Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life

In countries with assisted suicide laws people that are depressed or just tired of living will be killed upon request. This includes children
Parents are not informed until they are called and told where to pick up the body. These laws are also called humane and sensitive. In these countries you are the one who would be a cruel law breaker.

I support Assisted Suicide, as I comment they DO have a RIGHT to Self-Determination it is THEIR life they DO have a RIGHT to end it if they want to. We hope we can give lost souls hope but in the end if that is not so then we RESPECT their RIGHT to end their life. I especially support Assisted Suicide for Terminal Illness, they SHOULD be allowed to Die With Dignity and NOT be FORCED to remain alive in terrible pain, that is NOT the humane thing to do.
In countries with assisted suicide laws people that are depressed or just tired of living will be killed upon request. This includes children
Parents are not informed until they are called and told where to pick up the body. These laws are also called humane and sensitive. In these countries you are the one who would be a cruel law breaker.

I support Assisted Suicide, as I comment they DO have a RIGHT to Self-Determination it is THEIR life they DO have a RIGHT to end it if they want to. We hope we can give lost souls hope but in the end if that is not so then we RESPECT their RIGHT to end their life. I especially support Assisted Suicide for Terminal Illness, they SHOULD be allowed to Die With Dignity and NOT be FORCED to remain alive in terrible pain, that is NOT the humane thing to do.

We had a friend, one of the founders of the first TV station in New Orleans and of the program "Good Morning America", fascinating woman born in Shanghai, who spoke of the need for Death With Dignity. She was a marvelously energetic soul who right up to her last year was planning another TV show about old people and a delight to be around, but her body eventually just ran out of gas despite the sparkle in her eyes that never vanished until her last breath. She lived to be 99.
if the British couldn't take away our guns, i sure as hell ain't worried about millenials in their pajamas led by Hogg!
Not the Onion: The NRA is actually opposing provisions in a bill that prevent domestic abusers and stalkers from accessing guns
In countries with assisted suicide laws people that are depressed or just tired of living will be killed upon request. This includes children
Parents are not informed until they are called and told where to pick up the body. These laws are also called humane and sensitive. In these countries you are the one who would be a cruel law breaker.

I support Assisted Suicide, as I comment they DO have a RIGHT to Self-Determination it is THEIR life they DO have a RIGHT to end it if they want to. We hope we can give lost souls hope but in the end if that is not so then we RESPECT their RIGHT to end their life. I especially support Assisted Suicide for Terminal Illness, they SHOULD be allowed to Die With Dignity and NOT be FORCED to remain alive in terrible pain, that is NOT the humane thing to do.
Sydney Aiello killing herself was a good thing in your opinion.
Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:

Some of the comments in this thread have been disgusting, to when a person is a lost soul with no hope and ends their life to make that into a Political argument is not a good situation. I am of course a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist BUT I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist with a HEART :smoke:

Which reminds me again of why I liked you in the first place, and what sets you apart --- your honesty.

And outside of the heart there's no higher aspiration. :thup:
Tell that to a baby born and is outside the womb and given a suicide it did not ask for.
In countries with assisted suicide laws people that are depressed or just tired of living will be killed upon request. This includes children
Parents are not informed until they are called and told where to pick up the body. These laws are also called humane and sensitive. In these countries you are the one who would be a cruel law breaker.

I support Assisted Suicide, as I comment they DO have a RIGHT to Self-Determination it is THEIR life they DO have a RIGHT to end it if they want to. We hope we can give lost souls hope but in the end if that is not so then we RESPECT their RIGHT to end their life. I especially support Assisted Suicide for Terminal Illness, they SHOULD be allowed to Die With Dignity and NOT be FORCED to remain alive in terrible pain, that is NOT the humane thing to do.
Sydney Aiello killing herself was a good thing in your opinion.

You should seek professional help if you hear voices in your head.
Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak

"Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,"

No suicides are brave, it takes alot of courage to end your life if you think and if you know that it is a PERMANENT DECISION that you CANNOT reverse that decision and that you are going into a situation that to MANY is frightening and that is you are going into the TOTAL UNKNOWN and you are COMPLETELY ALONE in this, to make that PERMANENT DECISION is not being a coward.

I have returned from my two hour a day volunteer at our Suicide Hotline, not my right to talk someone out of suicide but I think today I give two lost souls some hope and also something to THINK about, the thing is I will never not know this though if they phone again I will know I saved them from the Abyss, I hope that I did. The End is NOT The End as long as HOPE exist in someones heart.

Beautifully expressed Oosie. :bow2:

Might I add, this is another reason you're my friend and Jimbobo and the other subhuman sociopaths here are not. :smiliehug:

Some of the comments in this thread have been disgusting, to when a person is a lost soul with no hope and ends their life to make that into a Political argument is not a good situation. I am of course a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist BUT I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian Fascist with a HEART :smoke:

Which reminds me again of why I liked you in the first place, and what sets you apart --- your honesty.

And outside of the heart there's no higher aspiration. :thup:
Tell that to a baby born and is outside the womb and given a suicide it did not ask for.

Go fuck yourself in the eye socket.
if we dont trust you to have a gun, why would we trust you to choose our leaders?!
We are traumatizing an entire generation of school children so that rural & suburban white guys don't have to give up their hobby.

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