They stole an election. Now they want to silence anyone who questions the fraud."[30], despite Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, on May 16, 2017 tweeting "Our election was hijacked. There is no question. Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts."[31
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At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
The great loss is that Democrats want to destroy the country. I am sure glad 75 Million Real Americans support the 2nd amendment.
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Right, we decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on starting "fire" as part of their "peaceful" destruction of cities.
you mean they people that have concentration camps and forcibly harvesting organs from their own people and slave???
The fake concern of their human rights abuses isn’t going to pass muster. It was 4 years of inaction on this, just Trump complaining about trade deficits.

You guys came up with many, many enemies to fight, foreign and domestic. Just read Trump’s inaugural speech from 2017. It’s a litany of grievances and blame.
You mean the Chinese that are commiting genocide against the Uigurs, exploiting children to work in factories, and enslaving their entire population with Surveillance-Social Credit Tech? Those Chinese? The ones you want American to be like?
Keep pretending that you care about the Chinese people. It won’t work. Your motto was “America first”. You’d allow China to do anything to Chinese as long as it benefits us because it’s consistent with your driving ideology.
you mean they people that have concentration camps and forcibly harvesting organs from their own people and slave???
The fake concern of their human rights abuses isn’t going to pass muster. It was 4 years of inaction on this, just Trump complaining about trade deficits.

You guys came up with many, many enemies to fight, foreign and domestic. Just read Trump’s inaugural speech from 2017. It’s a litany of grievances and blame.
so what youre saying is you know its true and are trying to make shit up to discount that fact,,,

more word games,,,
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Decent folks accept others have different opinions and use their intellect to simply disagree and move on. Failure on Twitter AND your part.
There are opinions, and then there are bald-faced lies that give pathetic rightwing nut-jobs a hard-on and get 'em to assault Congress and such...

The Continentals probably shut-down Benedict Arnold sympathizers, as well... following the lead of the Apostles... who shut-down Judas Iscariot fans...

Or like when the US shut down the Amerikan Bund after we jumped into WWII...

It's necessary to shut down foaming-at-the-mouth traitorous mad dogs, and...

It's the right thing to do...
What the trump Nazis fail to understand are the "terms of service" restrictions privately owned Internet companies require subscribers to follow. Those companies can censor anyone they want, and there is no violation of anyone's First Amendment right to free speech.

This fact has been pointed out to trump's Nazis countless times on these and other message boards, but it never seems to penetrate their granite block skulls.


Because we can't seem to get it through your granite skull that they enjoy section 230 immunity because they claim to be a non-biased entity. If they are going to censor content then they should be able to get sued based on that censorship and the content that is posted there. Now they're just a publisher like any other news site.

You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

But they also can't get sued by allowing QAnon/Trump content about the election being "stolen" like Faux and Newsmax and WashPost are sued. So their dilemma is to either establish their own rules to not allow hate speech and intentional dissemination of lies posing as truth, or …. lose their platforms to legislation
You mean the Chinese that are commiting genocide against the Uigurs, exploiting children to work in factories, and enslaving their entire population with Surveillance-Social Credit Tech? Those Chinese? The ones you want American to be like?
Keep pretending that you care about the Chinese people. It won’t work. Your motto was “America first”. You’d allow China to do anything to Chinese as long as it benefits us because it’s consistent with your driving ideology.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

You Brownshirted Progs always accuse the opposition of the things of which you are guilty.
so what youre saying is you know its true and are trying to make shit up to discount that fact,,,
Nothing is made up. Trump blamed everyone for everything. He never did anything wrong.

Seriously, you guys will blame the Chinese for basically everything these days. If you’re not blaming the Chinese you’re blaming immigrants. If it’s not immigrants it’s the deep state. If it’s not the deep state it’s big tech.

Everyone is out to get you. The Trump paranoia is nearly boundless.
They think they are protecting Democracy by deciding who should win

The press has always been free to chose sides, however they have no power to rig an election.

Brainwashed Brownshirted Progs: "The Mainstream Media are the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful humans being I've ever known in my life"

Extra Points. The Pseudo-Conned are taught to ironically conflate to the extreme. Nice job.
so what youre saying is you know its true and are trying to make shit up to discount that fact,,,
Nothing is made up. Trump blamed everyone for everything. He never did anything wrong.

Seriously, you guys will blame the Chinese for basically everything these days. If you’re not blaming the Chinese you’re blaming immigrants. If it’s not immigrants it’s the deep state. If it’s not the deep state it’s big tech.

Everyone is out to get you. The Trump paranoia is nearly boundless.
who said he never did anything wrong???

and we only blame china for the things they did and are doing,,,

your word games arent working,, unless youre trying to prove what a fraud you are,,
At this point I just laugh. The purge continues. Must be hard for the left to live in so much fear of opposing opinions...
Decent folks don't like dangerous nutjobs who insist on yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater... metaphorically speaking. No great loss.
Decent folks accept others have different opinions and use their intellect to simply disagree and move on. Failure on Twitter AND your part.
There are opinions, and then there are bald-faced lies that give pathetic rightwing nut-jobs a hard-on and get 'em to assault Congress and such...

The Continentals probably shut-down Benedict Arnold sympathizers, as well... following the lead of the Apostles... who shut-down Judas Iscariot fans...

Or like when the US shut down the Amerikan Bund after we jumped into WWII...

It's necessary to shut down foaming-at-the-mouth traitorous mad dogs, and...

It's the right thing to do...
What the trump Nazis fail to understand are the "terms of service" restrictions privately owned Internet companies require subscribers to follow. Those companies can censor anyone they want, and there is no violation of anyone's First Amendment right to free speech.

This fact has been pointed out to trump's Nazis countless times on these and other message boards, but it never seems to penetrate their granite block skulls.


Because we can't seem to get it through your granite skull that they enjoy section 230 immunity because they claim to be a non-biased entity. If they are going to censor content then they should be able to get sued based on that censorship and the content that is posted there. Now they're just a publisher like any other news site.

You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

But they also can't get sued by allowing QAnon/Trump content about the election being "stolen" like Faux and Newsmax and WashPost are sued. So their dilemma is to either establish their own rules to not allow hate speech and intentional dissemination of lies posing as truth, or …. lose their platforms to legislation

How about they not do anything other than remove content that is illegal like child porn? Everything else stays, because that's what 230 says, otherwise remove the protections and let the lawsuits begin.
so what youre saying is you know its true and are trying to make shit up to discount that fact,,,
Nothing is made up. Trump blamed everyone for everything. He never did anything wrong.

Seriously, you guys will blame the Chinese for basically everything these days. If you’re not blaming the Chinese you’re blaming immigrants. If it’s not immigrants it’s the deep state. If it’s not the deep state it’s big tech.

Everyone is out to get you. The Trump paranoia is nearly boundless.

There you go with the Projection again.

And now, link to prominent conservatives calling for Show Trials, Re-education Camps and deplatforming of Progs after Trump won?
You don't know what a fascist is.
Sure do. It’s where a charismatic leader enforces power by threats and violence while hiding behind a banner of virulent nationalism.

In picture form:
View attachment 454626
Trumpism may share some things with fascism like ultra-nationalism, racial "purity" and authoritarianism, but Trumpism was more personalist. It began and hopefully ended with Trump. Although Hawley and Cruz tried to capture the less savory characteristics. Cotton and Crenshaw may be trying to co-opt some of the more high toned more libertarian leaning positions. Lindsey Graham is simply shameless whoring. LOL
who said he never did anything wrong???
He did.

You’re hard pressed to find something his supporters will hold him accountable for. Very hard pressed.

As for China, Trump supporters are trying to blame them for his losing the election by making up nonsense about China owning Dominion. Just read the forum here and people are bringing up China all the time.

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