Pandemic of the ‘Unvaccinated’ Indeed


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
They’re gaslighting you.
Our World in Data
yeah they are. And they're not telling the truth about the vaxxed deaths and injuries.

Folks. A vaccine that does not protect you is not worth the trouble or the potential adverse effects. There are people dying up to 28 days after the vaxx. THIS indicates that it is NOT safe and that you are playing a game of russian roulette if you are taking this concoction.

NOT TO MENTION..they are dividing and conquering this nation, THE WORLD, by putting out these lies to put us at each others throats.
Another thing they're not telling us is that after 6 months or so the effectiveness of the vaccine diminishes.

A new study of 400,000 people who have received the Pfizer vaccine found that its efficacy wanes over a period of six months to the point that it’s far less effective in preventing disease. The efficacy of the vaccine was 88 percent after a month when both shots were administered, but it was only 74 percent effective after six months.

Additionally, a study of 700,000 people who received he AstraZeneca vaccine found only 67 percent effectiveness after six months.


In a U.S. government study of weekly case counts at about 3,800 nursing homes released in August, researchers found effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines against infection decreased over time from 75% in March to 53% on Aug. 1. A study published in the Lancet in June also showed declining effectiveness against infection in people in Scotland who received either Pfizer or AstraZeneca PLC vaccines. The AstraZeneca vaccine isn’t authorized for use in the U.S.

So, you need a shot every year? The first thing that crosses my mind when I read this was, who's going to profit from all this?

Answer: Big Pharma.
well shoot! The immunity from the antibodies is good at least for 14 months in my case and some scientists think for a lifetime. The vaccine is what is causing the mutation.
The vaccine is what is causing the mutation.
That is just so fucking stupid. More copies of the viruses = more mutation. More community transmission = more copies of the virus. More vaccination = less community transmission.

You lying dicks need sat down and given some simple lessons.
True but the vaccine is saving lives

no it isn't. it has targetted these vaxxed at some point in the future. You have to get a booster now fauci wants it at 5 to 6 months rather than 8. Would you please look at who is making the billions off this and then pay some attention to who is dying and suffering consequences from the vaccine?? THAT is not the Fault of the Unvaxxed. Open you EYES.
We all have online fake master degrees in biochemistry

Alllll you gotta to pay attention to what is being put out their by researchers whom the media does not want you to see. If they are preventing you from seeing all sides then that is not science...that is propaganda. THINK.
That is just so fucking stupid. More copies of the viruses = more mutation. More community transmission = more copies of the virus. More vaccination = less community transmission.

You lying dicks need sat down and given some simple lessons.

do you not get that this is not a vaccine? They will tell you this themselves. It doesn't act like a vaccine, it isn't made like a vaccine. It gives you no protection because you have to keep getting boosters. It will NEV. VER. END.

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