Pat Robertson: Jews "polish diamonds" instead of washing their cars


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

And people wonder why many of us Jews are leery of Christian Right-Wing support.

So, Pat Robertson has a Jew on the show and decides to say this kind of stuff.

Not really sure that this is the stuff of outrage, and that's not my point to begin with, but there is more than just a latent anti-Semitism within old Robertson.

Actually, we Jews and money - that story is connected directly to the Roman Catholic church.
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To think he was once thought of as Presidential Material, by republicans..


And people wonder why many of us Jews are leery of Christian Right-Wing support.

So, Pat Robertson has a Jew on the show and decides to say this kind of stuff.

Not really sure that this is the stuff of outrage, and that's not my point to begin with, but there is more than just a latent anti-Semitism within old Robertson.

Actually, we Jews and money - that story is connected directly to the Roman Catholic church.

And you know the only reason they love us Jews and Isreal , bad for Israel and Jews to make compact with this crowd
I remember when the radical right wing HATED Jews.

Stick around long enough they might again.

The love and hate of the RIGHT WING PARTISANS is entirely pragmatic. They take their orders. Today they love Israel, ergo they love Jews.

Jews ought to trust nobody, no political movement they don't own.

The Zionists know this all too well.

Non-Jews are not to be trusted implicitly.

All alliances are temporary.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

No..that's an insult.

And bigoted.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

No..that's an insult.

And bigoted.

If anything it's a compliment. I don't get the lack of hands-on dirty work, personally. It's very therapeutic to exert oneself and fix or build or tend something.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

Debate what point? That you have hurt your back swinging that broad brush...stereotyping Jews like that?
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

Debate what point? That you have hurt your back swinging that broad brush...stereotyping Jews like that?

Stereotypes exist because they are real. Nothing is 100%, but there are characteristics and traits, habits and customs that can be assigned to any particular group.

Maybe you ought to ask the Rabbi in the video why he agrees.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

Debate what point? That you have hurt your back swinging that broad brush...stereotyping Jews like that?

Stereotypes exist because they are real. Nothing is 100%, but there are characteristics and traits, habits and customs that can be assigned to any particular group.

Maybe you ought to ask the Rabbi in the video why he agrees.

Because he's on the air and realizes, with pity, he's dealing with a senile old man. :D
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

I do not believe men like Robertson and Falwell are Christians. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. No true Christian would speak about Jewish people that way. I don't need to view the video to believe Roberston said something else utterly bizarre and offensive. He is working very hard at it which makes me wonder who is this man working for anyhow?

As to your comment, Pennywise. Intelligent people read books - nothing wrong with that. The Jews work very hard which is why they succeed - they are not robbing anyone. Getting an education so one does not "have to" do physical labor is not a crime either. It is amazing to me how some people complain about the success of the Jews rather than to create their own success story. Interesting.

And people wonder why many of us Jews are leery of Christian Right-Wing support.

So, Pat Robertson has a Jew on the show and decides to say this kind of stuff.

Not really sure that this is the stuff of outrage, and that's not my point to begin with, but there is more than just a latent anti-Semitism within old Robertson.

Actually, we Jews and money - that story is connected directly to the Roman Catholic church.

That's what you got out of that? pretty pathetic if you ask me.:cuckoo: You support Barack Hussein Obama, John Kerry fuck them and all they stand for. You should hide your face in shame...Stupid post

Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

Well, that tells me all I need to know about you.
I remember when the radical right wing HATED Jews.

Stick around long enough they might again.

The love and hate of the RIGHT WING PARTISANS is entirely pragmatic. They take their orders. Today they love Israel, ergo they love Jews.

Jews ought to trust nobody, no political movement they don't own.

The Zionists know this all too well.

Non-Jews are not to be trusted implicitly.

All alliances are temporary.

The KKK was founded by democrats and the membership was democrats. They used the Southern Baptist church as a cover but none of those men were Christians. That is far left not far right. Your sense of direction is a bit off there.

Christians and Jews supporting Israel have had an abiding friendship for years now. We are warmly received by Israeli's. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There is no ulterior motive to supporting Israel. I disagree with you.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

No..that's an insult.

And bigoted.

If anything it's a compliment. I don't get the lack of hands-on dirty work, personally. It's very therapeutic to exert oneself and fix or build or tend something.

Then you know nothing of me and millions and millions of other jews. I have done all sorts of on-hands work all my life.
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

No..that's an insult.

And bigoted.

If anything it's a compliment. I don't get the lack of hands-on dirty work, personally. It's very therapeutic to exert oneself and fix or build or tend something.

Listen to me, you putz! One of my best friends is Jewish and when his property was damaged in another state he did ALL of the physical labor himself! I've got youtube videos of him doing it.

He is one of the hardest working people I know! He has created his own businesses and such but he has never been afraid of hard work - with his hands - in his life! You don't know what you are talking about! You're a putz! Putz report on the way! - Jeremiah
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

No..that's an insult.

And bigoted.

This coming from a guy whose embarrassed to admit he's a Jew? Liberals:cuckoo:
Wow, more Jewrage from 'the chosen ones'. Number one, Robertson is a creep. Number two, he's right. Number three, his Rabbi guest agrees.

Jews always have their nose in a book and their hands on money and their minds constantly thinking about ways to make money. Absolutely true, Jews have no interest in physical labors of any kind. It's not an insult, it's just reality.

Rather than slam Robertson the dolt, debate the point.

I love the part where you denigrate the Jews for having their nose in a book.
No one will ever accuse you of that! LOL!
Perhaps that is why they are so influential in spite of their tiny numbers in population. The percentage of Jews in the professions is inordinately higher than their numbers would suggest is possible.
Perhaps they work harder. Maybe they are just smarter than you.
Or maybe they are actually God's chosen people. Who knows?
All I know is I would pay good money to see you fight one round with Max Baer or step into the batters box against Sandy Koufax while you sling your hatred of the Jews at them. See what those physical lightweights would do.
Really good money.

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