Party is over for Obamination


May 14, 2011
He spent his first 4 years spending more than a drunken sailor and making promises/programs that haven't had the bill come due yet like Obamacare. All this time his approval rating fell while he had the benefit of the BUSH TAX CUTS keeping more money in the pockets of Americans than Uncle Sam's pockets.

Now that taxes are going up for income, capital gains and from Obamacare taxes.....well the party is over. Many middle class and rich Obamabots that loved hearing about helping the poor the past 4 years, well now their taxes are going to pay for it and many times people don't like it when their money is being taken away.

Obamacare is going to blow up in the faces of Democraps.....just watch.
He spent his first 4 years spending more than a drunken sailor and making promises/programs that haven't had the bill come due yet like Obamacare. All this time his approval rating fell while he had the benefit of the BUSH TAX CUTS keeping more money in the pockets of Americans than Uncle Sam's pockets.

Now that taxes are going up for income, capital gains and from Obamacare taxes.....well the party is over. Many middle class and rich Obamabots that loved hearing about helping the poor the past 4 years, well now their taxes are going to pay for it and many times people don't like it when their money is being taken away.

Obamacare is going to blow up in the faces of Democraps.....just watch.

2013 is going to be a VERY BAD year, for EVERYBODY. Fasten your seatbelts.
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  • #4 more and more people lose their company paid insurance and/or their premiums go through the roof....well this Obamacare shit is going to blow up into a shitstorm.

Meanwhile the millions of "poor" people are going to invade hospitals for their FREE stuff driving up costs on hospitals behind paid pennies on the dollar for services. Some doctors will quit, some hospitals will go private only taking paying clients....then Joe Schmore will see his medical care options go away with less doctors, hospitals and time in the day to fit him in for his broken leg.

Let's not forgot Jerome the mall worker that now has to pay a tax for not buying health insurance.....he is going to be pissed.

just wait until our health benefits are taxed to pay for Obamacare
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame] more and more people lose their company paid insurance and/or their premiums go through the roof....well this Obamacare shit is going to blow up into a shitstorm.

Meanwhile the millions of "poor" people are going to invade hospitals for their FREE stuff driving up costs on hospitals behind paid pennies on the dollar for services. Some doctors will quit, some hospitals will go private only taking paying clients....then Joe Schmore will see his medical care options go away with less doctors, hospitals and time in the day to fit him in for his broken leg.

Keep us posted on that.
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Asswipe....when the average person on the street is now paying a tax they didn't before and they lose their company healthcare or need to quit going on vacation to afford their healthcare.......Democraps are going to be holding the bomb when it goes off.

Too bad the mob can't find you.....

Party is over for Obamination

I guess you were asleep on election night and when the SC upheld Obamacare.
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[COLORYes, I agree that there will be great dissatisfaction in the remaining years of this administration, but remember that a number of people believe in the message being dispersed. People believe in what the President and the Senate Dems especially Reid and Pelosi are saying ; people know what is wrong but they have been suckered into believing the half-truths and demonization put forth by the Senate leadership and the President. People do not think through the statements being made, people do not do the math ,and people do not question the Dems; additionally people do not understand the statements and moves being made or suggested in relation to the Constitution - what can or cannot be done except by Constitutional Ammendment. You are now seeing the results of the dumbing down of the educational system and the reduction in courses concerning government /civic affairs, english literature, critical thinking.[/COLOR]
So tells us how people like paying more for their healthcare or just losing their company healthcare is such a great thing for them....sounds like a winning concept for you.

Nevermind the clueless American that voted for Obamination with no clue there is some Obamacare tax coming because that person didn't want to buy insurance. more and more people lose their company paid insurance and/or their premiums go through the roof....well this Obamacare shit is going to blow up into a shitstorm.

Meanwhile the millions of "poor" people are going to invade hospitals for their FREE stuff driving up costs on hospitals behind paid pennies on the dollar for services. Some doctors will quit, some hospitals will go private only taking paying clients....then Joe Schmore will see his medical care options go away with less doctors, hospitals and time in the day to fit him in for his broken leg.

Keep us posted on that.
I wonder what the morons in the NBA, MLB, NFL, Hollywood that make millions are going to think when a huge chunk of their paychecks are gone in 2013 and on.

They probably voted for him since he is anti-military, he is black, he is so-called hip and he is helping the poor with all his little goodies.....but when they are paying thousands more in taxes, well the party is over for them and their black messiah.

Obamination will be the guy that shit in the punchbowl on New Years Eve and all his "celebrity" friends will see him doing it..... more and more people lose their company paid insurance and/or their premiums go through the roof....well this Obamacare shit is going to blow up into a shitstorm.

Meanwhile the millions of "poor" people are going to invade hospitals for their FREE stuff driving up costs on hospitals behind paid pennies on the dollar for services. Some doctors will quit, some hospitals will go private only taking paying clients....then Joe Schmore will see his medical care options go away with less doctors, hospitals and time in the day to fit him in for his broken leg.

Let's not forgot Jerome the mall worker that now has to pay a tax for not buying health insurance.....he is going to be pissed.

just wait until our health benefits are taxed to pay for Obamacare

Companies have been cutting back on the quality of their healthcare programs for for quite awhile already. And healthcare premiums have been skyrocketing, between 1999-2009 they went up 131%!
American must do things that stop the outrageous cost of healthcare. Exactly why does healthcare in the US cost twice as much as the rest of the world pays? Most other countries have restricted the growth of the cost of healthcare but not the US. That's what happens when the healthcare industry pours 100's of millions of dollars annually into Washington.


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He spent his first 4 years spending more than a drunken sailor and making promises/programs that haven't had the bill come due yet like Obamacare. All this time his approval rating fell while he had the benefit of the BUSH TAX CUTS keeping more money in the pockets of Americans than Uncle Sam's pockets.

Now that taxes are going up for income, capital gains and from Obamacare taxes.....well the party is over. Many middle class and rich Obamabots that loved hearing about helping the poor the past 4 years, well now their taxes are going to pay for it and many times people don't like it when their money is being taken away.

Obamacare is going to blow up in the faces of Democraps.....just watch.

Whatever you say, Forest....

Typical....that is your defense of Obamacare because you have no defense being a fucking idiot.

Now, go make up some more shit about us conservative posters to keep your smoke and mirrors act going, you can do it asswipe.

So tells us how people like paying more for their healthcare or just losing their company healthcare is such a great thing for them....sounds like a winning concept for you.

Did you just get kicked off Mom's insurance or something? You sound pretty bitter.
Party is over for Obamination

I guess you were asleep on election night and when the SC upheld Obamacare.

Gloat, while you may!

Another election is coming just two years from now. By then, seeing all the bragging, gloating and Schadenfrude, it is safe to say that the Democrats will have worn out their welcome.

You know:

Young people get older and wiser.
Unmarried women DO get married and get wiser.
Hispanics DO establish themselves on their own merit and get wiser.
Gays, married or otherwise, will see that Republicans are not the enemy and get wiser.
Girls who needed abortion in 2012, will get wiser by 2016.

Those who get wiser, inevitably vote Republican.

Blacks. Well, admittedly, there is no hope there.
Yep, the deranged idiot shows up doing its same old act....of saying nothing.

He spent his first 4 years spending more than a drunken sailor and making promises/programs that haven't had the bill come due yet like Obamacare. All this time his approval rating fell while he had the benefit of the BUSH TAX CUTS keeping more money in the pockets of Americans than Uncle Sam's pockets.

Now that taxes are going up for income, capital gains and from Obamacare taxes.....well the party is over. Many middle class and rich Obamabots that loved hearing about helping the poor the past 4 years, well now their taxes are going to pay for it and many times people don't like it when their money is being taken away.

Obamacare is going to blow up in the faces of Democraps.....just watch.

Whatever you say, Forest....


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