Panicked New York Governor Tells Businesses “They Have Nothing to Fear” After Democrat Leaders Fleece Donald Trump of $355 Million

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
She just admitted this was nothing but a political hit against Trump. She is a liar and they will target any organization or individual they deem a threat to them.

She just admitted this was nothing but a political hit against Trump. She is a liar and they will target any organization or individual they deem a threat to them.

Unfortunately for her and her state that isn't how the law works. Businesses don't work on hope and comforting words from politicians. They have now set a precedent and can invoke this to target anyone they wish at any time, now or in the future.

A company even has to be afraid of extortion from banks. "If you don't play nice we are going to rat you out to the government and let them know you over stated your property value for the loan. Yeah, we know we agreed and sent our estimators out but it doesn't matter sucker. You are in New Yawk now!"

People have to understand that businesses of all sizes use their property for secured loans all the time. Unlike chattel, it isn't movable and it is a stable, best asset in class for banks to use.

They now have to constantly fear any reprisal or abuse by the government. All of this, yet again, not unlike silencing people on Twitter and other networks, in order to get Trump. Some have given credibility to foreign governments and authoritarians when they censor people, destroy lives and use Red Star trials to eliminate those they don't like or don't agree with
She just admitted this was nothing but a political hit against Trump. She is a liar and they will target any organization or individual they deem a threat to them.

Time to invest in U-Haul.
Unlike chattel, it isn't movable and it is a stable, best asset in class for banks to use.
Correct--and if the market is fluid--as real estate has been off and on in the past 40 years or so, those valuations are based largely on what the market will bear. During the real estate bubble, property values were changing almost daily.
I'm not so sure. When they need more space for illegal aliens, they will probably 'advise' building owners to donate said space or give them the Trump treatment. Nothing is beyond these corrupt scumbags.
Smart big money already left or is in the planning stages. I lived among these corrupt NY scum, they will not back off even if it destroys the state. Everyone in state, local government, other public employees are all out to get theirs, screw you.
She just admitted this was nothing but a political hit against Trump. She is a liar and they will target any organization or individual they deem a threat to them.

The message to business from the Deep State is “Do as your told and stay out of our business and we’ll leave you alone”
What’s funny is that apparently everyone that fills out a document stating their net worth would be found guilty based on a judge’s interpretation of value. Apparently the word due-diligence doesn’t apply to New York. No wonder the place is a disgusting mess.
Odd statement to make.

Kind of sounds like they are saying don't worry because we only did this to trump so the rest of you doing the exact same thing have nothing to worry about because it isn't really illegal, we just don't like trump.

Which also indirectly means if others don't want to get the same treatment as trump with their business dealings they just need to make sure they don't piss them off.
What’s funny is that apparently everyone that fills out a document stating their net worth would be found guilty based on a judge’s interpretation of value. Apparently the word due-diligence doesn’t apply to New York. No wonder the place is a disgusting mess.
Not really. But if you state one value for tax purposes and one value for loan purposes you are committing fraud. If you don't know the difference between 10000 square feet and 30000 square feet you're committing fraud. It's funny that the responsibility for keeping proper records apparently isn't on the business for some reason but on the people doing business with that business. Seems to me a whole lot of fraud isn't a crime anymore under that reasoning.
But if you state one value for tax purposes and one value for loan purposes you are committing fraud.
You don't set the assessed valuation for tax purposes. The government does. As for stating the value of property for loan purposes, it is the lender's responsibility to determine if the collateral for the loan is sufficient. Have you never read a real property sale contract? That is why banks send their own assessors to a property they are considering lending on. The NY case on the value of the Trump properties will be overturned. Leticia James is an ignorant excuse for a human being.

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