..Parents hope photo of fatal text serves as warning

A few weeks ago my 16 yr old was coming home from school on the bus. They passed a woman lying on the driveway of a daycare and a car smashed into a pole. Both the driver and woman were heading west, he was driving and she was jogging. He was high, texting, and driving. He crossed over to the other side of the road where she was jogging, hit her, sent her flying into the air and onto the blacktop. 40 year old married mother of two small kids, dead.

So awful, so preventable. You can not be distracted while driving, regardless of the distraction. Period. When you're behind the wheel pay attention and drive. Everything else can wait.

The driver was high? Obviously the jogger's fault. She was unaware that being high makes someone a safer driver.
So awful, so preventable. You can not be distracted while driving, regardless of the distraction. Period. When you're behind the wheel pay attention and drive. Everything else can wait.

All electronic toys should be banned from cars and yes, that includes radios. The auto industry puts all this distracting junk in cars cause they want crashes. Car crashes mean car sales.

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