Parkland gun control activist David Hogg lashes out at infowars


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Parkland Gun Control Activist David Hogg Lashes Out at Infowars
Parkland school shooting survivor and activist David Hogg, who is being used by CNN as part of a lobbying effort to shut down the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube, lashed out at Infowars today during a Twitter tirade.

LOL the little douche can't take the heat then says he wants to go on Alex's show, omg please do it HOGG you will get verbally smeared beyond repair iwth fact, but we know your gutless advisers..........
I don't follow InfoWars but the wet behind the ears snot would get massacred.

He comes across as clueless

how surprising that you'd think that


Do you ever post on topic?

It's like the little shit declaring he won't go to school until gun controls are passed. That's a petulant little child and nobody cares if the pup goes or not

Now either stay on topic or go to the FZ with your trolling
I don't follow InfoWars but the wet behind the ears snot would get massacred.

He comes across as clueless

how surprising that you'd think that


Do you ever post on topic?

It's like the little shit declaring he won't go to school until gun controls are passed. That's a petulant little child and nobody cares if the pup goes or not

Now either stay on topic or go to the FZ with your trolling

infowars would seem to be part of the topic

your surrender is accepted
I don't follow InfoWars but the wet behind the ears snot would get massacred.

He comes across as clueless

how surprising that you'd think that


Do you ever post on topic?

It's like the little shit declaring he won't go to school until gun controls are passed. That's a petulant little child and nobody cares if the pup goes or not

Now either stay on topic or go to the FZ with your trolling
17 dead kids is a small price to pay for unlimited assault weapons. Now shut that kid and his wet ears up! :mad:
Sheriff Israel on the hot seat...

Florida Sheriff Says Only 1 Deputy on Scene During School Shooting, While Vowing Not to Resign
February 25, 2018 The Florida sheriff whose department responded to this month’s high school massacre defended his leadership Sunday while insisting that only one of his deputies was on the scene as the gunman killed 14 students and three staff members
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told CNN that investigators are looking into claims that three other deputies were on the scene but failed to enter the school when the chance to save lives still existed. To date, the investigation pointed to only one deputy being on campus while the killer was present, he said. Israel also labeled as “absolutely untrue” reports that the deputies waited outside even though children were inside the building needing urgent medical treatment. Israel and the sheriff’s office have come under scrutiny after last week’s revelation that deputy Scot Peterson did not go in to confront the suspected shooter, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, during the Valentine’s Day attack. It is also facing backlash for apparently mishandling some of the 18 tipster calls related to the suspected shooter. The tips were among a series of what authorities now describe as the clearest missed warning signs that Cruz, who had a history of disturbing behavior, posed a serious threat.

State Rep. Bill Hager, a Republican lawmaker from Boca Raton, is calling on Florida Gov. Rick Scott to remove Israel from office because of the missed red flags. Meanwhile, Scott demanded on Sunday full transparency and accountability from the sheriff in an interview with Fox News. Israel vowed not to resign, saying he has shown “amazing leadership.” He said Hager’s letter “was full of misinformation” and “shameful, politically motivated.” Israel said a deputy who responded to a Nov. 30 call referring to Cruz as a “school shooter in the making” was being investigated by internal affairs for not filing a report. The sheriff said the employee was placed on restrictive duty. “There needed to be report. And that’s what we are looking into— that a report needed to be completed, it needed to be forwarded to either Homeland Security or a violent crimes unit,” Israel said. NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch told ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” that critics shouldn’t blame her organization, gun owners or semiautomatic weapons for the shooting, but Cruz for his own actions and the Broward Sheriff’s Office and the FBI for failing to stop him despite warnings that he was a potential school shooter. “Can we actually look at what really could have prevented this?” Loesch told Stephanopoulos. “That firearm did not walk itself into the school. …The Broward County Sheriff’s Office allowed that firearm to go into that school.”

The FBI has acknowledged that it failed to investigate the tip about Cruz that the agency received on Jan. 5. David Hogg, a Stoneman Douglas senior who has become a leader to the student movement, told Stephanopoulos that Loesch’s comments are “disgusting.” He said Loesch’s goal is to “distract” the American public and to benefit the gun manufacturers. “They act like they don’t own these politicians. They still do. It is a Republican-controlled House, Senate and executive branch. They could get this done. They have gotten gun legislation passed before in favor of gun manufacturers,” he said. The Associated Press obtained a transcript of the phone call, which spanned more than 13 minutes. During the call, the woman described a teenager prone to anger with the “mental capacity of a 12 to 14 year old” that deteriorated after his mother died last year. She pointed the FBI to several Instagram accounts where Cruz had posted photos of sliced-up animals and rifles and ammunition he apparently purchased with money from his mother’s life insurance policy. “It’s alarming to see these pictures and know what he is capable of doing and what could happen,” the caller said. “He’s thrown out of all these schools because he would pick up a chair and just throw it at somebody, a teacher or a student, because he didn’t like the way they were talking to him.”

Later Sunday, Stoneman Douglas administrators, teachers, parents and students are scheduled to meet at the school to discuss its scheduled reopening Sunday. Kailey Brown, a 15-year-old freshman, said at a rally last week that she will not be scared when she returns. She was in the building where the shooting happened. “I am going to come back strong with my friends and show that we love each other so much and we are going to get through this,” she said.

Florida Sheriff Says Only 1 Deputy on Scene During School Shooting, While Vowing Not to Resign

See also:

Florida House Republicans Demand Sheriff's Ouster Over Parkland Shooting Response
February 25, 2018 Nearly every Republican member of the Florida House of Representatives is calling on Gov. Rick Scott (R) to suspend a county sheriff over his office’s response to a deadly mass shooting at a local high school earlier this month.
February 26, 2018
Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran (R) tweeted a letter he sent to Scott on Sunday, urging him to suspend Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for “incompetence and dereliction of duty.” In the four-page letter, 74 out of Florida’s 76 Republican state House representatives accused Israel of failing to take significant action to prevent the Feb. 14 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in which a 19-year-old suspected gunman confessed to killing 17 people using an assault-style rifle. “In the years leading up to this unspeakable tragedy, Sheriff Israel, his deputies, and staff ignored repeated warning signs about the violent, erratic, threatening and antisocial behavior of Nikolas Jacob Cruz,” the legislators wrote, referencing the suspected gunman.


Nearly every Republican member of the Florida House of Representatives is calling on Gov. Rick Scott (R) to suspend a county sheriff over his office’s response to a deadly mass shooting at a local high school earlier this month.​

Florida House Rep. Bill Hager (R), who signed the lawmakers’ shared plea, also sent his own letter to Scott on Saturday to demand Israel’s ouster. Hager pointed to reports that Israel’s office received at least 18 phone calls between 2008 and 2017 from community members concerned about Cruz’s behavior. The sheriff’s office has also been slammed following reports that at least four deputies, including the high school’s armed resource officer, opted not to enter the building after responding to the shooting. The sheriff’s office announced Thursday that the agency was conducting an internal investigation into the deputies’ actions.
“I can only take responsibility for what I knew about,” Israel told Tapper. “I exercised my due diligence. I’ve given amazing leadership to this agency.” Israel has been outspoken in his criticism of Florida lawmakers ― many of whom are Republican ― who refuse to push for stricter gun law “If you’re an elected official, and you want to keep things the way they are ― if you want to keep gun laws as they are now ― you will not get re-elected in Broward County,” Israel said earlier this month at a vigil to honor the Parkland victims.

A representative for the Broward County Sheriff’s Office did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for comment. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) announced Sunday that Scott had directed the agency to “investigate the law enforcement response” to the Parkland shooting. The sheriff’s office “will fully cooperate with FDLE, as we believe in full transparency and accountability,” Israel said in a statement Sunday. “This independent, outside review will ensure public confidence in the findings.”

Florida House Republicans Demand Sheriff's Ouster Over Parkland Shooting Response


Florida Survivors Defend Sheriff Against Republican Calls To Oust Him
February 26, 2018 The Naples Daily News, including specific worries that he wished to carry out a school shooting." data-reactid="18">The sheriff’s office reportedly received almost 20 phone calls between 2008 and 2017 reporting concerns with shooter Nikolas Cruz, according to The Naples Daily News, including specific worries that he wished to carry out a school shooting.
“We know about this one time where they dropped the ball but we don’t know about the 999 other times where they did do things to save us,” Abzug said. Israel isn’t the only one who should be held accountable, he continued. “It’s a whole bunch of people and we need to move forward and make sure that this doesn’t happen again,” he added. investigation into law enforcement’s response to the shooting on Sunday."
he should be held accountable. He can’t just blame the bureaucracy and expect to get re-elected.”" data-reactid="22">“Just like the president is the boss of the FBI, Gov. Rick Scott is essentially the boss of Scott Israel, the sheriff,” Hogg said Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” And as such, he should be held accountable. He can’t just blame the bureaucracy and expect to get re-elected.”

The Naples Daily News, including specific worries that he wished to carry out a school shooting." data-reactid="18">The sheriff’s office reportedly received almost 20 phone calls between 2008 and 2017 reporting concerns with shooter Nikolas Cruz, according to The Naples Daily News, including specific worries that he wished to carry out a school shooting. “We know about this one time where they dropped the ball but we don’t know about the 999 other times where they did do things to save us,” Abzug said.

Israel isn’t the only one who should be held accountable, he continued. “It’s a whole bunch of people and we need to move forward and make sure that this doesn’t happen again,” he added. investigation into law enforcement’s response to the shooting on Sunday." data-reactid="21">Scott is the one who should bear the responsibility since he ultimately oversees Israel, argued another shooting survivor, David Hogg. The governor ordered an investigation into law enforcement’s response to the shooting on Sunday.

he should be held accountable. He can’t just blame the bureaucracy and expect to get re-elected.”" data-reactid="22">“Just like the president is the boss of the FBI, Gov. Rick Scott is essentially the boss of Scott Israel, the sheriff,” Hogg said Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” And as such, he should be held accountable. He can’t just blame the bureaucracy and expect to get re-elected.” He doesn’t blame law enforcement in general, he added, but laments the fact that a handful of individuals “did not conduct their job correctly.” “I exercised my due diligence,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I’ve given amazing leadership to this agency. ... There’s a lot of things we’ve done throughout.”
I'm not surprised by the last one there, these kids are being "taught" that it was the gun and they're acting out against it (a natural psychological healing process) so the change of narrative is rejected; if it's a persons fault through negligence, the FBI, the police, then their ability to "enact change" is diminished and in doing so they're left with the harsh reality that people failed them, not objects, but individual people; be that the shooter himself and/or the gov agencies which they know damn well, even at their young ages, that in general you cannot change "people"

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