Paralyzed GOP Rep Madison Cawthorn rips off covid mask at the end of passionate speech about defending the border: "Finish The Wall!"

Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
There was some patch work, an unfinished fence, what's tragic is how the left voted for one, then when Trump wanted some funding to finish what they started they flip flopped for political reasons...

It's tragic the left puts party before country....just another example...thanks for the reminder
Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
There was some patch work, an unfinished fence, what's tragic is how the left voted for one, then when Trump wanted some funding to finish what they started they flip flopped for political reasons...

It's tragic the left puts party before country....just another example...thanks for the reminder
They offered Trump money to do the wall but it wasn't as much as Trump felt he needed so he shut down the govt and still only managed to get the paltry amount of $1.6 billion so he stole money from the military...And you wonder why our military is hurting now..
Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
There was some patch work, an unfinished fence, what's tragic is how the left voted for one, then when Trump wanted some funding to finish what they started they flip flopped for political reasons...

It's tragic the left puts party before country....just another example...thanks for the reminder
They offered Trump money to do the wall but it wasn't as much as Trump felt he needed so he shut down the govt and still only managed to get the paltry amount of $1.6 billion so he stole money from the military...And you wonder why our military is hurting now..
Not sure how he "stole" money from the military to provide's the military's job to provide defense.

I wasn't aware the military was currently hurting.
Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
There was some patch work, an unfinished fence, what's tragic is how the left voted for one, then when Trump wanted some funding to finish what they started they flip flopped for political reasons...

It's tragic the left puts party before country....just another example...thanks for the reminder
They offered Trump money to do the wall but it wasn't as much as Trump felt he needed so he shut down the govt and still only managed to get the paltry amount of $1.6 billion so he stole money from the military...And you wonder why our military is hurting now..
Have Mexico paid up yet ?
Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
There was some patch work, an unfinished fence, what's tragic is how the left voted for one, then when Trump wanted some funding to finish what they started they flip flopped for political reasons...

It's tragic the left puts party before country....just another example...thanks for the reminder
They offered Trump money to do the wall but it wasn't as much as Trump felt he needed so he shut down the govt and still only managed to get the paltry amount of $1.6 billion so he stole money from the military...And you wonder why our military is hurting now..
Have Mexico paid up yet ?
No, Trump eats up the money before it ever makes it past Florida.
Why he wouldn't be able to wheel himself over the border if the wall was finished, oh wait, there already was a wall before Trump lied and said there is no wall..
There was some patch work, an unfinished fence, what's tragic is how the left voted for one, then when Trump wanted some funding to finish what they started they flip flopped for political reasons...

It's tragic the left puts party before country....just another example...thanks for the reminder
They offered Trump money to do the wall but it wasn't as much as Trump felt he needed so he shut down the govt and still only managed to get the paltry amount of $1.6 billion so he stole money from the military...And you wonder why our military is hurting now..

Don’t degenerate LefTards usually claim that our military is overfunded? Aren’t they always begging to cut military funding?
Hahaha....damn, you people are so weird.
Cawthorn got owned pretty good here!


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