Parents of Nevada Shooter might face Charges!

Any responsible firearm owner is going to make sure his guns are secure at all times, whether there are children in the home or not; if for no other reason than to prevent theft.

My firearms have been, and will always be, under lock and key, that was the case even before my sons were born.

Weapons are useless in an emergency locked up. I keep my mags unloaded so as not to ruin the springs that is enough of a handicap.
That's funny since its you who is saying the parents (you?) are not responsible, to some extent, for giving a child a gun.

They gave him the gun? Do you have access to information about this incident the rest of us don't?

And that's probably for the best. Sounds like he was on track to be the American Psycho.

Again, show me where they gave it to him.

He rarely gets in trouble because he knows I'll crack his ass the other way.

Oh, now they handed it right to him, huh? Why aren't you on CNN reporting on this case, Dudley. You have so much intel on what happened.

Over and over and over, I have said IF the kid got the guns from his parents and yet, you somehow don't notice that. You also conveniently missed this -

Note also that, to my knowledge, we do not yet know if this CHILD got the gun from his parents so I am referring ONLY to what Dont'TazMeBro wrote.

"crack his ass"

Yep, that pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

You did not say if, you have consistently stated as if a matter of fact that the parents gave the child the weapon.
Unless the parents handed the gun to the kid what are they going to charge them with?

Negligence comes to mind if the gun was left out where the kid could get to it. I'm not sure there are any laws that cover this type of thing, but maybe there should be. Gun owners always talk about how responsible they are, but when things like this happen, they are never held accountable.

I have two teenage sons who are hot heads. I chose to not keep a gun in my house because I see a greater risk in keeping a gun than in not having one. If a parent keeps a gun in the house and the kid has access to it and then uses it to kill an innocent person, then the parent should be held accountable. It's called responsibility. Many gun owners seem to want the right to own and keep guns but no responsibility when things go wrong.
The liberal masturbation over the still warm bodies begins!!

Did not take long, right?
I feel sorry for the boy and the parents - he was bullied and nobody wanted to help him, so he was cornered to take justice in his hands - too often that happens in schools where teachers care only about themselves.

You mean like the Ex-Marine Teacher who tried to talk him down and was shot sheilding other students.

Yeah, that guy only cared about himself.
Names of school shooters have never been withheld. There must be some political reason they aren't telling his name. Perhaps he is a minority. The media likes to gloss over minority crime.

His age is mentioned twice in the post you answered.

Edited to add - Please, can't we have even one thread without the racist scum coming out from under their rocks? Race isn't important but his age is.

Where did he get the gun?

It is a precedent to withhold this information. There is a reason for it. I suspect the shooter was a minority of the Trayvon Martin ilk. God knows, if he was white his picture would already be all over the internet.

Actually, they almost never name children involved in incidents like these, regardless of race.
BTW, these parents are already starting a life sentence in hell. As are the family of the courageous teacher.

Any way you look at it, these commonplace shootings ruin a lot of lives.

Sad, sad, sad.

You don't know that. Maybe they will hit the jackpot like li'l Trayvon's parents did.

Well now, aren't you quite the bigoted asshole.

Neither you not luddley can deny that they did hit the jackpot.
The liberal masturbation over the still warm bodies begins!!

Did not take long, right?
I feel sorry for the boy and the parents - he was bullied and nobody wanted to help him, so he was cornered to take justice in his hands - too often that happens in schools where teachers care only about themselves.

You mean like the Ex-Marine Teacher who tried to talk him down and was shot sheilding other students.

Yeah, that guy only cared about himself.
Too little too late. I feel sorry for that Marine and his family - it is usually the ones which are not the guilty who get punished in such cases, but preventing the case of the 12 yo feeling like there is nobody there to stand for him against the bullies - is sole responsibility of the school. If the investigation proves that it was bullying by gang members which led to this and school did nothing to prevent this - parents of the boy should sue the school.
His age is mentioned twice in the post you answered.

Edited to add - Please, can't we have even one thread without the racist scum coming out from under their rocks? Race isn't important but his age is.

Where did he get the gun?

It is a precedent to withhold this information. There is a reason for it. I suspect the shooter was a minority of the Trayvon Martin ilk. God knows, if he was white his picture would already be all over the internet.

Actually, they almost never name children involved in incidents like these, regardless of race.

They have named everyone of the school shooters. Every single one. Even the dead ones. You are just another black bigot who thinks blacks should not have to pay the same price that whites pay for their crimes.
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Any responsible firearm owner is going to make sure his guns are secure at all times, whether there are children in the home or not; if for no other reason than to prevent theft.

My firearms have been, and will always be, under lock and key, that was the case even before my sons were born.

If that is your choice so be it, but the state should not be able to force people to follow the procedures you follow by choice.
Any responsible firearm owner is going to make sure his guns are secure at all times, whether there are children in the home or not; if for no other reason than to prevent theft.

My firearms have been, and will always be, under lock and key, that was the case even before my sons were born.

When you learn this was not a white child, you will change your tune and come up with some excuse.
Doesn't have anything to do with pre-existing mental illness either.

IMO, if a kid uses a gun the parents made available to him, the parents should be held responsible.

Including you.

Oh, I see. So if you lend your son or daughter your car on prom night and they go out and get drunk afterwards and kill someone should you be put in jail since you gave them the car? If your son is on the high school baseball team and one day beats the crap out of another kid he doesn't like with his baseball bat should you be put in jail since you bought him the bat?

I'm not surprised this is the stance you take because like most people on the left you blame everybody else but the person responsible for their own actions.
Frequently, parents are held least in civil court if not in criminal court. We had a case like there here in Poway about 20 year ago. Parents held legally responsible.

In civil court, yes, only because minors have no assets and can't be held financially liable, but their parents can. That is not the same as criminal court.
"crack his ass"

Yep, that pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

Maybe if your parents had done that to you once in a while you wouldn't be the cowardly bed wetter you are.

As usual, you have no clue. I was beaten daily, tied up with electric cord and locked in a closet under the stairs, burned with cigarettes and more.


I'll say it again -

IF (editorial) you give a gun to a child, you are responsible for what that child does with that gun.

Don't like being a responsible parent?

Then, don't have kids.

Oh yeah, and

"crack his ass"

Yep, that pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

Maybe if your parents had done that to you once in a while you wouldn't be the cowardly bed wetter you are.

As usual, you have no clue. I was beaten daily, tied up with electric cord and locked in a closet under the stairs, burned with cigarettes and more.


You are a fucking liar and a disgrace to human beings.

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