Parler CEO Says Parler May Be Offline Longer Than Expected -- Why Didn't We Let The Free Market Decide???

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...
I rent you an apartment...then I hear you voted for I give you the boot...because the other tenant don't like Democrats.

Would you consider that acceptable?

Cuz that's exactly what happened here.
Was who I can or can not support politically made clear to me as part of my lease terms of agreement??

If so, I wouldn't have been your tenant to begin with...

I would have moved somewhere else...

See how that works?

Now, since you are pretending to give a fuck about discrimination on the part of a private business -- you should be very disappointed to hear how Trump is stripping protections away from LGBT folks -- to make it easier for you to evict them -- to stick with your "hypothetical"

damn right they should be removed. gender is two, male female. PERIOD. and look, don't bother with your PC shit, that's it.
Cool, campaign on that in 2024....

Then cry more about losing
I did in 2016 with trump. he did it. you having a cow won't change the fact there are but two genders.

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...

“We told you so, we degenerate beggars have been telling you for years; let Father Government take the reigns and decide for us.”

You understand that each of those companies made their own decisions, don't you?

So you are ok with every single hosting company denying them the ability to have a website?
I know I am. I think its hilarious. If you want to lie to each other send a group email.

FOAD you fucking fascist.

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...

“We told you so, we degenerate beggars have been telling you for years; let Father Government take the reigns and decide for us.”

You understand that each of those companies made their own decisions, don't you?

So you are ok with every single hosting company denying them the ability to have a website?

Nobody is denying them anything. They are free to go somewhere else, or build their own site. Are you demanding somebody be forced to host them? Will you demand they bake them a cake too?

Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse. The one baker not wanting to bake isn't stopping the wedding.
Idiot libs love the fact that these tech giants are moving against conservatives.

Their whines will fall on deaf ears, though, when big tech moves against libs...

Libs are going to take a cue from Trumpsters and use all this as an excuse for more regulation. Bet on it.
Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse.
And being on Twitter is necessary?

Seems we had political discourse for a few hundred years before Twitter.
Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse.
And being on Twitter is necessary?

Seems we had political discourse for a few hundred years before Twitter.

Social media is where the discussion is happening now. Shutting off half the population from it is no different then a mob keeping them out of the public square.
Social media is where the discussion is happening now. Shutting off half the population from it is no different then a mob keeping them out of the public square.
Half the population? Shut up with your lies.

Go to the street corner and hand out fliers if you want to be heard. Whiner

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...

“We told you so, we degenerate beggars have been telling you for years; let Father Government take the reigns and decide for us.”

You understand that each of those companies made their own decisions, don't you?

So you are ok with every single hosting company denying them the ability to have a website?

Nobody is denying them anything. They are free to go somewhere else, or build their own site. Are you demanding somebody be forced to host them? Will you demand they bake them a cake too?

Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse. The one baker not wanting to bake isn't stopping the wedding. you agree that we should nationalize Facebook and Twitter because they are too big to not be declared public commodities.... is definitely not a pro-free market stance, but fuck free markets when you don't get your way, right?
Social media is where the discussion is happening now. Shutting off half the population from it is no different then a mob keeping them out of the public square.
Half the population? Shut up with your lies.

Go to the street corner and hand out fliers if you want to be heard. Whiner

Yes, about half the population. It figures you are a censoring cuck.

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...

“We told you so, we degenerate beggars have been telling you for years; let Father Government take the reigns and decide for us.”

You understand that each of those companies made their own decisions, don't you?

So you are ok with every single hosting company denying them the ability to have a website?

Nobody is denying them anything. They are free to go somewhere else, or build their own site. Are you demanding somebody be forced to host them? Will you demand they bake them a cake too?

Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse. The one baker not wanting to bake isn't stopping the wedding. you agree that we should nationalize Facebook and Twitter because they are too big to not be declared public commodities.... is definitely not a pro-free market stance, but fuck free markets when you don't get your way, right?

Nope, just regulate them as utilities and make them be political content neutral in their moderation.

Should the power company be able to deny service to conservatives?
You know, I hear this argument a lot from so-called Libertarians about how the Civil Rights Act was wrong....and businesses should be allowed to racially discriminate......tho it wouldn't be a good business model, they should be allowed to....

Their defense was -- the free market would put those types of businesses out of business.......

I on the other hand feel, when the "free market" did boycott and ostracize those businesses -- these same folks complaining about Twitter, would be complaining about that too....
Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse.
And being on Twitter is necessary?

Seems we had political discourse for a few hundred years before Twitter.

Social media is where the discussion is happening now. Shutting off half the population from it is no different then a mob keeping them out of the public square.

Public square, my ass. You can't just go around declaring businesses to be public property. We're not a socialist nation, yet.

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...

“We told you so, we degenerate beggars have been telling you for years; let Father Government take the reigns and decide for us.”

You understand that each of those companies made their own decisions, don't you?

So you are ok with every single hosting company denying them the ability to have a website?

Nobody is denying them anything. They are free to go somewhere else, or build their own site. Are you demanding somebody be forced to host them? Will you demand they bake them a cake too?

Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse. The one baker not wanting to bake isn't stopping the wedding. you agree that we should nationalize Facebook and Twitter because they are too big to not be declared public commodities.... is definitely not a pro-free market stance, but fuck free markets when you don't get your way, right?

Nope, just regulate them as utilities and make them be political content neutral in their moderation.

Should the power company be able to deny service to conservatives?
Yea, big government it.....

Should "big government" write their Terms and Conditions language too??

Because last I checked, that is why Trump got booted off........

Now....Trump has a perfect opportunity to put his MASTERFUL BUSINESS SKILLS to good use and create a media platform to COMPETE with Facebook and Twitter -- where there is no censorship or even better, where you can only agree with the views he has -- it may be an echo chamber, but you folks love that...and plus, you can really "own the libs" that way...
You know, I hear this argument a lot from so-called Libertarians about how the Civil Rights Act was wrong....and businesses should be allowed to racially discriminate......tho it wouldn't be a good business model, they should be allowed to....

Their defense was -- the free market would put those types of businesses out of business.......

I on the other hand feel, when the "free market" did boycott and ostracize those businesses -- these same folks complaining about Twitter, would be complaining about that too....

Yep. This issues brings out rank hypocrisy on both sides.

The bottom line is that, for most people, government is just a way to fuck over people you don't like.
Yes, about half the population. It figures you are a censoring cuck.
You’re delusional. Twitter doesn’t kick off all conservatives, just the violent assholes.

I guess you’re admitting that all conservatives are violent assholes. I mean, you are, so I guess I can understand why you might make that assumption but most conservatives are good people.
Should "big government" write their Terms and Conditions language too??

They will be soon enough. Dems have long wanted this kind of power, and now that Trump has converted half the idiots in the Republican party to outright socialists, they'll face little opposition.
Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse.
And being on Twitter is necessary?

Seems we had political discourse for a few hundred years before Twitter.

Social media is where the discussion is happening now. Shutting off half the population from it is no different then a mob keeping them out of the public square.

Public square, my ass. You can't just go around declaring businesses to be public property. We're not a socialist nation, yet.

Sorry you are a analog person in a digital age, maybe you can get in your buggy and take the dirigible to Washington to have your voice heard.

"Parler has gone offline after Amazon withdrew its support in the wake of the deadly U.S. Capitol riot last week. The app was reliant on cloud computing power provided by Amazon Web Services. John Matze, the founder and CEO, said in a statement on Monday that the Parler app will be down “longer than expected” because other cloud hosting companies do not want to work with Parler in light of the press statements issued by Amazon, Google and Apple."

What these big tech companies are doing is outrageous -- it is flat out socialism communism fascism Orwellian government censorship.....Why didn't the radical leftist Democrats who control big Tech just allow the free markets to decide -- instead of having people like Biden and Pelosi decide who Twitter or Facebook can or can't have on their platform - why didn't they just allow the free market to decide?? -- That is the problem when you have big government get involved with what private businesses can or can't do -- you get communism....

This shouldn't be a left or right issue (except that the right should be able to dictate what the left does or can't do) --- this should be a bipartisan issue -- we should allow free markets to have control over social media, not big government -- and the best way to do that is to nationalize Facebook and Twitter and declare them public commodities and let Trump and others he appoints decide who and who can't have access -- we should also break up Google and Amazon because these corporations have been too successful at gaining a near monopoly -- and breaking up monopolies is totally a function of a free market....In fact, we wouldn't have all of these large media, pharma and agricultural corporate conglomerates if we just allowed free markets to decide...Just think how much better something like healthcare would be if we just nationalized it and declared it a public commodity like the free market demands...

“We told you so, we degenerate beggars have been telling you for years; let Father Government take the reigns and decide for us.”

You understand that each of those companies made their own decisions, don't you?

So you are ok with every single hosting company denying them the ability to have a website?

Nobody is denying them anything. They are free to go somewhere else, or build their own site. Are you demanding somebody be forced to host them? Will you demand they bake them a cake too?

Sorry, but a wedding cake isn't a nessasary thing like being able to access the most common form of political discourse. The one baker not wanting to bake isn't stopping the wedding. you agree that we should nationalize Facebook and Twitter because they are too big to not be declared public commodities.... is definitely not a pro-free market stance, but fuck free markets when you don't get your way, right?

Nope, just regulate them as utilities and make them be political content neutral in their moderation.

Should the power company be able to deny service to conservatives?
Yea, big government it.....

Should "big government" write their Terms and Conditions language too??

Because last I checked, that is why Trump got booted off........

Now....Trump has a perfect opportunity to put his MASTERFUL BUSINESS SKILLS to good use and create a media platform to COMPETE with Facebook and Twitter -- where there is no censorship or even better, where you can only agree with the views he has -- it may be an echo chamber, but you folks love that...and plus, you can really "own the libs" that way...

The only ones wanting an echo chamber are you progressive pussies.
Yes, about half the population. It figures you are a censoring cuck.
You’re delusional. Twitter doesn’t kick off all conservatives, just the violent assholes.

I guess you’re admitting that all conservatives are violent assholes. I mean, you are, so I guess I can understand why you might make that assumption but most conservatives are good people.

They are kicking off Qanon people, is being part of a conspiracy theory now violent?

And there are plenty of examples of lefty violent rhetoric still on twitter and facebook.

But you don't care because you are a one party authoritarian cuck cocksucker.

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