Panama Papers: 600 Israelis Companies And Persons Scandal

Does the founder of the Palestinian bowel movement aka Arafart who stole over two billion from his people and his wife is now hiding in France refusing to set foot there or donate a dime, count?

He doesn't steal, the thieves are the israeli furuncle in the region.
You have a very bad grip on facts, Achmed. Arafat stole billions, ask any Palestinian they Willa elk you. While he was encouraging his people to do suicide bombings, Arabs / Muslims were wiring money into his secret personal bank accounts, none of which his people saw. After he died of AIDS, his wife took off with the money and is now living the high life in France. She refuses to set foot in "Palestine" nor does she donate a dime to the poor, suffering Palestinians, because she knows it's all stolen and if the Palestinians get their hands on her they will tear her to pieces. Besides the Palestinian cause was concocted by Arafat to stoke the antisemitic flames in the region in order for Arafat to line up his pockets.

But we didn't really need Panama papers to tell us that there isn't a single Arab Muslim leader that isn't corrupt and stealing from his people. It's a known fact, in fact Israeli leaders come out smelling like roses compared to those guys.

If Arafat stole millions he wouldn't live in a small residence in besieged Ramallah district.

If, if?! Not even the Arabs doubt that Arafat encouraged his people to turn their kids into suicide bombers just so he could steal more money.

Arafat's Billions

Al Jazeera: Where ARE Arafat’s Stolen Billions? - Act for Israel

Who will get Arafat's millions? / Wife is fighting Palestinian officials for assets, Arab TV reports

Where's Arafat's Money?

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