Parents of Nevada Shooter might face Charges!

"crack his ass"

Yep, that pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

Maybe if your parents had done that to you once in a while you wouldn't be the cowardly bed wetter you are.

As usual, you have no clue. I was beaten daily, tied up with electric cord and locked in a closet under the stairs, burned with cigarettes and more.



Yeah, sure, and everyone on the Internet has a dead mother after you make an insult about her.
"crack his ass"

Yep, that pretty much tells me everything I need to know.

Maybe if your parents had done that to you once in a while you wouldn't be the cowardly bed wetter you are.

As usual, you have no clue. I was beaten daily, tied up with electric cord and locked in a closet under the stairs, burned with cigarettes and more.


I'll say it again -

IF (editorial) you give a gun to a child, you are responsible for what that child does with that gun.

Don't like being a responsible parent?

Then, don't have kids.

Oh yeah, and


That is not discipline. That is abuse. Discipline is a light swat on the butt with an open hand. At least it was to my children's pediatrician.

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