"pastor" kevin swanson-----pastor?

Christian fundamentalists are about as insane as Islamic ones. Not quite but when you have a "so-called pastor" of a fake church, hell, he is promoting death to those that don't follow his faith.
I do not know a thing about this pastor Swanson. I did go to the Daily Mail article and did watch the video segment they referenced. No doubt those were his most incendiary remarks about gays or else the Daily Mail would have included anything else as bad.

So let’s be clear about those exact remarks.

This pastor DID NOT say what the headlines of that article says and implies. Not at all! He did not say 'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter.'

He did not say or imply that kids be drowned for any reason period.

He did not even say that parents should be drowned for having their kids read Harry Potter or the How to train your Dragon book. There was a tangential reference of this sort, yes.

First he quoted Jesus in Mark 9:42 “If anyone causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”

The pastor uses Potter and Dragon as examples of parents causing the little ones in their care to “stumble.” This is not a single act that Jesus implies the parent would be better off drowned than for having exposed this child to this one deed. No. It is referring to years of bad parenting or exposing a child to immoral, ungodly ways and not teaching them the difference. If a parent, or a care giver, is guilty of this habitual delinquency of godly duties and turning a child away from God, then that parent is very much accountable for the possible demise of that child. And in that case, the punishment that parent may very well receive in judgment is worse than had they just drown themselves before having corrupted the little one.

That is also all I could honestly glean from what the pastor swanson was saying or implying. Nowhere was anyone saying a child should be drown for any reason.
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That's interesting, but i think It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter.
They watch bible stories. That's it. No fantasy nonsense.

Every atheist reading this just spewed their drinks out of their nose.
They should read more (of my posts). It wouldn't come as such a shock.

Don't you believe it was wrong to run a story with video and not bother to listen to it and see what he really said? They didn't do a very good job of fact checking that story. Did they?

I get the preacher's overarching point. God hates fags, but he doesn't mind if you endorse political candidates.

Did you get the point that the title of the story is based on a lie and not the truth? Let's stay on topic, G5000.
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They watch bible stories. That's it. No fantasy nonsense.

Every atheist reading this just spewed their drinks out of their nose.

Don't you believe it was wrong to run a story with video and not bother to listen to it and see what he really said? They didn't do a very good job of fact checking that story. Did they?

I get the preacher's overarching point. God hates fags, but he doesn't mind if you endorse political candidates.
'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter': Pastor provokes outrage

"A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual."
A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual.

Pastor says children should die rather than read Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson, a virulently antigay preacher from Colorado, who organized the event in Des Moines. In one clip, Swanson told the National Religious Liberties Conference he believes that churches should have sackcloth and ashes at their entrances for Christian families whose “sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals, and getting married, and their parents are invited.”

“And I would sit in cow manure, and I would spread it all over my body.”

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.

This is the tea baggers ideolgy?
Look who went and talked to the crowd!

What was his beef with How to Train?
..."The pastor also hit out at the character Hiccup from the film How to Train Your Dragon, saying he too emerged as 'homosexual'."

Uh, did he bother to see the movie? 'Hiccup' was all about 'Astrid' a tone blonde viking girl.

Fair point about Harry Potter and Dumbledore, at least in the books, but he is way off base with How To Train Your Dragona nd clearly never saw it. What a retard.
"Last year he denounced Disney's Frozen as a brainwashing tool for 'indoctrinating children into the clutches of homosexuality.'"

Ya know, I actually watched "Frozen" only after hearing about this supposed gay subtext and thus watching for that message found myself thinking "Huh?"

"He said: 'Friends, this is evil, just evil. I wonder if people are thinking, "You know, I think this cute little movie is going to indoctrinate my 5-year-old to be a lesbian or treat homosexuality or bestiality in a light sort of way.""

When you see homosexuality this much, chance you're a closet case begin to rise. I'll bet serious money this guy's got a hot little boytoy, some investigative reporter needs to go find him. :)
It was , in my thought, to make money and raise a ruckus with his "following", how about the crowd that sits to listen to this dope.

'It would be better if kids drowned at the bottom of sea than read homosexual Harry Potter': Pastor provokes outrage

"A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual."
A right wing pastor in the U.S. has provoked outrage after saying it is better to let children drown than allow them to read 'homosexual' Harry Potter books.

Kevin Swanson, a pastor at the Reformation Church of Elizabeth in Colorado attacked the series by JK Rowling as well as the recent animated children's film How to Train Your Dragon.

He was speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference, when he launched into a rant at the fact Harry Potter's mentor Dumbledore was homosexual.

Pastor says children should die rather than read Harry Potter

Kevin Swanson, a virulently antigay preacher from Colorado, who organized the event in Des Moines. In one clip, Swanson told the National Religious Liberties Conference he believes that churches should have sackcloth and ashes at their entrances for Christian families whose “sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals, and getting married, and their parents are invited.”

“And I would sit in cow manure, and I would spread it all over my body.”

Swanson, who preaches that homosexuality should be punished with death, drew more than 1,700 to his ”religious freedom" conference, including Republicans Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz.

This is the tea baggers ideolgy?
Look who went and talked to the crowd!

What was his beef with How to Train?
"Last year he denounced Disney's Frozen as a brainwashing tool for 'indoctrinating children into the clutches of homosexuality.'"

Ya know, I actually watched "Frozen" only after hearing about this supposed gay subtext and thus watching for that message found myself thinking "Huh?"

"He said: 'Friends, this is evil, just evil. I wonder if people are thinking, "You know, I think this cute little movie is going to indoctrinate my 5-year-old to be a lesbian or treat homosexuality or bestiality in a light sort of way.""

When you see homosexuality this much, chance you're a closet case begin to rise. I'll bet serious money this guy's got a hot little boytoy, some investigative reporter needs to go find him. :)

Remember the "rev"jerry fartwell with the teletubbies?

Jerry Falwell Attacks 'Teletubbies' | Americans United
Fictional books that don't mention homosexuals are homosexual. Didn't Harry repeatedly date and marry a woman?

Some people are truly stupid.
"Last year he denounced Disney's Frozen as a brainwashing tool for 'indoctrinating children into the clutches of homosexuality.'"

Ya know, I actually watched "Frozen" only after hearing about this supposed gay subtext and thus watching for that message found myself thinking "Huh?"

"He said: 'Friends, this is evil, just evil. I wonder if people are thinking, "You know, I think this cute little movie is going to indoctrinate my 5-year-old to be a lesbian or treat homosexuality or bestiality in a light sort of way.""

When you see homosexuality this much, chance you're a closet case begin to rise. I'll bet serious money this guy's got a hot little boytoy, some investigative reporter needs to go find him. :)

Remember the "rev"jerry fartwell with the teletubbies?

Jerry Falwell Attacks 'Teletubbies' | Americans United

Ya but at least there he sorta had a point. He did have a purse :) This other guy is a fricking loon seeing things that are no where in evidence.
Fictional books that don't mention homosexuals are homosexual. Didn't Harry repeatedly date and marry a woman?

Some people are truly stupid.

Dumbledore was gay in the books. Didn't make it over to the movies though. Except kinda one scene between him and Harry which wraps up with D saying like, "I care about you too damn much.' But nothing suggestive, and only stands out knowing about the gay version in the novels. Without that it wouldn't have set off a bell. But Frozen and Train have zero gay subtext or allusions, I dunno what he was on about with those.
Fictional books that don't mention homosexuals are homosexual. Didn't Harry repeatedly date and marry a woman?

Some people are truly stupid.

Dumbledore was gay in the books. Didn't make it over to the movies though. Except kinda one scene between him and Harry which wraps up with D saying like, "I care about you too damn much.' But nothing suggestive, and only stands out knowing about the gay version in the novels. Without that it wouldn't have set off a bell. But Frozen and Train have zero gay subtext or allusions, I dunno what he was on about with those.
it didn't make the books either.
Fictional books that don't mention homosexuals are homosexual. Didn't Harry repeatedly date and marry a woman?

Some people are truly stupid.

Dumbledore was gay in the books. Didn't make it over to the movies though. Except kinda one scene between him and Harry which wraps up with D saying like, "I care about you too damn much.' But nothing suggestive, and only stands out knowing about the gay version in the novels. Without that it wouldn't have set off a bell. But Frozen and Train have zero gay subtext or allusions, I dunno what he was on about with those.
it didn't make the books either.

Reading news headlines a few days back, came upon another book Rowling wrote but under a pseudonym. Content was highly sexual. Seemed like a crime novel though.

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