Parkland Liars: 'We're Not Trying To Take Everybody's Guns Away' ... Except That We Are

Crazy people just love AR-15 s and others with that styling. You need a diagram, super dupe. Nobody wants 2 take away all guns, you ridiculously brainwashed twit.
You're a fucking LIAR and a MORON... and you think we DON'T KNOW that you filthy leftist city slicker TRASH want do away with the 2nd Amendment, think again you ignorant FUCK. The best part about you people is, when jackass little indoctrinated bubble head fascists like CAMERA HOGG start running their mouth, guns sale SOAR and NRA membership SKY ROCKETS. Ya know WHY? Because the VAST MAJORITY of Americans HATE you fucking people... don't that SUCK... knowing that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans HATE YOU, and your ANTI AMERICAN, ANTI CONSTITUTION BULL SHIT? No wonder you people are all such HYSTERICAL, UNHINGED pieces of shit. You're the MINORITY, the BRAIN WASHED, ANTI AMERICAN MINORITY, and you SUCK, and you KNOW IT... :lol:

When Democrats Say They Don't Want to Ban ALL Guns, They are Lying
Actually I live in a county that has more cows than people and voted 73% Trump. No one with a brain wants 2 stop Hunters. You sound like a Madman, super duper dupe. Your media ditto, a disgrace.
Don't try and bull shit me, boy. You don't live anywhere near the county.

He lives near a dairy farm just outside San Francisco.
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
First off the guy is a RINO and always has been. That imo is the same as saying Benedict Arnold was an American.
Secondly, they guy's mind is perfectly sharp which should then alarm people even more. He actually MEANT what he said.
Benedict Arnold was a great American Hero. Until the conservatives refuse to pay him Anything. Great job!
and he became known as Benedict Arnold. all one has to say is his name and you know all you need to know.
If you r a brainwashed GOP ignoramus.
Same deal as Foxbots and pundits laughing about the corruption and Evil of Obama Hillary holder and the Foundation. Brainwashed idiocy that will never reach the real world.
Believing that crap makes you a conspiracy nut by definition, dingbat. Try journalism.
You're a fucking LIAR and a MORON... and you think we DON'T KNOW that you filthy leftist city slicker TRASH want do away with the 2nd Amendment, think again you ignorant FUCK. The best part about you people is, when jackass little indoctrinated bubble head fascists like CAMERA HOGG start running their mouth, guns sale SOAR and NRA membership SKY ROCKETS. Ya know WHY? Because the VAST MAJORITY of Americans HATE you fucking people... don't that SUCK... knowing that the VAST MAJORITY of Americans HATE YOU, and your ANTI AMERICAN, ANTI CONSTITUTION BULL SHIT? No wonder you people are all such HYSTERICAL, UNHINGED pieces of shit. You're the MINORITY, the BRAIN WASHED, ANTI AMERICAN MINORITY, and you SUCK, and you KNOW IT... :lol:

When Democrats Say They Don't Want to Ban ALL Guns, They are Lying
Actually I live in a county that has more cows than people and voted 73% Trump. No one with a brain wants 2 stop Hunters. You sound like a Madman, super duper dupe. Your media ditto, a disgrace.
Don't try and bull shit me, boy. You don't live anywhere near the county.

He lives near a dairy farm just outside San Francisco.
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot
You realize that criminals don't really care what you think, right?

In all fairness, neither does anyone else.

I was trying to be nice. As alaways

I gave it up as a lost cause years ago. Now my motto is, "The truth doesn't have to be nice. It just has to be true."
There's a reason they sometimes call it the ugly truth. The truth is dangerous. It is unsettling. It is even downright scary sometimes. But the truth will set you free.
Fear mongerEd Dupes have no clue... How the hell can guns be banned? LOL!
How is exactly this Fear Mongering when this Carcass of a Human Being and The Majority of Dems want the 2nd amendment banned and applauded this sack of shit?
Gun grabbers say they're NOT trying to take your guns.

They know they can't "take" them today. So what they settle for (for now) is an incremental gun grab. One step at a time. Just get this ONE new law passed.
This ONE new restriction in place....."That's ALL we're asking for...common sense"....they say.

The LIE is that they will EVER be satisfied. They WON'T.

Every time one of THEIRS goes on a mentally disturbed rampage and commits another school massacre, they will immediately blame the guns yet again.....and DEMAND ANOTHER set of laws, a new set of restrictions.....on TOP of the ones they got last time.

So, they're not "saying" it.....(most of them aren't any way)....but it is the fact none the less.

And everyone with any intelligence already knows this.
When you have an Ex Scotus who is saying the 2nd amendment should be abolished things are a lot worse than folks realize. These people are going to come after all Conservatives if they get power again.

You think weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA was bad this last time around?
97 year old GOP dementia LOL.
First off the guy is a RINO and always has been. That imo is the same as saying Benedict Arnold was an American.
Secondly, they guy's mind is perfectly sharp which should then alarm people even more. He actually MEANT what he said.
Benedict Arnold was a great American Hero. Until the conservatives refused to pay him Anything. Great job!
I saw a special on him--the military really did screw him over more than once.
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
We have an unstable stressed out poverty stricken Society after 35 years of GOP. Allowing super Macho assault Style weapons for them is nuts.

And again, where were the democrats that whole time? They had power, so if they did nothing, they probably agreed with the ideas. Face it, your constant screeching about "the GOP" is worthless.
When you have an Ex Scotus who is saying the 2nd amendment should be abolished things are a lot worse than folks realize. These people are going to come after all Conservatives if they get power again.

You think weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA was bad this last time around?
97 year old GOP dementia LOL.
First off the guy is a RINO and always has been. That imo is the same as saying Benedict Arnold was an American.
Secondly, they guy's mind is perfectly sharp which should then alarm people even more. He actually MEANT what he said.
Benedict Arnold was a great American Hero. Until the conservatives refused to pay him Anything. Great job!
I saw a special on him--the military really did screw him over more than once.
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
We have an unstable stressed out poverty stricken Society after 35 years of GOP. Allowing super Macho assault Style weapons for them is nuts.
you can't even define an assault weapon, that voids your post.
Benedict Arnold was a great American Hero. Until the conservatives refuse to pay him Anything. Great job!
and he became known as Benedict Arnold. all one has to say is his name and you know all you need to know.
If you r a brainwashed GOP ignoramus.
Same deal as Foxbots and pundits laughing about the corruption and Evil of Obama Hillary holder and the Foundation. Brainwashed idiocy that will never reach the real world.
Believing that crap makes you a conspiracy nut by definition, dingbat. Try journalism.
and you double down.

Actually I live in a county that has more cows than people and voted 73% Trump. No one with a brain wants 2 stop Hunters. You sound like a Madman, super duper dupe. Your media ditto, a disgrace.
Don't try and bull shit me, boy. You don't live anywhere near the county.

He lives near a dairy farm just outside San Francisco.
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
Universal background checks and ban the future sale of assault style weapons and all conversion kits to automatic. End of story, taking them away is impossible.
And exactly WHAT is an ASSAULT STYLE WEAPON, you ignorant FUCK?

An AR-15?

Do you fucking know that a SHOT GUN chambered for 3" MAGS is FAR DEADLIER than an AR-15? NO... of COURSE you don't know that because you don't know JACK SHIT about GUNS. You only know what your MORON leftist DEMOCRAT DUMBASSES spew.

Good GOD you people are fuckin' DUMB... I NEVER hear you ASS CLOWNS speak of SHOT GUNS, but HOW ABOUT THIS...

You go ahead and be SKEERED of that BIG BLACK MEANY LOOKING AR.. while I have FIVE TIMES the FIRE POWER in a SHOT GUN. But... but... but... shot guns are for HUNTING... RIGHT? ... :lol: You know NOTHING... but DON'T think we don't know what you REALLY want to do, and that is to take ALL GUNS AWAY FROM EVERYONE... won't happen, skippy... WON'T HAPPEN.

You can have your pump action rifle. Five cartridge magazines. Ha
It's funny to watch the gun nuts piss themselves over teenagers standing up to them.
It has become impossible to talk to these gun owners; they have sailed to Lala Land. No matter what reason people try to speak, they immediately bray "LIAR." In other words,:lalala:

Things are getting serious. This ain't no way to win, I keep telling them.

I appreciate your "generous" offer to let us have pump action rifles, but I'm a bit confused about where it was that we ASKED your permission, or were in any way REQUIRED to ask your permission. Maybe wait until you're in charge of something and people care about your opinion first.

You know why we immediately call you a liar as soon as you start to speak? Because you've proven that every time you speak, you lie.

You don't have to keep giving examples of how ineffectual you have become in countering any of these arguments or taking control of the debate. Pointing your weapons at us isn't going to do the trick.

When the time comes to use those weapoms, they WILL do the trick.
Don't try and bull shit me, boy. You don't live anywhere near the county.

He lives near a dairy farm just outside San Francisco.
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
They believe Hillary is Satan and the rich pay too much and are pretty racist... Everyone outside the GOP bubble of ignorance and Hate knows who needs education.
and he became known as Benedict Arnold. all one has to say is his name and you know all you need to know.
If you r a brainwashed GOP ignoramus.
Same deal as Foxbots and pundits laughing about the corruption and Evil of Obama Hillary holder and the Foundation. Brainwashed idiocy that will never reach the real world.
Believing that crap makes you a conspiracy nut by definition, dingbat. Try journalism.
and you double down.

So how are the prosecutions coming along, super duper dupe?
He lives near a dairy farm just outside San Francisco.
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
They believe Hillary is Satan and the rich pay too much and are pretty racist... Everyone outside the GOP bubble of ignorance and Hate knows who needs education.

Wow, what a monumentally ignorant thing to say.
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
You keep harping on all ADHD and antidepressant meds being dangerous and wrong, and that isn't true. There are misuses and rare side effects, but those meds for the most part are very helpful and can save lives. They sure improve them for kids who struggle to stay focused.
Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, Pop.

I’ve posted link after link after link.

These shootings started after these kids started taking these meds.

Helps keep them focused. Bet they focus just fine in front of video games!

Don’t through the baby? Just kill em
Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
You keep harping on all ADHD and antidepressant meds being dangerous and wrong, and that isn't true. There are misuses and rare side effects, but those meds for the most part are very helpful and can save lives. They sure improve them for kids who struggle to stay focused.
Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater, Pop.

I’ve posted link after link after link.

These shootings started after these kids started taking these meds.

Helps keep them focused. Bet they focus just fine in front of video games!

Don’t through the baby? Just kill em
Also after they started selling super soldier Super Macho assault style weapons... GOP poverty and ridiculous BS and hate propaganda machine 2...
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
They believe Hillary is Satan and the rich pay too much and are pretty racist... Everyone outside the GOP bubble of ignorance and Hate knows who needs education.

Wow, what a monumentally ignorant thing to say.
I live here... They are great people but racist and ignorant. The younger ones are learning.
When you have an Ex Scotus who is saying the 2nd amendment should be abolished things are a lot worse than folks realize. These people are going to come after all Conservatives if they get power again.

You think weaponizing the DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA was bad this last time around?
97 year old GOP dementia LOL.
First off the guy is a RINO and always has been. That imo is the same as saying Benedict Arnold was an American.
Secondly, they guy's mind is perfectly sharp which should then alarm people even more. He actually MEANT what he said.
Benedict Arnold was a great American Hero. Until the conservatives refused to pay him Anything. Great job!
I saw a special on him--the military really did screw him over more than once.
I don’t want my children going to school and be the victim of gun shots...... or rape, many-on-one beating, stabbed, cut, poisoned, bombed, intentionally run over by a car. All of these are acts of violence and terror. Perhaps there is too much freedom in schools and that needs to change.

Nice emotional appeal, but it doesn't answer the question of "How is penalizing law-abiding citizens going to change it?"

If the freedom that he wants to restrict is in regards to bullying, I'm all for it. Kick the rich kids out that pick on the poorer kids, or limit their access to their targets, I'm all in.

Hey, if he wants to restrict the freedom to walk into the school, totally unchallenged, while carrying a gun, I'm actually okay with that. However, I don't think simply making a rule about it is an effective restriction, and restrictions that basically punish people who have never even considered shooting up a school are right out.

These killings at these schools are not caused by people walking around with guns. Hell, we used to bring guns to school, store them in out lockers so we could hunt or go to the range after the end of the day. There was never an incident until the last 20 years. Hell, we would have the teachers look them over and comment on how nice they were.

The last twenty years has seen an increase in bullying, hell, they admitted it at these rallies how Cruz had been bullied since Middle School. Add to that the link to most of these bullied kids also being put on antidepressants or dangerous ADHD meds, and NO ONE SHOULD BE SHOCKED THAT WE CREATED A MONSTER.

You don't cure the basic problems, banning every gun in the world and you won't stop the problem. Murderers Murder, and they are far more creative about it, then we are in stopping it.
We have an unstable stressed out poverty stricken Society after 35 years of GOP. Allowing super Macho assault Style weapons for them is nuts.

Blame the GOP for the Left abandoning personal accountability. It’s the culture, not the guns, KingDupe.
He lives near a dairy farm just outside San Francisco.
Wyoming County, New York. You people are brainwashed functional morons. Gun control will only go as far as the GOP allows d u h.

New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
They believe Hillary is Satan and the rich pay too much and are pretty racist... Everyone outside the GOP bubble of ignorance and Hate knows who needs education.

You realize Trump kicked the crap out of your side winning 30 states and over 300 electoral votes right. :itsok:
New York...wait for it...shocker.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
They believe Hillary is Satan and the rich pay too much and are pretty racist... Everyone outside the GOP bubble of ignorance and Hate knows who needs education.

Wow, what a monumentally ignorant thing to say.
I live here... They are great people but racist and ignorant. The younger ones are learning.

Okay, so you've seen what, a dozen or so people? From that, you make conclusions about millions.

Real stereotyping there.
Voted 73% Trump, idiot

Now if they could only educate you and the other 27%.
They believe Hillary is Satan and the rich pay too much and are pretty racist... Everyone outside the GOP bubble of ignorance and Hate knows who needs education.

Wow, what a monumentally ignorant thing to say.
I live here... They are great people but racist and ignorant. The younger ones are learning.

Okay, so you've seen what, a dozen or so people? From that, you make conclusions about millions.

Real stereotyping there.
Hundreds. Plus I read....

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