Pastor Totally Triggered The Libs With Brilliant Sermon About Slavery

Old white guys talking about slavery just keeps on being hilarious.


Yes, I am very aware of them.....

I am also very aware that some "Christians" get very touchy when you bring up how that Bible was used to justify slavery....

So, is God pro-slavery?

Is this God is pro-slavery position something unique to "southern ministers"?

Not at all. The people you vote for still LOVE it!

This is not the retort you think it is moron.....

The white guy in that picture didn't suddenly stop being "white" just because you want to call him a "Democrat" instead of a "white guy"

Exactly. We all know you support the white guy in the klan uniform.
Exactly. We all know you support the white guy in the klan uniform.
I didn't vote for him so no, I don't support him...

Anyhoo, did he roll back Civil Rights yet?

Is he campaigning on suppressing the voting rights of black folks right now?

Something tells me, if he would be touting him as one of the "few good Democrats"

"The father of Christian reality television star Anna Duggar has drawn scathing criticism on social media for comments he made about slavery during a recent Sunday school lesson at a suburban Fort Worthchurch. Speaking at Fairpark Baptist Church in Edgecliff Village, Mike Keller compared far-right extremists who attacked the Capitol in January 2021 to enslaved Black people, who he said were freed by God because they did not protest. “Here’s what the Blacks did about 150 years ago,” Keller said. “They humbled themselves. They prayed. They sought God’s face and they turned from their wicked ways and God made slavery illegal through several white presidents. It worked, didn’t it? They didn’t protest.”

Clips of Keller’s sermon have circulated on social media, including Twitter and TikTok, where they have sparked outrage and ridicule. “This is why we need Black history in school,” one commenter wrote on Twitter. Another posted, “Gee, I wonder why slaves could not just leave the plantations to go to DC.” On Tuesday, Fairpark Baptist, which describes itself as a Christ-centered, biblically based church, apologized for the comments, saying they were hurtful and reflected a misrepresentation of racial and historical issues."

The pastor is right, in fact I will go further and say that the Jan 6th prisoners are actually being treated worse than slaves because at least the slaves were supposed to be enslaved, it was perfectly legal and dare I say, morally justified at the time that they be enslaved. There is nothing justified about the enslavement of our Jan 6th patriots. This is why the libs and the bad blacks try to push CRT and their Marxist version of history on our children instead of teaching the right, biblically ordained and truthful telling of history. The pastor is right, the blacks didn't protest slavery [Aside from the more than 250 slave revolts]; for the most part they were happy...

Truthfully, it was the blacks learning Christianity and learning how not to be so wicked and dark that granted them their freedom. They humbled themselves and paid their dues...Yes some of them were raped and murdered, yes, some of them had their children sold off, family histories erased, but they still were happy and sang songs and smiled a lot, which tells me that slavery wasn't that bad overall...and they needed to prove themselves worthy of being treated like humans, because beforehand, they were primitive savages -- at least that is what so many Dems said about them when they were drafting their articles of Secession. This is the history the Dems and the Jews don't want our children to know. God bless this pastor for being brave enough to tell the truth -- and no this isn't indoctrination because he was teaching this in a Sunday school class.

"Pastor Totally Triggered The Libs With Brilliant Sermon About Slavery"​

OH, thats pretty cool. Thanks for highlighting this story.
Not stupid enough to lose your support, though.
Why do you keep dodging my question?

Has the governor rolled back voting rights for black folks yet?

How about redlining? Has he made it illegal for black folks to buy homes in certain neighborhoods again?

Like, what good is it to wear blackface 20 years ago if you ain't passing any laws that would make the KKK happy today??

"The father of Christian reality television star Anna Duggar has drawn scathing criticism on social media for comments he made about slavery during a recent Sunday school lesson at a suburban Fort Worthchurch. Speaking at Fairpark Baptist Church in Edgecliff Village, Mike Keller compared far-right extremists who attacked the Capitol in January 2021 to enslaved Black people, who he said were freed by God because they did not protest. “Here’s what the Blacks did about 150 years ago,” Keller said. “They humbled themselves. They prayed. They sought God’s face and they turned from their wicked ways and God made slavery illegal through several white presidents. It worked, didn’t it? They didn’t protest.”

Clips of Keller’s sermon have circulated on social media, including Twitter and TikTok, where they have sparked outrage and ridicule. “This is why we need Black history in school,” one commenter wrote on Twitter. Another posted, “Gee, I wonder why slaves could not just leave the plantations to go to DC.” On Tuesday, Fairpark Baptist, which describes itself as a Christ-centered, biblically based church, apologized for the comments, saying they were hurtful and reflected a misrepresentation of racial and historical issues."

The pastor is right, in fact I will go further and say that the Jan 6th prisoners are actually being treated worse than slaves because at least the slaves were supposed to be enslaved, it was perfectly legal and dare I say, morally justified at the time that they be enslaved. There is nothing justified about the enslavement of our Jan 6th patriots. This is why the libs and the bad blacks try to push CRT and their Marxist version of history on our children instead of teaching the right, biblically ordained and truthful telling of history. The pastor is right, the blacks didn't protest slavery [Aside from the more than 250 slave revolts]; for the most part they were happy...

Truthfully, it was the blacks learning Christianity and learning how not to be so wicked and dark that granted them their freedom. They humbled themselves and paid their dues...Yes some of them were raped and murdered, yes, some of them had their children sold off, family histories erased, but they still were happy and sang songs and smiled a lot, which tells me that slavery wasn't that bad overall...and they needed to prove themselves worthy of being treated like humans, because beforehand, they were primitive savages -- at least that is what so many Dems said about them when they were drafting their articles of Secession. This is the history the Dems and the Jews don't want our children to know. God bless this pastor for being brave enough to tell the truth -- and no this isn't indoctrination because he was teaching this in a Sunday school class.

I read somewhere that he/the church apologized
He didn't, the church did......

Maybe he is still trying to figure out how to apologize on behalf of his pedophile son-in-law
The scope of sexual misconduct among the clergy is amazing. Every day that ends in a "y", some youth pastor gets busted for getting in on with the kids. And to this day the Catholic Church hasn't gotten a handle on things.
Not according to this guy.....


What is this "Divine Law" he is talking about? and how come all of these "Confederate heroes" of yours can't stop going on about how much they really really really really want to keep slavery going or else??
Not according to this guy.....

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What is this "Divine Law" he is talking about? and how come all of these "Confederate heroes" of yours can't stop going on about how much they really really really really want to keep slavery going or else??
What about the tyrant piece of shit that was president at the time?
"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

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