Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon

Here is exactly what Christian pastor Loran Livingston said

Evangelical Pastor Rains Holy Hell On Trump Bible: ‘Blasphemous’ And ‘Disgusting’

A video of Loran Livingston’s comments has gone viral on social media.

By S Lee Moran. Apr 29, 2024, 08:10 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump’s “God Bless the USA Bible” has been condemned as “disgusting,” “blasphemous,” and a “cheap ploy” by evangelical Christian pastor Loran Livingston.

Livingston ripped Trump’s $59.99 Bible during a sermon at the Central Church of North Carolina in Charlotte on April 14. Footage of his comments recently went viral on social media.

Livingston also made anti-LGBTQ+ comments, described abortion as “murder” and the “premeditated termination of innocent human life” and slammed people who “get politics mixed up with church” in the lead-up to his attack on the Trump-endorsed holy book.

Then he said, “When you don’t read and pray. You say, ‘Wow, there’s a Bible out now that includes the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, isn’t that wonderful?’ No, no. It’s disgusting. It’s blasphemous. It’s a ploy.”

“Are you kidding me? Some of you are so encouraged by that. Let me tell you something. The gospel is not an American gospel. It is the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ,” Livingston added. He didn’t name the Trump Bible explicitly, but his references were apparent.

The Trump-promoted Bible combines the text of the King James Bible with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and handwritten lyrics to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.”

Trump, who is the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, began hawking the book back in March, garnering widespread mockery and brutal reminders of his less-than-religious lifestyle.

Evangelicals proved pivotal to Trump for his 2016 election victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Leading figures in the movement have since claimed, however, to have cut ties with the four-times-indicted ex-POTUS.
How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240508 {post•169}

OKTexas said: It pretty damn simple, congress has no more authority to impose abortion on the nation than SCOTUS did. The court made it very clear in Dobbs that it's a State issue. The legislatures of each State will decide the issue in that State. vktvxvs 240509 Shdyra00169

Do you agree with what Saint Mashmont believes in the above post?

Important read for you Saint Oktexas:

At the end of 2023, according to the Pew Research Center, 55% of white evangelical Republican voters said they would vote for Trump. Now that he has clinched the Republican nomination, that number has probably risen. At the grassroots level, this means that in churches across Texas, pastors will endorse Trump from the pulpit, and other Republican candidates down-ballot, violating tax law. Organizations such as NEXUS Mountain Network, a Christian-based social network, will promote the idea that evangelicals have a right and a duty to be politically active and advocate for Christian nationalism.

The problem with all this isn’t that evangelicals are involved in politics — they should be. Heck, everyone, regardless of religion or creed, should show some interest in civics. It isn’t that evangelicals encourage their friends to vote or are pro-life, or even that they think America would lose its identity or freedom if we fail to preserve our cultural inheritance.

The biggest problem, mostly, is that evangelical Christians have decided political power is the way to usher America back to its roots and that Trump is not just the salve but the key, the leader through which to do this.

Trump’s candidacy has recognized and glorified Christian nationalism: Now, it’s more vocal, determined, and — ironically — more hypocritical than ever. Trump rarely espouses Christian values in his personal life, though he did champion religious liberty and claimed to be pro-life while in office. He lured populist voters and attracted fringe extremists — the kind of people who fly from Texas to the Capitol to participate in an insurrection, get arrested, and claim they were just restoring Christian values to their beloved democratic republic.

I'm still trying to understand what you're trying to say here. Other than the commies have invented a new name for the moral majority. And FYI, no one is voting for Trump for his personal conduct, hell no politician would be elected if that were the case, but his policies are what attracts voters. xiden and his handlers are pushing the destruction of the country, most folks don't agree with that.

I'm still trying to understand what you're trying to say here. Other than the commies have invented a new name for the moral majority. And FYI, no one is voting for Trump for his personal conduct, hell no politician would be elected if that were the case, but his policies are what attracts voters. xiden and his handlers are pushing the destruction of the country, most folks don't agree with that.


You need to understand rational theism to begin to understand what I am saying about the horrible mess Trump has led the Evangelical Republicans into. This mess is not a left wing commie construct. Trump has divided Christian’s who live in the conservative fantasy world. The message I am conveying comes Squirrley from the The message I am conveying comes squarely from the conservative religious white Christian right.

Franklin Graham concedes Trump uses 'locker room' talk but defended him, saying Trump 'doesn’t hide it,'" wrote Wehner. "Graham ignores the sexual assault, adultery, fraud, pathological lies, lawlessness, cruelty/calls to violence, etc. Graham embodies the morally deformed MAGA/evangelical mind."​
Rational theism is compatible with left and right theism within Christianity and outside of it. Our first four presidents were rationalist theists. It’s why we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion in this country.
Trump is trying to sell bibles. And there are people are stupid enough to actually believe that Trump is sent by God himself to save America. Well this pastor broke off something for people like this.

Pastor Goes Off About Trump Endorsed Bible "Disgusting"!​

All these people just changed their minds


They're voting for Joe

Who will be giving sharp short crisp speeches ...cause less is more
According to the spurts on msnbc
You need to understand rational theism to begin to understand what I am saying about the horrible mess Trump has led the Evangelical Republicans into. This mess is not a left wing commie construct. Trump has divided Christian’s who live in the conservative fantasy world. The message I am conveying comes Squirrley from the The message I am conveying comes squarely from the conservative religious white Christian right.

Franklin Graham concedes Trump uses 'locker room' talk but defended him, saying Trump 'doesn’t hide it,'" wrote Wehner. "Graham ignores the sexual assault, adultery, fraud, pathological lies, lawlessness, cruelty/calls to violence, etc. Graham embodies the morally deformed MAGA/evangelical mind."​
Rational theism is compatible with left and right theism within Christianity and outside of it. Our first four presidents were rationalist theists. It’s why we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion in this country.

And everything you just posted could be said of black pastors that keep touting the virtues of the commiecrat party and most of their leaders, including xiden.

And everything you just posted could be said of black pastors that keep touting the virtues of the commiecrat party and most of their leaders, including xiden.
Biden has not attempted to disenfranchise white voters who are churched and voted against him. Trump has attempted to disenfranchise black voters who attend church and
voted against him.

The Trump attempt is an injustice directed against black Christian’s and black church leaders who have every right to speak against that criminal injustice in church.

There is no whataboutism available to white church leaders because Trump is the only president who led a criminal conspiracy to stay in power after losing his reelection campaign of 2020.
They And everything you just posted could be said of black pastors that keep touting the virtues of the commiecrat party and most of their leaders, including xiden.
I posted this:

NotfooledbyW: You need to understand rational theism to begin to understand what I am saying about the horrible mess Trump has led the Evangelical Republicans into. #143
Biden has not created a whiff of any kind of “horrible mess” among the liberal multi-racial evangelical and Catholic and mainstream Christian community that votes leftist.

I also said this;

NotfooledbyW: The message I am conveying comes squarely from the conservative religious white Christian right. #143

And this:

NotfooledbyW: Rational theism is compatible with left and right theism within Christianity and outside of it. Our first four presidents were rationalist theists. It’s why we have freedom of religion and freedom from religion in this country. #143

All totally ignored. There is rational theism on the political right. It’s just buried under Trump’s white Christian victim and white Christian grievance shit,
Biden has not attempted to disenfranchise white voters who are churched and voted against him. Trump has attempted to disenfranchise black voters who attend church and
voted against him.

The Trump attempt is an injustice directed against black Christian’s and black church leaders who have every right to speak against that criminal injustice in church.

There is no whataboutism available to white church leaders because Trump is the only president who led a criminal conspiracy to stay in power after losing his reelection campaign of 2020.

Are you freaking high? Trump was not involved in any criminal conspiracy. Remember you commies tried to impeach him on that and failed miserably. And no one was disenfranchised, you are really delusional.

Are you freaking high? Trump was not involved in any criminal conspiracy.

Ellis had been at the forefront of efforts to pressure conservative judges and election officials to steal the 2020 election for Trump.

Look up white born again evangelical white Christian nationalist and American White Christian Family Radio (AFR) talk radio host ….. Jenna Ellis…..


Jenna Ellis -- Fox News screenshot

Former President Donald Trump's one-time attorney Jenna Ellis is the latest to take a guilty plea, which saw her tearfully admitting to wrongdoing in a spectacle that led to derision by commentators. But the manner in which she delivered her plea could matter enormously, wrote Amanda Marcotte for Salon.

Specifically, she argued, it could give Republican-sympathetic jurors the "permission" they need to convict Trump.

Seeing one of his dedicated footsoldiers reduced to this state of victimhood could help them turn against him, Marcotte wrote.

"With her fake 'expertise,' Ellis had been at the forefront of efforts to pressure conservative judges and election officials to steal the 2020 election for Trump. Her 2023 mugshot suggested she was still confident she could bulls--t her way through anything," wrote Marcotte.i

"Boy, what a difference two months makes! On Tuesday, Ellis became the third Trump lawyer to plead guilty for her role in the illegal scheme to steal the 2020 election. As she read her statement in court, gone was the cocksure grin, replaced by sobbing."

Notably, this came after a falling out with the Trump team, in which the former president and his allies, annoyed with Ellis' closeness to rival presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, left her out to dry with legal fees. It also comes just as Michael Cohen, another former Trump lawyer, testified against him in the New York civil fraud trial.

Ellis had been at the forefront of efforts to pressure conservative judges and election officials to steal the 2020 election for Trump.
Last edited:
Trump is trying to sell bibles. And there are people are stupid enough to actually believe that Trump is sent by God himself to save America. Well this pastor broke off something for people like this.

Pastor Goes Off About Trump Endorsed Bible "Disgusting"!​

Someone should let you and this Pastor know that Trump isn't selling bibles. Lee Greenwood is. Trump just endorsed/advertised it, had a picture taken with it?

But by all means get all riled up......

Trump's "shop"

Biden's "shop" for comparison

Neither one is selling bibles.
Ellis had been at the forefront of efforts to pressure conservative judges and election officials to steal the 2020 election for Trump.

Look up white born again evangelical white Christian nationalist and American White Christian Family Radio (AFR) talk radio host ….. Jenna Ellis…..

View attachment 946639

Jenna Ellis -- Fox News screenshot

Former President Donald Trump's one-time attorney Jenna Ellis is the latest to take a guilty plea, which saw her tearfully admitting to wrongdoing in a spectacle that led to derision by commentators. But the manner in which she delivered her plea could matter enormously, wrote Amanda Marcotte for Salon.

Specifically, she argued, it could give Republican-sympathetic jurors the "permission" they need to convict Trump.

Seeing one of his dedicated footsoldiers reduced to this state of victimhood could help them turn against him, Marcotte wrote.

"With her fake 'expertise,' Ellis had been at the forefront of efforts to pressure conservative judges and election officials to steal the 2020 election for Trump. Her 2023 mugshot suggested she was still confident she could bulls--t her way through anything," wrote Marcotte.i

"Boy, what a difference two months makes! On Tuesday, Ellis became the third Trump lawyer to plead guilty for her role in the illegal scheme to steal the 2020 election. As she read her statement in court, gone was the cocksure grin, replaced by sobbing."

Notably, this came after a falling out with the Trump team, in which the former president and his allies, annoyed with Ellis' closeness to rival presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, left her out to dry with legal fees. It also comes just as Michael Cohen, another former Trump lawyer, testified against him in the New York civil fraud trial.

Ellis had been at the forefront of efforts to pressure conservative judges and election officials to steal the 2020 election for Trump.

Seriously, salon and rawstory? ROFLMAO That crap isn't what anyone would call a credible source. They're nothing but pure commie propaganda sites.

Well, at least you admit you lied about one thing, I guess that's a start.
No lie. It was an attempt to overturn the election. The criminal conspiracy to overturn the election actually happened. Just because it failed doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
That screeching, godless fuck is stuck in the 60's. If I need a child molesting grifter like that to get into heaven...

well, I'll pass.
That screeching, godless fuck is stuck in the 60's. If I need a child molesting grifter like that to get into heaven...

well, I'll pass.
This preacher hates gays hates everything LBTQ so why would you say he is stuck in the Sixties. It’s more like stuck in the fifties like most religious right are these days.
Seriously, salon and rawstory? ROFLMAO That crap isn't what anyone would call a credible source. They're nothing but pure commie propaganda sites.

Jenna was part of Trump’s criminal conspiracy to overturn the election. She pled guilty. It doesn’t matter what source writes about it, is an established fact in a court of law. Trump was a leader of the criminal conspiracy Ellis was taking part in.
No lie. It was an attempt to overturn the election. The criminal conspiracy to overturn the election actually happened. Just because it failed doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

No it wasn't, you need to get away from the commiecrat media. You're quite the conspiracy theorist.


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