Parents can't opt their kids out of ELEMENTARY sex education classes

so what it's England?

Yeah that's where I stopped reading. I figure our educational system will rightfully get back into local hands over these next years and so such mandates won't be federal issues here.

That's why they know most leftist remain clueless to the agenda " THEY STOPPED READING"....
Now now, wait until it comes out on CNN, they'll see it then.

LMAO sad but true isn't it.
Okay, so anatomically correct renditions of human genitalia is porn?

Out of curiosity, when is it appropriate, in your belief, to begin teaching children about sexuality?

When your kid ask you about it, or the parent knows their kid. Obviously kids need to have it explained, but what people aren't getting is the " STATE OWNS YOUR KID" it's indoctrinated via the schools . You don't know what that teacher(s) believe about sex. They could feel a kid should get it on at ten yrs old. ..........or maybe a teacher thinks a kid shouldn't do it until married. Your kid is being taught via a stranger. Your kids is getting taught what the FEDERAL GOV. tells them they can be taught. If the school does not comply they get no Federal Funding..

Everything is blackmailed by FEDERAL FUNDING and or GRANTS this is how the FEDS find ways to indoctrinate the kids.

Ah. So you just don't think it should be taught in schools. What about other health subjects? Do you think those shouldn't be taught in schools either?
Okay, so anatomically correct renditions of human genitalia is porn?

Out of curiosity, when is it appropriate, in your belief, to begin teaching children about sexuality?

When your kid ask you about it, or the parent knows their kid. Obviously kids need to have it explained, but what people aren't getting is the " STATE OWNS YOUR KID" it's indoctrinated via the schools . You don't know what that teacher(s) believe about sex. They could feel a kid should get it on at ten yrs old. ..........or maybe a teacher thinks a kid shouldn't do it until married. Your kid is being taught via a stranger. Your kids is getting taught what the FEDERAL GOV. tells them they can be taught. If the school does not comply they get no Federal Funding..

Everything is blackmailed by FEDERAL FUNDING and or GRANTS this is how the FEDS find ways to indoctrinate the kids.

Ah. So you just don't think it should be taught in schools. What about other health subjects? Do you think those shouldn't be taught in schools either?

There is a difference between " HEALTH" and telling kids where and what a dildo is, or how to kiss the same sex like this pic


go to the site they have 8 yr old little girls being taught to HATE ME...............

These are the same idiots pushing to indoctrinate the kids making everything not normal normal.
Just another example of WHY I live in a really white,fairly conservative area. We have WONDERFUL schools for our kids. I get texts and daily reports for my kids from their teachers....I love it here. Now my oldest is going into 5th grade next year so I am sure sometime in next 2 or 3 years something will come up about sexual education and we will cross that bridge then. I don't hide thing from my kids we just learn different ways to explain to them to etc. My then 8 and 6 year olds wanted to know where their baby sister came from so had to come up with that in a way that was clean and understandable for kids to grasp.
I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

So, wait. You DON'T want your kids to learn about boundaries and consent? You don't want them to know that there are other kinds of sexual relationships besides cis-and-straight?
Not in school, no.This sort of bs is why Trump is president, and the dept if ed is going to be eliminated.
I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.

I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.

nope. It's my job to teach my kids about sexuality and boundaries. NOT the state.
Controversial plans to enforce relationships education in primary schools will include no right of withdrawal for parents, it has emerged. Yesterday evening the government released an official policy statement, outlining its plans to create a new statutory subject of “‘Relationships Education” in primary schools across England. The statement reveals that the subject will include teaching on “different types of relationships” as well as “boundaries and consent.” Alarmingly, it also states that parents will not be allowed to withdraw their children from these lessons.
Parents Can't Opt Their Kids Out of Elementary Sex Education Classes

Here we have a site where parents can learn what they can or can't do for their kids

Whether it's in science class, physical education or in a special session at school, your children will likely be exposed to some message — or a series of messages — about sexuality. Far too often, parents learn of their child's exposure to explicit "education" materials after the fact.

When invited into the school, groups like Planned Parenthood often teach distorted sexual values and categorize "acceptable" sexual activity outside of God's design for sex. This goes directly against the desire of many parents who want their children to abstain from sexual activity before marriage.

Don't assume sex-ed classes will be appropriate for your child. Investigate. Start by looking at what your state requires schools to teach regarding sex. Note whether parents are able to "opt-out" of (meaning your children can't receive sexuality instruction without your written permission) or "opt-in" to (meaning the school can give them sexuality instruction unless you sign a form prohibiting it) sex education and if permission waivers are required. Next, learn your district's policy on sex education by visiting your district's website.

Sex Ed: How Do I Find Out What's Happening in the Classroom
I'd be damed if I would let me kid be sexually perverted by these clipped idiots.

Well good. These kids are going to become adults in the future and they need to know stuff.
I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.


Do children "belong" to their parents? Do children not grow up and become their own person? Should they be denied certain essential things?

If the parents own then, can they refuse to feed their children like slaves? Or should the govt make sure kids are getting food?
I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.


Do children "belong" to their parents? Do children not grow up and become their own person? Should they be denied certain essential things?

If the parents own then, can they refuse to feed their children like slaves? Or should the govt make sure kids are getting food?
No, the govt should do nothing to or with my kids. Because I don't want, and won't allow, perverts and weirdoes like you desensitizing them to depravity. My job them from freaks...not hand them over to freaks.
When invited into the school, groups like Planned Parenthood often teach distorted sexual values and categorize "acceptable" sexual activity outside of God's design for sex.
Yep, I remember the demonstrations they gave to our class about how to punch/block/parry each other using latex fists that were readily available in sex shops. Those skills really came in handy when my friends and I were attacked by brigands, we were able to use the latex fists we had recently purchased to fend off their repeated and determined attacks. We escaped completely unharmed, gotta hand it to our education system.

Controversial plans to enforce relationships education in primary schools will include no right of withdrawal for parents, it has emerged. Yesterday evening the government released an official policy statement, outlining its plans to create a new statutory subject of “‘Relationships Education” in primary schools across England. The statement reveals that the subject will include teaching on “different types of relationships” as well as “boundaries and consent.” Alarmingly, it also states that parents will not be allowed to withdraw their children from these lessons.
Parents Can't Opt Their Kids Out of Elementary Sex Education Classes

Here we have a site where parents can learn what they can or can't do for their kids

Whether it's in science class, physical education or in a special session at school, your children will likely be exposed to some message — or a series of messages — about sexuality. Far too often, parents learn of their child's exposure to explicit "education" materials after the fact.

When invited into the school, groups like Planned Parenthood often teach distorted sexual values and categorize "acceptable" sexual activity outside of God's design for sex. This goes directly against the desire of many parents who want their children to abstain from sexual activity before marriage.

Don't assume sex-ed classes will be appropriate for your child. Investigate. Start by looking at what your state requires schools to teach regarding sex. Note whether parents are able to "opt-out" of (meaning your children can't receive sexuality instruction without your written permission) or "opt-in" to (meaning the school can give them sexuality instruction unless you sign a form prohibiting it) sex education and if permission waivers are required. Next, learn your district's policy on sex education by visiting your district's website.

Sex Ed: How Do I Find Out What's Happening in the Classroom
I'd be damed if I would let me kid be sexually perverted by these clipped idiots.

Well good. These kids are going to become adults in the future and they need to know stuff.

Typical libtard indoctrinated response............Funny how humanity made it just fine without child molesters teaching kids about sex legally..

I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.


Do children "belong" to their parents? Do children not grow up and become their own person? Should they be denied certain essential things?

If the parents own then, can they refuse to feed their children like slaves? Or should the govt make sure kids are getting food?
No, the govt should do nothing to or with my kids. Because I don't want, and won't allow, perverts and weirdoes like you desensitizing them to depravity. My job them from freaks...not hand them over to freaks.

THESE dumb mother fkrs don't even know how to raise kids they want the schools to do it.
The school is the parent, they raise them eight to nine hours out of the day while woman powers feels her fkn cheerios to go out and bring home the bacon, that's why she doesn't need a man, she just wants his money after they leave one another, that way she has full control of never having that kid in her home while she works all day , ships the kid off on daddy's days...

these idiots will never understand the socialized engineering they accept as being the oh so right way of doing things while they still can't figure out why we have a totally screwed up generation of kids who can literally tell their parents to fk themselves with no bonding between parents etc..................

oh hell this comment is going into a social book but you get the picture i'm sure.
I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.


Do children "belong" to their parents? Do children not grow up and become their own person? Should they be denied certain essential things?

If the parents own then, can they refuse to feed their children like slaves? Or should the govt make sure kids are getting food?

Well why don't you let a stranger in a park teach your kid about dildos you might as well.
so the fk what kids grow up.............. Are you not going to be around your kid talking to them until they grow up.
you need to grow up and have a pair of balls to teach your own kids about sex not some gawd damn stranger who has become the kids parents.

It is a social engineering project and the only ones falling for are the dumbasses who can't see through to the plan of destroying the family , perveriting your kids earlier and earlier.
I get why parents don't like their kids learning about certain things in school, but what about those who don't have parents? They have to learn about things from someone.

God bless you and them always!!!

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” says the professor of political science at Tulane University, where she is founding director of the Anna Julia Cooper Project on Gender, Race, and Politics in the South. Kids belong to whole communities, she insists, and once we realize this we’ll make “better investments” in government indoctrination of children.


Do children "belong" to their parents? Do children not grow up and become their own person? Should they be denied certain essential things?

If the parents own then, can they refuse to feed their children like slaves? Or should the govt make sure kids are getting food?

Feminism is a Depopulation Program
Feminism is a Depopulation Program
Controversial plans to enforce relationships education in primary schools will include no right of withdrawal for parents, it has emerged. Yesterday evening the government released an official policy statement, outlining its plans to create a new statutory subject of “‘Relationships Education” in primary schools across England. The statement reveals that the subject will include teaching on “different types of relationships” as well as “boundaries and consent.” Alarmingly, it also states that parents will not be allowed to withdraw their children from these lessons.
Parents Can't Opt Their Kids Out of Elementary Sex Education Classes

Here we have a site where parents can learn what they can or can't do for their kids

Whether it's in science class, physical education or in a special session at school, your children will likely be exposed to some message — or a series of messages — about sexuality. Far too often, parents learn of their child's exposure to explicit "education" materials after the fact.

When invited into the school, groups like Planned Parenthood often teach distorted sexual values and categorize "acceptable" sexual activity outside of God's design for sex. This goes directly against the desire of many parents who want their children to abstain from sexual activity before marriage.

Don't assume sex-ed classes will be appropriate for your child. Investigate. Start by looking at what your state requires schools to teach regarding sex. Note whether parents are able to "opt-out" of (meaning your children can't receive sexuality instruction without your written permission) or "opt-in" to (meaning the school can give them sexuality instruction unless you sign a form prohibiting it) sex education and if permission waivers are required. Next, learn your district's policy on sex education by visiting your district's website.

Sex Ed: How Do I Find Out What's Happening in the Classroom
I'd be damed if I would let me kid be sexually perverted by these clipped idiots.

Well good. These kids are going to become adults in the future and they need to know stuff.

Typical libtard indoctrinated response............Funny how humanity made it just fine without child molesters teaching kids about sex legally..


Insults huh?

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