Parkland Liars: 'We're Not Trying To Take Everybody's Guns Away' ... Except That We Are

They had very few guns, and no way to replenish their ammo.

You're an idiot, of course.

They had enough guns where they thought they could take on the Wehrmacht.

And now you've hit on the main problem of the Second Amendment "I needs my guns to fight the gummit" argument.

The government will always have more weapons, better weapons and better training.
Calling Democrats stalinist immediately proves you're brainwashed to the point of insanity. TryTry doing the right thing now as I said and forget the gloom and doom, dupe.

Cut the shit retard.

It's not 1980 anymore.

Your party has dropped the mask. The party is no longer pretending. The Stalinists gained relative control of the party in 1968, and promptly put a Stalinist on the ticket in 1972. That Stalinist, George McGovern was utterly destroyed in the election. (At which time the Stalinists engaged in Soviet style subterfuge to remove the one who won, same shit you're pulling now)

After the coup, the mainstream democrats who were a minority managed to get a compromise candidate elected. Carter was a boon for the Stalinists, eventually giving Nicaragua to the USSR, giving North Korea nuclear weapons, giving radical Islam a cash cow in Iran. Carter was everything you Stalinists could have dreamed of. Some like BlindBoo truly thought the USA would be conquered and worked diligently for the "Soviet Liberation" they had long dreamed of.

But Carter was a victim of his own success, America saw what he, and you democrats, actually are - Stalinists.

The next 12 years were dominated by those who beat you back, destroyed your home base of the USSR and pulled the fangs of the Stalinists at home.So deep was the defeat of you Communists that you put on pretense of moderation. When it appeared you had a chance of power, you ran the bitch of a Mafia boss, rather than a dedicated Marxist. A crime lord in Arkansas, part of the Medillin Cartel who controlled Cocaine distribution in the United States had managed to install her bitch of a husband as Governor of the state. So we got 8 years of Mafia rather than Stalinist domination of the party.

But the Stalinists came back with a vengeance with a gay little Hugo Chavez clone of Barry Obama.

You are Stalinists, you are a Marxist party fighting to put an end to civil rights. You seek to end the market economy and transition to a Socialist system - as everyone from Bernie Sanders to Mafia Boss Hillary has openly stated. You seek to end self-government with the Hollywood and Silicone Valley Oligarchs. You promote racism, hatred, and religious bigotry. You make a mockery of equal justice as you openly apply laws differently based on color, religion, and party affiliation.

You are Stalinists, the mask has slipped.
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Uncensored thinks Stalin is hiding under his bed.

Wow, what a monumentally ignorant thing to say.
I live here... They are great people but racist and ignorant. The younger ones are learning.

Okay, so you've seen what, a dozen or so people? From that, you make conclusions about millions.

Real stereotyping there.
Hundreds. Plus I read....

And yet others who know hundreds and also read come to the opposite conclusion. Obviously, you need to read more than comic books.
GOP voters are ignorant and racist. Comes with the territory. LOL. Only way they can believe the BS propaganda.

Now that is one solidified wrong belief. Seriously, no more comic books.
They had very few guns, and no way to replenish their ammo.

You're an idiot, of course.

They had enough guns where they thought they could take on the Wehrmacht.

And now you've hit on the main problem of the Second Amendment "I needs my guns to fight the gummit" argument.

The government will always have more weapons, better weapons and better training.

They had nothing to lose. To fail was to die.

They had very few guns, Hitler had already done what you of the left always do when you want to subjugate a people, disarmed them. They had a few outdated guns and fought valiantly.

You Stalinists have some serious disadvantages this time around. First off, you won't be able to herd us into a ghetto, Secondly, we have a lot of modern weapons.

This civil war you have started will not end well for you, no more than the last one did.
Well that will never happen it's stupid. But perhaps we could do the obvious right thing. Universal background checks and no automatic conversions. And I suggest no more assault style rifles. Too many crazies that love them and get carried away

Again, the party has let the mask slip. We have known for decades that the goal of you Marxist democrats is to crush civil rights, to end the Bill of Rights and the entire Constitution..

You Communists are like rodents, you hide in the shadows and slink out to bite when you think your victims aren't watching or are defenseless. The party in general has been emboldened by Parkland to the point that a lot of you and scurrying out to bite. You think now is your time.

Yeah, we would be sooo much better living in an authoritarian regime like Russia. A nation of backwardass drunk white fuckups.
They had very few guns, and no way to replenish their ammo.

You're an idiot, of course.

They had enough guns where they thought they could take on the Wehrmacht.

And now you've hit on the main problem of the Second Amendment "I needs my guns to fight the gummit" argument.

The government will always have more weapons, better weapons and better training.

They had nothing to lose. To fail was to die.

They had very few guns, Hitler had already done what you of the left always do when you want to subjugate a people, disarmed them. They had a few outdated guns and fought valiantly.

You Stalinists have some serious disadvantages this time around. First off, you won't be able to herd us into a ghetto, Secondly, we have a lot of modern weapons.

This civil war you have started will not end well for you, no more than the last one did.

A bunch of gun toten hillbillies holding off the US military...

Living in a dream inside a dream while doing opioids.
They had very few guns, and no way to replenish their ammo.

You're an idiot, of course.

They had enough guns where they thought they could take on the Wehrmacht.

And now you've hit on the main problem of the Second Amendment "I needs my guns to fight the gummit" argument.

The government will always have more weapons, better weapons and better training.

They had nothing to lose. To fail was to die.

They had very few guns, Hitler had already done what you of the left always do when you want to subjugate a people, disarmed them. They had a few outdated guns and fought valiantly.

You Stalinists have some serious disadvantages this time around. First off, you won't be able to herd us into a ghetto, Secondly, we have a lot of modern weapons.

This civil war you have started will not end well for you, no more than the last one did.

A bunch of gun toten hillbillies holding off the US military...

Living in a dream inside a dream while doing opioids.

So, the Military is going to join you Stalinists in your war to end the Constitution they swore to uphold? :dunno:

There's a reason you're a Communists, use both of your IQ points and see if you can figure out what it is.....
They had very few guns, and no way to replenish their ammo.

You're an idiot, of course.

They had enough guns where they thought they could take on the Wehrmacht.

And now you've hit on the main problem of the Second Amendment "I needs my guns to fight the gummit" argument.

The government will always have more weapons, better weapons and better training.

They had nothing to lose. To fail was to die.

They had very few guns, Hitler had already done what you of the left always do when you want to subjugate a people, disarmed them. They had a few outdated guns and fought valiantly.

You Stalinists have some serious disadvantages this time around. First off, you won't be able to herd us into a ghetto, Secondly, we have a lot of modern weapons.

This civil war you have started will not end well for you, no more than the last one did.

A bunch of gun toten hillbillies holding off the US military...

Living in a dream inside a dream while doing opioids.

So, the Military is going to join you Stalinists in your war to end the Constitution they swore to uphold? :dunno:

There's a reason you're a Communists, use both of your IQ points and see if you can figure out what it is.....

The confederacy was full of Stalinists?

BTW alt-right nationalists believe in authoritarianism not a living Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Yeah, we would be sooo much better living in an authoritarian regime like Russia. A nation of backwardass drunk white fuckups.

Yes, you are a racist - you Stalinists always are.

But then no one suggested an authoritarian regime like Russia, save you Stalinist democrats who want to Model the USA after Stalin's USSR.

We normals like America. We support the Constitution, we support the Bill of Rights. We support liberty, the freedom to speak what you think without fear of arrest or being blackballed because you offend some preferred group.

You hate white people as you pointed out above. You hate Christians, men, anyone who supports the concept of self-governance under a Republic with a Constitution that protects the rights of the minority - which is not race though you moron Communists try and make it so.

The land you seek, what you work to make America into is already in existence in Venezuela. Why don't you just move and live the dream?

Yeah, we would be sooo much better living in an authoritarian regime like Russia. A nation of backwardass drunk white fuckups.

Yes, you are a racist - you Stalinists always are.

But then no one suggested an authoritarian regime like Russia, save you Stalinist democrats who want to Model the USA after Stalin's USSR.

We normals like America. We support the Constitution, we support the Bill of Rights. We support liberty, the freedom to speak what you think without fear of arrest or being blackballed because you offend some preferred group.

You hate white people as you pointed out above. You hate Christians, men, anyone who supports the concept of self-governance under a Republic with a Constitution that protects the rights of the minority - which is not race though you moron Communists try and make it so.

The land you seek, what you work to make America into is already in existence in Venezuela. Why don't you just move and live the dream?

Man, you’re just full of old tired conservative canards.
The confederacy was full of Stalinists?

You may want to put the crack pipe down for a spell, sploogy.

BTW alt-right nationalists believe in authoritarianism not a living Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Absurd lies are not effective arguments, Comrade.

Spewing phrases that are utterly devoid of fact and which blatantly contradict all available information might get you a pat on the head from your masters at ThinkHatred or whatever leftist hate site dispatched you, but will merely reveal you as a drooling retard to we normals..

BTW way little Commie, "living constitution" is a catch phrase for "dictatorship of the judiciary." It simply means that the only law is the utterance of 9 unelected dictators.

We have a Constitution, the law of the land, written in plain English so that any person with a high school education (sadly leaving you out) can read and understand the law that governs us all.

We normals support the rule of law, immutable statute which can only be changed through the arduous process of amendment. You Stalinists seek the rule of men, capricious and dependent on the whim of the dictators.
Man, you’re just full of old tired conservative canards.

I am educated and articulate. You, well not so much.

You wage war on the great experiment in self-rule, demanding a return to the historical norm of the strong ruling the weak with an iron fist.
And shame on the Republican Florida Governor for caving to the Communist/Democrat bastards. He was so quick to up the age on firearms and ammunition to 21. He joined the Communists in exploiting dead children in Parkland. The Republican Party is run by cowardly Swamp Creatures. To hell with em.
If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
You keep harping on all ADHD and antidepressant meds being dangerous and wrong, and that isn't true. There are misuses and rare side effects, but those meds for the most part are very helpful and can save lives. They sure improve them for kids who struggle to stay focused.
Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, Pop.

I’ve posted link after link after link.

These shootings started after these kids started taking these meds.

Helps keep them focused. Bet they focus just fine in front of video games!

Don’t through the baby? Just kill em
Also after they started selling super soldier Super Macho assault style weapons... GOP poverty and ridiculous BS and hate propaganda machine 2...

The AR has been available to the public since the 60s, so your argument as to why these school shooting have started in the past 20 years is exactly what?

Other semi automatic rifles were available before the AR. So rifles that have been available for over 50 years are only recently been used in these school shootings because????

Clue us all in, cuz your argument is kind of stupid.

Now, antidepressant use in children as is the use of ADHD meds, which warn of there use causing violent behavior makes much more sense. They have only that 20 year timeframe.

But put your head up your ass and pay no attention to facts. It’s what you do.
Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
You keep harping on all ADHD and antidepressant meds being dangerous and wrong, and that isn't true. There are misuses and rare side effects, but those meds for the most part are very helpful and can save lives. They sure improve them for kids who struggle to stay focused.
Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, Pop.

I’ve posted link after link after link.

These shootings started after these kids started taking these meds.

Helps keep them focused. Bet they focus just fine in front of video games!

Don’t through the baby? Just kill em
Also after they started selling super soldier Super Macho assault style weapons... GOP poverty and ridiculous BS and hate propaganda machine 2...

The AR has been available to the public since the 60s, so your argument as to why these school shooting have started in the past 20 years is exactly what?

Other semi automatic rifles were available before the AR. So rifles that have been available for over 50 years are only recently been used in these school shootings because????

Clue us all in, cuz your argument is kind of stupid.

Now, antidepressant use in children as is the use of ADHD meds, which warn of there use causing violent behavior makes much more sense. They have only that 20 year timeframe.

But put your head up your ass and pay no attention to facts. It’s what you do.

I have a Remington "auto-loading" .22 from 1921. It is just about 100 years old. Semi-auto or auto-load rifles have been around for better than a century.
These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
You keep harping on all ADHD and antidepressant meds being dangerous and wrong, and that isn't true. There are misuses and rare side effects, but those meds for the most part are very helpful and can save lives. They sure improve them for kids who struggle to stay focused.
Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, Pop.

I’ve posted link after link after link.

These shootings started after these kids started taking these meds.

Helps keep them focused. Bet they focus just fine in front of video games!

Don’t through the baby? Just kill em
Also after they started selling super soldier Super Macho assault style weapons... GOP poverty and ridiculous BS and hate propaganda machine 2...

The AR has been available to the public since the 60s, so your argument as to why these school shooting have started in the past 20 years is exactly what?

Other semi automatic rifles were available before the AR. So rifles that have been available for over 50 years are only recently been used in these school shootings because????

Clue us all in, cuz your argument is kind of stupid.

Now, antidepressant use in children as is the use of ADHD meds, which warn of there use causing violent behavior makes much more sense. They have only that 20 year timeframe.

But put your head up your ass and pay no attention to facts. It’s what you do.

I have a Remington "auto-loading" .22 from 1921. It is just about 100 years old. Semi-auto or auto-load rifles have been around for better than a century.

Don’t you dare attempt to bring reality into this argument!

Franco’s Head will explode!

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