Parents Outraged: Homosexual Teacher Reads "Gay Fairy Tale" To 3rd Graders

It's important to remember that these reprobates do not reproduce naturally, so they must recruit young people into their 'lifestyle'. They infiltrate themselves into our most cherished institutions so they can prey on the young. Once they have achieved the ability to be left alone with our children they unleash their grooming techniques. The result is children recruited into perverted, dangerous 'lifestyles' because they are taken advantage of during their most vulnerable time, the critical development period of adolescence.


Homosexual teacher reads gay fairy tale to 3rd graders - Berean Research

TBH, this is why I'm against gay marriage. Because they're trying to basically make it a de facto law that if you are averse to the gay agenda then you are 'discriminating' and subject to all manners of retribution. And yes, our children will be indoctrinated and desensitized as well. Somehow, it's okay to go against their nature? Nonsense.
You can't teach someone to be gay. You either are gay or you are not. It's not learned behavior.

The hell you can't. I've seen plenty of adolescent kids being gay in ways that simply did not happen back in the day; and they're learning it from family, friends, media. So, save your fake dissent, mmmkkay.
I take it that your question is in response to #1. Many people feel it's a choice and some a mental illness. I personally feel in some cases it's a choice. I.E. When you have a gay man dating another gay man dressed as a woman. That would indicate that he actually has an attraction to women in which case it's a choice to be with a man. Same goes for lesbians. When one is a woman and the other dresses like a man it's a choice because obviously the woman is comfortable with men enough to date a woman that looks like one. I've known bisexuals and clearly they have a choice. Regardless it shouldn't be taught in the classroom unless it involves reproduction and sexually transmitted disease which falls under biology and health classes. It's not the schools place to say what is acceptable sexuality and what is not, that's up to family's and government. If the child disagree's with his family he can do as he likes when he turns 18. If he disagrees with the government he can work to change things at age 18. It's only the schools job to teach tolerance to all and prevent bullying.

I had a lot of gay friends in school and bullying was the biggest problem. Of course back in my day the school didn't do much about it and that was wrong. I knew one kid that had to quit school, ones that had to hide behind a "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" and another that was in denial. IMHO if the school had done more to teach tolerance than their school years would have been much better. The school only did something when it endangered them physically on school grounds. That left the job of protection up to other students to defend against bully's. It sucked.
Schools should not have to teach tolerance and respect for other. However when parents fail to do so, schools become the last and only resort.

Being homosexual or heterosexual is not a choice. Sexuality is how you feel and think about members of the same or opposite sex. It is who you are. You can avoid having sex but you can't avoid thoughts, feelings, desires, and unconscious gestures. These things are what determines your sexuality.
It is a choice. Gay is a mental disorder.
Do read what you post? You just said homosexuality is a choice and it is mental disorder. People don't choose to have a mental disorders. It is either a mental disorder or choice, not both.
If you choose to be gay you obviously are not right in the head. Liberalism is a mental disorder also.
That makes even less sense.
That is because you are a senseless libtard.
seems those kids were already aware enough of the general concept to have learned elsewhere how to be unkind toward classmates over it...

Omar Currie of Efland-Cheeks Elementary School recently read “King & King” by Linda De Haan and Stern Nijland to the 8- and 9-year-olds in his third grade class because they were teasing a male classmate who acts “a little feminine,” and “the term gay was used in a derogatory way,” he told The Times-News.

The UNC-Chapel Hill School of Education grad contends the reading was a safety issue...

...public school committee meeting officials upheld the book because “the fractured fairy tale form of the book and its diverse subject matter met third-grade curriculum goals,” according to a report from Brown.

“Our first and No. 1 job is to keep students safe,” Currie said. “I’m not sure we can keep students safe when we are picking and choosing the families we represent in our school.”
The instant he finished the story the class broke out into show tunes and starting dressing like their favorite members of The Village People.
No, it doesn't happen instantly. Those who groom children for certain types of sex know it can take years. So they start early by introducing the "there's nothing wrong with it" ideas first.
"groom children for certain types of sex...can take years"


gays have always existed.. and the intention of the lesson isn't really sexual in nature...

A program called "No Outsiders," backed by the British Department for Education, used King and King as a teaching tool for introducing students to gay issues, with one of its aims being the prevention of bullying of students who are perceived to be LGBT or who have LGBT parents. The program was inspired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu's remarks, "Everyone is an insider, there are no outsiders — whatever their beliefs, whatever their color, gender or sexuality."[7]

Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"groom children for certain types of sex...can take years"


gays have always existed.. and the intention of the lesson isn't really sexual in nature...

Ah yes, under the wrappings of "anti-bullying" comes the agenda of softening the minds of 3rd graders to accept your brand of deviant sex as "normal". Yes, we know. We've always known.
The instant he finished the story the class broke out into show tunes and starting dressing like their favorite members of The Village People.
No, it doesn't happen instantly. Those who groom children for certain types of sex know it can take years. So they start early by introducing the "there's nothing wrong with it" ideas first.
Homosexuals are doing EXACTLY what child molesters do to desensitize their victims to what they plan to expose them to. They blur the distinction between right and wrong, give the sense that "everyone does it", and then encourages them to decide for themselves. It's why I ignore their feigned indignation at being compared to pedophiles. It's the exact same playbook.
"prevention of bullying of students who are perceived to be LGBT or who have LGBT parents. "

Ah yes, under the wrappings of "anti-bullying" comes the agenda of softening the minds of 3rd graders to accept your brand of deviant sex as "normal". Yes, we know. We've always known.

you can't deny those people have always existed in classrooms, nor can you deny that bullying exists in normal classrooms..

it is not normal to act as if it is the downfall of society to have qualified educators illustrating simple lessons to teach children how to treat one another with mutual respect...

not normal to imagine a sexual guise agenda ''under the wrappings" while reading cinderella either..
You can't teach someone to be gay. You either are gay or you are not. It's not learned behavior.

The hell you can't. I've seen plenty of adolescent kids being gay in ways that simply did not happen back in the day; and they're learning it from family, friends, media. So, save your fake dissent, mmmkkay.

Yea! Those kids were gay back in the day; you just didn't realize it because they kept it to themselves. You act like homosexuality is something new to mankind, lmao!
You can't teach someone to be gay. You either are gay or you are not. It's not learned behavior.

The hell you can't. I've seen plenty of adolescent kids being gay in ways that simply did not happen back in the day; and they're learning it from family, friends, media. So, save your fake dissent, mmmkkay.

Yea! Those kids were gay back in the day; you just didn't realize it because they kept it to themselves. You act like homosexuality is something new to mankind, lmao!

No, they weren't.

I know homosexuality has been around. I also know that it is largely a cultural phenomenon that is espoused by chaotic cultures and that people are not otherwise so naturally inclined to engage in it.
I think your sexual orientation is guided by your earliest "turn on" experience.
My issue with the teacher reading the "gay fairy tale" is that many parents don't agree with the lifestyle and either it's against their religious principles or, they just feel that it's deviant behavior, and, since they are the parents, have a right to raise their children in anyway they see fit.

This can possibly undermine the parents, as, if the children are being taught differently, then go to school and hear something else from authority figures (teachers) - it creates conflict and confusion (possibly) in the child's mind - of course, the parents could put the kid in private school (if they could afford it, and, most can't).
Folks....Send your kids to private school....
Do whatever it takes....
There isn't much science or math being taught all that much any more in public schools....
Just training to be good little future liberal democrats ready to join the party.
Folks....Send your kids to private school....
Do whatever it takes....
There isn't much science or math being taught all that much any more in public schools....
Just training to be good little future liberal democrats ready to join the party.

Many parents can't afford private school, and, can't afford to not work and homeschool either.
If a child is in a class with a boy that is so effeminate that the child is made uncomfortable, just teach the normal kid to avoid the budding pervert. Not to bully them or tease them. Just avoid them. No child should have to accept the attentions of a little pervert.
So what you're saying is isolate the little pervert because he's different.
If that difference is affecting others, yes. It's like a kid who shits his pants then demands that all the other kids put their noses to his ass and smell it.

If a child's behavior is making other children uncomfortable that child should be avoided.
But where does that end? If a kid is white in a class of blacks should the other kids avoid the white kid? If a kid has bright red hair in a sea of brown does that mean the kid should be avoided because some kids are uncomfortable? General tolerance should be taught. In the work place you can't avoid the gay guy because you're uncomfortable, you have to work along side of him. School is preparation for the work place so work place values should apply.
You need to understand what tolerance means. It doesn't mean accepting or befriending. It doesn't require a conversation. If you have to work along side of someone you are tolerating, it doesn't mean going to lunch and sharing a smoke break. You tolerate them.
According to the news story, the 3rd grader was being teased, taunted, and called derogatory names because he was effeminate. That's intolerance.
Folks....Send your kids to private school....
Do whatever it takes....
There isn't much science or math being taught all that much any more in public schools....
Just training to be good little future liberal democrats ready to join the party.

Many parents can't afford private school, and, can't afford to not work and homeschool either.
Those parents need to check their options. Private school isn't just for the rich and many schools are willing to work with most any budget. My son goes to Catholic school and based on our ability, we pay only $500 per semester. Other parents donate more to help us make up the difference. Any parent who investigates private schools is going to find a range of options within their budget.

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