Paris to close bus and tram services tonight as riots continue

The French are protesting with the force of big numbers against police brutality of the kind that now has to be accepted in America.

There couldn't be a wider contrast between two countries. Police brutality has been accepted as normal in America and they have moved on to vigilante justice with their guns.

In France the people speak out and act out in defense of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

Americans are concerned about Liberty but reject Equality and Fraternity. It's even a matter of pride to Americans!

What are you as a Canadian concerned about? It seems your biggest bitches are about no equality and fraternity for you?

Just like our own appeasing race-traitor ruling class, the Frog government is making a policeman pay for defending his country against savages. France is spitting on the grave of the great Charles Martel.
Only one man can negotiate a lasting peace between the French government and the rioters.
France was formed by riots. Its what they do. The pathetic attempts by racist trash to make this a muslim issue is pretty disgusting..Even by their low standards.
Police shootings in france are fairly rare. Only 3.80 per 10 million ppl. In the US, it's something like 28 per 10 million. Still not a ton when you think about it. I saw the video, the shooting was not justified regardless of how stupid the teen was. He was stopped for not obeying a stop order, for whatever reason the cop had a gun drawn on him, for a while, then suddenly the teen floored his car away from the cop and the cop shot through his back window, hitting him. Is this a reason to riot for days through the streets of Paris? Is this a reason to burn down people's cars, houses and buildings?? Nearly 500 buildings have been burned. Something tells me this is 15% about protesting and 85% simply finding an excuse to loot and cause anarchy.

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