Parents Outraged: Homosexual Teacher Reads "Gay Fairy Tale" To 3rd Graders

Efland-Cheeks Elementary officials upheld the book after the initial complaint, but when the subsequent complaints were lodged, officials held a community meeting. In a statement issued Friday, they said removing it from the class would be unwarranted. Neither the book nor the teacher will be removed from the third grade classroom.

Efland school deems gay fairy tale OK for classes The
A wussbag liberal school board ruling does not make it right.

Perhaps the voters of that school district will remember this as the time for the next election draws near.
I doubt it. Efland seems to be a bit more tolerant and less bigoted than the typical conservative community.
Any 3rd grader that's not aware of homosexuality is probably home schooled.
Not if they are being raised by a homosexual couple.

God bless you and the children who don't have both a mom and dad in their lives always!!!

Less than half (46%) of U.S. kids are living in a home with two married heterosexual parents in their first marriage. That's something conservatives just can't seem to fathom.
Any 3rd grader that's not aware of homosexuality is probably home schooled.
Not if they are being raised by a homosexual couple.

God bless you and the children who don't have both a mom and dad in their lives always!!!

Less than half (46%) of U.S. kids are living in a home with two married heterosexual parents in their first marriage. That's something conservatives just can't seem to fathom.
Just because the mother and father don't live in the same house doesn't mean they aren't in the child's life. It's less than ideal but leagues better than a same sex couple.

Children are better off being raised feral by wolves than by faggots.
Efland-Cheeks Elementary officials upheld the book after the initial complaint, but when the subsequent complaints were lodged, officials held a community meeting. In a statement issued Friday, they said removing it from the class would be unwarranted. Neither the book nor the teacher will be removed from the third grade classroom.

Efland school deems gay fairy tale OK for classes The

Efland? Appropriate name.

Yeah, the teachers unions have been all about pushing the sodomite agenda for decades. They used AIDS as the wedge issue in the 1980's, and down that slippery slope we continue to go. So no surprise the "officials" did not remove the book, or the teacher.
When I was in third grade in public school I was unaware of homosexuality. They weren't allowed to push their agenda in 1984 like they do today.
That was then. This now.
Then was right, now is wrong. My child knows gay is sick.
What the teacher did was right. The children were teasing a male classmate who acts “a little feminine,” and “the term gay was used in a derogatory way. For a teacher to ignore the incident and not confront bigotry and cruelty with truth would have been wrong.

When we over-shelter children, we are setting them up for failure as adults. When it comes to raising kids, telling kids the plain truth is the best policy. Controversial subject such as homosexuality should be explained as such. We do a huge injustice to our kids when we lie to them and establish unspeakable issues.
If a child is being picked on how about simply teaching kids that we must be respectful to everybody no matter what. Why do we have to read them a gay fairy tale. Why not just say something like you're not being respectful and you are bullying a student which is not acceptable. I will see you in detention for the next week and I'm calling your parents to tell them you violated school policy and will have an in school suspension next time. If you don't like a student keep your mouth shut, AKA if you can't say something nice don't say it at all.
And the parents would have probably defended their kids for calling a queer a queer.

Well, the teacher is threatening to resign which is probably what he should do. Then the board can hire a replacement who knows how to turn his back on bigotry and intolerance. That's apparently what the parents want.
I just don't understand why the school system has to address sexuality at all. Why not just handle this as bullying with a zero tolerance policy.
That was then. This now.
Then was right, now is wrong. My child knows gay is sick.
What the teacher did was right. The children were teasing a male classmate who acts “a little feminine,” and “the term gay was used in a derogatory way. For a teacher to ignore the incident and not confront bigotry and cruelty with truth would have been wrong.

When we over-shelter children, we are setting them up for failure as adults. When it comes to raising kids, telling kids the plain truth is the best policy. Controversial subject such as homosexuality should be explained as such. We do a huge injustice to our kids when we lie to them and establish unspeakable issues.
If a child is being picked on how about simply teaching kids that we must be respectful to everybody no matter what. Why do we have to read them a gay fairy tale. Why not just say something like you're not being respectful and you are bullying a student which is not acceptable. I will see you in detention for the next week and I'm calling your parents to tell them you violated school policy and will have an in school suspension next time. If you don't like a student keep your mouth shut, AKA if you can't say something nice don't say it at all.
And the parents would have probably defended their kids for calling a queer a queer.

Well, the teacher is threatening to resign which is probably what he should do. Then the board can hire a replacement who knows how to turn his back on bigotry and intolerance. That's apparently what the parents want.
I just don't understand why the school system has to address sexuality at all. Why not just handle this as bullying with a zero tolerance policy.
They probably did but that's not sensational enough to be reported. The bullying is the real story, not a 3rd grade teacher reading a gay fairly tale about love and tolerance. Are people really that dumb to believe it will warp their little minds?
It's important to remember that these reprobates do not reproduce naturally, so they must recruit young people into their 'lifestyle'. They infiltrate themselves into our most cherished institutions so they can prey on the young. Once they have achieved the ability to be left alone with our children they unleash their grooming techniques. The result is children recruited into perverted, dangerous 'lifestyles' because they are taken advantage of during their most vulnerable time, the critical development period of adolescence.


Homosexual teacher reads gay fairy tale to 3rd graders - Berean Research

Again, you are an idiot. You can't teach someone to be gay. You either are gay or you are not. It's not learned behavior.

1.That's a matter of opinion whether gay lifestyle is biological or a decision.

2. Nobody should be pushing their own agenda on school kids period. Kids are in school to learn academic's. Sexuality and lifestyle, like religion, should be taught at home. It's no more acceptable for the teacher to push their beliefs on the children any more than it would be for a group of Jehovah witnesses to push their agenda in class. Our kids need to be taught to compete in the world market not whether or not it's OK for two dudes to suck face.

Please tell us all when you chose to be gay or straight. How difficult of a decision was it for you? Did you have to struggle with it?
What I would like to know is how that teacher explained this to them kids, especially those who know that this is not where babies come from. :) :) :)

God bless you and them kids always!!! ;) :) :)

Efland-Cheeks Elementary officials upheld the book after the initial complaint, but when the subsequent complaints were lodged, officials held a community meeting. In a statement issued Friday, they said removing it from the class would be unwarranted. Neither the book nor the teacher will be removed from the third grade classroom.

Efland school deems gay fairy tale OK for classes The
A wussbag liberal school board ruling does not make it right.

Perhaps the voters of that school district will remember this as the time for the next election draws near.
I doubt it. Efland seems to be a bit more tolerant and less bigoted than the typical conservative community.
It's not a matter of toleration or bigotry...

It's a rejection of homosexual filth and deviancy and perversion...

Calling it something else doesn't render it thus...
Is it an "agenda" to have kids learning how to deal with handicapped individuals in school?
Queers are handicapped?

No but it's the same line of reasoning they have handicapped folks come into classes and talk to the students. It's teaching empathy, tolerance, and understanding. Flopper has the right idea:

They probably did but that's not sensational enough to be reported. The bullying is the real story, not a 3rd grade teacher reading a gay fairly tale about love and tolerance. Are people really that dumb to believe it will warp their little minds?

Truth be told, I think two guys together is a bit gross myself. The whole idea of it is... repellant to me. That said, to me, it's not much different then... foot fetishes - I think feet are disgusting as well, but lots of people have foot fetishes. Just because /I/ don't like feet or anal sex, doesn't mean that someone who happens to like feet or anal sex is "wrong." I have an odd ear fetish, my closest friends call it an "elf" fetish or (for a brief period in the 80's) a "Vulcan" fetish - it's been a long standing joke since I was in HS that I'm "attracted to my own species." This is where that saying comes from, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Just as I can find pointy-ish ears attractive, and others might find feet attractive, some men find men attractive, or women find women attractive.

Anti-gay folks are always talking about homosexuality being a "choice," but be honest, does one "chose" to believe in God, or does the belief of him simply "exist" in their heart and mind? Would that belief cease to exist if it were not told to you, or would it still be there, perhaps without an actual name?

Let's talk about "choice." My husband is a religious anti-gay type and I am bi-sexual. I have a monogamous straight life with my husband, that was a "choice." However, I /still/ find women sexually attractive, that part was NOT a "choice." Further, I don't expect other bisexual women to "choose" to live "straight" as I did, I tell them to follow their heart and do what /they/ feel is right, not what /I/ feel is right. I've always been the friend folks come to when they want a logical and/or rational opinion on something; including quite a few friends over the years who have had questions about their own sexual orientations. I don't push them to be homosexual NOR straight, I actually do what they asked me to do - try to help them sort out their confusion; it is not /my/ feelings, it is /their/ feelings. Some of the friends I have advised have indeed come out to be LGBT, many others have not. That is the difference between bigots and actual friends. I want those who come to me for advice to be /happy/ and do what /they/ feel is right for /them/, rather than trying to push my /personal/ opinion's and belief's on them. It is why my friends trust me, and why they come to me for help and advice - and this may be the most important part when it comes down to it - because they know that no matter what, I will still /like/ them; it is who they /are/ that I "choose" to like, not merely their sexual orientation, gender, personal beliefs, or political leanings.

Just as nothing I have said above will "shame" anyone who truly believes away from feeling their Bible's teachings are "right," nothing that book says is going to "shame" any homosexual from their true feelings regarding their attraction to the same sex. Yet, forcing a homosexual to live a lie is no more "saving their soul" than letting them marry and be true to themselves. Religious anti-gay's, unfortunately, have little "choice" on their own feelings and therefore any advice they give on this issue is "dictated" to them, the [selfish] consequence is that they are compelled to claim tradition and morals - because it is the only way they can possibly justify in their own hearts the fear, misery, and pain that they willfully and intentionally inflict upon any "friend" who [foolishly] expects them to actually "care" about their feelings and /true/ sexual orientation. Religion has never been about "choice" it has always been about "control," be that dictated by God himself, or by the book men wrote in his name.

The only choice that can really be made by either camp, is how they choose to treat fellow human beings. If admittance to your Heaven requires that I lie to myself, that I condemn myself, my adopted sister, and my many LGBT friends, that I should wish them all to suffer, then I want not part of that place, nor any god who requires such a thing of his followers. If that means my soul ceases to exist, burns in hell, or is claimed by another more compassionate god, then so be it.
If a child is in a class with a boy that is so effeminate that the child is made uncomfortable, just teach the normal kid to avoid the budding pervert. Not to bully them or tease them. Just avoid them. No child should have to accept the attentions of a little pervert.
Slowly, all forms of sexual activity are being accepted and grafted into mainstream "acceptance". History teaches us this is the downfall of society, yet, people keep proclaiming it's the answer to society's woe's -

Which history teaches you that?
Perhaps the definitive work on the rise and fall of civilization was written back in the thirties by an Oxford anthropologist. In Sex and Culture, a study of 86 human civilizations ranging from Rome to Tahiti, J.D. Unwin found that a society’s destiny is tied inseparably to the limits it imposes on sexual expression

The definitive according to whom?

I am impressed that you were able to find someone who makes the same claim- albeit you have to reach back 80 years, to before the use of Pennicillin to find someone who supports that claim.

Have you read the book? Do you agree with the author? Do you think his analysis is still valid?

Yet, it is accurate it's history. Provable. People don't like to hear it so they won't even address it anymore. I'm sure there is more current writings on it - and yes, I do. I don't think the decline of power in the US is totally unrelated to our more loose and liberal ways of life... in all ways
It's a perversion like any other things. A child molester can make the same claim they were "born that way", or someone into beastiality can also say the were "born that way"....
Also, I wonder why gay people get offended about gay discussion. I was on a board talking very factually and calmly about this topic and people went nuts! I didn't even get nasty or personal! Call me hateful, just because I don't agree with the lifestyle. Not like a was telling them "you're evil" or "you're going to hell" etc.?

It's important to remember that these reprobates do not reproduce naturally, so they must recruit young people into their 'lifestyle'. They infiltrate themselves into our most cherished institutions so they can prey on the young. Once they have achieved the ability to be left alone with our children they unleash their grooming techniques. The result is children recruited into perverted, dangerous 'lifestyles' because they are taken advantage of during their most vulnerable time, the critical development period of adolescence.


Homosexual teacher reads gay fairy tale to 3rd graders - Berean Research
Any 3rd grader that's not aware of homosexuality is probably home schooled.
When I was in third grade in public school I was unaware of homosexuality. They weren't allowed to push their agenda in 1984 like they do today.
That was then. This now.
Then was right, now is wrong. My child knows gay is sick.
What the teacher did was right. The children were teasing a male classmate who acts “a little feminine,” and “the term gay was used in a derogatory way. For a teacher to ignore the incident and not confront bigotry and cruelty with truth would have been wrong.

When we over-shelter children, we are setting them up for failure as adults. When it comes to raising kids, telling kids the plain truth is the best policy. Controversial subject such as homosexuality should be explained as such. We do a huge injustice to our kids when we lie to them and establish unspeakable issues.
Homosexuals belong in the closet. They are disgusting and spread disease and normal people should shun them. That's what all kids should be taught.
It's important to remember that these reprobates do not reproduce naturally, so they must recruit young people into their 'lifestyle'. They infiltrate themselves into our most cherished institutions so they can prey on the young. Once they have achieved the ability to be left alone with our children they unleash their grooming techniques. The result is children recruited into perverted, dangerous 'lifestyles' because they are taken advantage of during their most vulnerable time, the critical development period of adolescence.


Homosexual teacher reads gay fairy tale to 3rd graders - Berean Research

Again, you are an idiot. You can't teach someone to be gay. You either are gay or you are not. It's not learned behavior.

1.That's a matter of opinion whether gay lifestyle is biological or a decision.

2. Nobody should be pushing their own agenda on school kids period. Kids are in school to learn academic's. Sexuality and lifestyle, like religion, should be taught at home. It's no more acceptable for the teacher to push their beliefs on the children any more than it would be for a group of Jehovah witnesses to push their agenda in class. Our kids need to be taught to compete in the world market not whether or not it's OK for two dudes to suck face.

Please tell us all when you chose to be gay or straight. How difficult of a decision was it for you? Did you have to struggle with it?
I take it that your question is in response to #1. Many people feel it's a choice and some a mental illness. I personally feel in some cases it's a choice. I.E. When you have a gay man dating another gay man dressed as a woman. That would indicate that he actually has an attraction to women in which case it's a choice to be with a man. Same goes for lesbians. When one is a woman and the other dresses like a man it's a choice because obviously the woman is comfortable with men enough to date a woman that looks like one. I've known bisexuals and clearly they have a choice. Regardless it shouldn't be taught in the classroom unless it involves reproduction and sexually transmitted disease which falls under biology and health classes. It's not the schools place to say what is acceptable sexuality and what is not, that's up to family's and government. If the child disagree's with his family he can do as he likes when he turns 18. If he disagrees with the government he can work to change things at age 18. It's only the schools job to teach tolerance to all and prevent bullying.

I had a lot of gay friends in school and bullying was the biggest problem. Of course back in my day the school didn't do much about it and that was wrong. I knew one kid that had to quit school, ones that had to hide behind a "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" and another that was in denial. IMHO if the school had done more to teach tolerance than their school years would have been much better. The school only did something when it endangered them physically on school grounds. That left the job of protection up to other students to defend against bully's. It sucked.
Then was right, now is wrong. My child knows gay is sick.
What the teacher did was right. The children were teasing a male classmate who acts “a little feminine,” and “the term gay was used in a derogatory way. For a teacher to ignore the incident and not confront bigotry and cruelty with truth would have been wrong.

When we over-shelter children, we are setting them up for failure as adults. When it comes to raising kids, telling kids the plain truth is the best policy. Controversial subject such as homosexuality should be explained as such. We do a huge injustice to our kids when we lie to them and establish unspeakable issues.
If a child is being picked on how about simply teaching kids that we must be respectful to everybody no matter what. Why do we have to read them a gay fairy tale. Why not just say something like you're not being respectful and you are bullying a student which is not acceptable. I will see you in detention for the next week and I'm calling your parents to tell them you violated school policy and will have an in school suspension next time. If you don't like a student keep your mouth shut, AKA if you can't say something nice don't say it at all.
And the parents would have probably defended their kids for calling a queer a queer.

Well, the teacher is threatening to resign which is probably what he should do. Then the board can hire a replacement who knows how to turn his back on bigotry and intolerance. That's apparently what the parents want.
I just don't understand why the school system has to address sexuality at all. Why not just handle this as bullying with a zero tolerance policy.
They probably did but that's not sensational enough to be reported. The bullying is the real story, not a 3rd grade teacher reading a gay fairly tale about love and tolerance. Are people really that dumb to believe it will warp their little minds?
Sexual preference shouldn't be introduced at all. People have lost sight of what schools main purpose is. It's not to teach a bunch of lifestyle crap it's to teach kids to read,write,do math,learn basic world and US history and the sciences in safe environment for all. That's it. My grandfather learned more than most high schoolers and he only had a sixth grade education and he did the math without a calculator. We've dumbed education down to make room for a bunch of crap that doesn't belong there in the first place. Of course back in grandpa's day the teacher could do more to discipline him and then when he got home he'd catch hell from his parents on top of it. A complaint from a teacher was considered as a bad reflection on the parents parenting skills and an embarrassment. It taught him to sit in class.STFU and behave himself. It worked.
If a child is in a class with a boy that is so effeminate that the child is made uncomfortable, just teach the normal kid to avoid the budding pervert. Not to bully them or tease them. Just avoid them. No child should have to accept the attentions of a little pervert.
So what you're saying is isolate the little pervert because he's different.
If a child is in a class with a boy that is so effeminate that the child is made uncomfortable, just teach the normal kid to avoid the budding pervert. Not to bully them or tease them. Just avoid them. No child should have to accept the attentions of a little pervert.
So what you're saying is isolate the little pervert because he's different.
If that difference is affecting others, yes. It's like a kid who shits his pants then demands that all the other kids put their noses to his ass and smell it.

If a child's behavior is making other children uncomfortable that child should be avoided.
If a child is in a class with a boy that is so effeminate that the child is made uncomfortable, just teach the normal kid to avoid the budding pervert. Not to bully them or tease them. Just avoid them. No child should have to accept the attentions of a little pervert.
So what you're saying is isolate the little pervert because he's different.
No, what we're saying for the ignorant evil left is keep sexuall pervert gay out of schools.

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