"Panic Panic" is reaching epic annoyance levels


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Sick of the media telling you not to "panic" every time there's an intelligent discussion about the risks of ebola (or enterovirus, or terrorist attacks, or yellow fever, or whatever)?

"It seems that every time new information about Ebola’s spread comes out, media schoolmarms lecture people who are discussing it. Normal discussions are labeled “hysteria” and “panic.”
In a 2004 pamphlet, Peter M. Sandman and Jody Lanard describe this as “Panic Panic.” They tell people that actual panic is rare and that people usually act fairly calm during crises. They also say not to ascribe panic to what is normal disobedience, mistrust, worry and even excessive caution. These things are not panic, they say. “e careful not to project your own panic (or your performance anxiety) onto the public,” they write. Finally, don’t try to over-reassure or mislead people as this ends up provoking the very thing you claim you’re trying to avoid."

most Americans find the idea of short-term quarantines to be not as radical as they seem to a media that might be invested in, oh, I don’t know, a pre-election narrative that things aren’t being poorly managed by, say, the Obama administration. To just take one hypothetical.
Yes, our media are beyond trusting of what they term “expert” opinion, while most Americans have noticed that experts might not be as expert as they themselves think they are. See, for example, “President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She?” Quick side note that this expert — Dr. Nicole Lurie — finally showed up in public at a Hill hearing to tell everyone “There is an epidemic of fear” in the United States. Some people in the media look at these almost religious statements and nod their heads and feel superior and others in the rest of the country point at her and say, “Wait, she was the one who passed over the Ebola drug that works to give money to a now-bankrupt firm owned by a big Obama donor, right?”

Media s Panic Panic Is Reaching New Annoying Levels With Quarantines
there is a difference between "panic" and "intelligent discussion". the two are mutually exclusive.

and if you don't acknowledge that ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids, you're not having an intelligent discussion.

We love to freak out over pretty much anything.

And the media is standing by, ready to help, looking for ratings.

there is a difference between "panic" and "intelligent discussion". the two are mutually exclusive.

and if you don't acknowledge that ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids, you're not having an intelligent discussion.

"“This conclusory invocation to “science” w/o reference to any study is an IQ test for the American intelligentsia.” I’m sorry, but if you read the phrase “based on science” and don’t immediately guffaw at the unfounded arrogance and unchecked assumptions of it all, you are probably a typical reporter."


Psst..I know how ebola is spread, dearie.

Media s Panic Panic Is Reaching New Annoying Levels With Quarantines
Sick of the media telling you not to "panic" every time there's an intelligent discussion about the risks of ebola (or enterovirus, or terrorist attacks, or yellow fever, or whatever)?

"It seems that every time new information about Ebola’s spread comes out, media schoolmarms lecture people who are discussing it. Normal discussions are labeled “hysteria” and “panic.”
In a 2004 pamphlet, Peter M. Sandman and Jody Lanard describe this as “Panic Panic.” They tell people that actual panic is rare and that people usually act fairly calm during crises. They also say not to ascribe panic to what is normal disobedience, mistrust, worry and even excessive caution. These things are not panic, they say. “e careful not to project your own panic (or your performance anxiety) onto the public,” they write. Finally, don’t try to over-reassure or mislead people as this ends up provoking the very thing you claim you’re trying to avoid."

most Americans find the idea of short-term quarantines to be not as radical as they seem to a media that might be invested in, oh, I don’t know, a pre-election narrative that things aren’t being poorly managed by, say, the Obama administration. To just take one hypothetical.
Yes, our media are beyond trusting of what they term “expert” opinion, while most Americans have noticed that experts might not be as expert as they themselves think they are. See, for example, “President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She?” Quick side note that this expert — Dr. Nicole Lurie — finally showed up in public at a Hill hearing to tell everyone “There is an epidemic of fear” in the United States. Some people in the media look at these almost religious statements and nod their heads and feel superior and others in the rest of the country point at her and say, “Wait, she was the one who passed over the Ebola drug that works to give money to a now-bankrupt firm owned by a big Obama donor, right?”

Media s Panic Panic Is Reaching New Annoying Levels With Quarantines

Pleanty of worthy things to fear. Ebola isn't one of them.
I don't fear ebola, or any other communicable disease, because I don't live in the diseased and seething pots of humanity known as our major cities.

That doesn't mean I am going to pretend it can't be spread. Talk about retarded.
I must admit I am worried somehow about ebola. And worried about that half wit Hussein, he who lives in the Golf Course, rushing in airplane loads of people from West Africa..... while in the meantime most other countries in Africa are closing border with the affected regions.

What's wrong with that idiot?

Nothing is wrong,

He hates America, that's all.
People aren't worried about ebola as much as they are about the untrustworthy people giving them information about ebola.

When the authority says ebola isn't airborne it's believed to be just another lie.

When the presidunce says ebola is difficult to contract he's lying because he lies about everything.

When the newly minted ebola czar says that ebola is under control, he's the same person that said enron was safe.

The spin doctors have finally spun so much it is presumed that what they are saying is the opposite of what it is.
This Administration's credibility has gone down the drain.

It's too late now to beleive anything that comes out their mouths.
The panic has subsided. It's now mostly rational discourse that you see on TV. Conservative media is getting bored with it. There'll be something new next week.
Reminds me of 9/11 when people were freaking out to get gas...Even though the attack was over a 1000 miles away...
The Today Show was trying to carry water for President Obozo today on not quarantining people who had had direct contact with Ebola patients in Africa...then their own poll came back 94% in favor of the NY/NJ quarantine, 6% opposed.

I LOL'd...the looks on their faces was priceless.
There never was any panic. The panic is amongst the media and the politicians, who were panicked that their ineptitude and their dishonesty would be exposed.

As it was.
koshergrl said:

'Sick of the media telling you not to "panic"'

Of course you are.

Like most conservatives you're a demagogue and fear-monger who perceives panic about ebola as some sort of political advantage for the partisan right.
The science-loving left calls science "panic" when it exposes them as retards.
koshergrl said:

'Sick of the media telling you not to "panic"'

Of course you are.

Like most conservatives you're a demagogue and fear-monger who perceives panic about ebola as some sort of political advantage for the partisan right.
^ that

I remember her being the fearleader-in-chief last week. She was unhinged lol. Thats what happens when you get your info from one tv channel & am radio :tinfoil:

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