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Oct 11, 2017
"Jerusalem (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday ruled out any deal with the Palestinians unless they recognise Israel as the Jewish state and give up their refugees' right of return".

What should be interpreted here as routine Jewish arrogance and stalling only becomes that much more egregious the longer one considers 1948 some 800,000 native Palestinians were driven from their property at gunpoint in a Zionist ethnic-cleansing and terror campaign that is ludicrously referred to now as "Israel's War for Independence"...given the obvious fact that no "dependent' Israel existed we should take this slogan as nothing more than typical Jewish propaganda. Not only have the rights of these Palestinian refugees been ignored or dismissed for 65 years, but the piratical Jews extend a paradoxical "right of return" to Jews from around the world who have never set foot in Palestine. And now as a pre-condition for “peace” the subject population that has been robbed blind by the nefarious Machiavellian Jews are being told to grant legitimacy and "recognition" to a criminal state that illegally expelled them and stole their land and way of overcompensation Jews invented absurd narratives of ‘defiant courage in the face of appalling odds’, hence the varied fables of Jewish heroic symbolism that are repeated to the point of nausea are no more than viral lies after the fact. Far from the values of courage and righteous resistance the state of Israel was the product of organized terrorism and repulsive cowardice. The nation of Israel is essentially occupied Palestine, and the gargantuan lies give way to a stark and dispelling reality of coordinated piracy, political chicanery, brazen land and property theft, mass-murder, apartheid laws, and criminal occupiers!! In essence the state of Israel symbolizes the very evil that religious Jews condemn in their teachings…the same variant of evil that was visited upon them in WW2…
LMAO! Good one. "Zionist ethnic cleansing." In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya, a GENOCIDE!

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
according to the World Almanac the world population of Jews increased (!) between 1933 and 1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German government under Adolf Hitler had – as alleged – murdered six million Jews those losses should have been reflected in the Jewish population numbers quoted in the World Almanac.
Before and after the “Holocaust”: Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948
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LMAO! Good one. "Zionist ethnic cleansing." In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya, a GENOCIDE!

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Correction slack-jaw: in 1948 there was a minority of Eastern European Jews living in Historic Palestine...sincere thanks for basically proving my point eels saturate your tiny, nefarious brains with lies that propose to contradict the Zionist founders of Israel...BTW: the only one who invoked the word 'genocide' was you...the correct words might be mass-expulsions...mass-killings...mass-land-theft and massive lies!!!!
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LMAO! Good one. "Zionist ethnic cleansing." In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya, a GENOCIDE!

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -
according to the World Almanac the world population of Jews increased (!) between 1933 and 1948 from 15,315,000 to 15,753,000. If the German government under Adolf Hitler had – as alleged – murdered six million Jews those losses should have been reflected in the Jewish population numbers quoted in the World Almanac.
Before and after the “Holocaust”: Jewish population numbers in 1933 and 1948

Literally no other group lies with the ferocity and recklessness of Jews...prompting the question: who lies as a matter of familiar impulse except those to whom the truth represents a grave threat?
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The international community has made it clear that virtually the entire world considers the Israeli occupied territories to be illegal and contrary to the principles of international law. Every year since 1967 (up until the Oslo Process started), the UN General Assembly passed the same resolution (always with lopsided votes like 150-2), stating that Israel is obligated to vacate the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, in accordance with UN Resolution 242.
The only reason that Israel is able to maintain its occupation of Palestinian land is that the U.S. routinely vetoes every Security Council resolution that would insist that Israel live up to its obligations under international law.
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To the extent that Israel is completely subsidized by hundreds of billions from U.S. taxpayers the American public has become the primary target for Zionist propaganda---not merely on cable news and mainstream outlets, but particularly online. Hasbara-trolls are recruited by the IDF media-unit, they are even recruited on American campuses ...each Israel-related article that is posted on AOL or Yahoo is fair game for these despicable’s really a sophisticated operation: they have computer software that looks for certain words or triggers, then they deploy these high-school drop-outs to descend on that poster with pre-scripted lies of such magnificent absurdity that school-children would laugh at them.
LMAO! Good one. "Zionist ethnic cleansing." In 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel. And now there are only just over 6 million of them left. It's a GENOCIDE I tell ya, a GENOCIDE!

Population Statistics - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Correction slack-jaw: in 1948 there was a minority of Eastern European Jews living in Historic Palestine...sincere thanks for basically proving my point eels saturate your tiny, nefarious brains with lies that propose to contradict the Zionist founders of Israel...BTW: the only one who invoked the word 'genocide' was you...the correct words might be mass-expulsions...mass-killings...mass-land-theft and massive lies!!!!

Well.........I can agree...........that..........the correct words might be mass-expulsions...mass-killings...mass-land-theft and massive lies!!!! suffered by the Arab-Moslem squatters as the result.......of.........the gee-had muhammedan a part of failed..........failed.......did I mention failed............gee-had to push the Israelis into the..........sea.

Israel knew how to put the had in gee-had.

Think of it as a failure. You will feel right at home with that.

To the extent that Israel is completely subsidized by hundreds of billions from U.S. taxpayers the American public has become the primary target for Zionist propaganda---not merely on cable news and mainstream outlets, but particularly online. Hasbara-trolls are recruited by the IDF media-unit, they are even recruited on American campuses ...each Israel-related article that is posted on AOL or Yahoo is fair game for these despicable’s really a sophisticated operation: they have computer software that looks for certain words or triggers, then they deploy these high-school drop-outs to descend on that poster with pre-scripted lies of such magnificent absurdity that school-children would laugh at them.

As your cartoon-less attempts at writing coherent sentences go, you began with a falsehood and it just got worse for you as you rattled on with another sweaty, feverish, chest-heaving tirade.

To the extent that Israel is completely subsidized by hundreds of billions from U.S. taxpayers the American public has become the primary target for Zionist propaganda---not merely on cable news and mainstream outlets, but particularly online. Hasbara-trolls are recruited by the IDF media-unit, they are even recruited on American campuses ...each Israel-related article that is posted on AOL or Yahoo is fair game for these despicable’s really a sophisticated operation: they have computer software that looks for certain words or triggers, then they deploy these high-school drop-outs to descend on that poster with pre-scripted lies of such magnificent absurdity that school-children would laugh at them.

As your cartoon-less attempts at writing coherent sentences go, you began with a falsehood and it just got worse for you as you rattled on with another sweaty, feverish, chest-heaving tirade.

In which case this might be an ideal opportunity for you to offer up a sound refutation for your complaint...please endeavor to isolate the particular 'falsehood' and explain exactly how it is false...following on the heels of this exercise you might familiarize your tiny munchkin head with the active definition of 'tirade'...
The other paradox obviously escapes you. The fact that more Jews were expelled and their belongings confiscated from other middle eastern countries at the same time.

Not to mention that the whole "naqba" thing is a conflicting paradox in itself. Conflicting stories, conflicting reports.

That is, if you take your blinders off.
Not to mention that the whole "naqba" thing is a conflicting paradox in itself. Conflicting stories, conflicting reports.
I find, that those who deny the Nakba are no different than your everyday, run-of-the-mill Holocaust denier.
The other paradox obviously escapes you. The fact that more Jews were expelled and their belongings confiscated from other middle eastern countries at the same time.

Not to mention that the whole "naqba" thing is a conflicting paradox in itself. Conflicting stories, conflicting reports.

That is, if you take your blinders off.

I wonder if you realize that these so-called 'expulsions' were a direct consequence of the criminal seizure of historic Palestine moron? You manage to reveal nothing here beyond your own confused ignorance and misguided sense of 'balance'...but please prove your indignant little thesis that more than 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab/Muslim nations, and lost their land and property as did the native population of historic Palestine...?
Another paradox is attempting to compare the "naqba" to the Holocaust.

It is like comparing apples to whales.

On the other hand, I have never denied that many Muslim Arabs fled the newly created state of Israel. Never. I just see that there are two stories that lay the blame. I believe it must have been a mix of the two.
Ventura77. The main thing you have managed to reveal here on this board is your very rapid decline in honest thought, evidenced quickly by your lowering to immediate name calling.

What is your solution to the conflict?

To the extent that Israel is completely subsidized by hundreds of billions from U.S. taxpayers the American public has become the primary target for Zionist propaganda---not merely on cable news and mainstream outlets, but particularly online. Hasbara-trolls are recruited by the IDF media-unit, they are even recruited on American campuses ...each Israel-related article that is posted on AOL or Yahoo is fair game for these despicable’s really a sophisticated operation: they have computer software that looks for certain words or triggers, then they deploy these high-school drop-outs to descend on that poster with pre-scripted lies of such magnificent absurdity that school-children would laugh at them.

As your cartoon-less attempts at writing coherent sentences go, you began with a falsehood and it just got worse for you as you rattled on with another sweaty, feverish, chest-heaving tirade.

In which case this might be an ideal opportunity for you to offer up a sound refutation for your complaint...please endeavor to isolate the particular 'falsehood' and explain exactly how it is false...following on the heels of this exercise you might familiarize your tiny munchkin head with the active definition of 'tirade'...

Your silly tirades are a hoot. It’s actually comical to give you a little nudge and watch you go off on another saliva-slinging tirade. Read what you cut and pasted. You should be able to isolate your falsehood.
Your silly tirades are a hoot. It’s actually comical to give you a little nudge and watch you go off on another saliva-slinging tirade. Read what you cut and pasted. You should be able to isolate your falsehood.
For academic purposes, could you tell me what you believe was false in his post.
The other paradox obviously escapes you. The fact that more Jews were expelled and their belongings confiscated from other middle eastern countries at the same time.

Not to mention that the whole "naqba" thing is a conflicting paradox in itself. Conflicting stories, conflicting reports.

That is, if you take your blinders off.

I wonder if you realize that these so-called 'expulsions' were a direct consequence of the criminal seizure of historic Palestine moron? You manage to reveal nothing here beyond your own confused ignorance and misguided sense of 'balance'...but please prove your indignant little thesis that more than 800,000 Jews were expelled from Arab/Muslim nations, and lost their land and property as did the native population of historic Palestine...?

The actual expulsions of Arabs was the direct result of Arab-Moslem armies. You are historically (more like hysterically), ignorant of the facts.

When you need help, raise your hand and ask for assistance.
Your silly tirades are a hoot. It’s actually comical to give you a little nudge and watch you go off on another saliva-slinging tirade. Read what you cut and pasted. You should be able to isolate your falsehood.
For academic purposes, could you tell me what you believe was false in his post.
I would suggest you try weed-wacking your way through the landscape of Louie’s diseased tirades.
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