Patrick bet David On Israel Palestine


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May 12, 2022
Here was a very informative video from a non-biased person. Many people here, especially Trump supporters know Patrick bet David, who is quite conservative himself. He is an Iranian Christian, who as a young boy with his family fled Iran after the Iranian Islamic revolution.

I also come at this from a non-bias perspective. And I will provide some points from the video and provide my commentary as well ..Here’s the first thing I will start with which is the upmost importance probably the most important aspect of the recent situation.

Egyptian intelligence claims Israel was warned

This point has been echoed by citizens of Israel all over the place. Saying how in the world did our government let this thing happened. And that should be the number one concern for the United States of America looking at this thing. Can we trust the people we are supposed to be working with in the political atmosphere in Israel . Now the people of Israel are different. They are ordinary people just like anybody else. It’s also possible that rogue elements within the Israeli intelligence agencies, allowed this thing to happen, perhaps without knowledge of the higher ups.

No matter what anyone says everyone who knows about Israel can agree that this is the worst intelligence failure perhaps in Israel’s history. Really shakes up the senses

Second point

And this is from a common sense perspective. Has nothing to do with religion. Nothing to do with politics. But anyone who claims to be a supporter of the second amendment will understand this.

And Israel has a mandatory conscription policy for men and women.

Practically all Israeli people have served their military in some sort of a situation, including weapons training, and have handled guns. That is not the case for the people of Gaza, none of the ordinary people have access to guns, except for the tiny amount of small arms that manages to get funneled into there for Hamas . When the Israeli troops go to Gaza, they’re going to face maybe at best a few thousand people with small arms(out of 2 million). They have almost no well armed opponents there. This is due to a blockade from Israel’s Ally Egypt, and a blockade that Israel imposes itself on the Gaza Strip .

Gaza is not like America. The vast vast vast majority of men there don’t have access to a gun and they can’t even get one if they wanted to. Here in America, we are the most armed country in the world. We have the most guns per citizen in the world by far and wide. The second amendment stands tall in America for the most part, which is a good thing. The United States has 120 guns for every 100 people. The next country is actually Yemen with about 50 guns per 100 people.

The point is, this is a matter of dignity. Has literally nothing to do with religion or politics. The man in Gaza, who Has to look at their family in the face and say I’m sorry my wife I can’t get a gun I can’t protect you people. Imagine for a moment, especially if you are a Trump supporter if you are conservative… how that would feel. Because we don’t have that in America even if you live in Say New York State, you can get a gun you just have to wait for it. That’s not the case in the Gaza Strip. And so this affects peoples dignity. They see the Jews of Israel walking around with Uzis and machine guns. They see Israeli soldiers walking around with machine guns patrolling Palestinian areas, they see Jewish settlers walking around with huge machine guns and then the Palestinians ain’t got squat.

Third point

Israel has more friends around the world. Israel is recognized by 165 countries of the world. Palestine is recognized by 135 countries of the world.

Fourth point

This is a point that applies to the entire world. How often pro Palestinians will look at the above and say hey look what’s going on… and certainly this point does affect the dignity of the Palestinian man who was trying to look there, wife and kids in the face who can’t even carry around a pistol by the way, but it saying what can I do about this?

The reality of the matter is, that lands have changed hands over history. Tribes at fight with each other. The Arab Islamic empire, expand it from Arabia in two parts of eastern Africa for example. The Roman empire expand it from Italy, all the way throughout Europe into North Africa and England for example. Various black African empires of history have expanded like the Mali empire. Often people will use religion even Christianity and Islam to say that this is allowed. Before Israel Jews had their own kingdom in Yemen in the sixth century.

The tribes of South America and North America before the Europeans came fought with each other and expanded their lands.
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Here was a very informative video from a non-biased person. Many people here, especially Trump supporters know Patrick bet David, who is quite conservative himself. He is an Iranian Christian, who as a young boy with his family fled Iran after the Iranian Islamic revolution.

I also come at this from a non-bias perspective. And I will provide some points from the video and provide my commentary as well ..Here’s the first thing I will start with which is the upmost importance probably the most important aspect of the recent situation.

Egyptian intelligence claims Israel was warned
View attachment 841538

This point has been echoed by citizens of Israel all over the place. Saying how in the world did our government let this thing happened. And that should be the number one concern for the United States of America looking at this thing. Can we trust the people we are supposed to be working with in the political atmosphere in Israel . Now the people of Israel are different. They are ordinary people just like anybody else. It’s also possible that rogue elements within the Israeli intelligence agencies, allowed this thing to happen, perhaps without knowledge of the higher ups.

No matter what anyone says everyone who knows about Israel can agree that this is the worst intelligence failure perhaps in Israel’s history. Really shakes up the senses

Second point
View attachment 841543

And this is from a common sense perspective. Has nothing to do with religion. Nothing to do with politics. But anyone who claims to be a supporter of the second amendment will understand this.

And Israel has a mandatory conscription policy for men and women.

Practically all Israeli people have served their military in some sort of a situation, including weapons training, and have handled guns. That is not the case for the people of Gaza, none of the ordinary people have access to guns, except for the tiny amount of small arms that manages to get funneled into there for Hamas . When the Israeli troops go to Gaza, they’re going to face maybe at best a few thousand people with small arms(out of 2 million). They have almost no well armed opponents there. This is due to a blockade from Israel’s Ally Egypt, and a blockade that Israel imposes itself on the Gaza Strip .

Gaza is not like America. The vast vast vast majority of men there don’t have access to a gun and they can’t even get one if they wanted to. Here in America, we are the most armed country in the world. We have the most guns per citizen in the world by far and wide. The second amendment stands tall in America for the most part, which is a good thing. The United States has 120 guns for every 100 people. The next country is actually Yemen with about 50 guns per 100 people.

The point is, this is a matter of dignity. Has literally nothing to do with religion or politics. The man in Gaza, who Has to look at their family in the face and say I’m sorry my wife I can’t get a gun I can’t protect you people. Imagine for a moment, especially if you are a Trump supporter if you are conservative… how that would feel. Because we don’t have that in America even if you live in Say New York State, you can get a gun you just have to wait for it. That’s not the case in the Gaza Strip. And so this affects peoples dignity. They see the Jews of Israel walking around with Uzis and machine guns. They see Israeli soldiers walking around with machine guns patrolling Palestinian areas, they see Jewish settlers walking around with huge machine guns and then the Palestinians ain’t got squat.

Third point

Israel has more friends around the world. Israel is recognized by 165 countries of the world. Palestine is recognized by 135 countries of the world.

Fourth point
View attachment 841541

This is a point that applies to the entire world. How often pro Palestinians will look at the above and say hey look what’s going on… and certainly this point does affect the dignity of the Palestinian man who was trying to look there, wife and kids in the face who can’t even carry around a pistol by the way, but it saying what can I do about this?

The reality of the matter is, that lands have changed hands over history. Tribes at fight with each other. The Arab Islamic empire, expand it from Arabia in two parts of eastern Africa for example. The Roman empire expand it from Italy, all the way throughout Europe into North Africa and England for example. Various black African empires of history have expanded like the Mali empire. Often people will use religion even Christianity and Islam to say that this is allowed. Before Israel Jews had their own kingdom in Yemen in the sixth century.

The tribes of South America and North America before the Europeans came fought with each other and expanded their lands.

I think PBD should invite Lindsey Graham to his podcast to discuss why he wants to bomb his homeland __Irans__oil reserves and nuclear power plants.
I think PBD should invite Lindsey Graham to his podcast to discuss why he wants to bomb his homeland __Irans__oil reserves and nuclear power plants.
That would be great segment. Patrick is an Iranian Christian. He’s quite informed about his countries history.

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