Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life

In one week, two Parkland survivors and the father of a Sandy Hook victim have taken their lives. The cost of gun violence in our country is too high, and too many have sat back and let it happen. We must take immediate action to end gun violence and the trauma that comes with it.
Please don’t hesitate to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

There is no way to end gun violence in this country.

Gun control doesn't work. New Zealand had gun control, you saw what happened there. Then they doubled down.
In one week, two Parkland survivors and the father of a Sandy Hook victim have taken their lives. The cost of gun violence in our country is too high, and too many have sat back and let it happen. We must take immediate action to end gun violence and the trauma that comes with it.
Please don’t hesitate to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

There is no way to end gun violence in this country.

Gun control doesn't work. New Zealand had gun control, you saw what happened there. Then they doubled down.
if you want to have a gun in your house, i think that's pretty stupid, particulary if you have kids, but i guess its your right to do that!
In one week, two Parkland survivors and the father of a Sandy Hook victim have taken their lives. The cost of gun violence in our country is too high, and too many have sat back and let it happen. We must take immediate action to end gun violence and the trauma that comes with it.
Please don’t hesitate to reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

There is no way to end gun violence in this country.

Gun control doesn't work. New Zealand had gun control, you saw what happened there. Then they doubled down.
if you want to have a gun in your house, i think that's pretty stupid, particulary if you have kids, but i guess its your right to do that!

I don't have children in my home, but I do have firearms. I'm a senior citizen, the chance of a home invasion, as well as the chance of being accosted on the street are threats that have to be addressed. I'm not going to be a statistic if I can help it.
Most suicides are right wingers in red states. I guess they’re just weak.
Or they’re really unhappy by what has happened to them and their states with Republicans in charge.
Only excuse for suicide is Cowardice...
But like I said before it does take care of itself
I hope you get cancer. I hope it kills you really slow, and you are in agony for months, begging to die.
I can’t get over how terrible and tragic and sad this is. What a loss. These kids are being utterly failed.

Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life


For Americans who are lost souls, The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


The International Association for Suicide Prevention:

International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) - Resources: Crisis Centers

The lost soul Sydney Aiello Survivors Guilt with perhaps other mental health issues not mentioned. I volunteer two hours a day to be at our Suicide Hotline and Mr. Lucy the Psychiatrist works with lost souls who want to end their life. These lost souls CAN be saved, many want only NOT to be judged but to have someone LISTEN to them, they DO have a RIGHT to end their life if they want to BUT suicide is a PERMANENT SOLUTION to often a TEMPORARY PROBLEM.

ALL Society in EVERY nation on this planet needs to DESTROY one of the last Taboos and that is SILENCE about suicide, EVERY nation should begin a NATIONAL DISCUSSION in the OPEN and on television, radio etc about suicide. The potential suicide the most LONELY person in the world, it SHOULD be our DUTY to reach out to them to let them KNOW there IS help and that WE are there to help as a Society.
That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??
Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
Pogo the No Go is a leftwing NPC who spouts all the predictable leftwing horse shit on cue so regularly that I have missed nothing by putting him on ignore.
Why is it that these children have no inner strength? It's the worst kind of failing them.
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.
The response you deserved.
So you defend a leftwing idiot against a Democrat moderate?

Why is that?
Having said that, I'm beginning to think we're witnessing evolution in action. A bit of Darwinism of survival of the fittest
More like survival of the callous.
More like self inflicted Darwin's filtering of the gener pool.

We have dozens of veterans commit suicide every day and till they are taken care of I dont have a lot of sympathy for some media selected tragedy because a teen was useful for their kind of politics.
Males make up roughly 75% of suicides.
LGBTQ has 3x the suicide rate than the national average.
Someone with chronic pain is 2x as likely to kill themselves...and astronomically more prone to drug addiction and? You got it...drug addicts are more likely to....guess...c'mon, guess...

kill themselves.
These are well known stats, so whats you point other than being a total 100% ass hat?
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Not always. Sometimes, it is a carefully-reasoned, entirely logical course of action.
Other than someone is about to torture you to death, what on Earth do you think c an make it logical for some American teen to commit suicide?

I think you are full of shit, but I'll give you a chance to assplain yourself.

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