Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life

"I’m tired of seeing sidewalk shrines to the victims of gun violence in my community and in cities all across America. It’s nice to have a hearing… but we need to have a vote, and we need to change some laws." - Crazy Cory Booker
Wish we had a thumbs down for this tard.

I know the "laws" he wants to change. Tards understand nothing.
I can’t get over how terrible and tragic and sad this is. What a loss. These kids are being utterly failed.

Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life


Blame her....nobody else. Somebody turned her into a fucking Buddhist and who knows what else? She shouldn't have gone back into a classroom for at least a couple years...who's idea was that? Still, if with all her beauty and great body, she couldn't find a reason to carry on, it's better she's out of the gene-pool....weak DNA.
JimBowie1958, what is so funny?

For reasons unfathomable this tragic story has attracted sadistic nihilists with such pathetic apologies for an existence that they think piling on a senselessly dead body will somehow impart significance to their essentially worthless existence.

This waste of human protoplasm for example:

So you defend a leftwing idiot against a Democrat moderate?

Why is that?

Having said that, I'm beginning to think we're witnessing evolution in action. A bit of Darwinism of survival of the fittest
More like survival of the callous.
More like self inflicted Darwin's filtering of the gener pool.

We have dozens of veterans commit suicide every day and till they are taken care of I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.

How pathetic is that. So insecure he has to twist a human tragedy into some kind of "politics" so he can play along. His own heart is barren. As I keep saying --- sociopaths --- yet the curiosity is they are able to recognize where the pathos is, that they may come in and pervert it with their sick shit. It's all over this thread.

I've always said what this board needs is not more mod police but a goddam psychiatrist. It's abject narcissism.
I saw that weird Jim guy's post-string last night because he responded to me and I had an alert -

He said something to the effect of "blah blah blah, Grrr!!! Grrr!! I'm rough and I'm tough and you're all fuckin idiots!!" - - and so before bothering to reply, I read his string of following posts and he said essentially the same thing in different words over and over and I didn't bother.

"liberals are poopy and im he man!!! grrrrr, rufffff ruffffff"

That's basically been his whole schtick, forever. Bottom of the USMB barrel.
“Patriotism is a bad religion.” - David Hogg

This is the future of America. When people don’t know their history then of course they don’t appreciate this country. Are you proud to be an American?
the first day of the end of the 2nd amendment will be the first day of the 2nd American revolution!
the first day of the end of the 2nd amendment will be the first day of the 2nd American revolution!

Here's a nugget of wisdom from everybody:

You should just shut the fuck up.
He is JRs sock, and has a real life mental disability. Before he melted down and got permabanned, he shared his entire life through facebook and such. It was sad, but fascinating.
If you need 30 bullets in a clip for “self defense” you’re planning on “defending” yourself against a row of cop cars. And we already have a defense against them.. it’s called the court system.
If you need 30 bullets in a clip for “self defense” you’re planning on “defending” yourself against a row of cop cars. And we already have a defense against them.. it’s called the court system.
What kinda fetish are you playing where you think saying a pro 2nd amendment post followed by an anti 2nd post over and over is going to play well to a forum of grown adults?

Your schtick is so childish dude, smh
If you need 30 bullets in a clip for “self defense” you’re planning on “defending” yourself against a row of cop cars. And we already have a defense against them.. it’s called the court system.
What kinda fetish are you playing where you think saying a pro 2nd amendment post followed by an anti 2nd post over and over is going to play well to a forum of grown adults?

Your schtick is so childish dude, smh
i'm an equal opportunity critic. deal with it!
If you need 30 bullets in a clip for “self defense” you’re planning on “defending” yourself against a row of cop cars. And we already have a defense against them.. it’s called the court system.
What kinda fetish are you playing where you think saying a pro 2nd amendment post followed by an anti 2nd post over and over is going to play well to a forum of grown adults?

Your schtick is so childish dude, smh
i'm an equal opportunity critic. deal with it!
Contradicting yourself is retarded.
How pathetic is that. So insecure he has to twist a human tragedy into some kind of "politics" so he can play along. His own heart is barren. As I keep saying --- sociopaths --- yet the curiosity is they are able to recognize where the pathos is, that they may come in and pervert it with their sick shit. It's all over this thread.

I've always said what this board needs is not more mod police but a goddam psychiatrist. It's abject narcissism
I've always said people reveal their true natures in the cover of anonymity. They exist on both ends of the political spectrum. Attacking a young girl because she couldn't deal with something she didn't ask for is sick.
Having said that, I'm beginning to think we're witnessing evolution in action. A bit of Darwinism of survival of the fittest
More like survival of the callous.
More like self inflicted Darwin's filtering of the gener pool.

We have dozens of veterans commit suicide every day and till they are taken care of I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I fail to see why you feel it was selected for political reasons
and basically, had no other merit to be reported
the first day of the end of the 2nd amendment will be the first day of the 2nd American revolution!

Here's a nugget of wisdom from everybody:

You should just shut the fuck up.
He is JRs sock, and has a real life mental disability. Before he melted down and got permabanned, he shared his entire life through facebook and such. It was sad, but fascinating.

Description sounds spot on but not sure I know who JR is.
Having said that, I'm beginning to think we're witnessing evolution in action. A bit of Darwinism of survival of the fittest
More like survival of the callous.
More like self inflicted Darwin's filtering of the gener pool.

We have dozens of veterans commit suicide every day and till they are taken care of I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I fail to see why you feel it was selected for political reasons
and basically, had no other merit to be reported

Sadly there's a contingent of binary-bots here for whom everything, LITERALLY everything has to be boiled down to "Democrats versus Republicans". It could be a thread about how to make risotto or what's the best road to drive to St. Lous, doesn't matter. Jimbo is one of those binary-bots.

They deserve our pity but more they deserve our scorn.
Sadly there's a contingent of binary-bots here for whom everything, LITERALLY everything has to be boiled down to "Democrats versus Republicans". It could be a thread about how to make risotto or what's the best road to drive to St. Lous, doesn't matter. Jimbo is one of those binary-bots.

They deserve our pity but more they deserve our scorn
He doesn't deserve my pitty. In this thread, only contempt.
That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??
Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak
Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,

The abyss of pain and sorrow, that overwhelmed me,
death was the only answer I saw as my solution
By the Grace of God, He intervened and thwarted my attempt

That experience made me a stronger person
and began my relationship with Him
and ultimately, excepting Jesus as my Savior

I never thought I could say, what I am about to say,
because I wouldn’t wish that abyss, on my worst enemy,

But, God forgive me, I want that abyss to swallow you
Having said that, I'm beginning to think we're witnessing evolution in action. A bit of Darwinism of survival of the fittest
More like survival of the callous.
More like self inflicted Darwin's filtering of the gener pool.

We have dozens of veterans commit suicide every day and till they are taken care of I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
I fail to see why you feel it was selected for political reasons
and basically, had no other merit to be reported

Sadly there's a contingent of binary-bots here for whom everything, LITERALLY everything has to be boiled down to "Democrats versus Republicans". It could be a thread about how to make risotto or what's the best road to drive to St. Lous, doesn't matter. Jimbo is one of those binary-bots.

They deserve our pity but more they deserve our scorn.
LITERALLY everything has to be boiled down to "Democrats versus Republicans". It could be a thread about how to make risotto or what's the best road to drive to St. Lous, doesn't matter.
:auiqs.jpg: True that!

Omg...that is hysterical
Most suicides are right wingers in red states. I guess they’re just weak.
Or they’re really unhappy by what has happened to them and their states with Republicans in charge.


You have stated you reside in Chicago...
Where, so I can come over and kick your ass!
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
I make a comment that essentially indicts his end of the spectrum for the effects their tactics, so he tries to change the subject and put me on the defensive.

Faux outrage to avoid the point. That's a pretty standard, transparent strategy here.

It's always a nice confirmation of my point, and I appreciate that, but I'm not required to participate.

Let 'em flail.

Fuck you, disempathetic piece of shit. Now you're trying to twist into "politics" too because you can't take responsibility for your unfeeling blame-the-victim crap. And now here you are trying to blame the social pressure that called you on it.

Wait, let me say it for you --- "she was askin' for it", right?

Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do, And it does take care of itself.
But these suicides of Parkland and Sandyhook, Set the narrative of more frivolous gun control laws.
So obviously with you it’s all about politics and control, because you’re a fucking control freak
Suicide is the most cowardly thing anyone can do,

The abyss of pain and sorrow, that overwhelmed me,
death was the only answer I saw as my solution
By the Grace of God, He intervened and thwarted my attempt

That experience made me a stronger person
and began my relationship with Him
and ultimately, excepting Jesus as my Savior

I never thought I could say, what I am about to say,
because I wouldn’t wish that abyss, on my worst enemy,

But, God forgive me, I want that abyss to swallow you
Well, Suicide answers nothing.
And it does take care of itself, There is a reason why Muslims and kamikaze pilots embrace suicide… They are all cowards.
BTW... Receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior... not excepting

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