Para-Military Patrols


Mar 14, 2013
In the last couple of years a number of groups armed with military grade weapons have taken it upon themselves to patrol the border between Mexico. Most groups are only about 5 or 6 men, usually ex-military and they conduct frequent patrols looking for aliens trying to cross into the United States. Once they find any aliens they transport them to the US border Patrol to be deported back to Mexico. The border patrol has no official affiliation with these groups and are instructed not to have dealings with them. However, many agents gladly accept the help because there is simply too much ground to cover for the agents alone and the more successful para-military groups have understandings with the border patrol agents.

These military groups do occasionally illegally cross into Mexico and have been known to shoot so they are skirting the law but I think they have become a valuable, all be it volatile, part of the protection of our borders.

Do you think that these groups should be stopped by the government, or should they be allowed to continue to exist and work under the table with the US border patrol?
Personally I think the Federal Government should, yet fails to adequately address the issue of Secure Borders. That is a big fail, which there really is no excuse for. What these groups are doing is no more lawless than what the Feds or the Mexican Government is doing. That said, where violent crimes are committed, those responsible should be held fully accountable. If these groups are in the equation for resolution, I support them. If their intent is to create more problems, I question their intent.
What the hell is so confusing about the word 'illegal' these days? If a person illegally enters the US he is a criminal. If these (para) military groups illegally cross into Mexico and shoot at people they aren't "skirting the law" they are breaking the law. It's a simple as that. Otherwise as long as these groups abide by the law they are a welcome addition protecting the thin line of the southern border.
Military grade weapons , ya sure. Do they have a selector switch which allows burst or auto fire? If they do do they have a federal license for said function? Since none of them have been arrested one must assume they in fact have CIVILIAN firearms, NOT military grade.

Auto or burst fire capability would require a Federal License. Semi automatic fire is CIVILIAN. At least be honest about what they may carry.

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