Patrick Lanzo, Georgia Bar Owner, Calls Obama 'N*****' On Road Sign Again

You care so little that you're ranting about it on the internet, instead of seeing it as evidence of just how powerless people like this have actually become.

Laugh. that's the only appropriate response.

Fack out of here, I can post about what i want to post about, calling ****** just a word doesn't cut it, if I hear any soldier using the word the punishment they're going to gte will not be befitting of something thats a word. If I have one soldier in my unit who uses that word and I react like you moral in that entire unit could go down.

When I was in the Military a Black person recieved non judicial punishment for using the word "nigga" on the phone, he was reported by a white person.

catz is being facking stupid and naive to believe that the word ****** is just a word, if it is let her go into any all black neighborhood or around blacks and say ****** then say "Its only a word, why so mad and why are you letting my use of it piss you off?" She wouldn't get the whole sentence out
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the general consensus seems to be that this sign is acceptable.

No, it's not acceptable, but it is within his Constitutional rights to have it.

this is the games they play, they post something like this article and if everyone doesn't get their panties in a bunch over, they accuse you of finding it acceptable..

it's petty
Patrick Lanzo, Georgia Bar Owner, Calls Obama 'N*****' On Road Sign Again

Georgia bar owner Patrick Lanzo of Paulding County has made habit of claiming he's not racist, an argument that becomes harder to make each time he decides to display the n-word on a large roadside sign outside his establishment, the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar.

Lanzo's latest message reads, "I do not support the n***** in the White House." He recently told a local reporter that the offensive wording was not meant to be racist.

"I say just because you're offended by it doesn't mean you don't have the right to say something just the opposite,” Lanzo said, according to a report from Atlanta's Fox 5. “I don't feel bad about anything whatsoever. Therefore, they can go out and put their own sign in their own yard and I will not be offended.”
Off course he wasn't racist.
You care so little that you're ranting about it on the internet, instead of seeing it as evidence of just how powerless people like this have actually become.

Laugh. that's the only appropriate response.

Fack out of here, I can post about what i want to post about, calling ****** just a word doesn't cut it, if I hear any soldier using the word the punishment they're going to gte will not be befitting of something thats a word. If I have one soldier in my unit who uses that word and I react like you moral in that entire unit could go down.

When I was in the Military a Black person recieved non judicial punishment for using the word "nigga" on the phone, he was reported by a white person.

yeah, that was a no no in the Navy as well.

ironically, we could call each other crackers all day long

How can a person of one race attack someone of the same race because of their race? After all that is what you are doing when you call someone a ****** of another race.

From the outside looking I can see why you would think that but when other Black people call each other that its not meant as an attack necessarily, I personally don't want anyone using the word.

Remember my aunt Claire? I've mentioned her several times so no I am not looking in.
A ****** is anyone that is stupid ignorant and lazy REGARDLESS of their race, you can have white *******.. That's the non race use of the word back in the 60's and 70's
Muthafacker what double standards do I have, do you see me using the word ****** then complaining about whites calling blacks ******? No, so shut the fack up with your strawman argument, no matter how you cut it, that sign and the guy are both racist.
Holy fuck... you are one stupid sons a bitch.

A white man saying ****** is no more RACIST than a black man saying ******! Now just because it is in YOUR little PEA BRAIN does NOT change that. The word ****** is ****** no matter WHO IS SAYING IT.

End of story.

Your hypocrisy and double standard on the subject are worse than the word ****** at this point.

You're still arguing a facking strawmen, the sign and the man who put it up are racist, where the fack was I having a double standard?

The strawman is in your head dick for brains. Sure the sign is racist... BUT IT'S NO MORE RACIST THAN ALL THE BLACKS CALLING EACH OTHER ******!!!


And the word would probably all but dry up and go away if BLACKS QUIT USING IT, because THEY USE IT MORE THAN ANYONE!


Otherwise you just look like a HYPOCRITICAL MORON PUSHING HIS DOUBLE STANDARD HERE, besides sounding like a whiny little bitch.

My God... get a mother fucking clue.
calling ****** just a word doesn't cut it, if I hear any soldier using the word the punishment they're going to gte will not be befitting of something thats a word. If I have one soldier in my unit who uses that word and I react like you moral in that entire unit could go down.

This sounds like a personal problem to me. You still aren't grasping something really basic.

YOU have the power to control the use of that word in your unit. YOU, a black man, who 60 years ago wouldn't have been supervising ANYTHING in the U.S. military, because 60 years ago, there were zero sergeants or NCOs or officers in the U.S. Army.

What does an ignorant piece of Georgia white trash control, in comparison to you?

A sign. A probably homemade wooden sign that cost less than $20. This guy doesn't have money, or influence, or social power. He's a guy who owns a tiny little backwoods oyster bar.

And you still don't get what this story really means. The actual meaning of this story is that the balance of power has completely shifted. You, Flaylo, have significantly more control, both over yourself and other people, than this guy does.

That's the real story here, not a word on a sign.

I'm sorry you missed it.

See, when I see racists ranting here in this forum on the internet, what I see is just how powerless they have become. This is the only place where they can get an audience. This is the only place where people will actually read their bullshit and feel comfortable enough in their anonymity to approve of it. This is the only place where these guys feel like they aren't total losers, on every possible level. This is the only place where they can say this stuff (hidden comfortably behind an anonymous username) -- without having, as High Gravity so accurately puts it-- the taste slapped out of their mouth, not only by black folks, but by white folks, governmental agencies, work supervisors, and their neighbors.

Every thread that a racist posts in this forum is actually a declaration that they've already lost the war. And, they know it, which is why they're so hate-filled and hysterical.

They have zero power to remake the world in the way it used to exist, and every year, their power diminishes. That's where the rage comes from---their complete and total impotence.

People like William Joyce, in the real world, cower away from teenagers on a train, because they're scared little monkeys with no power who lack the skills to survive in a modern world. That's who these racists really are.

Every post that William Joyce makes is a declaration of his own emasculation. Ditto his comrades in impotence.

You don't have to let them get to you. You can see signs like this as an admission of defeat, laugh about it, and move on.
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Holy fuck... you are one stupid sons a bitch.

A white man saying ****** is no more RACIST than a black man saying ******! Now just because it is in YOUR little PEA BRAIN does NOT change that. The word ****** is ****** no matter WHO IS SAYING IT.

End of story.

Your hypocrisy and double standard on the subject are worse than the word ****** at this point.

You're still arguing a facking strawmen, the sign and the man who put it up are racist, where the fack was I having a double standard?

The strawman is in your head dick for brains. Sure the sign is racist... BUT IT'S NO MORE RACIST THAN ALL THE BLACKS CALLING EACH OTHER ******!!!


And the word would probably all but dry up and go away if BLACKS QUIT USING IT, because THEY USE IT MORE THAN ANYONE!


Otherwise you just look like a HYPOCRITICAL MORON PUSHING HIS DOUBLE STANDARD HERE, besides sounding like a whiny little bitch.

My God... get a mother fucking clue.

Who the fack said blacks calling blacks isn't racist and what the fack does it have to do with this topic? Nothing, its a damn ad hominem.
Fack out of here, I can post about what i want to post about, calling ****** just a word doesn't cut it, if I hear any soldier using the word the punishment they're going to gte will not be befitting of something thats a word. If I have one soldier in my unit who uses that word and I react like you moral in that entire unit could go down.

When I was in the Military a Black person recieved non judicial punishment for using the word "nigga" on the phone, he was reported by a white person.

catz is being facking stupid and naive to believe that the word ****** is just a word, if it is let her go into any all black neighborhood or around blacks and say ****** then say "Its only a word, why so mad and why are you letting my use of it piss you off?" She wouldn't get the whole sentence out

I have seen Catz posts she is one of the first posters usually to jump on a jack ass who starts a racist post, check out her posts on the racism board.
catz is being facking stupid and naive to believe that the word ****** is just a word, if it is let her go into any all black neighborhood or around blacks and say ****** then say "Its only a word, why so mad and why are you letting my use of it piss you off?" She wouldn't get the whole sentence out

I work in black neighborhoods all the time. I don't use the word, it's a public admission of ignorance and stupidity.

See, that's where we live now, dude. That's how it is, in 2012. People who do use the word are viewed as moronic pond scum, and punished for it.

That's why you need to stop getting your panties in such a freaking wad.
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How can a person of one race attack someone of the same race because of their race? After all that is what you are doing when you call someone a ****** of another race.

From the outside looking I can see why you would think that but when other Black people call each other that its not meant as an attack necessarily, I personally don't want anyone using the word.

Remember my aunt Claire? I've mentioned her several times so no I am not looking in.
A ****** is anyone that is stupid ignorant and lazy REGARDLESS of their race, you can have white *******.. That's the non race use of the word back in the 60's and 70's

A friend of mine told me we have got to the point now where there are ******* in every race Black, white, Hispanic etc the friend that said this was Black, I can agree with that however the historical context of the word is an insult for Blacks and most people still use it as such.
From the outside looking I can see why you would think that but when other Black people call each other that its not meant as an attack necessarily, I personally don't want anyone using the word.

Remember my aunt Claire? I've mentioned her several times so no I am not looking in.
A ****** is anyone that is stupid ignorant and lazy REGARDLESS of their race, you can have white *******.. That's the non race use of the word back in the 60's and 70's

A friend of mine told me we have got to the point now where there are ******* in every race Black, white, Hispanic etc the friend that said this was Black, I can agree with that however the historical context of the word is an insult for Blacks and most people still use it as such.

Using ****** to attack someone because of their race is being racist to describe their lifestyle is not.
Fack out of here, I can post about what i want to post about, calling ****** just a word doesn't cut it, if I hear any soldier using the word the punishment they're going to gte will not be befitting of something thats a word. If I have one soldier in my unit who uses that word and I react like you moral in that entire unit could go down.

When I was in the Military a Black person recieved non judicial punishment for using the word "nigga" on the phone, he was reported by a white person.

yeah, that was a no no in the Navy as well.

ironically, we could call each other crackers all day long

Nobody tolerated us using that word in the service, in fact Black NCO's and Officers were even more strict about making sure nobody said it.
You're still arguing a facking strawmen, the sign and the man who put it up are racist, where the fack was I having a double standard?

The strawman is in your head dick for brains. Sure the sign is racist... BUT IT'S NO MORE RACIST THAN ALL THE BLACKS CALLING EACH OTHER ******!!!


And the word would probably all but dry up and go away if BLACKS QUIT USING IT, because THEY USE IT MORE THAN ANYONE!


Otherwise you just look like a HYPOCRITICAL MORON PUSHING HIS DOUBLE STANDARD HERE, besides sounding like a whiny little bitch.

My God... get a mother fucking clue.

Who the fack said blacks calling blacks isn't racist and what the fack does it have to do with this topic? Nothing, its a damn ad hominem.
You did. You ignored it in an attempt to hide behind your double standard for three pages, including telling white people to go into a ghetto and scream ****** so they'd get their ass kicked. Ya... what was your fucking point there jackass?

You're a liar and a hypocrite, and you can stick your double standard up your ass. I don't buy any of this shit that you're in the military or in command of anything. You're too goddamn dumb.
The strawman is in your head dick for brains. Sure the sign is racist... BUT IT'S NO MORE RACIST THAN ALL THE BLACKS CALLING EACH OTHER ******!!!


And the word would probably all but dry up and go away if BLACKS QUIT USING IT, because THEY USE IT MORE THAN ANYONE!


Otherwise you just look like a HYPOCRITICAL MORON PUSHING HIS DOUBLE STANDARD HERE, besides sounding like a whiny little bitch.

My God... get a mother fucking clue.

Who the fack said blacks calling blacks isn't racist and what the fack does it have to do with this topic? Nothing, its a damn ad hominem.
You did. You ignored it in an attempt to hide behind your double standard for three pages, including telling white people to go into a ghetto and scream ****** so they'd get their ass kicked. Ya... what was your fucking point there jackass?

You're a liar and a hypocrite, and you can stick your double standard up your ass. I don't buy any of this shit that you're in the military or in command of anything. You're too goddamn dumb.

I never did, you brought that silly ass shat up about blacks calling each other ****** when its completely irrelevant to this topic an whether that guy was racist or not. Dumbass.
When I was in the Military a Black person recieved non judicial punishment for using the word "nigga" on the phone, he was reported by a white person.

yeah, that was a no no in the Navy as well.

ironically, we could call each other crackers all day long

Nobody tolerated us using that word in the service, in fact Black NCO's and Officers were even more strict about making sure nobody said it.
When I joined the military in 1979, the blacks ALL called each other ******, and the boys from NYC called them ****** as well. I never heard one person complain.
Who the fack said blacks calling blacks isn't racist and what the fack does it have to do with this topic? Nothing, its a damn ad hominem.
You did. You ignored it in an attempt to hide behind your double standard for three pages, including telling white people to go into a ghetto and scream ****** so they'd get their ass kicked. Ya... what was your fucking point there jackass?

You're a liar and a hypocrite, and you can stick your double standard up your ass. I don't buy any of this shit that you're in the military or in command of anything. You're too goddamn dumb.

I never did, you brought that silly ass shat up about blacks calling each other ****** when its completely irrelevant to this topic an whether that guy was racist or not. Dumbass.
The fuck you didn't, liar...

If you think that its fair game for a white to call a black person ****** because blacks say it to each other go into the heart of the ghetto and call blacks ******, get your ass beat down then complain about a double standard, are you arguing that white people should have the right to call blacks ****** because some blacks say it to each other?

And the fuck it isn't relevant, because it exposes your double standard and hypocrisy. You only cry RACISM when it's someone other than a black man saying ******. Your game is up son. You've been exposed as a hypocrite and a liar.

Sucks to be you.
When I was in the Military a Black person recieved non judicial punishment for using the word "nigga" on the phone, he was reported by a white person.

yeah, that was a no no in the Navy as well.

ironically, we could call each other crackers all day long

Nobody tolerated us using that word in the service, in fact Black NCO's and Officers were even more strict about making sure nobody said it.

I guess the air force was different we were brothers the men in my squadron all of us regardless of race so the thought of the word not be tolerated wasn't even thought of we just didn't do that to a family member.

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