Pat Robertson condemns Trump lack of love.

Fake Christian POS...Satan is waiting Pat.
From the op's stupidity to yours...

This site never ceases to amaze me.
A fan I guess. Robertson is a Christian prosperity porn pumper. He has been for years. He and his ilk have ruined Christianity in America. Disgusting vermin.
Nope, couldn't care less about him. I don't even believe in God. Trolling someone's religion is just not my thing unless they pray to the child molester God, Muhammad
Fake Christian POS...Satan is waiting Pat.
From the op's stupidity to yours...

This site never ceases to amaze me.

I was stupid for posting relevant news?
There's nothing relevant about it. He is one man with an opinion. You didn't post it because you valued his opinion but because you wanted to troll the right.

He is right.
AKA his opinion aligns with yours and it gives you the ability to troll in politics with a link.

You're not clever
Fake Christian POS...Satan is waiting Pat.
From the op's stupidity to yours...

This site never ceases to amaze me.

I was stupid for posting relevant news?
There's nothing relevant about it. He is one man with an opinion. You didn't post it because you valued his opinion but because you wanted to troll the right.

He is right.
AKA his opinion aligns with yours and it gives you the ability to troll in politics with a link.

You're not clever

It's not about me. What happened, happened whether I post it here or not. It's going to be covered.
I divorced my first wife because of her religious bullshit. Endless fights over tithing. She demanded we tith 10% of my GROSS from my business. I gave her 10% of the net and it wasn't enough.

Fuck fundamental Christians
“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.”
I don't even believe in God
Well...someone may get a chance to meet Pat in the future.
Bring it on. Christian fear tactics are stupid in this century. You believe in unicorns too?
Satan's gonna believe in puttin a pitchfork in the ass. Maybe you and Pat share a boiling cauldron together?
I dunno. There is no evidence of ANYTHING after death. But your Christian attitude towards others should be your concern.

Stupid fucking Christians are a hoot
I've said for a long time that I didn't think Biden could win but I'm starting to hedge that. When you get Pat Robertson condemning Trump, something I never thought I'd see, well.....all bets are off.

Pat Robertson criticizes Trump's comment about governors looking like 'jerks': 'It isn't cool'

So, what name do you suppose Trump will call Pat?

i mean if trump could have handed him a way to recreate the Obama turnout of 08

this was about as close as one could have imagined

"you ain't black" sounds pretty gud next to "when the looting starts the shooting starts"

Charlemagne feeling pretty stupid right about now poor guy hahahah
I don't even believe in God
Well...someone may get a chance to meet Pat in the future.
Bring it on. Christian fear tactics are stupid in this century. You believe in unicorns too?
Satan's gonna believe in puttin a pitchfork in the ass. Maybe you and Pat share a boiling cauldron together?
I dunno. There is no evidence of ANYTHING after death. But your Christian attitude towards others should be your concern.

Stupid fucking Christians are a hoot
I want to help you. It is your free will to waste. The lord loves you. Hell awaits for all who reject him.

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