PArty of Tolerance showing its True Colors Again

Which party of intolerance? The GOP or the Dems?

Everyone is intolerant of something, but those who crusade against intolerance are idiots for not seeing the incongruity of being intolerant to those who are intolerant.
If he's acquitted, they'll riot. If he's convicted, they'll be emboldened and step up their hate crimes against whites. The Zimmerman trial is raw meat thrown to the large criminal element of the black community. Obama has to be loving every minute of this.

Yo........................Stupid Jackass.......................wanna make bets on your predictions?

We can talk about sig lines for 6 months.....................

Why would he make a bet with a pathetic loser and liar like you who cannot comprehend that armed men in uniform are menacing at a voting site?

BTW, eat shit, bitch.

Yanno........................I spent over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and I also was a member of not only the PRP team, but I was also a member of the Security Force.

Sorry.................but those two guys weren't exactly "armed".

BTW do you know what I would and wouldn't do? If I make a promise to do something, I'm gonna do it. It's how you build respect and leadership.

What exactly would make you believe that I would lie to someone (especially if I did it in a public place where others could call me on it), or would make you (who only knows me through a bunch of phosphor dots called a computer screen) believe that I would eat shit?

Sorry................scat eating may be your fetish, but it sure ain't mine.

Try again loser.
Yo........................Stupid Jackass.......................wanna make bets on your predictions?

We can talk about sig lines for 6 months.....................

Why would he make a bet with a pathetic loser and liar like you who cannot comprehend that armed men in uniform are menacing at a voting site?

BTW, eat shit, bitch.

Yanno........................I spent over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and I also was a member of not only the PRP team, but I was also a member of the Security Force.

Sorry.................but those two guys weren't exactly "armed".

BTW do you know what I would and wouldn't do? If I make a promise to do something, I'm gonna do it. It's how you build respect and leadership.

What exactly would make you believe that I would lie to someone (especially if I did it in a public place where others could call me on it), or would make you (who only knows me through a bunch of phosphor dots called a computer screen) believe that I would eat shit?

Sorry................scat eating may be your fetish, but it sure ain't mine.

Try again loser.
You're a liar.

Anyone with a night stick can and will kill you. If you were on a security force you should know anything can be used as a weapon in the right hands so that proves you're a liar.

I spent 20+ years in the 82nd and taught many courses in HTH combat and we used entrenching tools, shelter half poles, and butt stocks as a blunt force weapons and trained troops how to use them to kill. Seeing you claim to be on a boarding party detail you should know the basics of close quarters combat where even something a common as a ink pen can kill someone if enserted in the right part of the body.

Respect for others and yourself isnt a strong suit for you now is it? Lying is the most common signs of disrespect and not only for those you lie too but to yourself. This fastasy world where you are so big tough guy of the internet falls short when in real life you realize you are nothing of a man but will always claim to be so super hero badass that seen it all and did it all while chipping paint from the side of the Sub-tender you were on if you were even in the Navy.
Yeah................sure.....................your "source" is a right wing hack site that promotes fear mongering.

Is this something like the 2 "black panthers" that were menacing voters back in 2008?

The Black Panthers have been making threatening statements about Zimmerman since this fiasco began. Dozens of MSM sources have reported it.
Yo........................Stupid Jackass.......................wanna make bets on your predictions?

We can talk about sig lines for 6 months.....................

Why would he make a bet with a pathetic loser and liar like you who cannot comprehend that armed men in uniform are menacing at a voting site?

BTW, eat shit, bitch.

Yanno........................I spent over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and I also was a member of not only the PRP team, but I was also a member of the Security Force.

Sorry.................but those two guys weren't exactly "armed".

Then you are a fucking idiot and cant be helped. A night stick is a deadly weapon if you know how to use it right, and any cop can and probably would bust you for concealed weapon charges if they caught you with one under your jacket.

This is a pretty simple fact and it is hilarious that you think that you can just say 'no it aint' and that means something other than that you are a fucking moron.

Those two men were armed and they should have been prosecuted, but that wont happen to black people under Holder's Justus department.
Why would he make a bet with a pathetic loser and liar like you who cannot comprehend that armed men in uniform are menacing at a voting site?

BTW, eat shit, bitch.

Yanno........................I spent over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and I also was a member of not only the PRP team, but I was also a member of the Security Force.

Sorry.................but those two guys weren't exactly "armed".

BTW do you know what I would and wouldn't do? If I make a promise to do something, I'm gonna do it. It's how you build respect and leadership.

What exactly would make you believe that I would lie to someone (especially if I did it in a public place where others could call me on it), or would make you (who only knows me through a bunch of phosphor dots called a computer screen) believe that I would eat shit?

Sorry................scat eating may be your fetish, but it sure ain't mine.

Try again loser.
You're a liar.

Anyone with a night stick can and will kill you. If you were on a security force you should know anything can be used as a weapon in the right hands so that proves you're a liar.

I spent 20+ years in the 82nd and taught many courses in HTH combat and we used entrenching tools, shelter half poles, and butt stocks as a blunt force weapons and trained troops how to use them to kill. Seeing you claim to be on a boarding party detail you should know the basics of close quarters combat where even something a common as a ink pen can kill someone if enserted in the right part of the body.

Respect for others and yourself isnt a strong suit for you now is it? Lying is the most common signs of disrespect and not only for those you lie too but to yourself. This fastasy world where you are so big tough guy of the internet falls short when in real life you realize you are nothing of a man but will always claim to be so super hero badass that seen it all and did it all while chipping paint from the side of the Sub-tender you were on if you were even in the Navy.

This dude is an obvious fraud, but thank you for making it perfectly clear.

I was in the infantry back in the 70's in the Army, and anyone who thinks that a nightstick is not a weapon is a fool.
Yanno............I've seen plenty of videos and pictures of the BP's at the Philly voting site in 2012, and guess what.....................there wasn't a single night stick to be seen. you're gonna change your tactics and tell me they were keeping them in their jackets, right?

Sorry.................but if you don't have a weapon, you're considered to be unarmed, and the BP's didn't have any nightsticks.

But, keep trying ya right wing hacks.
You don't see the night stick? You must be blind.

Yanno............I've seen plenty of videos and pictures of the BP's at the Philly voting site in 2012, and guess what.....................there wasn't a single night stick to be seen. you're gonna change your tactics and tell me they were keeping them in their jackets, right?

Sorry.................but if you don't have a weapon, you're considered to be unarmed, and the BP's didn't have any nightsticks.

But, keep trying ya right wing hacks.

You are a stupid lying bitch.

The pics of those ass holes holding night sticks were all over the place.

Fuck you, you damned fraud.
Saw the story about voter intimidation, but never saw the nightstick.

Wanna tell me the min/sec. place that the nightstick is seen on the video?
Progressives always have to be miserable and angst about something in life. Its just the way they are..........always. They embrace the tragic view of life.......just as we saw in this Zimmerman case. The law didnt matter for shit to these people.
And sailor the liar runs for the hills because once again he is exposed for the lying POS he is.

Notice how he ignored my outing his lies.
And sailor the liar runs for the hills because once again he is exposed for the lying POS he is.

Notice how he ignored my outing his lies.

You mean you outed basically anything he ever says.

A month from now if the subject comes up he will probably still deny there was ever a night stick.

Normally in a conversation people in our society work on the presumption that those engaged in the discussion are trying to understand the Truth of a matter.

People like BikerSailor could not possibly care less about Truth, in fact I doubt he believes there is such a thing as objective Truth. Thus all 'truth' in his view is likely held as mere opinion on a stacked set of facts no matter how thorough, so why not stack them to fit one's own world view? The only progress in discussing anything with liars like this is that they often drop the worst lies in order to improve their rhetoric, and that is all.

BikerSailor, JoeB, Bodeceah, Rdean, rightwing and some other libtards on this board are notorious liars and frauds. Nothing we say will persuade them from telling their lies. We can only force them to lie in less dramatically wrong ways if we are vigilant.

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