"Panic Panic" is reaching epic annoyance levels

Why would anyone panic? The President told us ebola had a snowball's chance in hell of reaching America.

And that everyone would be prepared to handle any and every situation. Why would anyone doubt this?

Look how reassuring he was on September 16th. No problemo. No big smurf. Obama said.


"First and foremost, I want the American people to know that our experts, here at the CDC and across our government, agree that the chances of an Ebola outbreak here in the United States are extremely low.

We’ve been taking the necessary precautions, including working with countries in West Africa to increase screening at airports so that someone with the virus doesn’t get on a plane for the United States.

In the unlikely event that someone with Ebola does reach our shores, we’ve taken new measures so that we’re prepared here at home.

We’re working to help flight crews identify people who are sick, and more labs across our country now have the capacity to quickly test for the virus.

We’re working with hospitals to make sure that they are prepared, and to ensure that our doctors, our nurses and our medical staff are trained, are ready, and are able to deal with a possible case safely."

Remarks by the President on the Ebola Outbreak The White House
Oh and it's not as if the President didn't instill any fear that the end of the world is nigh if we don't contain the disease.

Nah. No doom and gloom or omg we better get this contained. :lol:

"Now, here’s the hard truth: In West Africa, Ebola is now an epidemic of the likes that we have not seen before. It’s spiraling out of control. It is getting worse.

It’s spreading faster and exponentially. Today, thousands of people in West Africa are infected. That number could rapidly grow to tens of thousands.

And if the outbreak is not stopped now, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands of people infected, with profound political and economic and security implications for all of us.

So this is an epidemic that is not just a threat to regional security -- it’s a potential threat to global security if these countries break down, if their economies break down, if people panic.

That has profound effects on all of us, even if we are not directly contracting the disease."

Remarks by the President on the Ebola Outbreak The White House
there is a difference between "panic" and "intelligent discussion". the two are mutually exclusive.

and if you don't acknowledge that ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids, you're not having an intelligent discussion.

"“This conclusory invocation to “science” w/o reference to any study is an IQ test for the American intelligentsia.” I’m sorry, but if you read the phrase “based on science” and don’t immediately guffaw at the unfounded arrogance and unchecked assumptions of it all, you are probably a typical reporter."


Psst..I know how ebola is spread, dearie.

Media s Panic Panic Is Reaching New Annoying Levels With Quarantines

No that's VD that is spread around your trailer park
"Surreally, the first two confirmed cases of Ebola transmission inside the U.S. are being relegated to the category of least plausibility by the CDC, even though the agency’s taken a beating over the last few weeks for seemingly underestimating the risk to doctors and nurses.
In fact, everything in the new guidelines seems one notch more casual than it should be. You would think that “high risk” people, who’ve actually had skin contact with someone who’s infectious, should be fully quarantined and, in the case of an accidental needle stick, either hospitalized as a precaution or quarantined near a hospital. The “some risk” people like Spencer and Snyderman should try to arrange quarantine for three weeks; if their employer won’t give them three more weeks of leave, they should at least avoid contact with others as much as possible and be monitored frequently throughout the day. The “low risk” people could be monitored less often but should also avoid unnecessary contact with the public if possible. (Like, say, avoiding non-work-related flights from Dallas to Ohio.) To this day, if I’m not mistaken, Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol don’t know how they contracted the disease in Africa; Doctors Without Borders, which naturally follows strict protocols in treating patients, has nonetheless seen 16 staffers come down with it, nine of whom died. Presumably Spencer had no reason to think he’d contracted it or he wouldn’t have gone bowling. If even trained professionals are getting caught by surprise in their exposure, why would the CDC err on the side of less quarantine once they’re back home? The public’s confidence in the agency is going to get much, much worse, needless to say, if we end up with another transmission from the “low” or “some risk” category.

"The irony of all this, as Tim Cavanaugh notes, is that it’s the doctors at the centers of it who are making the public more, not less, anxious (not “panicked,” as is often wrongly said). If Spencer and Snyderman had diligently quarantined themselves, the public would have greater faith that voluntary quarantines are an acceptable alternative to the sort of state-imposed measure that Christie’s getting hammered for today."

New CDC guidelines If you jabbed yourself with a needle while treating an Ebola patient it 8217 s still okay to go jogging Hot Air
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"Surreally, the first two confirmed cases of Ebola transmission inside the U.S. are being relegated to the category of least plausibility by the CDC, even though the agency’s taken a beating over the last few weeks for seemingly underestimating the risk to doctors and nurses.
In fact, everything in the new guidelines seems one notch more casual than it should be. You would think that “high risk” people, who’ve actually had skin contact with someone who’s infectious, should be fully quarantined and, in the case of an accidental needle stick, either hospitalized as a precaution or quarantined near a hospital. The “some risk” people like Spencer and Snyderman should try to arrange quarantine for three weeks; if their employer won’t give them three more weeks of leave, they should at least avoid contact with others as much as possible and be monitored frequently throughout the day. The “low risk” people could be monitored less often but should also avoid unnecessary contact with the public if possible. (Like, say, avoiding non-work-related flights from Dallas to Ohio.) To this day, if I’m not mistaken, Kent Brantly and Nancy Writebol don’t know how they contracted the disease in Africa; Doctors Without Borders, which naturally follows strict protocols in treating patients, has nonetheless seen 16 staffers come down with it, nine of whom died. Presumably Spencer had no reason to think he’d contracted it or he wouldn’t have gone bowling. If even trained professionals are getting caught by surprise in their exposure, why would the CDC err on the side of less quarantine once they’re back home? The public’s confidence in the agency is going to get much, much worse, needless to say, if we end up with another transmission from the “low” or “some risk” category.

"The irony of all this, as Tim Cavanaugh notes, is that it’s the doctors at the centers of it who are making the public more, not less, anxious (not “panicked,” as is often wrongly said). If Spencer and Snyderman had diligently quarantined themselves, the public would have greater faith that voluntary quarantines are an acceptable alternative to the sort of state-imposed measure that Christie’s getting hammered for today."

New CDC guidelines If you jabbed yourself with a needle while treating an Ebola patient it 8217 s still okay to go jogging Hot Air

Ebola can survive on surfaces for almost TWO MONTHS: Tests reveal certain strains survive for weeks when stored at low temperatures
  • Research claims certain strains of Ebola can remain on surfaces for 50 days
  • It survived the longest on glass surfaces stored at 4° (39°F)
  • Centres for Disease Control and Prevention claims Ebola typically lives on a ‘dry’ surface for hours - including doorknobs and tables
  • But when stored in moist conditions such in mucus, this is extended
  • Survival time depends on the surface, and the room temperature
  • Virus can be killed using household bleach and people must come into direct contact with the sample to risk infection
Published: 11:50 EST, 27 October 2014 | Updated: 15:14 EST, 27 October 2014
The number of confirmed Ebola cases passed the 10,000 mark over the weekend, despite efforts to curb its spread.

And while the disease typically dies on surfaces within hours, research has discovered it can survive for more than seven weeks under certain conditions.

Read more: Ebola can last on surfaces for almost TWO months tests reveal Daily Mail Online
there is a difference between "panic" and "intelligent discussion". the two are mutually exclusive.

and if you don't acknowledge that ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids, you're not having an intelligent discussion.

"“This conclusory invocation to “science” w/o reference to any study is an IQ test for the American intelligentsia.” I’m sorry, but if you read the phrase “based on science” and don’t immediately guffaw at the unfounded arrogance and unchecked assumptions of it all, you are probably a typical reporter."


Psst..I know how ebola is spread, dearie.

Media s Panic Panic Is Reaching New Annoying Levels With Quarantines

poor dear. putting science in quote marks. YOU CANNOT GET EBOLA EXCEPT BY TRANSMISSION OF BODILY FLUIDS.

and if you think otherwise, you know nothing about how ebola is spread, snookie.
I agree with the OP. We say we should ban flights from the infected region,or at least make them get a blood test or held for observation...............

Then they say you are hiding under your dang bed.....and the other normal responses of I WILL NOT LIVE IN FEAR.................BS.

I said I was concerned for our troops safety, which now stand at 4000 in the region.......and stated what steps are being taken to ensure they don't catch Ebola............and again the same thing..................

I quoted the infections in Spain and that the specialist didn't even ensure that they had the correct suits.............causing the nurses to protest outside of the hospital and then was told that the nurses should know better even though they were following hospital protocols which gave them level 2 suits instead of level 4 suits...............and they called me a Fear Monger and said the nurse screwed up.............

What's wrong with these idiots...........A deadly virus needs to be contained........In the HOST COUNTRY if at all possible.........If the returning docs and nurses have to have a 3 week layover upon return to ENSURE that they don't have it and have to find another 100 people who MAY HAVE COME IN CONTACT WITH them for not being confined then so be it......................It is to put every hurdle in front of allowing the disease to migrate to our country. And in West Africa the doctors and nurses have been paying a heavy price for treating Ebola..............It's a noble cause.............I commend them on their service...........but upon return a little discomfort to ENSURE they don't have the disease and don't accidentally spread it should be in place.
there is a difference between "panic" and "intelligent discussion". the two are mutually exclusive.

and if you don't acknowledge that ebola can only be transmitted through bodily fluids, you're not having an intelligent discussion.

"“This conclusory invocation to “science” w/o reference to any study is an IQ test for the American intelligentsia.” I’m sorry, but if you read the phrase “based on science” and don’t immediately guffaw at the unfounded arrogance and unchecked assumptions of it all, you are probably a typical reporter."


Psst..I know how ebola is spread, dearie.

Media s Panic Panic Is Reaching New Annoying Levels With Quarantines

poor dear. putting science in quote marks. YOU CANNOT GET EBOLA EXCEPT BY TRANSMISSION OF BODILY FLUIDS.

and if you think otherwise, you know nothing about how ebola is spread, snookie.
Tell that to the nurse in Spain.................who got it while wearing level 2 protective suits..........
They treated us as scum husband of Ebola nurse - The Local

"They laughed at us, they treated us like scum," said Romero's huband Javier Limón in an interview with Spain's El Mundo newspaper.

"They destroyed our life, they killed our dog, and they nearly killed my wife," said an angry Limón who left Madrid's Carlos III hospital on Monday morning after three weeks in isolation.

"On top of all that, this guy comes out and says that my wife — who volunteered (to treat two Ebola-infected Spanish missionaries who were repatriated to Spain) — is a liar, that she lied about her fever," said Limón, referring to controversial comments by Madrid's regional health chief, Javier Rodríguez.

"I said she might have lied because she’s hidden information (about her health) and taken days to admit she’s made a mistake," Rodríguez said on Spanish radio Antena 3 in early October.

The health official also suggested Romero had been responsible for contracting the disease herself when he said: "You don’t need a Masters to learn how to put on and take off a suit" and "Some people are better at learning than others".

But Limón has now strenuously denied Romero — the first person outside Africa to have contracted the virus — had lied about her symptoms, saying she taken her own temperature and this was within acceptable limits before finally visiting a medical centre seeking treatment.

The husband now plans to take legal action against Rodríguez for sullying his reputation and that of his wife.
I'm glad that the nurse survived Ebola.......she volunteered to help...........and then they threw her under a Greyhound bus in SPAIN...............

Ridiculous that they didn't ensure proper training, and verify the correct suits to wear..........It is not that dang simple to take off these suits without accidentally touching some of the outer surfaces...................You need to practice a bit and have observers make sure you can do it correctly before allowing them entry to treat the patient.

21 October

New protective equipment protocols: The US CDC reviewed its recommendations for protective equipment for healthcare workers tending to Ebola patients. They now recommend that workers cover all skin and hair, including wearing a hood and full face shield instead of goggles, wear a respirator instead of a mask, and double glove. They also recommend that facilities hold repeated practice/training sessions for their staff in how to use equipment properly, and provide a trained monitor who observes people putting on and taking off equipment.

New policies by the CDC...........
The way to prevent panic is for Obama to go on TV say that a highly contagious form of Ebola has been developed by the GOP and is being spread by their operatives.

Suicidal complacency might follow but panic would end.
The Today Show was trying to carry water for President Obozo today on not quarantining people who had had direct contact with Ebola patients in Africa...then their own poll came back 94% in favor of the NY/NJ quarantine, 6% opposed.

I LOL'd...the looks on their faces was priceless.


When asked whether there should be "a mandatory quarantine in the U.S. for travelers from Ebola affected West African nations," 94% of Today Show viewers responded "yes" - although the CDC has said it will not implement a mandatory quarantine.

Gov. Cuomo of New York backed off more stringent procedures for recent travelers to West Africa after pushback from the Obama administration and now CNN'S Vaughn Sterling reports that New Jersey's Governor Chris Christie is following suit.

Poll 94 Want A Mandatory Quarantine in U.S. CNS News

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