Parkland shooting survivor Sydney Aiello takes her own life

Why is it that these children have no inner strength? It's the worst kind of failing them.
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.
If you are a fucking retard, political correctness does this to everybody that it touches

Why is it that these children have no inner strength? It's the worst kind of failing them.
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.

She was no more traumatized than any other child seeing others torn apart, blown to pieces, eaten alive by animals or even a neighboring tribe and then gone on without committing suicide. How many children have seen their own family hacked to death by savages and then had to go on. The fault is with her parents. They never gave her any inner strength.

Oh yes, I am HIDEOUSLY callous. Thank you for noticing.

In check two more of the pissant cowardly sociopathic death cultists to shoot the wounded.

What absurd lengths the gun fetishists will stoop to just to deflect any hint of stain from their God Almighty Gun.
No one shot any wounded. This poor disturbed girl was not strong enough to survive and shot herself. Her parents failed her. Her family failed her. If she went to Church that failed her too.
I don't think I've ever read this level of callousness over an enlisted vet who suffered PTSD. Yet some expect more of a teenage girl who witnessed her classmates and best friend being gunned down. Yeah the school let her down. They should understand what these kids have been dealing with and provided counseling.
Why is it that these children have no inner strength?
Excellent question.

We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect? Are we supposed to be surprised?
You're using a girl that was traumatized, saw her friends sprayed down and killed in front of her eyeballs and in real life, to promote your fucked up neener about "kids these days..."

Get a fuckin grip, dude. You have lived a sheltered cornball life compared to this girl, and she was probably a third of your age.
I don't think I've ever read this level of callousness over an enlisted vet who suffered PTSD. Yet some expect more of a teenage girl who witnessed her classmates and best friend being gunned down. Yeah the school let her down. They should understand what these kids have been dealing with and provided counseling.

Have you ever given a thought to the millions of gang members we have in this country? Did it ever occur to you that they witness death from the time they can walk. Some, even before that. By the time they reach teen age they have already seen dozens killed. Black neighborhoods hardly have a single family that has not seen death. Last week a bunch of teenagers stabbed a friend 100 times and set him on fire. I guarantee you that 100 stab wounds is bloodier than getting gunned down.

You don't see survivors guilt there. Gang bangers don't suffer from PTSD. No. We make the wilting flowers. The girl's death is a tragedy. But it should never have happened. She should have been taught better.
Why is it that these children have no inner strength?
Excellent question.

We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect? Are we supposed to be surprised?
This is tragic and another nail in the coffin of government who let this girl down yet again.

Having said that, I'm beginning to think we're witnessing evolution in action. A bit of Darwinism of survival of the fittest.
I blame the
Iberal education she has been getting.
I don't understand why they even had access to firearms, considering their background
Do you know that? Nothing I read indicated how she died
Their parents have to be devastated

The death follows the suicide of a recent Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School graduate, Sydney Aiello, who took her life after being diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office said Aiello died from a gunshot wound.

Read more here: Second Parkland shooting survivor kills himself. Here’s what leaders are doing about it
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.

Actually, I have to agree with Pogo. I won't go as far as to say your response was callous, but I do think we have to take into consideration the trauma she experienced. This isn't your typical coddled snowflake offing herself over some nasty Instagram posts made against her. She was basically caught in a war zone. A lot of military service members complete their service without ever witnessing what she did, but of those who do, many come back fucked in the head with the same end result as her and they are adults.
I'm perfectly fine with callous. Our culture is in decay right now. It looks like another child has taken their life now (Second Parkland Shooting Survivor Apparently Dies By Suicide | HuffPost) and we're not paying attention to the big picture. The suicide rate is increasing as we speak.

We just raised two daughters and it's a freaking miracle that kids make it through adolescence these days. Whatever pressures you and I went through when we were growing up were not a thousandth of what these kids are seeing as a result of media, social media, and our culture in general.

And we're adding to it with the way we're treating them. I don't care what I get called for pointing out the obvious.
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.
The response I would have expected, thanks.

Actually, I have to agree with Pogo. I won't go as far as to say your response was callous, but I do think we have to take into consideration the trauma she experienced. This isn't your typical coddled snowflake offing herself over some nasty Instagram posts made against her. She was basically caught in a war zone. A lot of military service members complete their service without ever witnessing what she did, but of those who do, many come back fucked in the head with the same end result as her and they are adults.
I'm perfectly fine with callous. Our culture is in decay right now. It looks like another child has taken their life now (Second Parkland Shooting Survivor Apparently Dies By Suicide | HuffPost) and we're not paying attention to the big picture. The suicide rate is increasing as we speak.

We just raised two daughters and it's a freaking miracle that kids make it through adolescence these days. Whatever pressures you and I went through when we were growing up were not a thousandth of what these kids are seeing as a result of media, social media, and our culture in general.

And we're adding to it with the way we're treating them. I don't care what I get called for pointing out the obvious.
Speak for yourself...
Excellent question.

We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect? Are we supposed to be surprised?

Yes, clearly this girl needed to man up, after seeing her best friend murdered right next to her.

Leave it to Vichy Mac to try to turn a tragedy into his own little whipping boy.
Excellent question.

We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect? Are we supposed to be surprised?

Yes, clearly this girl needed to man up, after seeing her best friend murdered right next to her.

Leave it to Vichy Mac to try to turn a tragedy into his own little whipping boy.
He needs a fuckin break from the internet. The internet and media is too much, we are watching his melt-down on a this board each day. Maybe you should spam his PM box with GOOD NEWS news stories.
Mac heard on the news one day that the suicide rate in the US is increasing, and he sprinted to his keyboard to use it for his confirmation bias - "the purritikow divide is kiwwing uss, wahh."

He doesnt know the numbers.
He doesnt know if its a pandemic, or just an increase.
He doesnt understand the direct correlation between this, and the over-prescription epidemic.

He doesnt study issues. He hears a tidbit of bad news, salivates atop his keyboard and elucidates his confirmation bias.

When someone addresses him head on with substance, he deflects and says something like..."these are the responses I expected. Thanks."

He doesnt engage in debate, therefore is just a concern troll.

Mac, what % of suicides are attributed to seasonal depression? Take your time.

How about PTSD? Dont hurt yourself.
Males make up roughly 75% of suicides.
LGBTQ has 3x the suicide rate than the national average.
Someone with chronic pain is 2x as likely to kill themselves...and astronomically more prone to drug addiction and? You got it...drug addicts are more likely to....guess...c'mon, guess...

kill themselves.
Why is it that these children have no inner strength? It's the worst kind of failing them.
We've created an entire generation of hypersensitive neurotics, so focused on their feelings that they are essentially existing as an open emotional wound. Safe spaces, micro aggression, trigger warnings, dividing them into little competing grievance groups, on and on and on.

What did we expect?

That's just hideously callous. This young lady was traumatized by people close to her getting blown away for no reason.
And you want to blame "hypersensitive neuroses"? Really??

Ridiculous post.

The young boy who committed the mass shooting in Parkland had a reason- a pretty piss poor one, but a reason.

Apparently, the boy was teased and bullied in school, and felt that a mass shooting was appropriate.

All of this demonization of bullying set him off. Time IMHO to quit the persecution of the practitioners of bullying, which makes this kind of thing acceptable in people's minds.

Young folks need to realize they will be bullied throughout their lives, and it helps to build character. When I was 12, I was a skinny little kid, still a couple of years before my growth spurt. Some of my classmates in school teased and bullied me and I told my old man. I was told to choose the smallest of the kids and slug him in front of everyone. Worked like a charm.

Nowadays, they throw kids out of school for sensible reactions to bullying, making extreme reactions like Parkland the only option.

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