Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life

More like survival of the callous.
More like self inflicted Darwin's filtering of the gener pool.

We have dozens of veterans commit suicide every day and till they are taken care of I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I fail to see why you feel it was selected for political reasons
and basically, had no other merit to be reported

Sadly there's a contingent of binary-bots here for whom everything, LITERALLY everything has to be boiled down to "Democrats versus Republicans". It could be a thread about how to make risotto or what's the best road to drive to St. Lous, doesn't matter. Jimbo is one of those binary-bots.

They deserve our pity but more they deserve our scorn.
LITERALLY everything has to be boiled down to "Democrats versus Republicans". It could be a thread about how to make risotto or what's the best road to drive to St. Lous, doesn't matter.
:auiqs.jpg: True that!

Omg...that is hysterical
lol, and yet I am neither a Republican or a Democrat, so who is seeing the world through binary glasses?

Aint me friend.

BTW, I self-identify as a liberal circa 1968. But I am not a Marxist and the Dims have moved so far into the Marxist left that they left me looking like a 'conservative', roflmao.

Yuh huh.
----- Then why did you waddle in here trying to shift a personal tragedy story into something POLITICAL?

That's a rhetorical question --- we all know why. It's because you're so much of a goddam ballsack-free WIMP that the only way you can interact is by perverting everything into "points" where you get to psychically injure other people. You're like a mass shooter who uses trolling instead of bullets.

They survived a mass shooting at school
The real tragedy is that this could have been prevented
had previous tips been followed up on, 2 years prior
had the FBI did their job in January of 2018
and had the school doors been locked

They survived, what could have been prevented,
only to take their own lives at a later time

How you don’t see this as any different,
then any other gun crime, is beyond me

And veterans have survived YEARS of warfare.

MY sympathies lie mostly with veterans that the libtard Establishment simply want to sweep under the rug.

Once AGAIN, Wimp, this thread ain't about "veterans". Now you're flailing around for a way out.
Just take responsibility for your own assholicity here instead of looking around for an exit door. Is that beyond your capability?
That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??
Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.
Why is it that these children have no inner strength? It's the worst kind of failing them.
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.

Congratulations on your Sociopath Merit Badge.
And you can mock teen suicide rates, which are increasing: What’s killing America’s teens? Inside CDC’s new mortality report

Kids are in trouble. Right now. And you're trying the deflect/pivot/attack tactic.

Play your fucked up game with someone else.

Well they are being raised up by left-wingers in schools that teach them they can't do anything without the power of government, and how the entire world is unfair and they can't succeed in life. In a racists, sexist, evil society, they have no hope.

Add to that, that we are all just cosmic accidents, big evolutionary mistakes in the universe that have no purpose or value. It was just luck that they were not aborted.

So why not kill yourself? What difference does it make. That's the left-wing view, and what kids are taught across this country.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.
Thank you. You put it in words I could not. And thank you for what you do.

I've heard the "coward" thing a lot from those who really understand nothing. This is about people who lost all hope to continue this existence. They are NOT in a good frame of mind and need help to see beyond. They need a hand getting out of a very dark place.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.
Thank you. You put it in words I could not. And thank you for what you do.

I've heard the "coward" thing a lot from those who really understand nothing. This is about people who lost all hope to continue this existence. They are NOT in a good frame of mind and need help to see beyond. They need a hand getting out of a very dark place.

I do what I do because if I did not I would feel CRAP for NOT doing something.

You are correct someone with Suicidal Tendency is not right in mind and they have lost all hope. They are in their mind the most darkest place a human mind and body can be in. They are the most lonely peoples in this world. The reason I think that Suicide is one of the last Taboo in Society is because suicide is within EVERY human being, you can be okay and NEVER think of ending your life and then SOMETHING occur to result in trauma in the mind and then that Dark Abyss comes for you and calls you to go into it. It is because I think the ability to end your life within EVERYONE and such a very dark and disturbing subject that this why Society is SILENT and does NOT want to begin a National Discussion about Suicide. This not a good situation EVERY Society in EVERY nation should begin a National Discussion this so that Society can understand Suicide and the many underproblems in the mind that result in thoughts of ending your life.

Suicide is NOT a political issue it transcend politics and also religion, gender, race, Suicide is NOT a political issue it is a HUMAN issue and it is a situation that we ALL have to have more sympathy and understanding with because at ANY moment at ANY time on ANY day in ANY year ANY of us could find that we are faced with that Dark Abyss coming for us and calling us to go into it. And at that moment WE would hope that SOMEONE is there to give us the hand to pull us away from it and give us a REASON to continue.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:

Excellent ogo :smiliehug:
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:

Some of the comments in this thread have been disgusting, to when a person is a lost soul with no hope and ends their life to make that into a Political argument is not a good situation. I am of course a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist BUT I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist with a HEART :smoke:
That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??
Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"


Most suicidal people can be cured instantly by EXERCISE. Get outside in the sunshine, start jogging, feel yourself breathing, your muscles working, lungs heaving. Then get some sex, buy a new pair of shoes, get the hell out of the house and the situation that has you down. On the counselor side, remember what Dirty Harry said: "the jumpers always want to take you with them" so don't be offering a hand to some loon on a window ledge or bridge. Oh, and remind them that being sealed in a steel box in that cold, cold ground, will come someday, but not today or tomorrow so knock that shit off and get busy doing day you will look back at this and say WTF was I thinking?...and that's the point, they weren't thinking.
Most suicidal people can be cured instantly by EXERCISE. Get outside in the sunshine, start jogging, feel yourself breathing, your muscles working, lungs heaving. Then get some sex, buy a new pair of shoes, get the hell out of the house and the situation that has you down. On the counselor side, remember what Dirty Harry said: "the jumpers always want to take you with them" so don't be offering a hand to some loon on a window ledge or bridge. Oh, and remind them that being sealed in a steel box in that cold, cold ground, will come someday, but not today or tomorrow so knock that shit off and get busy doing day you will look back at this and say WTF was I thinking?...and that's the point, they weren't thinking.

Yes you comment some good points, many suicides shut themselves away alone and for someone with Suicidal Tendency the LAST thing they should be in on their own in the house.

I do not think it is a good idea to mention being in the cold ground to a person who is suicidal this because they do NOT CARE because at that moment that IS where they WANT to be in the cold ground. What you do is you have to be Positive at ALL times, sympathetic and understanding but you HAVE to give them Positive Stimulus that they can THINK about, giving them Positivity fights the Negativity and when they are off the phone you HAVE to HOPE that the Positivity wins that fight and they do not go into The Dark Abyss that there is NO return from.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:

Some of the comments in this thread have been disgusting, to when a person is a lost soul with no hope and ends their life to make that into a Political argument is not a good situation. I am of course a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist BUT I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist with a HEART :smoke:

Which reminds me again of why I liked you in the first place, and what sets you apart --- your honesty.

And outside of the heart there's no higher aspiration. :thup:
Most suicidal people can be cured instantly by EXERCISE. Get outside in the sunshine, start jogging, feel yourself breathing, your muscles working, lungs heaving. Then get some sex, buy a new pair of shoes, get the hell out of the house and the situation that has you down. On the counselor side, remember what Dirty Harry said: "the jumpers always want to take you with them" so don't be offering a hand to some loon on a window ledge or bridge. Oh, and remind them that being sealed in a steel box in that cold, cold ground, will come someday, but not today or tomorrow so knock that shit off and get busy doing day you will look back at this and say WTF was I thinking?...and that's the point, they weren't thinking.

Your fatal ass-umption here is that the subject has a shred of initiative to "go exercise". If that were the case there would be no issue in the first place.

I mean ----------------- duh.
Suicide hotline calls aren't dealing with a real person....just a voice. They need to be someplace in person...dressed, shaved, sober, and ready for help. There are no magic words despite what you've been told. I'd think most of them just want to list the litany of bad cards they've been dealt. Not up, let's deal with your feelings in person and find the good cards life may have up it's sleeve. I'm an advocate of BF Skinner....I don't really give a damn about all the negativity...dwelling on that with a person in trouble is counter-productive. They have to be SHOCKED back into reality. Nobody wants to be in the cold cold ground...they may want nothing but reality doesn't deal in deals with something and that can be good or terrifying....corpses in these matters always look surprised...white light, then blackness, then the soul beginning it's journey into eternity....the finality should be enough to chase off most of the pretenders. But know this; if a person is determined to die, there is no strength in this world that can pry a person's hands off their own throat......only a reminder of the pain they would bring to those who knew and liked them...why would anybody want that?
Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:

Some of the comments in this thread have been disgusting, to when a person is a lost soul with no hope and ends their life to make that into a Political argument is not a good situation. I am of course a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist BUT I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist with a HEART :smoke:

Which reminds me again of why I liked you in the first place, and what sets you apart --- your honesty.

And outside of the heart there's no higher aspiration. :thup:

I am VERY Pro-Gun Rights but to me this issue is NOT about that, this thread should NOT be about that it should be about suicide and how Society can understand this issue because Society does NOT WANT at this time to understand this issue and that does NOT help the lost souls in this world.

And Sydney Aiello perhaps with Survivors Guilt but also not only this with nearly ALL suicides there are OTHER issues mysterious only to them that because Society is SILENT about suicide they stay mysterious only to them because they feel they CANNOT talk openly about these other issues.

There is in this thread comments about how Political Correctness etc now turn many into Snowflakes who cannot deal with situations this I agree is happening BUT IF it just Political Correctness that result in this the suicide rate would be MILLIONS a DAY in this world would be ending their own life, so as I comment nearly ALL suicides there are OTHER issues that contribute to Suicidal Tendency that they feel they CANNOT talk openly about.
The only thing is they put a heavy burden on those they leave behind. The parent of this girl have to live not only with her death, but they're left beating themselves up over their own "failure" to save her. That is a very selfish thing to do to those left "behind."
Suicide hotline calls aren't dealing with a real person....just a voice. They need to be someplace in person...dressed, shaved, sober, and ready for help. There are no magic words despite what you've been told. I'd think most of them just want to list the litany of bad cards they've been dealt. Not up, let's deal with your feelings in person and find the good cards life may have up it's sleeve. I'm an advocate of BF Skinner....I don't really give a damn about all the negativity...dwelling on that with a person in trouble is counter-productive. They have to be SHOCKED back into reality. Nobody wants to be in the cold cold ground...they may want nothing but reality doesn't deal in deals with something and that can be good or terrifying....corpses in these matters always look surprised...white light, then blackness, then the soul beginning it's journey into eternity....the finality should be enough to chase off most of the pretenders. But know this; if a person is determined to die, there is no strength in this world that can pry a person's hands off their own throat......only a reminder of the pain they would bring to those who knew and liked them...why would anybody want that?

I do not agree with what you comment. Brute Force with a person with Suicidal Tendency is NOT a good idea.
The only thing is they put a heavy burden on those they leave behind. The parent of this girl have to live not only with her death, but they're left beating themselves up over their own "failure" to save her. That is a very selfish thing to do to those left "behind."

Yes it is the loved ones left behind who have the lifelong trauma.
In countries with assisted suicide laws people that are depressed or just tired of living will be killed upon request. This includes children
Parents are not informed until they are called and told where to pick up the body. These laws are also called humane and sensitive. In these countries you are the one who would be a cruel law breaker.

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