Pathetic: 80-year-old black man shoots black would-be burgler

Damn you're lazy.

Sharpton decries black-on-black violence

Jesse Jackson

Ready to admit you were wrong and uninformed?
I was indeed wrong, and good for them.

Too bad they erase all the good they do with articles like that by race-baiting.

Wouldn't you say?

Tell me when you've walked a mile in their shoes. Were you willing to put your ass on the line, be beaten, imprisoned, nearly assassinated, just so you got the right to vote? Yeah, they made some bad calls, but they did so to ensure that justice was being done. It's because of people of their courage that there's less racial prejudice in the public square, but only fool would believe it's not still worth fighting against.
It's not worth fighting against when it's made up, you moron.

Again: Tawana Brawley. The Duke lacrosse team. Where was the racism there?

Oh, yeah -- it was invented by the race-baiters. And I'll bet anything you dutifully followed along.
If there's any "race-baiting" it's from those who want to hide themselves from reality, and believe we've come to some color blind mountaintop. Pretending injustice doesn't exist doesn't make it go away.
Nobody's pretending it doesn't exist.

But some are pretending it's far more prevalent than it actually is.
You sound like a deranged parrot. I won't explain to you the difference between social justice and economic justice, it would be like pissing in a fan, and I don't think you have the level of intelligence to discuss it without going back to your talking point dogma. If someone here, on the right, who shows an ounce of intelligence wish to discuss why social and economic justice isn't wealth redistribution, I'd be happy to. You're just too lazy, shiftless, and ignorant. got nothin', and it's MY fault.

The day a leftist takes personal responsible for something is the day...hell, even I don't have that much imagination. :lol:

I've taken personal responsibility my whole life. I've made my own bed, for better or for worse. Luckily, I didn't lose the game of ovarian bingo, and have to jump through extra hoops because of my skin color.
This isn't 1875, Dick. You need to set your calendar forward.

But I'm curious why you think it's so horrible to be a woman or a person of color.
Daveman, you know me. You know I'll fight, with links and logic.
Links, yes. Logic, no.
I just won't do it with you in any serious way. You've never shown the willingness to be honest in debate, or shown that you're willing to put in the time to support your position. Over the many years we've posted together, all I've seen from you is your kneejerk reactionary flames and a complete lack of intellectual integrity.
You don't want honesty. You want instant, unthinking, unquestioning agreement and endorsement of any ridiculous thing you say.

I provide links, you dismiss them without reading them. I explain my position, you deliberately distort it. I detail the conservative viewpoint, you insist I mean something Neanderthal.

You're simply not honest, Dick. That's all there is to it.
Woonder how long it will take Sharpton and Jackson to hotfoot it to Chicago??
Black-on-black crime? Pffft. There's no money to be made off that.

Besides, it just points out the black community's leaders' failures. No way they're going to highlight that.


Since the heading of your linked news article did not mention the race of the shooter, nor the burglar, why did you feel it was necessary to mention their races in your thread title?

A better question would be, why wasn't sharpton or jackson or obama there to stir up outrage on why there is so much black on black crime in the inner cities?
Oh....that's just doesn't fit the racist narrative.

Black-on-black crime? Pffft. There's no money to be made off that.

Besides, it just points out the black community's leaders' failures. No way they're going to highlight that.

I know. I was being facesious/

Sharpton and Jackson are media whores and the only black deaths they are interested in are anybody but a black killing a black.

God know hundeds of blacks are killed by other blacks every year. Sharpton and Jackson have no interest in those deaths because they can't scream racism.

That is why I posted this story - not only that but it demonstrates how good people who own guns are punished for protecting themselves..


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