Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

"Park spokesman Al Nash said that when the park is closed, it’s closed to all recreational use. Park staff have been pared down to those involved in the most basic life, health and safety issues.

"“We don’t have staff on duty to deal with any ordinary operational issues,” Nash said Wednesday."

So the tour operator and tinybrain believe park rangers should ignore the rules and disobey The Congress which has put most of the park staff off of work; and, in doing so allow a tour operator to put tourists at risk. What part of 'Grizzly Bear' and super heated water does tinybrain not understand?
Well, you know....some people are not very bright...and/or don't think safety and trespassing rules apply to them.
The morons on the Left this this is what SMALLER government looks like?

Jesus Fucking Christ, please let's relocate them to some foreign country
Gestapo is a perfect term for what the Obama Thugs are doing.

Our government is holding law-abiding Americans hostage by putting up Barrycades and assigning staff to prevent them from doing perfectly legal activities on public and private lands.

It's horrifying to anyone with a sense of morality and an ability to think rationally.

LOL, I guess not everyone believes "Gestapo" is a word used by right wing partisan hacks as a pejorative. For those who want proof of what the Gestapo was and that the post by boedicca goes beyond hyperbole and is in fact a lie, review this:

Gestapo -
Gestapo is a perfect term for what the Obama Thugs are doing.

Our government is holding law-abiding Americans hostage by putting up Barrycades and assigning staff to prevent them from doing perfectly legal activities on public and private lands.

It's horrifying to anyone with a sense of morality and an ability to think rationally.

LOL, I guess not everyone believes "Gestapo" is a word used by right wing partisan hacks as a pejorative. For those who want proof of what the Gestapo was and that the post by boedicca goes beyond hyperbole and is in fact a lie, review this:

Gestapo -

If the Obamanoids can call the loyal opposition "Terrorists" for merely suggesting that they negotiate on the public finances, it's more than appropriate to call Ranger Hat Wearing Thugs manning the Barrycades "Gestapo".
First of all the author of the OP is an hysterical right wing hack and likely has never been to Yellowstone.

Yellowstone is a wilderness area and home to predators including Grizzly Bear and Wolf. Our last trip to YNP occurred on a few weeks after a Grizzly killed a tourist (Aug. 2012) who got too close to get a good picture.

The park rules require visitors to stay at least 50 yards away from Bison, Elk and other animals and no closer than 100 yards to Bear and Wolf.

Anyone with a brain understands three things: National Parks can be dangerous, especially to the uninformed and stupid - both can and are eaten; the GOP planned for the Gov't shutdown and even campaigned on carrying out this foolishness; and, Speaker Boehner has the sole power to call for an up or down vote on the CR.

If the CR passes, people go back to work and small business won't continue to suffer, if it fails to pass the leverage passes from the D's to the R's.

Oh fuck off that you don't like the source Mr. High and Mighty.

It's in newspapers. And your defense of these tactics is pathetic.

Here's another source sparky. Hope this meets with your approval.

Hodgson said the group was scheduled to spend two nights at the Inn. When they got up on Tuesday morning, they headed out to see Yellowstone for the day, planning to return to the Inn for their second night’s stay later in the day. Hodgson said they headed north out of Old Faithful and pulled over to let passengers out to take photos of bison.

Hodgson said in a phone interview Tuesday that a ranger pulled up behind the bus and told him he would have to get everyone back on the bus — recreation in Yellowstone was not allowed.

“She told me you need to return to your hotel and stay there,” Hodgson said. “This is just Gestapo tactics. We paid a lot to get in. All these people wanted to do was take some pictures.”

Visitors and employees impacted by YNP closure | The Livingston Enterprise

Hodgson is fucking moron and so are you and the OP.

And you're statist prick who actually gets off on this type of shit. You're keyboard should be pretty sticky right now maggot.
Gestapo is a perfect term for what the Obama Thugs are doing.

Our government is holding law-abiding Americans hostage by putting up Barrycades and assigning staff to prevent them from doing perfectly legal activities on public and private lands.

It's horrifying to anyone with a sense of morality and an ability to think rationally.

LOL, I guess not everyone believes "Gestapo" is a word used by right wing partisan hacks as a pejorative. For those who want proof of what the Gestapo was and that the post by boedicca goes beyond hyperbole and is in fact a lie, review this:

Gestapo -

If the Obamanoids can call the loyal opposition "Terrorists" for merely suggesting that they negotiate on the public finances, it's more than appropriate to call Ranger Hat Wearing Thugs manning the Barrycades "Gestapo".

Bullshit. There was only one Gestapo, even you know that. Members of the H. of Reps. are not terrorists, per se; they are radicals who want what they want and don't care about the consequences of their actions as to how they harm others.

During the past few decades terrorism in America has been the product of the far right; doubt that, consider Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Scott Roeder.

Claiming that the President of the United States endorses or supports either Gestapo tactics or terrorism is a lie, and makes you a liar.
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I love it when the strict constitutionalist, federal government minimalists start screaming bloody murder when they get a taste of what they wish for in the first place.

Care to point out where the Constitution says that the feds can have a police force? Or violate the 1st Amendment by telling people they can't peaceably assemble? Perhaps that is the real problem here, you don't even know what the Constitution says, which is why you think it is perfectly reasonable for the government to take away rights.
If they were using Gestapo tactics they would have shot a few of them and left the bodies laying on the road or the ditch next to it. They would have at least beat the crap out of a few of them.
Park Rangers are not Gestapo and don't use Gestapo tactics. They are law enforcement officiars protecting our Parks and the people who visit them.

Don't know much about the Gestapo, do you? They were intended to take law enforcement jurisdiction away from local police and put it in the hands of the national government. Also, they didn't have a habit of shooting people just to make a point, unlike police today, they preferred to make them disappear.
Gestapo is a perfect term for what the Obama Thugs are doing.

Our government is holding law-abiding Americans hostage by putting up Barrycades and assigning staff to prevent them from doing perfectly legal activities on public and private lands.

It's horrifying to anyone with a sense of morality and an ability to think rationally.

LOL, I guess not everyone believes "Gestapo" is a word used by right wing partisan hacks as a pejorative. For those who want proof of what the Gestapo was and that the post by boedicca goes beyond hyperbole and is in fact a lie, review this:

Gestapo -
Boedicca is right: Obama said the GOP was trying to blow-up the government. They have been called jihadist WTF. The service on the debt is not an issue, but asshole, and chief wants to spew it with his other bane to the low information voter ( liberals ) to win a political fight. What's good for the goose is ...

Obama should be impeached for his continuous prevarications; for putting party over country. Nixon was a saint compared to this fucking guy.

Park Rangers should kiss the asses of tourist; they should be as courteous, professional, and contrite about the shutdown.These people are spending their hard earned money to visit great America - WTF!
Ain't Big Brother cool? What would we do without him?

'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone

Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures. . . . .

Read More:
'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone » Local News », Newburyport, MA

You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if you shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
Now you are bitching because the government is shut down.
Is there a bigger collection of fools and idiots on this planet? I don't thnk so!

If the government were fucking shut down they wouldn't have fucking government goons out there enforcing stupid rules. That makes you a spiteful asshole for supporting the fake government shutdown using tactics designed to punish innocent people for something they had nothing to do with. Next you will be telling me that people disappearing off the street is my fault.

It isn't, but it will be yours.
You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if you shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
Now you are bitching because the government is shut down.
Is there a bigger collection of fools and idiots on this planet? I don't thnk so!


Man the Barrycades
You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if you shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
Now you are bitching because the government is shut down.
Is there a bigger collection of fools and idiots on this planet? I don't thnk so!

Bullshit post. The prick in the White House and the mega prick in the Senate own this shut down.

They refuse to negotiate.

no they dont own it and your opinion is irrelevant. All polls show that you are wrong as usual.

The polls generally show that the blame is spread within the margin of error, even if the Republicans are slightly ahead. An honest person, which excludes you, would look at the numbers and realize that no one can predict the political fallout, a bit like what happened back when the Democrats decided to make gun control their signature issue. Pelosi still argues that the people who sacrificed their political career for doing what they thought was right should be admired. This is one of the few things she gets right, you should pay attention to her.
Ah. the echo chamber to the rescue. No facts, only allegations, lies, innuendos and echoes. "Barrycades", when one reads this, they know it was posted by a partisan hack without the brains to present a reasoned argument.
You wanted the shutdown even mocked the shutdown and now you want everyone to believe you're upset at the effects of the shutdown you championed?

You know they are actually SPENDING money to Barrycade the park, and loosing MILLIONS in revenue - the park is 100% staffed by private contractors.

Little chickenshit Obama is punishing the people because he didn't get his way. The fuckwad in chief is throwing a temper tantrum.

Another chickenshit move by this chickenshit president.
First of all the author of the OP is an hysterical right wing hack and likely has never been to Yellowstone.

Yellowstone is a wilderness area and home to predators including Grizzly Bear and Wolf. Our last trip to YNP occurred on a few weeks after a Grizzly killed a tourist (Aug. 2012) who got too close to get a good picture.

The park rules require visitors to stay at least 50 yards away from Bison, Elk and other animals and no closer than 100 yards to Bear and Wolf.

Anyone with a brain understands three things: National Parks can be dangerous, especially to the uninformed and stupid - both can and are eaten; the GOP planned for the Gov't shutdown and even campaigned on carrying out this foolishness; and, Speaker Boehner has the sole power to call for an up or down vote on the CR.

If the CR passes, people go back to work and small business won't continue to suffer, if it fails to pass the leverage passes from the D's to the R's.

Oh fuck off that you don't like the source Mr. High and Mighty.

It's in newspapers. And your defense of these tactics is pathetic.

Here's another source sparky. Hope this meets with your approval.

Hodgson said the group was scheduled to spend two nights at the Inn. When they got up on Tuesday morning, they headed out to see Yellowstone for the day, planning to return to the Inn for their second night’s stay later in the day. Hodgson said they headed north out of Old Faithful and pulled over to let passengers out to take photos of bison.

Hodgson said in a phone interview Tuesday that a ranger pulled up behind the bus and told him he would have to get everyone back on the bus — recreation in Yellowstone was not allowed.

“She told me you need to return to your hotel and stay there,” Hodgson said. “This is just Gestapo tactics. We paid a lot to get in. All these people wanted to do was take some pictures.”

Visitors and employees impacted by YNP closure | The Livingston Enterprise

You're repeating yourself and posting as true an event reported by one person and repeated in a rather obscure newspaper. Is the tour operator credible, maybe his/her loss of income (i.e. tips) pissed him/her off.

Using the term "Gestapo" is hyperbole as anyone who has read history or seen footage of the real Gestapo know, and is a pejorative used by contemporary right wingers as a talking point. I'm surprised the tour operator didn't call the Rangers "commies".

Park rangers have a duty to 1) protect park visitors; 2) protect the park; and 3) enforce the rules. Anyone who has ever been charged with enforcing rules to a diverse demographic knows this can be difficult, and rule number one is don't equivocate - be clear, firm and specific.

Local papers aren't good sources anymore? Have you informed the AP that repeating stories from obscure papers isn't news?
"Park spokesman Al Nash said that when the park is closed, it’s closed to all recreational use. Park staff have been pared down to those involved in the most basic life, health and safety issues.

"“We don’t have staff on duty to deal with any ordinary operational issues,” Nash said Wednesday."

So the tour operator and tinybrain believe park rangers should ignore the rules and disobey The Congress which has put most of the park staff off of work; and, in doing so allow a tour operator to put tourists at risk. What part of 'Grizzly Bear' and super heated water does tinybrain not understand?

I think everyone should break the rules, it is good for you.

By the way, if the rules protected people from grizzlies we would never here about grizzly attacks. Since that isn't true, you just sound stupid trying to bring it up. Another point, when Yellowstone actually blows, which it will, all the rules in the world ain't going to help.

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