Paris Agreement will go after your diet


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
These fascists will use any excuse to control you, and to destroy certain industries. They’ve been trying to go after cattle and meat for a while now. The Paris climate agreement would mandate it.

If Premier Bai Dung and his communist allies are sworn in, how long until they force these mandates?

Good thing we control the Senate... this can never become law...

Alaska and North Carolina are shown to be leaning Republican, that's 50 seats ... better head to Georgia and help ... those two seats will be decided in January ... if Democrats win those, they hold the Senate ... I'll be glad to welcome our new Chinese Overlords and introduce them to 5.56 mm x 45 mm NATO rounds ...
Good thing we control the Senate... this can never become law...
For now....Dems and China will pour a billion dollars for the two Georgia Senate run offs.

And Mitt Romney doesn’t count, he is a Dem as far as I am concerned.
$5 per gallon carbon tax ...
$10 per pound beef tax ...
$300 per seat airlines tax ...

Your spouse will be chosen for you ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...
$5 per gallon carbon tax ...
$10 per pound beef tax ...
$300 per seat airlines tax ...

Your spouse will be chosen for you ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...
Personally I don't know how any of us can sleep at night with the wealth disparity that exists across the globe. The only right thing to do would be to give away what we have to the less fortunate.

I mean after all... it's not like we earned it fair and square. We had unfair advantages. We earned it at the expense of them. We took advantage of them. We don't deserve it.

It's funny how one can believe that argument about others but will vehemently deny it about themselves.

Somewhere dunning is smiling at the hypocrisy and idiocy of others.
Have you traveled abroad much to these poor impoverished countries? ... very stark in Central America ... villages of cardboard boxes and corrugated steel and one big beautiful mansion for the United Fruit Company executive in charge of the plantation ... poverty causes it's own serfdom, and is still slavery ... the US Marines where sent in to set up puppet governments for UFC, documented facts ... Nicaragua fought back successfully is all ...

You would blame Nicaraguans for wanted to own land in their own country? ... or is it better for UFC to own the land and the people work for their assigned plantation? ... "We earned it at the expense of them. We took advantage of them." ... yup ... the Monroe Doctrine ...
Doesn't affect hunting. Bambi doesn't make any manure lagoons
Have you traveled abroad much to these poor impoverished countries? ... very stark in Central America ... villages of cardboard boxes and corrugated steel and one big beautiful mansion for the United Fruit Company executive in charge of the plantation ... poverty causes it's own serfdom, and is still slavery ... the US Marines where sent in to set up puppet governments for UFC, documented facts ... Nicaragua fought back successfully is all ...

You would blame Nicaraguans for wanted to own land in their own country? ... or is it better for UFC to own the land and the people work for their assigned plantation? ... "We earned it at the expense of them. We took advantage of them." ... yup ... the Monroe Doctrine ...
I would never blame anyone for fighting for the opportunity to own land. It's a natural right. But I am not responsible for men failing to do good. I happen to believe that for the most part Western Civilization did it right. Exceptions notwithstanding.

Lastly, I'm not a fan of external locus of control victim arguments. It transfers control and power to external sources. If you recall, Western Civilization had a similar problem and didn't wait for someone else to solve it or blame for not solving it.
These fascists will use any excuse to control you, and to destroy certain industries. They’ve been trying to go after cattle and meat for a while now. The Paris climate agreement would mandate it.

If Premier Bai Dung and his communist allies are sworn in, how long until they force these mandates?

These Globalist just want to control the food and energy dept. They want to sponged the life out of everyone to makes us all into their lifetime servants.


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