Parkland Can Get Screwed..Democrats Say This Separation Deal Needs To Be Solved Now Without Congress


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
So the Do-nothing obstructionist Democraps have figured out yet another way to pull a scam on the American public, and in the process cause chaos and yet another massive unnecessary expense to the federal government, which will only end up costing all of us more and more money.

Let's stop Trump from kidnapping babies!!!!

In today's political climate simple solutions don't work. The Democrat controlled media has become the problem, not the solution.

Frankly, I'm fed up with this absolute pathetic nonsense. It started out with the manufactured number of 4000 kids that are missing we soon discover that aren't exactly missing, but they for some strange reason were allowed to skip their hearings.
Now the Democrats decide that keeping track of them is too hard so why don't we keep these kids locked up with their parents or their sponsors? They can't say this, so liberals start screaming that Trump is separating families. Why is this going on? Well, for one thing, it's against the law (according to a Bush area law) to lock kids up in adult detention facilities.
This is the problem with allowing lawyers to run our country. They are so use to being allowed to lie in court they feel they can get away with it everywhere.

Now I ask you, who is a greater threat to the stability of the United States than the Democratic Party and their corrupt media?

What a great country
, where the worst assholes in the country can go to school and learn about law and obtain a law degree, then become a politician and benefit from their own grabastic fuckups. any other country these fuckers would be in prison.

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Or against the wall.
History tells us that when you make stupid emotional decisions like the one that Democrats are trying to get Trump to do, you end up making the problem worse.

I'm sure they know that if Trump foolishly signs an EO to keep these families in the same jail cell, it will cause a slippery-slope situation that Democrats are hoping to take advantage of.
Ask any ranting liberal pundit what they feel is the solution, not one of them knows.

Democrats excel at creating problems.
They seem to have great difficulty solving them.

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